Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 19: : Cut all black

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This sleep, but not very stable, one by one "dream" came one after another.

It’s just that the “Little Prince” vaguely feels that this should not be a dream, but a memory of the original body.

At a certain moment, the "Little Prince" suddenly opened his eyes, his thoughts were a little messy, and he could not return to God for a time, the faint light, the faint footsteps, and the thoughts immediately stopped. "Little Prince" lifted his feet and caught the thin quilt. Half a circle, the thin is held in his arms, seeing Gong Yan holding the lamp, his eyes flashed with confidence, and sure enough, "self" is now "correct", and he is sleeping properly, completely Not meeting the little princes in their cognition.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to get up." Gong Yu approached and whispered.

Following the sporadic picture of "Dream", the eyes are half-closed and slow to make up, and a pair of people who are not awake are tossed by them.

At this time, the "Little Prince" began to sort out "Dream", regardless of what was in his heart, and the face was not obvious. Because of the relationship between the growing environment, he actually learned to converge at a very young age because he Even if you cry like an ordinary child, you won't get anything you want. What's more, he has been sitting in the throne for two years, and it is even more impossible to let people easily see their emotions.

The picture in "Dream", the noisy, the laughter, the most crucial thing is that after the mother, he did not see it, but the many portraits left by the father, he remembers every detail. It is definitely her, because of this, he is almost not stretched.

Some things are the same, some things are completely different, which also makes him sure that this body is now he is not him, yes, because the same body, not, because of a completely different growth experience.

The picture in "Dream" is really embarrassing, like being smashed by thousands of worms. This kind of cockroach is very ugly, but what about it? He is an emperor who is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and he is another young man who has been repaired by his father! He was born without a mother. In the eyes of outsiders, the mother is still unknown. The father is cold to him. As the only relative, he often does not see it for ten days and a half. Sometimes he is even noble for three or five months. Have the best of everything, but what is the use?

The little girl in "Dream" can spoil in her mother's arms. Even if she is not happy by her father, she will basically see it every day, she will not be treated as nothing, and a group of people will accompany her to play. Pet, pain, holding, just a little more work, just getting up early in the morning, just a cold words are reprimanded, what counts, what counts! Actually because of this point, temper, make a small temper? ! It is simply unforgivable! If you can let him own it, it doesn't matter if he learns ten times more than a hundred times. He will use his heart and he will do his best!

He thought that some thoughts when he was young, he had forgotten, especially after he took the throne, he rarely recalled it. However, after knowing why, after entering another body, he found that it was completely different. Things have only been discovered, and they have never been forgotten. They are only being crushed in the bottom of their hearts. The little bit of fermentation, even if it is just a little incentive, can be triggered. Now, it is simply the fire of the original, his emotions are thoroughly Detonated, if you haven’t been there, why can you own another one? Even if different people, they are still the same person? why why why?

Gong Hao was keenly aware of the sorrow and thick sorrow from the little prince, wrinkled his eyebrows, slowed down, facing the little prince, under the closed eyes, hanging two teardrops, Gong Gong Taking a moment to make a jump, the emperor did not say before he came back, even after he came back, whether he was repairing him, how the mood was low, and he would not see him drop a tear. "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with this?"

"Little Prince" opened his eyes. "Hey, just remembered, I had a nightmare last night. My father didn't want me. Everyone didn't want me. It was black and lacquered. I couldn't see anything. I No one shouted at me, I was so scared." Teardrops, smashed, it seems pitiful and pitiful.

Gong Yu used his son to wipe his tears away. He said softly: "His Royal Highness, this dream is all against. The emperor and the maiden will never want you. The emperor is just a small heart, and only the heart is loaded." You have to be a godmother, you are cold, you don't go to the heart, you have to know other people, usually, even one of the eyes of the emperor can't get it. The goddess doesn't have to say it, it hurts the temple, but it just The emperor is a vinegar jar, and no one can be close to the maiden. The maiden is also for the highness of the temple. She is worried that her highness will be punished by the emperor. This will occasionally appear a little cold. So, those dreams are absolutely not counted."

"Little Prince" found that Gong Yu is not the same. In his memory, she is serious, stereotyped, indifferent, and everything is in the rules. It doesn't feel like a person. Now, it is still rigorous, but the body is With a touch of warmth, and even dare to blatantly arrange the father, not to say that her rigorous temper will not do such a thing, this courage is too much, and from the "dream", she seems Always followed by the mother.

"How long has it been around my mother?" "Little Prince" has a little curiosity in his eyes, and no more information is needed to get more information.

"For more than eleven years, the maiden is still in Qi'an, and it is still less than twelve years old." When he said, Gong Hao also had a faint nostalgia, and his life was really fast.

"Little Prince" is quiet, if he knows it is not bad, Gong Hao has always been the father of the people, why did he wait for the mother to wait for so early? So, is the root cause still on his father? Speaking of it, the "Little Prince" does not resent his father. On the contrary, he admires and admires him. However, he vaguely knows that the mother is because he does not have it, and the father is deeply rooted in the mother's love, even to him. I don’t want to see him. He didn’t understand it when he was young. Later, he understood it. In the years when his father was an emperor, he was very clear. He was only living in a shell. Sometimes he even hoped that he could have A person who knows the cold and knows the heat, even if it may occupy the position of the mother in the heart of the father, but, in the end, is his father, seeing him, when the son's sorrow can not feel bad? However, his harem is completely inconspicuous.

Judging from the situation in "Dream", the father's temperament is indeed different, and nothing else, at least, his body is very healthy.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, it is really good for her mother to be there, or to stand on the side of the father and the emperor.

"Hey, can you tell me more about the early years after the father's mother?" "Little Prince" behaved exactly like a curious baby.

Although there are many "dreams", they are also relatively fragmented and cannot form a complete memory. Moreover, there are obviously more missing ones, and he needs to come up with a complete line.

Gong Hao did not feel wrong, picked up some things and said "Little Prince", although some things did not come out directly, Gong Yu still knows that Jing Hao has long known her origins, so, with the "Little Prince" When I said it, I didn’t deliberately avoid anything.

"So, is the father sent to the mother's side? But why, the mother is far behind Qi'an, before passing the capital from the future, or is it that the father had been to Qi'an? Then I saw the mother. "The little prince" is like a question mark in his head. However, he is very clear about the life of his father. The father was born in Beijing for more than 20 years, and he met his mother, not even at the beginning of his mother. Here, the father is actually leaving the capital?

"The slaves don't know, the things of the emperor, you can let the slaves speculate."

"Little Prince", with this physical advantage, wrapped around Gong Yu and asked more and more specific things. Anyway, he did not feel embarrassed.

The little prince completely clarified the general experience before and after his father's mother became married. Rao is already prepared and feels a little embarrassed. The difference is too big. How can an "unbelievable" be described? When the father was in his twenties, he didn’t know what to do. He could marry his mother’s wife as the original wife. After the mother, she still kept up with Sun Yilin. Doesn't his Taifu know her mother? Now, is man still alive? According to his father's thoughts on his mother, if it is just a general dear, if it is a love for the mother, then the delamination of the undead is really not sure whether there is a place in the officialdom. It is not easy to ask, because the curiosity that has already been exceeded, and the original husband of the mother seems to have nothing to do with him.

The amount of information is too big, and he has to slow down.

In other words, everything is completely unrecognizable. If not everyone is basically right, the "Little Prince" must doubt whether he has found the wrong relative.

Another point is very strange. Since the mother married the father early, why was he born at the original time? This body is the same as his, and it is sure.

The more you understand, the more this mystery seems. However, the most suspicious thing is his father.

To say that Gong Yi has a pair of eyes, and people who can deceive her are few and far between, but the "Little Prince" is in full swing in this respect. You must know that he once smashed Li Hongyuan and many other officials. Although Li Hongyuan is because he has less contact with him, he basically does not care, and the courtiers are more distressed. When he is a treasurer, he is still a child and grandson in his heart. When he looks at him, he naturally carries the filter. Mirror, just, it has been a few years since then. The "Little Prince" has once again been known. Moreover, Gong Yu sees this body as the original master, but also with a filter, as long as it is not absolutely not in line with his behavior, Will not question.

"Little Prince" seems to ask again, but time is not allowed.

What to do next is very clear, because the original body feels hard, so the "dream" is very clear.

A little activity outside, "Little Prince" was discovered, although it is the same body, but now it is better than his, probably still better in the mother's womb.

After the exercise, it was some washing and changing clothes, then breakfast.

When the time is almost up, I go to school, and several accompanying readings have already waited.

The first thing to teach is the ordinary lecturer.

What he said, "Little Prince" said that he may be more clear than the lecturer, but estimate it according to the age of the original, um, yes, it is better than he originally learned.

After the lecture, the "Little Prince" appropriately raised some questions, said some opinions, adjusted according to the other party's expression, and then he also found out the learning situation of the original, although Scorpio feels hard, but the school is still good, so it is a little satisfied with the original, at least not to live up to the expectation of the father.

The lecture ended with "Small Prince" as much as possible to imitate the original temperament, and began to talk from the companion, which is much easier, a little revealing the flaws, can easily round the past, there is no difficulty, harvest Also not bad.

When Wu Yunhou Fu Yunting, who was "appreciated" by his father, played the Western Xiongnu, the biggest change did not happen. He also made a great contribution. Later, despite being taken over by the military, he was enlisted in Nanqi. At that time, I was taken again, and once again made meritorious deeds.

However, his father and grandfather even directly destroyed Nanqi, and completely incorporated the territory of Qiyuan. However, he did not know what kind of mentality the father had. The capital of Nanqi called Nanqi City, which is Fucheng. Let the Nanqi people who have lived with you remember the shame? The father is so bad, you will not be defamed, you will be cursed.

Wu An Hou Fu Yunting, not long after returning from the Nanqi side, was thrown away to play the former Wei, others may think that he won the father's letter, but he feels his incomparably miserable. Although I don't know why, the "Little Prince" is particularly convinced of such cognition.

In fact, the "Little Prince" wants to know more about the mother, but as the mother of the world, it must not be discussed casually. Moreover, if you accidentally ask questions of ignorance, it is likely to lead to doubt. Therefore, you can only force the resistance.

However, from the sporadic understanding, we can see that the mother is actually very powerful. It seems that the follow-up affairs of Nanqi are all handled by the mother. From dispatching officials to all aspects of governance, they are basically all done by the mother. In fact, Everything he knows, although there is no motherhood, but can't deny that her merits are not?

The more you think about it, the more you want to see her, including the invisible thoughts of the past, all of which are accumulating quickly. I don't know when I can't control the complete outbreak.


Because I thought too much, I heard this voice, and I was shocked. In the entire palace, there was only one person who would call it, and the voice of "dream" coincided with reality at this moment. He wants to see her, but in such a situation where he can't be caught off guard, all the mental construction seems to have lost its effect. Some of the stiff followers look at the past. It is her, she is, no mistake, no matter what the portraits I have seen, or "Dream", even if the former is slightly different from the present, but the details are the same, while the latter is slightly vague, but the temperament is generally the same.

Living, just in front of you, is not floating on a piece of paper, nor is it heard from other people.

However, at the time of his initial ascension, he was not overwhelmed, and he was very capable of facing the world of the courtiers. At this moment, he was helpless and did not know what to do.

Only Jing Hao has come over, and the rest of the people have seen the ceremony retreat to the side.

Jing Hao bent over and touched his head, and there was a visible worry in his eyes. "Why, just listen to Gong Yu, you didn't sleep well last night, have a nightmare?"

The "small prince" who was touched by the head seemed to be astonished, slammed back, and almost fell, some wolf.

And Jing Hao’s hand was still in the air, his eyes frowned, his eyes were puzzled.

"Little Prince" screamed to be screamed, and the look on the face changed and wrinkled a small face. "After the mother, I am five years old. Don't touch my head casually. I heard people say that the president is not tall." In my heart, I was quite dissatisfied with my performance. When I met with my mother for the first time, I actually showed such a bad performance. Will it leave a bad impression on my mother? This moment is completely forgotten that he is wearing the body of a small bean diced, is an age that is ugly and will not be remembered at all.

Jing Hao laughed, "nonsense." He reached over and pulled him over, but his son’s reaction today was really wrong. "Would you like to call the doctor?"

"No, I am good." I immediately refused.

"That, go to the Imperial Study Room, don't let your father wait for a long time, or he should reprimand you."

"Little Prince" was pulled by Jing Hao, and the heart thumped and thumped. It was very nervous, but it was hard to find it. This is the biggest challenge for him. It is said that he was served by the palace lady since he was a child. The young woman who is in contact with it is definitely not in a minority. However, it feels that the mother is completely different. It seems that whether it is the restraining power or the ability to deal with it, it loses its role at this moment, and the body does not listen. Call it.

Because you don't want to be found abnormal, you can't reveal flaws. He didn't dare to gamble. If he was discovered, he would end up in the end. From the age point of view, it is difficult for his mother to accept his son of such a large age. From the emotional point of view, the mother has raised the original five years, and he said I don’t know how to come from, I don’t know where it came from. Even if he says that she is her son, it will not be believed in all likelihood, so it must not be discovered.

He is very different from his original personality. It is not easy to imitate it. However, the potential of this person is forced out.

Hearing the words, the little face slammed down directly. "After the mother, do you know what it is?"

"Most of the things are handled in the hall. The rest of the matter is more important. I haven't gotten the attention yet, so you just need to listen later, don't worry."

"Little Prince" was once again surprised. When he was almost ten years old, the father Huang began to teach him to be the way of the king. He began to contact the political affairs. He was the original boy. Now he is... a little pitiful, but he can’t help himself. Oh, it’s too big to get along with each other.

However, when I was so young, I started to train, my father, what did he want to do? How do you prepare for the rhythm of the shabu-shabu?

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