Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 21: : I turned my mother away.

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"Little Prince" by using the time of dinner, all kinds of spoiled and greasy, to Jingwei all kinds of help to pick up the dishes, even from time to time to feed.

Jing Hao is surprised, what is the stimulation of his son, and dare to be the demon in the face of his father? You know, this is almost the same as killing.

Jing Hao also wants to see what he wants to do, so basically he smiles and follows him. From time to time, he looks at his own husband. Someone seems to be a bit strange, let alone a sign of seizures. How to see it seems to have problems.

Then, "Little Prince" not only made a demon, but also began to "sweet", very diligent to give his father a mother after the dish, in comparison, Li Hongyuan's taste seems to know more than Jing Hao, it is not surprising, Whether it is the "Little Prince" or the original body, it is similar to Li Hongyuan's taste, the typical carnivorous animal, and Jing Hao, now on the diet, basically no preference, no taboo things, and has passed a little half, the palace When people give Jingjing cloth, he looks in the eyes, so there will be no mistakes.

Jing Hao is quite a face to face, all the dishes of his son have been eaten, and Li Hongyuan also gives face. In fact, for this meal, the son is more intimate than the wife, because, as long as it is to eat with Jing Hao, The amount of vegetarian food that Li Hongyuan has eaten will definitely not be less. He himself is not absolutely not a vegetarian dish. It is only a meat dish, and it is also one or two. Jingyao must definitely add at least two or three points on this basis. If you go to the bowl, you have to eat it. However, if the palace man gave him a dish, he would never have to take it. Although he has been used to it for so many years, he still doesn’t like vegetarian food, and Jing Hao His health will never give in at this point.

Now, my son is "serving", and the daughter-in-law will not do it. Li Hongyuan feels that his son actually has a role.

Because "Little Prince" has seen two fathers because of the body, the oily things can not be touched, and now they can eat, naturally the clip is strong, the feeling is that, like another father did not eat, It is not the same as this father.

Jing Hao slightly blinked, his son really lit up the right way to please his father? Because his father’s mood was loose, his courage was three cents longer? Should he let them go so harmoniously, or do they want to stop their son’s behavior?

However, silly son, you are pleased when you are eating, and when you get off the table, your father will turn your face.

However, this meal can continue, and it will not affect health.

Obviously, "Little Prince" knows what it might be like to use the meal, so he slipped quickly, and the excuse was just right, go back to copying the book and then go to sleep.

"This kid is getting more and more slick." Jing Hao said with a smile.

Li Hongyuan heard the words, glanced at Jing Hao with a fluttering look, no doubt.

Jing Hao was inexplicably seen by him. This man is not so boring, is it not ready to "account after the fall"?

In fact, Li Hongyuan is indeed not so boring, and there is no such thing as a "little prince". It seems that the relationship between father and son seems to have really eased the general.

But what about this real situation? Telling the truth, Jing Hao did not see it for a while.

Because, she found that her son’s courage is really long, and when she saw the opportunity, she rushed to her. There is also his old man, but every time he is quite smart, he converges before his son’s attack. A clean, and then can use a variety of methods to slightly calm down his anger, knowing that someone can not please, but his son is very understanding of his father, every time it works, Although it is only a little bit, it is quite remarkable.

In addition, Jing Hao also unintentionally knows that his son, when he was absent, also went to his old man to join in, indifferent, as for what he did, Jing Hao was not known. However, how to look at it is a bit abnormal, the kid does not say that he is more afraid of his father, but, when face to face, he is generally a baby, try to narrow down their sense of existence, now it is eating a bear heart leopard Feeling to take the initiative to dial?

However, you have to say that he is abnormal. He is still the bear-like figure at other times, the tossing prank everywhere, and his footprints are almost his footprints.

Therefore, instead of being abnormal, Jing Hao only felt that the stinky boy was more bearish and the destructive power went up a step. Under normal circumstances, as long as the kid does not involve her head, someone is not a son, the kid is pointed, touched?

Jing Hao is a little bit swelled in the temple, this stinky boy, you have to tell him the truth, he is actually very measured, there is no real damage, you say a few more words, he will spoil all kinds of things with you, At that time, the attitude of acknowledging the mistake was also a good one, and he was sweetened by his words, and the big anger could only disappear.

Jing Hao only felt that she was more and more helpless to this kid. According to this development, he would be a scourge in the future. The "mutilation" of the courtiers also harmed the girls who are squirting - now the mouth is so sweet, this will be used later. Deaf girl, it is estimated that even if he abandons his identity, it is estimated that there will be many girls who are dying of him, so say, don’t say anything else.

No, you can't wait until now, you have to start vaccination. After all, there are not a few people who pay attention to him. Every time there is a palace feast, there are many girls who are similar to his age, and because they are young, they are all It's not good to stop them from getting along. The little girls may be simple, and the adults behind them can be simple.

Jing Hao thinks this way, this direction seems to have changed again. I am worried that my son will be hooked up by the little girl at a young age. Therefore, this education must be early.

When the "Little Prince" was pulled by his mother and "talking about the heart", there was something wrong with it at first, but gradually understood, even though, Jing Hao said that the euphemism is implicit, usually, the normal five-year-old child It must be incomprehensible, and the purpose of Jing Hao is subtle, not one step, but now, he is the core of the adult, or the emperor of the palm of the hand, after he heard that the consciousness behind his mother is obvious again. However, it is.

How to say it, my heart is actually a little bit dumbfounded, is not thinking too much after the mother, all his sweet words are also used in the mother, he can not go to other women without a little bit of interest, although, there, every At the banquet, there are quite a few women who want to have an encounter with him in the palace. Unfortunately, there is no chance of being close, and the palace lady who wants to climb the bed is sent to the Cautious Division. He knows In private, there must be some people who have no good guesses about him, but what about it?

"Little Prince" doesn't know if it's the same as her mother, but since the mother is so valued on this issue, he will definitely remember it, and he basically knows how to treat feelings after the mother. How to treat the husband, so, will make the mother unhappy, he will not do it, whether he grows up in this body, or some time back to the original body.

In the end, this thing is definitely ending with the "Little Prince" spoiling. In these few days, he is more and more adapted to the identity of children, doing a lot of childish and boring things, but he can't resist him, and, I didn't feel ashamed at all, anyway, he was five years old, and he should do it when he was five years old - he was very strong.

Jing Hao’s backhand held the son who wanted him to carry his back. Although he was helpless, his eyes were smiling. “When your father sees you, you should really clean up you.”

"Little Prince" grinned, "He said, the father is a careful vinegar jar."

"You are so courageous, it is really getting bigger, so that your father knows, maybe you will really smoke you."

"Little Prince" grabbed her neck and slammed it up. "I told my mother that the father did not know, and said that the father had done it himself, but he was not allowed to say it?"

"Then what did you do, no matter how good you are, let the following people just say it? Not to mention, your father is an emperor. If you are a son, you should maintain his dignity."

"Well, my mother, I know, and I talked about it later." "Little Prince" can't understand the meaning of Jing Hao. "After the mother, after the mother, let's go out to play in the palace?"

Jing Hao’s foot was next. “Your father’s attitude towards you has been moderated recently. You will continue to do so, and one day will be even worse than before.”

"No, he is my father." "Little Prince" said in a soft tone.

Jing Hao’s gaze flashed slightly. His son’s words clearly revealed a relative. He may not be aware of it himself. However, the envy, tolerance, understanding and feelings in it should not be from a five-year-old. Children, children, are naive and "selfish". They only think that they have nothing to satisfy, and they don't care about the feelings of others. Their sons used to be like this.

Jing Hao laughed and thought more.

"After the mother, take me out to play, once and for all, once again." "Little Prince" spoiled.

"If you really want to go, wait for you to copy the book, you can play with your partner for two days." Jing Hao did not think about keeping his son in the palace, before he ascended the throne, When I walked outside, I was observing the people's feelings. When I sat on the throne, I was not so free. But now I am still young, I can't change the people. It is one thing to go out and it is easy to be affected. Some influences. It may be a lifetime of things.

"No, I want to be with my mother, let us mother and son, take two people less, quietly, let the father know, and let him hurry to find us, haha, it must be very interesting, do not want to do it after the mother? ”

I really don't want to. "The mischief went up to your father's head. If this is the case, after you come back, your little **** will bloom."

"If I can really go out and play with my mother, I will not be afraid if I am smoked. Can I really satisfy my little wish after my mother?" "Little Prince" has become pitiful again.

"Don't think about it all day, it's impossible."

"Well, I know." "Little Prince" said a little disappointed, it seems a bit frustrated.

Jing Hao did not continue to say anything.

In the next three days, the "Little Prince" was finally liberated from his book-writing profession, and he would probably not retain this interest in "graffiti". Some things, for him, it would be enough to try it. .

On this day, Jing Hao called him to the front, and he was still dressed in casual clothes. The "Little Prince" was very surprised. He said that there is a morning pilgrimage today. Didn't the mother always follow the father's early morning? "What is this to do after the mother?"

"Don't you want to go out to play in the palace? Mother is going to take you out of the palace to play for a few days, but also let your father know, of course, this time is the best." Jing Hao said Ying Ying.

The eyes of the "Little Prince" became thieves in an instant. "After the mother, you said it really, really?"

"Of course, I have to change clothes. After we change, we will go right away." Jing Hao turned to the side and gave his clothes ready.

"Little Prince" is not happy, he originally dismissed this idea, did not expect such a surprise.

Prepare for it, Jing Hao brought Gong Yu and the black girl, and there is another dark guard that has always existed, so the low-key out of the palace. Jing Hao is a queen, mastering the power of the harem, she really wants to go out of the palace, a little arrangement, it is easy.

However, before leaving, the "Little Prince" left a note to his father, and the graffiti was easy to read, and the above content was quite arrogant: Father, I turned the mother away. Later, it was very sorrowful to draw a smile from Jing Jing.

It didn't take long for Li Hongyuan to know about this matter after the next dynasty. The one that looks like this is actually a much more advanced paper than the previous masterpieces. It is placed on Li Hongyuan’s royal case and the paper is presented. The man is trembled, but he did not expect that the Prince’s courage was so big, and the empress of the emperor, who had always been stable and dignified, would have been arrogant with the Prince. I could not imagine how the thunder would be angry.

However, in fact, Li Hongyuan just looked at the note, and gently tapped it on the fingertips, and the anger was not expected. After I don’t know how much time, “the deputy commander of the money comes in.”

This deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army is naturally a dark one.

People come very quickly, "see the emperor."

"Is the Queen and the Prince, do you know?"

"Return to the emperor, the following has been reported, and the position has been arranged to ensure the safety of the empress and His Royal Highness."

"Do a good job, wait a few days, then find someone back."

"Yes." The deputy commander of Qian actually has some strange feelings. According to the emperor's attention to the empress, the empress will be allowed to be outside the palace for a few days. The prince is "squatting" and is not immediately taken back to clean up. Is it a bit unreasonable?

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