Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 4 Chapter 8: : Refusal, half of the assets

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Jing Hao did not understand the character of the Tang family, because Li Hongyuan did not tell her. Of course, this is actually not the fault of Li Hongyuan. What kind of temper he is, everyone knows that you want him to get a good understanding of the temperament of the people around him. ,is it possible? Therefore, for the temperament of the Tang family, the ones who are often in contact with it can barely say one or two. The rest of them are embarrassed. Perhaps he does not even know the most basic preferences of the other party. Knowing what virtue he is, therefore, he does not count on him from the beginning, but she does not need to deliberately please the Tang family, so even if it is a taboo at first, it does not matter.

At this moment, in the face of the problem of the second aunt, it is actually somewhat incomprehensible. However, it seems not surprising that the governor of a province will ask such a question. It is probably to hear what he just said, perhaps to her. I have a little idea, so I want to know.

For such a problem, Jing Hao is not afraid of it. No matter how good or bad, talking about his own opinion is over, and many simple things.

So, I thought about the wording and said my opinion in an orderly way.

The second aunt listened earnestly, and the look seemed to be more serious. When Jing Hao finished speaking, she did not express any opinions. Instead, she asked Jing Hao’s views on several major events. However, for Jing Hao, it is only stored in the body's memory. Before going to Kaiyuan, she actually had some resistance to the rectification. Therefore, there is not much attention, only one-sided understanding. So, It is hard to say.

Others do not know the situation of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan is understanding, but concisely and roughly said with Jing Hao, seeking truth from facts, do not mix their own views.

Jing Hao nodded, almost did not think much, said her own thoughts, still adhering to her consistent style, seemingly soft and moderate, but the final result may be more hot than the direct death, valuable, direct squeeze To the end, if there is no value, let it never turn over.

People who don't understand only feel confused, but those who know, only **** in the air, Tang Yuan's wife, the typical soft and guilty, it is absolutely the supremacy of national interests, the interests of the people are supreme, and these two points are violated. She will definitely make her heart tremble when she starts her hand.

"Ayuan, what is your opinion?"

"I?" Li Hongyuan chuckled, his approach is always simple and rude, directly from the source, not knowing how to swear, do not understand euphemism? No, he is just "lazy."

Jing Hao couldn't help but help the emperor. This virtue is no problem for the emperor. Anyway, the number of people who are killed in the Ninth Five-Year Plan is a matter of words. If you want to be self-willed, you can't do it. Now the society can't do it, no matter what you master. What kind of authority can't be solved because it is not cool, but how simple and rude, there are limits. "You really are still like this, can't you make a little change?"

"Workaround? Isn't this something you are good at?" When the emperor was, he was definitely a qualified pickpocket.

Jing Hao smiled helplessly, what, unless it was an external environment, forced him to change, to be patient, to adapt, just as he was at the beginning of Qi Yuan’s rebirth, he would definitely do his best, otherwise, he This is always the case. The family environment like the Tang family will never expect him to change.

"Do you have a plan to go to politics? Of course, your political review will not be a problem."

According to reason, because of her relationship with Dad, she is unlikely to pass the political review. However, her father died before the incident broke out. There are other things involved. Therefore, there is a case, but the public does not know. If her father’s business must be political, the Tang family should be able to act for her.

However, Jing Hao did not want to veto.

"I want to have this willingness, try it, wait for more than 30 years, you may be able to sit on the first spot, I am very confident about you." Li Hongyuan smiled.

"The mouth is not the kind of thing, it is not for you. You don't know how many fake people are you laughing now? Don't play this set in front of me." It is enough to work hard for a lifetime. She is not the kind of person who values ​​power, so there is no need to go again.

Besides, in Qiyuan, she also has a high starting point. It is different from the present. She is starting from the bottom. Even if she can bear with Ayuan, some people who can’t see it, she may not be able to endure it. I don't know what will happen. The officialdom of China is never simple. From her scum dad, she can have an intuitive understanding. Her consciousness may not be high enough.

Li Hongyuan is undecided. Indeed, he does not want Jing Jing to embark on this road. His current status and what he has can clearly make Jing Hao carefree and enjoy the best. No matter where he wants to go, why? It is not easy to let her go to serve others and put a layer of shackles on her body.

There are so many people in China, and they are more capable. They don’t care if they don’t have their own daughter-in-law. So why bother to ask for trouble.

"This is not the case, Ning Yu is in this regard..."

"Aunt," Li Hongyuan interrupted her. "I will not allow it. My wife and children should enjoy the comfort of their lives for a lifetime, instead of giving people a ‘When a cow is a horse’.”

The second aunt frowned. "What is ‘When a cow is a horse?' And you are equal in itself. What rights do you have to lead her for a lifetime?”

"Leading her? The misunderstanding of where my aunt came from, all the assets under my name were given to her. She and I have always stood side by side."

When this was said, the people present were not shocked. Tang Yuan founded his own empire in the first place. Because he was taking the luxury route and facing the world, the Tang family could help him in a rather limited way. When the company goes public, the scattered shares in his hands are quite small. They are generally the backbone of the company's veteran. At the beginning, they were barely given face-to-face funding for a small number of people. It is the Tang family. He has always given money directly to his things. There are no shares. Of course, these people don’t want to, but they are still in the town of Tang. They simply don’t dare to speak. Now, he actually has eyes. If you don’t miss it, you will get out halfway.

This means that if Jing Jing wants to engage him in the future, he really may be stepped on, and everything will be burned.

What kind of trust, what kind of love, will this step?

At this moment, perhaps many people are arrogant in his heart, giving so many assets to an outsider - this is not married yet, and it is still possible to get married after marriage. Isn’t the real family and relatives should be blood relatives? It is simply unreasonable that the Tang family worked hard to raise him, giving him many benefits, a lot of help, but nothing, just a super white-eyed wolf! Or the shackles of Jing Hao’s fire, she is a woman with a smudge, so what is so good, in vain has a great advantage.

Father Tang has lost a word for a moment and sighed. "Your own things, you decide it yourself."

The second aunt also kept silent and was not persuading. Although she was extremely sorry, she knew that Ning was really suitable for politics. However, she did not pay much for things that had no results. She always pays attention to efficiency and will not do anything for it.

Li Hongyuan is undecided. What do these people think, he can roughly guess, but what about it? His things are naturally what he wants to give to whom, no one can afford it. These people will never know how close he is to Jing Hao. Actually, these people, though, are his blood relatives, but most of their feelings for them are average, just like The same is true of Kaiyuan. In the world, anyone can abandon him, but he will not, life and death, and the four words, between them, is not as simple as a few words.

In fact, according to the relationship between the two of them, in the name of the assets, in fact, it does not matter, but some things are still necessary to do for others to see, in order to block those people's mouth, to establish the absolute status of Jing Hao Tell those who have all kinds of speculations, what kind of attitude he is holding in the end, don't try to play tricks. Of course, in fact, it will also give Jing Hao a lot of hatred.

Just like now, how many people have become more complicated about Jing Hao’s senses. Of course, some people don't care.

However, how can it be? Jing Hao himself does not matter, the husband and her husband gave it, naturally it will be collected, not so much nonsense.

The original good atmosphere, at this moment, seems to be a bit wrong.

Li Hongyuan glanced at his cold eyes and stood up. "Hey..."

"Why, are you always away from your wife? Go, take the board and kill me with two games." Father Tang said with a cane.

The purpose of Father Tang, everyone knows well, but the role that can be played should be quite limited.

Li Hongyuan was originally prepared to leave with Jing Hao. However, his grandfather, who has always seen it transparently, still has to give face. "Let you go down with you, I go to sleep for an hour." Finished, just go upstairs.

"Ning Yi will also play chess? How is the chess power?" Father Tang asked with interest.

"Beyond Ayuan." At the time of Kaiyuan, in the next few decades, their husband and wife, when they played against each other, were not in a minority. Under the constant guidance of the other party, Jing Hao’s current chess skills are absolutely master-level, but any Things, or related to talent, how can she not win someone, on this, can be described as losing a lifetime, someone has never let water let her win even a game, which leads to Jing Hao and others When you play, never put water.

Father Tang’s eyes are slightly radiant, and his grandson’s chess power, he has seen it. They are old things, no one can win him. The kid has never lost. Therefore, he has always lacked interest in playing chess. It is not bad to deal with his two games. "It is definitely not bad to say so. Come and let me see this old man."

Jing Hao nodded. "Respect is not as good as death."

While waiting for the servant to bring the board, the Tang seven Shao Shiran stood up and slapped the cousin around him. "Small tells you, the six brothers, who to whom to love, There is no relationship with our half-money. What happened in the past, what are you doing? If you think about something that is not there, there is nothing wrong with it. If it is wrong, it still has changed. It’s more than six miles. Isn’t the red envelope in the future a duplicate? Moreover, Liu Wei is more generous than Liu Ge, hehe..."

Speaking and talking, I laughed in a wretched manner.

When Tang Dabo met, he couldn’t wait to slap him, this shameful thing! And Aunt Tang is obviously helpless to this young child. To say that when this kid is young, he has not smoked him. As a result, the more he gets through the skin, the better he said to him, maybe he can still manage for two days.

It’s clear that Tang’s seven words are not just for the cousin around him.

This is a miscellaneous account, but people such as Tang Laozi, Tang Dabai, and Auntie, have experienced the ups and downs, have seen everything, far more than other young people who have not experienced the storm, no knowledge of women. Seeing too much. Tang Yuan’s approach may be just a sigh of two at the beginning, and it will pass if there is no over-exciting thought.

Therefore, it is rare to have a little bit of recognition for this younger brother. It’s okay to play a little bit of fun. The main thing is that you have to be clear in your heart. You must have self-knowledge, you must see your position, and you should not think about it. So, it’s good for everyone.

"Little Master went directly to pick up the car, and you played slowly." Tang Qi sneaked a kiss, slammed the car key and took the little song away.

Jing Hao may have understood what his husband’s “fun” on the seven brothers meant. Such a person will be really chic, although he has no heart, but this person walks in the world, life is his own, since he can control himself, then he wants to go through how to live, and no one needs to dictate.

People who have ideas in their hearts, whether they listen or not, after all, others can't open their minds and wash them. If you can't turn around and make something that you shouldn't do, it will be repaired by Li Hongyuan at that time, probably even if their direct blood relatives can't help them.

The chessboard was taken, Jing Hao held the white son, Tang Laozi son, and no one who let it, directly according to the rules.

The people watching chess are quiet.

You are a child, and as the pieces on the board increase, some things slowly appear.

Jing Hao’s chess power is obviously beyond the expectations of Tang’s father. What she said is “thanks to A Yuan”, perhaps it’s really just a difference. There is no difference in the world.

The more I get to the back, the slower the speed of Tang’s father’s son, and the time of thinking increases a little bit. It seems to be more difficult than playing chess with Tang Yuan.

On the other hand, Jing Hao, still windy and light, does not work hard.

Fortunately, Father Tang may have lost more time in his grandson's hands, and his mentality is calm. He does not feel that there is anything shameful for losing to juniors. "Ning Hao, you are sure that you play chess, than the boy of Tang Yuan?"

Jing Hao nodded, this is a fact, nothing to hide. "If Grandpa feels that it is easier to play chess with him, maybe it is because Ayuan is strong and strong. Of course, he is always the strongest."

Jing Yu’s comparison of euphemism, the so-called encounter is strong, but when playing chess, Li Hongyuan will adjust his level according to the actual situation of his opponent, this is not his kindness, but because he is lazy, do not want to pay The brain, just down the next time, to be waterproof, free of charge, the average person can not have this level.

Father Tang understands, and his heart snorted, that is to say, he has not seen the strongest chess power of his grandson. There is no way, the opponent level is not enough.

After such a three-game, Tang’s father lost more miserable. If he only loses a little bit forever, he may be more frustrated, but if he loses too much, he will definitely dispel enthusiasm. “Ning 婉, you said You seem to be warm and gentle on the surface. Why are you so embarrassed when you start? This may not be necessary. My old man is a young man. You must know how to respect the old and love the young, put some water, put some water, put some water. ""

"Blatantly let the opponents release water, Lao Tang, you are also very happy." Grandma laughed on the side.

"In front of my own juniors, what's embarrassing. - Come and come, then come, Ning Hao, remember to release water."

Jing Hao's eyebrows smile, although he is accustomed to not releasing water, but does not mean that he will not release water. However, because he has not let go of water, it is definitely more difficult than direct. This small challenge, Jing Hao is not afraid.

Then in the fourth game, almost a match was made, and Tang’s father finally lost only one son.

Unsurprisingly, Father Tang was happy, and this interest was once again high.

Originally, according to the usual time, this time has long been a lunch break, but the Tang family also knows the habits of Father Tang, and he is interested. He can sit for several hours in a row. If he is dissatisfied, he will not give up. What is the lunch break is definitely impossible. Of course, there are only a handful of such things, and naturally he is happy.

After two more innings, Tang’s father was a little dissatisfied. “Ning Hao, let’s put in water, so you can put it in the end.”

Jing Hao laughed, "Yes." Prepare the next game for the father to win.

At this time Li Hongyuan has come downstairs. "How many rounds?"

Most of the people who were originally present have left, and the remaining number of people.

Jing Hao reached out to compare.

"Six innings, the next is fast enough. Grandpa, you should lose too badly."

Father Tang blows his beard and blinks his eyes. "You give me a go."

Li Hongyuan did not go to the side, and sat directly behind Jing Hao, holding her waist with one hand and her chin on her shoulder.

Jing Wei’s shoulders moved. He didn’t mean to move away. According to his understanding of him, it’s not necessary to say that this time it’s a “guilty”. No way, Jing Hao had to follow him.

"In the broad day, under the eyes of the public, the sticky, what is the system." Tang Laozi "reprimanded."

Li Hongyuan didn't look at him. "Grandpa wants to envy, but I can also take a little grandmother. I have no opinion."

Master Tang’s anger, this idiot kid, has a lot of human sentiment with the daughter-in-law, but it is even more irritating. He hasn’t smoked him before, and now it’s itchy.

The chess game continues, and Li Hongyuan’s eyesight naturally shows that Jing Hao’s “good intentions”, “putting water is so hard, hey, you are really stupid.”

"You don't talk, no one is when you are dumb." Jing Hao is also quite calm.

"But your husband, I can't see you so stupid, you are too stupid, I am not lowering my level, people doubt my eyes."

"Oh, that's really apologetic." Jing Hao said not salty.

The two men bickered from time to time, Li Hongyuan all kinds of disgusting, Jing Hao all kinds of calm, the former is also the former will stick to the latter, one is not finished.

Jing Hao was patient enough, Li Hongyuan also stayed with him. If he was alone with Tang, he would have left.

Throughout the afternoon, Father Tang was very happy, and he looked at Jing Hao, and then he looked at Jing Hao. It was all kinds of likes. Tang Yuan’s grandson lost one side.

In the evening, the number of people returning again was relatively small. Instead, the Tang seven Shaole turned the new car back. The various procedures were even complete, and the listing was poor.

Jing Hao was awkward, um, but it was really cool. "Minger opened back to A speed limit monitoring, directly connected the signal to my mobile phone, the speed limit of one hundred and two, exceeded, within one hundred and three, three times confiscated, more than one hundred and five, immediately confiscated."

"Six 嫂, don't ah--" Tang seven mourned. This is a very fast sports car, the most speed can reach 420, is limited to one hundred and two, will be laughed to death when you go out.

"I am not satisfied, is it better to be eighty, or sixty?" Jing Hao smiled.

"No, one hundred and two are one hundred and two." Tang Qi rarely wiped a face, Liu Wei is definitely an angel face, devil heart!

Aunt Tang is very satisfied with this point. His son is too crazy to play. Now that he has such a sports car, he will not be safe. This young man, once he is fighting, is very easy to get angry, regardless of his care. The safety hazard is too big, giving him a limit, he will at least have scruples. As for directly letting Jing Hao take the car back, she said that she would not say it. Others would not think that it was the heart of love. She only felt that she did not know how to be good. With such a restriction, even if something goes wrong, she will not be angered by grief. After all, if I change another car, the idiot will only be more crazy.

"In addition to speed limit monitoring, but also a speed limiter, you can directly limit the speed to one hundred and two." Li Hongyuan whispered.

"That's good, call back and let it go."

The husband and wife, two people talking and laughing, decided the "destiny" of this sports car, and it was so fast that it could never speed up. It was probably a car sorrow.

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