Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 39: : Meng Tuanzi

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Can not stay at the side of the mother, the little girl did not cry, just said to the Queen, really good.

The third ceremony was hosted by the Queen. Jing Hao did not intervene and only let her look at it. Li Hongyuan ignored everything and had a prostitute. Really, it was not the same. In this case, the Queen also had a hot time, which was quite a bit worse than when her eldest son was born.

On the same day, Li Tianlin directly decreed that his younger sister was a long princess and a seal of Ningguo. This is really not an ordinary honor.

At the beginning, how many people wanted to pull Li Tianlin, how many people now want to marry the Nanning Princess, of course, may be a little exaggerated, after all, Li Tianlin has two daughters in front of sharing it. However, in the future, the Princess of Ningguo is still a step-by-step, and now the emperor, even if he is ill-treated to his daughter, can not be ill-treated to his sister, then, for his brother-in-law will naturally not be stingy, the corresponding If Ningguo Hummer has the ability to compete in the future, it is basically doomed to the blue sky.

The former princess was also a pre-marriage pre-marriage. When choosing a Hummer, it was simply regarded as a flood of beasts. The princess was not spoiled. When I met the girl who was favored by the family, I even had to shun the house. After all, the woman in the feudal society. Well, before the marriage spelled out, after marriage, fight for the husband to fight for the children, a princess who is not favored, everything can not fight people, naturally can only be aggrieved to avoid, but now the princess is the real noble woman The top noble woman, even if she is not favored, must have a good son who is willing to go home, even if it is only because of ambition and power. Of course, the current Li family does not have a princess.

As time went by, the Queen basically took Ningguo to Shou’an Palace twice a day, and Xiaoning’s country gave it to most of the time. Whenever this time, it was basically awake, and his eyes were wide and black. Bright and extraordinarily beautiful, even if she knows that she still can't see it now, she always feels that she is all in your eyes.

The little guy really sees the sky, the red and wrinkled skin has faded, the white and tender is very cute, and Jing Hao feels that his heart is gone.

Jing Hao did not leave the spare force to send the little daughter to her, anyway, Jing Hao also saw it, because the little niece did not make her a bad sin, her rejection of her is not as serious as her emperor, and for so many years Li Hongyuan’s disposition is introverted. As long as Jing Jing does not have an accident, he will not easily blow up. Seeing the eyes of Jing Hao's eager anticipation, Li Hongyuan reached out and took the little daughter to pick it up. The action was not unreasonable, and did not make Xiao Ningguo uncomfortable.

Although I was trained by Li Tianlin in the past, I have not held the child for many years, but that kind of thing is like being integrated into the bones, and when I will do it subconsciously.

To put it bluntly, in this world, Li Hongyuan’s first child was the eldest daughter of Luo Jingbo and Sun Yijia. It’s a great honor to be such a big one.

Li Hongyuan looked down at the young girl, a soft and soft small group, tender and fragile, squinting, small fists on the lips, is eating hard.

The blood is connected, it is not fake, there is no fundamental reason for rejection, and Jing Hao also agreed to raise her in her son and daughter to make the maximum concession. At this moment, in her arms, how much is soft, and reached out. Touching her little face, then the finger was gently grasped by the little girl.

Jing Hao saw his wife's look softer, and suddenly there was a bitter taste, then what, the prostitute was really a lover of the past life, her son did not have this treatment at the beginning? I sent my son to him in the first place, but the worse the situation was. Sure enough, the prostitute is the palm of the hand, the son is the grass on the side of the road?

However, soon, Jing Hao knows that she thinks too much. This man has a better attitude towards the prostitute, but it is just like that. It turns people and takes the child away. He hasn’t held it for half a minute. .

Ok, in fact, you can't afford too much. This is a big step forward.

Waiting until the full moon in Ningguo, Jing Hao out of the month, telling the truth, because during pregnancy, restraint diet, the moon is not taken care of, the whole person is more rounded, the spirit is full, the skin is white and red The thin lines of the eyes that are not so obvious seem to have been reduced. It is called those who have seen them. How many people envy and hate, in their fifties, like? looks like? looks like? Sure enough, it is the most important thing for a man to be petted. Tai Shang Huang has been petting her for a lifetime, only to let her radiant, "youth forever."

Jing Hao did not know their thoughts. I knew that I had to be speechless. However, although it was not entirely because of a man, he really occupied an important factor in it.

At the time of the palace feast, I took the Emperor and the Emperor. This is like a father and son, a brother is good, or there is no brother of a young age.

Men live to this share, but also let the world men envy and hate.

At that time, when the Prince of the Prince was arrogant, when he was in the throne, he was bleached by the courtiers. When he became an emperor, he also had a queen who helped him. The Yue family did not drag his legs. Although the son is not rich, but a son can also It has won a lot of people, and under the hands of the cadres, Wu Anbang, Wen Zhiguo, the years of ignorance are all kinds of chic, this "flower year" is not a flower, but also a prostitute, to say that life winner, this It is also considered to be the ultimate.

The only place that has been criticized is probably not knowing how to enjoy the fun of sitting in the crowd.

But, think about it, is this really a "stain"? If it wasn’t for the Queen’s infatuation, could he live so smoothly?

If you don't mention it for a long time, you can say that you are a good emperor. The harem is actually not so much. As a result, there are a lot of bad things.

So, what is the so-called loss? And the little bit that Taishanghuang lost, seems to be totally unsatisfactory.

Therefore, it is true that people who can become emperors of the ages are not able to compare them with their ordinary people.

I don't know the twists and turns of these officials. However, since Li Hongyuan has been enthroned, Li Tianlin has been in power for more than 30 years. Although the palace feast still hasn't changed much, but there are no intrigues, and it is intriguing. After all, the most At the beginning, Li Hongyuan was forced to repair the scorpion at the palace banquet, and he was repaired by him. As a result, no matter how much resentment in the private world, he did not dare to take it out at the palace feast. .

In Jing’s original plan, stay in the palace for a year or two, and go out for a walk. When the energy is not good, I will find a place in the south to stay in the mountains and waters. Then, when the deadline is approaching, I will return to Beijing. Obviously, because of Xiaoning’s reasons, the plan has changed.

Even if you can't put a little niece under your eyes, you can always see it in the palace. As for the niece to take this kind of thing together, I still don't want to think about it.

When Xiao Ningguo grew up on a day, the child was really quiet and well-behaved. He said that Jing Hao once suspected that the child was a "special case". However, he still thought too much.

I don't know if Li Hongyuan's gene is too strong. Xiaoning is still a place like a cockroach. It is a group of white and tender, white and tender. It’s cute, not to mention that the nieces always want Fragrance her little face, Li Tianlin and Xie are very rare, once very disgusted with their own stinky boy.

- Hey, why is Ningguo not a self-prostitute? But it doesn't matter. I haven't seen a long time in Kunming Palace for a few years. In fact, although it is a younger sister, it is similar to a prostitute. Such a little prostitute, it’s not too much to play a dozen more. Li Tianlin once hoped that he could regenerate two after his mother. Anyway, his mother is sixty years old and still has children. He will not be surprised. Of course, this also thinks about it. If you let the father and the emperor, no, even if the mother knows it, he will certainly be able to cut him.

To say that these are actually nothing, Xiao Ningguo's most sticky person is actually her father, even if her father is very cold every time she sees her, she is still eager to go forward, then stand in front of Li Hongyuan, screaming big Eyes, open small arms, soft voice, "Father, hug..."

Li Hongyuan did not move, she did not move, so she looked up and looked like a special attachment.

And Li Hongyuan, sometimes it’s a bit of a headache. It’s a stinky boy. It’s a big deal, but with such a small girl, you can’t get a hand.

Whenever this time, Jing Hao looked at the side and smiled, her prostitute, great.

If Li Hongyuan is impatient and ready to go around, she grabs his clothes with a small hand. "Does the father don't like Ningguo?" The fog in the eyes is screaming at all times, and it seems to be wronged. Such a scene, even if taken in Li Hongyuan's arrogance, the palace people can not help but condemn the look of the emperor.

——Ningguo Grand Princess is so cute, is the heart of Taishang’s heart really made of stone?

Li Hongyuan is really a stone heart, but occasionally he will compromise and hold the little girl.

Although there are only a handful of them, Xiao Ningguo will smile every time, keep Li Hongyuan, and sip on his face. "Ningguo likes his father most."

The scene, some people saw it, and his eyes were red, for example, Li Tianlin.

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