Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 312: Wants to be one of her many healthy brothers

Fortunately, Qiao Xiuli quickly supported the wheelchair handle to avoid falling.

The little servant was horrified: "Young Master!"

He ran forward and supported Qiao Xiu.

I saw their son's face, completely lost the calm and indifferent.

It was replaced by a long eyebrow and a light wrinkle, it must be a severe knee pain!


The little servant was anxious but helpless.

He helped Qiao Xiuli to sit firmly in the wheelchair, squatted down and massaged the sides of his knees for him.

The little servant sighed: "Young master, according to what the little one sees, the princess is smart and considerate, why do you have to be brave in front of her, the little one will feel uncomfortable for you!"

Qiao Xiuli turned his head slightly and looked at the peach blossom tree that was just in bloom.

A gust of wind blows, and a piece of fragrance falls.

There is a peach blossom, floating in his slender palm.

Qiao Xiu lowered his eyes, looked at the weak and boneless little flower, and smiled.

"Because, Nuoer has many brothers, and I also think that he is one of her many healthy brothers. It's a pity that my legs... I don't want her to feel that I have had a hard time, as long as It's good for Nuoer to be happy, and she doesn't need to know about these bad things."

The little servant had no choice but to shake his head secretly.

Their sons are good everywhere, but they don't feel bad for themselves!

He worked hard to press the acupoints on his legs to Qiao Xiuli.

Qiao Xiu praised in a low voice: "Azhong, you are becoming more and more skilled. My knee doesn't feel so painful now."

"Really?" The little servant was also a little surprised, and said happily: "It must be the little one who learned well from the old gentleman in the medical center. It turns out that he was right, often pressing the acupoints can make the young master feel better. A lot!"

What they didn't know was that at the corner of the promenade, a small figure had been hiding behind the pillars.

The strands of spiritual power quietly penetrated into Qiao Xiuli's knees.

It relieved his pain.

Gu Nuo'er's big eyes filled with tears, making her beautiful eyes look full of tears.

She is so smart, how could she not know that Qiao Xiu has been holding her for so long, she is already strong.

Even though she asked to come down many times, Joshua refused.

Gu Nuoer wanted to protect his dignity as a brother.

She pretended to find her grandfather, but in fact hid behind the pillar.

I am waiting for the opportunity to use spiritual power to relieve my brother's discomfort.

The little guy also sensed that her brother's leg was a muscle and bone injury.

It is impossible to cure completely by medicine or acupuncture alone.

But if she uses mana, Qiao Xiuli's leg injury is not a problem at all.

However, in order not to arouse suspicion, she can only send a little spiritual power to Qiao Xiuli every time she sees him.

With such a little treatment, sooner or later, Qiao Xiu will be able to stand up again.

The little guy wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and his white and tender face looked extraordinarily strong.

Her brother is so good, she will cure him!

Gu Nuoer made up her mind, moved her feet quietly, and left from the other end.

In the afternoon, a heavy rain fell without warning.

The breath of the mountains is mixed with the fragrance of the trees and flowers in the mountains.

But Bai Yi and others had no intention to appreciate the beauty in such a deep mountain.

Because they are getting close to the bandit's lair.

Bai Yi arranged for a soldier to explore the way.

The rest of the people temporarily hid in a cave for shelter from the rain.

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