Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 42: : Sparkling everywhere

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Li Tianlin can only regret it in the end. However, this matter is a lot of jokes.

Besides Ning Guo, her feelings, or really just the degree of goodwill of others, is like her dear, she does not like it, but if others do not say, it is Li Hongyuan alone, can list him as a character. Good kind of people? Ha ha……

If it is really based on this, then the character of a person is actually not linked to the friendliness of Ningguo. This time, her big sister election, some people are too purposeful or thoughtful. Impure, for Ningguo, nature will not be liked, and these people will certainly have true love for Ningguo. The two do not conflict with each other. Those who have no ambiguity in character do not necessarily like Ningguo. Of course, this kind of person will certainly not be malicious to Ningguo.

Jing Hao and their subtle points said that Xie and the Prince still insisted. After all, the girl that Ningguo likes most, after investigation, learned that although it is not outstanding in some respects, it is even lacking, but Can't deny it, it's really a good girl.

Although the humanoid detector of Ningguo cannot be applied 100%, it still has a high reference value.

The Grand Princess chose Hummer, and the Queen gave her the right to choose. The Grand Princess also caught Ningguo and asked her to help.

Therefore, after the marriage of the Prince was settled, the marriage of the Grand Princess was also put on the agenda.

Of course, this election can't be so exaggerated with the election of Prince Edward, only in private.

Li Tianlin and Xie are not so tightly restrained to the children. Before the age of ten, they can occasionally go out of the palace under strict care. After ten years of age, there is basically no limit. Of course, the number of times each month is out. Restrictions, not how to wave how to wave.

The number of times the second emperor went out of the palace in recent days was relatively frequent, and he took Ningguo every time.

When I took Ningguo for the first time, it was the first time that Ningguo went out of the palace. Naturally, I had a strange curiosity about the outside of the palace.

However, those friends of the Second Emperor, especially those who have been accompanied by the Second Emperor, were all surprised. How did he bring out the Princess Ningguo? They are very clear about the status of this Highness in the palace, if there is a case...

The second emperor smiled. "When the little aunt wants to come out to play, she will bring it out. The emperor and grandmother agreed." As for the real reason, nature can't say it.

A group of teenagers and even the youngest son of the 20th and the youngest, with a little girl, can’t play well, and some things have to be avoided. Of course, there are very few things that can’t really be seen by Ningguo. No big deal, however, the identity of Ningguo is doomed to show half-points even if they have complaints.

The child is actually very straightforward. You don't like her. She doesn't like you either, but Ningguo is a warm-hearted girl. Sometimes she doesn't react too much even if she feels more obvious, because she is simple. Know that these people will not do anything to her. However, for those who really like her, her smile will be more obvious.

These, the two emperors are in the eyes, as his future sister selection, there are some of his friends, not there, but as long as he thinks, naturally can see Ningguo, as for this, more is to take On the relationship of others, I want to go to him in front of him, take care of it, and look at his mood. He just did not have the right to inherit the throne. In addition, he was not suppressed at all. He will open the palace this year and step into the court. He believes that he will be one of the people who will have power in the future. Although he may have been elected for two years because he was the elder brother of the Prince, he does not care at this point.

Ningguo’s temper is quiet and well-behaved, but no matter what the occasion, no one is afraid of it. Of course, watching these "big scorpions" play, she will not hinder them, but the eyes are sparkling, seems to be full of interest.

If someone gives her a gadget to play with, she will smile and nod her thanks.

The royal family, the most noble princess, the most pampered princess, is really not critical in etiquette.

These people, who have no brothers and sisters or little nephews and nieces in their homes, are in their eyes, those are little devils, or else they have the same feeling of shrinking their heads as they are, but anyway, there are few people who can like them. of. Therefore, the first time I saw Ningguo, the first sense was not very good.

But gradually they found out that Ningguo is not the same as those in the family. Most of them are a bit resentful. They are far from being evil. Now they are gradually changing.

The second emperor just went to the side, cocked his legs, while eating some dried fruits, while there was a sentence to talk to people around him. These people have changed, he is looking at it. Speaking of it, a little girl like aunt, even if she doesn't like it, is very annoying.

The second emperor clap his hands and stand up and walk to the side of Ningguo. "Little aunt, do you want to play?"

"Can you?" Ningguo’s eyes widened.

"Of course, as long as there is no danger, it is not something that cannot be touched. For the little aunt, there is nothing that can't be done." They are the most noble princess of Kaiyuan. It is all about the world. It is a small game.

"I know this, but I don't think it should hinder others." Ningguo leaned his head and smiled. "In fact, it is very happy to see everyone playing happily." She said so, her expression Tell everyone, she thinks so too.

This group of young masters, at this moment, was really smothered by Ningguo, how could the family’s little nephew not be so popular? "The Princess of the Great Princess, I have to worry about it. Everyone is making a lot of fun, and it’s lively and lively. It’s far from being a hindrance." One of them said that others are following, whether true or false.

What do they think, Ningguo does not know, she only knows that there is no obstruction to them, she can play, and she naturally does not converge on her own ideas.

So, with the second emperor, Ning Guo had a good time.

When leaving, Ningguo still has a bit of reluctance, "Can you come again?" Ask your own two nephews.

"Is the grandmother not agreeing? The little aunt just wants to play. Recently, I can go out to play in the palace. After two days, it is eleven. There is a horse racing on Huangzhuang, and I will take a little aunt to see it."

"Is it the emperor or the prince who built the Huangzhuang of the racecourse? I have heard what they said." Ningguo's face is red and red, with a bit of curiosity and excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, that is, it was said that it was built in accordance with the meaning of the emperor's grandmother. It has been for decades, and it has always been open to the public. It is very lively."

"Then we have a small six small seven, but in fact, everyone can still come together better."

"Is the little aunt wanting to let the emperor and grandmother come together?"


"But it can't be done. Little aunt, you have to know that if there is a grandfather's grandmother in the presence, then it will definitely not play well." The second emperor said with a smile.

"Well, take the small six small seven."

"Well, this can be." The second emperor nodded.

The aunt and the two talked, and did not avoid others, oh, no way, he still shoulders heavy responsibility.

In this way, the second emperor "holds the chicken feathers as an arrow", and through Ningguo, it will go out at most two days, and sometimes three or four days in the palace, to examine the brother-in-law or something, it has become incidental. Things, however, Ning Guo also has a lot of fun.

Because of the acquiescence of the two emperors, from the second time in Ningguo, the encounter is not just a "big scorpion", they also bring a little sister or a little niece, the purpose is obvious. Children's minds are relatively simple, not so many curved, and Ningguo has the most noble identity, and has been petted, so in fact, for identity, for the class, there is not too deep concept, so that, with Most children of the same age can play very well, and even the little girl who is usually not very valued in the ordinary can be treated in the same way in front of her long princess, and she can’t help but feel unconsciously. Ningguo Ma’s first is a vision.

Although it is a misunderstanding, it further proves that Ningguo’s heart is not.

With the increase in the number of times, Ningguo's companions also joined in, so that they played a bit of fun.

However, after more than half a month, the second emperor told Ningguo that he could not go out of the palace so casually. Ningguo did not show any low mood. When the adults asked, Ningguo was still unclear, blinking, "played for so long. I should come back and study hard."

The natural tone of the day makes adults feel very ashamed.

Jing Hao couldn't help but kiss her, how is this little baby so cute?

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