Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 357: The second brother has a stomachache, and the fifth brother eats too much

Gu Nuo'er jumped off the stool, and the buns shook.

She waved her little hand: "What else can I do? Of course, I'm walking with us. It's like you haven't been here before and it hasn't happened."

Gu Zichen's eyes are deep: "After she wakes up, what if she complains? If I kill her now and throw her corpse in Penglai Lake, I will do it cleanly, so that the second brother and the younger sister will not be involved. "

Hearing this, Gu Nuo'er jumped up angrily. She originally wanted to hit Gu Zichen's head, but she could only hit his stomach.

Seeing this, Gu Zichen lowered his head and beat her head.

The little guy swung his fist over, but in the end, it was just a fluttering bang.

"Say you're a stupid brother, and you really are! This eldest sister of the Song family definitely wants to marry the eldest brother, so she will never say anything about tonight.

Otherwise how do you ask her to speak? Did she say that she had a dispute with you in the room because of an old relationship, and your clothes were torn by you? She's not stupid, she certainly won't say it.

If you kill her today, the Song family will definitely hold you accountable, and when you find out, you will be really ruined by her. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Nuo'er turned around and walked to the door, her little hand beckoned, and she said imposingly: "Second brother, stupid brother, follow the nest!"

The second prince has become accustomed to the quirky and clever way of doing things like his younger sister.

Sometimes, I think she is just a child, but sometimes, I think she is very clever!

No matter how big the matter is, you can always find a way and make up your mind.

The second prince took a few steps, turned his head and saw that the fifth prince was still in a trance.

He pushed the fifth prince: "Let's go, fifth brother, listen to the younger sister, you are right. I didn't say it, your vision is also a little bad, what's so good about Song Youyun, I don't even look down on me, look back Second brother, I will take you to Hualou, the girls there are beautiful and talented."

Gu Nuo'er turned back suddenly, her cheeks bulging, and her little brows frowned with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Second brother, you are talking nonsense again, Wo is still a child, why don't you take care of Wo at all, see if I won't tell Yi Niang!"

The second prince was anxious: "Don't be Nuo'er, brother, I'm not comforting fifth brother! Oh, fifth brother, please help me, I was trained by Nuoer for you!"

The fifth prince pursed his lips and smiled, his handsome face full of bookishness.

At this time, his expression was not at all gloomy.

It was also the first time he was close to his siblings.

He used to like to be alone, but suddenly he felt that it was a good thing to have someone laugh and play with.

In the past, he always felt that his background was low, and he was afraid of being looked down upon by his elder brothers, so he was reluctant to interact.

But after getting along for a while now, he felt that neither the second prince Gu Zitang nor his younger sister Gu Nuoer meant to despise him.

Instead, when he was furious and almost fell, he pulled him.

Gu Zichen looked at the little figure walking in front, his eyes lightened.

He seemed to understand why the brothers in the palace all liked the only little sister.

When we returned to the banquet, everyone was still clinking wine glasses, and the scene was lively.

No one noticed that the two brothers came back with the little princess.

On the other hand, seeing this, the eldest prince Gu Zixiao asked in confusion, "You three didn't go out together, why did you come back together?"

Gu Nuo'er pulled the eldest prince's shirt with her little hand, and crawled onto his lap, **** her little hand, wanting to eat chicken legs.

By the way, she said Nuo Nuo: "Second brother has a stomachache, fifth brother ate too much, and Nuobao went to bring them back!"

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