Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 314: He went to the Guogong's mansion and left her without work!

Just as Ye Siming pondered, his auricle moved slightly, and he noticed a different rustling sound.

The boy's eyes suddenly turned cold, like a wolf crawling in the deep forest, when he heard someone approaching.

His hand touched the hilt of the sword subconsciously, and said to Bai Yi in a deep voice: "Someone has come, and the number is not small."

Bai Yi was shocked. For some reason, he thought of the injured village woman who had just left in a hurry.

He immediately turned his head and ordered all the soldiers in a low voice.

"Stand up, there are unidentified people approaching."

Ye Siming turned his head and said coldly, "You guys wait here, I'll go take a look."

Bai Yi grabbed his hand and said with a frown, "No! At this moment, no one can act rashly until the spies come back."

Yesiming raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing an endless coldness.

"If the spy could come back, he would have come back long ago. It only takes two sticks of incense back and forth. How long has it been now?

Before these people approach, I will find out their origins, you can hide them here, I will go back when I go. "

Speaking, he got rid of Bai Yi's shackles, jumped, and disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye.

"Siming!" Bai Yi exclaimed, but Ye Siming had already left.

Bai Yi couldn't leave these soldiers behind, so he had no choice but to stay put for the time being.

The rain is getting heavier.

A drunk figure, holding a small wine jar, walked crookedly down the street.

He was soaked all over and smelled of alcohol, and the passers-by who passed by avoided far away.

The drunk man wanted to go into a tea shop for shelter from the rain, but he was pushed out by the second shopkeeper before he stepped in.

"Luo Sheng! Are you here to cheat food and drink again? I tell you, don't want to come in today, you're dirty, go out!"

Luo Sheng burped loudly and staggered.

He roared in dissatisfaction: "Who is it that cheats? I have money!"

Afterwards, he lowered his head and dug into his cuff for a long time, empty.

The money I asked for from my wife, Qu Niang, just ran out of wine.

The shop assistant sneered: "Let's go!"

Luo Sheng was dissatisfied with being looked down upon, and he shouted: "Wait! I will go back to the mother-in-law now and ask for money! Buy a dozen or twenty pots of tea in a while, and you will wait for the special Waiting for the Lord, run and break your leg!"

Speaking, he turned and stumbled into the rain curtain.

The shop assistant tsk tsk and shook his head: "He must have gone back to beat his daughter-in-law again, such a wicked person, why didn't God kill you, bah!"

However, when Luo Sheng returned to his home, he did not find Qu Niang.

He just remembered that he had warned Qu Niang last time that she had to pay him to honor him, otherwise, he would go to the Duke's Mansion and let her not work!

I didn't expect that this stinky woman would hide from him for several days without coming home!

Luo Sheng threw the wine jar, and it was torn apart.

He said angrily: "This dead woman, do you really think that I dare not go to the Guogongfu to make trouble?"

Luo Sheng pushed the door abruptly, and walked towards the Zhenguo Gongfu in a drunken state.

Everyone knows what he will do!

If the government wants to calm things down, it must give him a sum of money!

Luo Sheng entered this alley of the Zhenguo Gongfu, and the concierge in the residence saw this drunken figure.

Because the little princess has already explained it, and they have also met Qu Niang's drunk husband.

So, the concierge recognized at a glance that this was Luo Sheng.

He immediately turned around and entered the mansion. After a while, four or five strong men from the nursing home came out with the concierge.

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