Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 286: Remember her and come back if you have the chance

Ye Siming's martial arts are strong, and Jiang Xiaoran is not weak.

The two fought side by side, and in a short while they hunted seven or eight wild rabbits and took a pregnant elk.

At first, Ye Siming had shot the elk's leg with an arrow.

He and Jiang Xiaoran approached, but saw that the elk had a huge belly and fell to the ground, but struggled again and again to get up and escape.

However, blood flowed from his legs, and everything was in vain.

Jiang Xiaoran took out the dagger he carried with him and said, "Do we count as one arrow and two deers? I don't know if the deer in its belly has grown. I will open its neck and bleed it so that it will die less painful."

Ye Siming suddenly stretched out his hand to stop it, and said coldly, "Don't kill it, let it go."

Jiang Xiaoran was stunned: "Why? This is a deer. I don't know how delicious it is to bake. It is so big that it can feed the stomachs of three or four people."

"I said let it go." Ye Siming lowered his eyes, looked at a pair of panicked deer eyes, and inexplicably thought of Gu Nuoer's pair of dark and round eyes.

If you bring back such an injured pregnant doe, according to the little guy's squeamish personality, I'm afraid it will be red-eyed and distressed.

Seeing his firm attitude, Jiang Xiaoran didn't understand why, so he had to put away the dagger and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you are amazing, listen to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of "tear--" his clothes shattered.

Jiang Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, then looked down.

Ye Siming actually tore off a piece of his robe!

"Siming! What are you doing!"

Jiang Xiaoran watched Ye Siming helplessly, and actually squatted down to pull out the arrow for the doe.

He took out the golden sore medicine given by Mrs. Bai, sprinkled it on the doe's wound, and then wrapped it up with a piece of Jiang Xiaoran's clothes.

Jiang Xiaoran was stunned: "You... you actually treated this doe?! That's all, why don't you tear your own clothes!"

Ye Siming didn't lift his head, his voice was cold: "You are rich, the clothes are made of good material, and the bleeding can be stopped quickly."

Jiang Xiaoran was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

This Ye Siming and the little princess Gu Nuo'er are indeed good friends.

Why does he suffer from these two people every time? !

After Ye Siming finished bandaging the doe, the doe carefully stuck out her pink tongue and licked the back of his hand.

It is very smart, probably knowing that Ye Siming is helping it.

Ye Siming saw this, his thin lips were slightly hooked, and his smile was handsome and moving.

"You are more interesting than that little thing. Go, the person who rescued you is called Gu Nuo'er. Remember her, if you have a chance, come back and repay your kindness."

With his help, the doe stumbled to her feet and stumbled back to the forest.

Before leaving, he did not forget to look back at Ye Siming again.

There are only a few wild rabbits left in the spoils of the two people.

After carrying it back, Bai Yi helped. He, Ye Siming and Jiang Xiaoran neatly peeled and roasted the rabbit.

In a short time, everyone can finally have a simple bite.

Although it was a drop in the bucket, fortunately, Gu Yihan made preparations before the mountain road collapsed.

With the concerted efforts of the Guards, and the help of several generals and ministers, the mountain road is about to be cleared.

As dawn approached, the emperor and his party returned to the palace.

Everyone was exhausted, talking and laughing along the way.

When they went back, the ministers and concubines all had a kind of happiness for the rest of their lives.

The tense spirit relaxed, and many people fell asleep in the carriage.

Originally, everyone was gearing up, thinking about hunting with the emperor, and showing a great style.

However, even the edge of the hunting paddock was not touched.

Really hunting for a loneliness.

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