Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 36: : Laojiao Huaizhu

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"After leaving the Tibetan gold country, where do you want to go?"

Perhaps it is old age, or maybe nothing. The mountains and rivers are open-minded, and the temper naturally converges. Someone has few "criminals" in these years.

"Go back to Beijing, it’s been a long time outside, and it’s time to go back, or else, wait another two years, grandchildren are married, we haven’t seen them yet.”

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it. How big is it, they are a few juniors. Is it difficult for us to go back and meet? I am not afraid of losing life."

Well, what is the temper, what is the fart, or the posture of this king.

"I feel a little tired, I want to go back and rest for a few years." In response to this "old man", Jing Hao is now handy - anyway, for decades, as long as she said things by herself, nothing is wrong. When he is alone, he will agree in all likelihood, and the remaining one or two will probably be a little "bad" to her.

Although I decided on the itinerary, I didn't have to worry. I still played fun and music along the way. It took a year and a half to return to Beijing. It is also normal.

When Li Tianlin received the news, he immediately let his queen organize the Shou'an Palace. How to come, how to come, be luxurious, and be comfortable and elegant. And Xie’s birth to the family, the taste is definitely no problem, almost seeing the sky to see, there are few inappropriate places, change, change immediately, and the people who serve, even choose and choose, can not be used Novices, but they can't use the people under them, or they are not suspected of being placed next to their elders.

In the past ten years, Li Tianlin and Xie have nurtured five sons and two women, which is also very powerful. In Li Hongyuan, the courtiers did not dare to "marry marriage," and he had this precedent. The current emperor does not mention Nayong’s affairs. The courtiers are not "doing more leisurely things". Anyway, the Emperor is only the only son, and the emperor is definitely a child. If you don't have to worry about the prince, you will have no other emperor to inherit the throne.

The emperor’s eldest son was also named as a prince when he was born. He was so solemn with his six younger siblings, and all other things were behind. Even though they were listening to their grandparents, they could only rely on them. Imagine sketching a rough image, and now I have finally seen it, and I am nervous with excitement.

So, wait, wait, wait, for a long time, okay, you have no emotions, why should you do it.

Three months later, according to the news that I came back, the total itinerary was less than one-fifth of the trip. I don’t know the Year of the Monkey when I arrived in Beijing.

Then four months, hey, they actually returned to the capital, Li Tianlin is also wondering, the front is so slow, how suddenly accelerates behind?

Well, according to normal calculations, this speed is actually quite slow, but the stopover is probably just a normal rest, but left to continue on the road one night.

Li Tianlin greeted his wife and children and the Wenwu Baiguan City, and even the guards greeted hundreds of miles.

However, Li Hongyuan did not show up with Jing Hao and took the carriage directly into the palace.

Li Tianlin wondered, things seemed a bit wrong, and it would be better to be careful later, and glance at his eldest son without a trace. I thought to myself, if not, let my son top. What is the son doing? His old man said that he was a teacher, and that son, that is for the pit.

Before Li Tianlin met his father's mother, he was prepared to first listen to some news from the accompanying people. However, he did not speak yet. Li Hongyuan first passed the royal doctor.

- Gong Jiu received several disciples in the early years and passed down a medical practice. In the years before Jing Hao, they were accompanied by Gong Jiu, and later returned to Beijing to stay in the Royal Hospital to study medicine. He was surrounded by his most proud disciple and got his true biography of eight or nine points.

Li Tianlin and Xie’s eyes looked at each other, and their hearts were also worried. Is it a bad father or a mother?

I don’t care so much, I rushed in.

After entering, I found that the atmosphere was good, and, after my father and mother looked at it, it was not much different. It was full of blood and good spirits. It didn’t look like there was any place to hold it. The father was still cold. The eyebrows are cold, and they have not always been like this in the early years. They have depressed their doubts and took the courtesy of their wives and children.

"Get up, family, don't need to be so cautious." Jing Hao Wen.

Standing straight, the juniors began to look at their grandparents, good, young, looking at the father and mother after the distinct, really grandparents?

Jing Hao saw his son and daughter-in-law, but he was mature and stable. He had the emperor's emperor. He had letters and letters all the year round, and he was not a child. Naturally, he did not appear to be crying, and his eyes fell on his eyes. A group of young people, a group of children's grandmother, officially seen, my heart is still a little subtle, especially... Jing Hao did not trace the touch of the stomach, for months, has already done a good job of building, facing When I was a child, I was still a little embarrassed.

The grandchildren are seven, and the grandson is Sun XIV. The youngest one is just able to walk, taking advantage of the pink and tender lumps. Jing Hao is also happy, and beckons, "Come here, call the emperor."

"Come on, let's stand there. - You don't know what you are doing now?" Li Hongyuan's cold mouth.

Not open well, an opening, deterrence or lever, a few younger, almost scared to cry.

Xie was originally trying to bring the younger son to the past, to hear the words, and to be helpless. Don't look at the queen who has been in the water for more than a decade, but in the face of these two, the strong momentum can weaken the three points.

Jing Hao gave him a sigh of relief. "It’s a grandmother who doesn’t think about it. Your grandfather is not a murderer."

"After the mother is a body hug?" Li Tianlin slightly frowned, asked with a bit of worry.

Jing Hao did not answer immediately. I really can’t say it. “It’s not really, it’s...”

"Your mother is pregnant, you have to be a brother." Li Hongyuan said quite simply, the sound is cold like ice scum.

What is shameful, Li Hongyuan can't, but the arrival of this child makes him quite unhappy.

When Jing Wei was born at the age of eighteen, he was afraid, but not to mention that he is now more than fifty. Although the following people have repeatedly promised that her health is better than that of the twenty or thirty women, he still has no reason. The temper, coupled with the physical condition is good, but in the end the age is stuck there, it is best not to drop the tires. The fall of the tires is a great harm to the mother. Therefore, Li Hongyuan can only watch Jingjing once again and taste it. The pain of bitterness and childbirth.

Originally, Jing Hao has not had contraception for many years, and it has been okay for a long time.

Jing Hao didn't dare to believe at first, but she always had a good body and no amenorrhea. She didn't seem to be a special accident. It took a certain amount of time to accept the child's existence and then began to appease the violent moment. An "old man" of neuroticism, cesarean section has even spread in Kaiyuan, the success rate is quite high, there are special medical women in various places, and the last time dystocia, because her pelvis is too small, Pay attention to the diet this time, let the child be smaller, and the same thing may not happen.

In order to prevent the burden on Jing, and to increase the burden, Li Hongyuan forced the negative emotions down.

Li Tianlin is stunned, but it is fleeting and wakes up quite quickly. I can see that my son’s look is that the child in the mother’s stomach is more than expected to be seen. I don’t know if it’s a younger brother or a younger sister. A silent silence. "It turns out that it is a great joy," said his father, who was cold and profitable. He could only pretend that he did not see it. It was a happy event, and he said that happy events were most blinded, but if anything else, Tie Ding angered his Laozi, and then was slashed. "When the child is young, he thinks that he has a younger brother or sister," to share the firepower of his father. "Now I have to pay for it, although I can’t be a companion, my parents are careful. Parenting, worrying about the father and mother. "In any case, this child was born, but also 100% he raised, ignoring boys and girls, do not expect him to let his mother raise."

Queen Xie also rushed to express his position, and then the Prince and a few sensible emperors.

Whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister, it is unimpeded for Xie, and it does not affect her children.

For the prince who is already sensible, there is no such thing as a small aunt or a little uncle. It can be respected as an elder. thing.

Is it true or false? Jing Hao can understand it. Seeing that they have no conflicts, my heart is still comfortable. Although the child, they care or not, they can’t change anything. Moreover, Jing Hao also believes that he can definitely see the child. Growing up, however, it is better to be able to get the emperor’s shelter.

Gong Jiu entered the palace and gave Jing Jing a diagnosis. It is sure that there is no problem.

Li Tianlin and others were smashed by Li Hongyuan, and they all said that they were separated from each other. However, this matter still does not exist in Li Hongyuan. Don’t say that it is a kiss, it is a word, it’s not a glance, it’s like these people and him. There is no relationship at all.

In this way, a few juniors, especially those who are half-sensible and ignorant, are a little wronged. Is it not good for themselves, so that the grandfather does not like it.

Compared with Li Hongyuan, Li Tianlin is too qualified to be a good man. However, in order to have a good image in front of his children, he decided to pull everyone down. "Your grandfather has only your grandmother, others, He is disgusted, so he said, it’s not that you are not good, it’s not for you, and it’s the same for everyone.” In fact, it’s almost the same. He’s the most awkward one, but to say so, I am not too faceless.

When the children were sent, the Queen Xie was stunned by Li Tianlin. When his husband was still a prince, he was not seen by the father. This kind of thing is really not a secret in the high gate family. Originally, being the emperor’s father is not a tragedy. However, because Li Tianlin is the only son, the reason why he is not waiting to be seen is also a bit special, so his status is not affected by half.

Li Tianlin coughed a little, "The Queen will work harder. Before the child is born, the father's temper is definitely not good. The mother actually likes the child, except for the youngest two boys, who accidentally collided, the rest, They can let them go to their mothers often, and accompany them to talk. As long as the mother is happy, the father will not say anything, let them courage to enlarge a bit, don’t usually go to the sky, and go to the father’s mother to follow the heel, especially It’s a prince. If you can teach after the mother, you will definitely benefit.”

"The emperor is assured that the court will marry them, and the rest of the matter will be arranged properly, so that the mother will not worry."

"Well, in addition, the child was born and estimated to be raised." Li Tianlin felt it necessary to make it clear.

"Isn't that supposed to be? You can rest assured that the child has raised so many. The courtiers must have more experience than the mother. After all, when the emperor was born, the mother would have to supervise the country, and the time spent on you would definitely be less. The courtiers are different." She spends most of her time raising children.

Xie can be born, do not know how many people envy hate.

We must know that the world does not care about Zizi as Li Hongyuan, and that there is almost no pain in his wife’s fertility. There is no woman who wants to have children. In their view, it is better. The women of the family, especially the masters of the family, are actually few, because they want to have no way to live, their own men, the room has not broken people, the ring fat Yan thin, and they are pregnant, but also Be careful, let the people daring.

Although the post-house of the official has been cleared a lot because of the relationship between Jing and Yu, the influence in the family is actually not big, because the restrictions on the family are relatively serious, and the family has seen more in the officialdom. Many, like the patriarchs, there is no need to mix the officialdom, but in the family, his authority is the biggest, even if it is well mixed in the officialdom, the family has to listen to him, in order to maintain this. The position of the branch, but also shoulders the mission of opening branches and leaves, can imagine how many women will be around.

And Xie’s status status has all been taken up, but it is not enviable.

Her sister's sisters and even the prostitutes, more than once, want to enter the palace to help her "to solve problems", don't mention more disgusting people, but she is the queen, block back and block back, for herself, for her children, How to talk to her family, how to say that there is no support for her family, she is not stable, she is really a fart, she wants to listen to them, her back position is not stable, who she depends on, the heart of the door Clear.

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