Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 25: : Father and son, things are clear

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What did Lecheng Emperor think, "Little Prince" naturally does not know, however, even if you know it, don't take it for granted. If you are in a good mood, you may also send him a sentence: You may not be jealous at that time, provided that your life is hard enough. I can live until that time.

When I saw Jing Hao, the "Little Prince" became a five-year-old child who was innocent and innocent, and spoiled and sold it around Jing.

"Now, where do you want to go?" Jing Hao smiled and smiled.

"Go back to the palace, no longer go back, the father has to reveal my skin." "Little Prince" grinned.

Telling the truth, his father can tolerate them for so many days outside, he feels quite incredible, or do not try to challenge the father's bottom line is better, really wait for him to send people to "please" them back, "Little Prince" I feel that he will never see the mother's consciousness again.

The more you touch, the more you feel that the current father is unpredictable. The other one, although the whole person is not like a living person, his temper is not good, but in fact, it is quite understandable. Now, this is a big one. If you are alive, then you will think about it. The only thing that can be typed is probably only the mother. Because it is a mother, even if it is not allowed, the father can reverse his thoughts and let him be accurate. Others If you think it's probably the opposite, it's not right. He can play with you casually. - This is probably the biggest difference between "dead people" and living people.

Therefore, "Little Prince" thinks that even if he has been an emperor for two years, this line is still too far away from his father, and he has to eat a hundred bears and leopards with his own father. He doesn't dare easily, especially the body like this bean diced, so he must be conscious and grasp the measure. This time, he dared to do something like "turning away from the mother". His consciousness is already high. Ok, okay.

Think about the next possible sad reminder, "Little Prince" has no way to "sympathize" "嫉妒" the original body.

The "care" from the father is not affordable for anyone.

"Don't be afraid, there is a mother." For his son, Jing Hao has decided to "herely sacrifice". Although she maintains her son, it will be "sin plus one" in all likelihood, but it is too weak. A few days, no big deal. ——Think of it, Jing Hao now feels that his back is soft.

"Little Prince" moved to tears, this is the difference between a mother's child and a child without a mother!

However, if you "do something wrong", how can you let your mother get on top? If he did, he also offended plus one.

"After the mother, still forget it, the father will definitely be more angry. If the plan was to hit me only one board, maybe I will hit me two boards."

Jing Hao had to admit that this is definitely something that will happen. Therefore, "seeking love" or something will only become more serious, so it is still "all guilty."

The mother and the child are two or four eyes, and the eyes are inexplicably filled with "sorrowful and strong".

Jing Hao feels that he is quite "involuntary". In the man's hand, how can he not turn over?

"Little Prince" Well, um, he has never thought about this kind of thing.

When I went back, the "Little Prince" held a small chin and sat next to Jing Hao. "After the mother, you said, let’s come out, why didn’t you touch something like bullying? I originally thought about presenting the prestige. However, I don’t give me a chance."

"Do you think that we have to go out of the palace, how many officials in the DPRK will not know?"

"So, they all constrain their nephews? Without these people, the following small followers will see the situation, and the nest will not come out at home?"

Obviously, the fact is that the possibility of "crashing the Queen's Empress and His Royal Highness" must be firmly defended in the cradle.

Ming Ming knows, but the entire capital is still calm, hehe, the father is under the rule, and sure enough no one dares to make trouble.

When I returned to Kunming Palace, Jing Hao took the "Little Prince". The mother and son talked and laughed. It looked so beautiful, until...

"Come back? You are still your mother and son ready to join hands in the world." Li Hongyuan held a book, half on the couch, next to the fresh fruit, looks good, when you talk, the eyelids are not lifted a bit.

"Little Prince" is a spirit, Jing Hao is also inexplicable guilty, the idea of ​​mother and child is synchronized at this moment: Why no one told them that the Big Devil is here?

Well, the Big Devil is the real boss. He gave orders and no one dared to disobey.

Jing Hao patted his son, "Tianlin first went back to wash, and the mother said a conversation with your father."

"Little Prince" 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 瞧瞧 , , , , , , , , 儿子 儿子

Jing Hao walked into Li Hongyuan, sat down and leaned directly on him. "Ayuan..." At that moment, it seemed that the whole person was soft.

Li Hongyuan took advantage of the people and obviously didn't really "get angry" with Jing Hao. He threw the book on his hand and kissed her forehead. "What?"

"It just suddenly felt a little tired." Jing Hao forced his eyes and breathed lightly.

"Some things are force majeure, don't think so much." Li Hongyuan apparently knows what Jingjing is because of "tiredness."

In fact, they are already well aware, but there is no point to break it. However, there is no need to break it. There is no misunderstanding in this matter.

Jing Hao leaned on him for a while. "I went to wash and change clothes."


After Jingjing left, Li Hongyuan sat for a moment, "Come to the people, let the Prince wash and go to the Imperial Study Room."

"Yes, the emperor."

When the little prince learned that he was passed to the royal study, he knew that some things were coming. At this moment, the heart calmed down and was worn by the palace, and the palace man, at this moment, seems to be Feeling the change in the master, it is still that person, or the face, however, but some inexplicable repression.

After wearing it, the "Little Prince" reorganized the neckline and cuffs, lifted his chin slightly, looked ahead, proud, noble, stepped, and not very big, but also showed this kind of calm and confident. Some things, Gong Yu did not know, so even if the heart is a bit strange, I have not thought much about it. However, it is too obvious that the present Highness is now realized. This brow is unconsciously screwed up.

When "Little Prince" went to the study room, Li Hongyuan was already waiting. "See the father and the emperor."

In the royal study, there are two fathers and sons left, and Li Hongyuan did not care about his self-proclaimed this time. He looked at him very seriously. "Li Tianlin..."

The same title, however, "Little Prince" knows that he is calling himself, not his original. Looking up, looking directly at Li Hongyuan, with a smile that is completely incompatible with the body, "Father, you really came from there, the child is estimated, it should be quite early, at least you are in Gongyi Before going to the mother's side, reverse history and re-write the fate. Even though it is still the original line, you can see that you and your mother are heart-to-heart, deep in love, and more importantly, you have a healthy body, really There is nothing more fun than this." Before Li Hongyuan said anything, "Little Prince" was smashed first.

Li Hongyuan gently tapped the royal case. "What is the situation there?"

"My parents have been in politics for two years and everything is fine."

"Before the end of the dying, there was still some worry that your temperament was too weak. Now, you are stunned, but you are stunned, but you don’t have to worry about the courtiers." Most of the time, Prince Edward is pretending to be a child. Of course, sometimes a child is a real child. However, Li Hongyuan also glimpsed something he did not know. Therefore, he knew that the son was not as expected. "But now..."

"The children will go back. After seeing the master of the dust, the children have a feeling of vagueness. After returning to the palace, this feeling becomes more and more clear." "Little Prince" said calmly.

Li Hongyuan originally thought that he would be unwilling and unwilling, but now he is stunned, and this mood is very weak. "Don't think about staying?"

"If you can, naturally think about it, but if you can't, the children do not insist," "Little Prince" smiled. "The children are not children, there are things, although they are eager, but they are not necessary. More, in fact, it is a pity. During this time, this regret is already very weak. Moreover, the child is the monarch, shouldering the world’s people, no sons, suddenly no matter what, no idea what will happen. Looks like that, it is the Jiangshan left by the father, the son has a duty to guard her, and she will be kept." "Little Prince" again paused, "Father, about your own things, you should be with the mother Said that?"


"So, what did you tell her about the true identity of the child, or did she guess it?"

"Don't underestimate the wisdom of your mother, let alone be a mother's keenness."

"Little Prince" nodded and said that he understood. "The mother had been raising her son for five years, and she devoted her efforts and care. The child suddenly appeared, so that the original child did not know where to go. How could she be indifferent in her heart, but because she had guessed the identity of her parents, she did not have any sin. But it does not mean that she has no pain in her heart. In the face of her parents, she hides the pain and gives her children no love and care. The children believe that if the children have occupied the present body, the mother also It will never change, but the children know that she will always have a scar that can't be healed. Although it is very primitive, it is not what the child wants."

"When you come, you will leave, there will be no trace in her heart?"

"Little Prince" looked at Li Hongyuan and said: "The father will actually ask such a sensible question. Now it is indeed more human."

"Your courage is bigger than you expected."

"That is the son-in-law knows that the father is not really happy with the children. Especially now, there is a comparison between the original boy and the boy. You must feel that you are not going to be a child. So for a few days." "Little Prince" smiled and looked proud.

"If you think too much, you don't feel who you have been, and let you spend so many days, but it is because of your mother."

"Well, in your eyes, there are only mothers, and everyone else can ignore them." "Little Prince" does not matter, "If the children leave a trace on the mother's heart, it will not be a pain, because, The child is a big man who has left the mother's care and support, can stand firm, and can walk forward steadily, not to mention the ninety-five. Nothing is worth worrying about. The most is probably missed. After a long time, there are other children and grandchildren around her knees, and gradually faded." Some of the emotions in the eyes of "Little Prince" flashed away. "The original body is different. He is still small because he does not know." Wherever I go, I will worry about my mother. I will wonder if he has enough to eat, whether he is wearing warm clothes, whether he is being bullied, or he may be sad whether he has completely disappeared."

"What is the situation of that stinky boy, you should have a number now."

"Well, I didn't know it, but after I felt that I would go back, I probably knew that he was sleeping in the body. The children were gone, probably woke up."

"when are you leaving?"

"The child does not know, but I believe that it will not last long." "Little Prince" eyes emptied, "When it came, some memories of the original body were scattered, and at that time, it was almost drowned." Now, it’s still awkward, but it won’t make things that are irrational. In fact, knowing that you are good will continue to be good, it’s enough. After returning, the brothers will believe that they will be better than before. The father can tell the mother, do not worry about the child. The child believes that even if she is short-lived, she will remember the life of the child, not as the original, but another son."

In determining this point, I have determined that my mother will never feel bad about him, and the "Little Prince" is relieved.

Li Hongyuan looked at his smile and realized that the first half of his son’s life was complete, though, he had compressed his ten years or so into a short period of ten days.

"Nature will remember for a lifetime." When Li Hongyuan said this, it was a bit cold.

"Little Prince" is also devoid of this kind of vinegar for his father, but it is also helpless. However, at the same time, he is a little gloating, no matter how he is, the mother is also the nemesis of his life.

"Little Prince" is in the right color, "Father, the mother is in the community, it is good for the future, and the other side wants to continue on the other side..."

Li Hongyuan waved his hand. "Before you go back, deal with the daily political affairs. If you know, you will know all about it."

So, the father is really waiting for himself? ! Sure enough, the matter of "turning out of the palace" after the mother will not be counted. "Father, the child is only five years old." "Little Prince" dying and dying again, "the ministers will be the monsters, and the children will leave, the original body also..."

"Oh..." Li Hongyuan sneered.

"Little Prince" shut up.

"Don't say much after your mother."

"Children know." Despite the miserable sales, he will get more care, but he does not want his mother to feel bad for those things that have already passed.

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