Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 452: I know, you are doing some little tricks behind my back

Gu Nuo'er was in the back kitchen, watching Madam Hu make pastries with her little hands behind her back.

She stood on tiptoe and took a piece and put it in her mouth to taste.

"Oh~ it's so sweet!"

Just then, she heard three or two mourning sounds coming from outside.

The little guy hurriedly stepped on his feet and ran to the front hall.

I saw my mother-in-law, stepping on Zhang Laosan's back with one foot, and twisting the other person's wrist with her left hand.

There were wounded strong men lying all around.

Concubine Qiao raised her beautiful eyes and instructed Ning Chudie: "Go to the police officer and arrest these villains."

Zhang Laosan had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and shouted in spite of the pain: "You dare to arrest me! My brother-in-law is Lord Xie, Qing of Dali Temple!

Who doesn't know that the government and Dali Temple are in unison? If you dare to report to the official, then you are the end of your life! "

Concubine Qiao sneered, and said in a manly voice, "Oh? Is that so? Very good, Zhang Sui, go and invite Master Xie, and say I hit his brother-in-law, let's see how he handles it."

Zhang Sui cupped his hands, turned around and walked away quickly.

Gu Nuo'er blinked her eyelashes, and the beauty in her eyes flowed.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

Concubine Qiao Gui looked at Gu Nuoer: "Don't be afraid of Nuobao, my mother has cleaned up a few wicked people who want to rob the shop. The old third Zhang kept saying that people in this street are afraid of him.

I also need to pay filial piety money regularly. When Lord Xie arrives, I will ask him carefully, who gave Zhang Laosan the confidence to do evil. "

Gu Nuo'er put her hands on her hips and her cheeks slightly bulged: "Mother, Nuobao supports you!"

Zhang Laosan struggled to resist, Qiao Guifei gently kicked his head: "Be honest!"

Gu Nuo'er hurriedly covered her eyes with her small hands, and her big eyes peeked through her fleshy fingers.

When the mother stepped on the villain, she was really heroic and cool!

Ning Chudie arrived first with an official from a nearby yamen.

As soon as the three or four arresting officers entered the door, they saw Mr. Zhang lying on the ground.

The headed catcher quickly snorted, "Master Zhang, why did you do this?"

Then, he glared at Concubine Qiao: "Don't be unreasonable, let go of people first!"

Concubine Qiao raised her eyebrows and sneered, her eyelashes fluttering, and there was a sudden anger in her own eyes.

"He broke into our store with someone and threatened us to hand over money to him, otherwise he would smash the store. You don't arrest him, and you tell me to let him go?"

Caught Kuai immediately slandered each other: "Who can prove that he is going to rob you? Who saw it? You can slander others just by relying on the guys in the shop?

I tell you! If you don't let go, you'll be picking quarrels, provoking trouble and hurting people maliciously! Be careful, I will take you back to the yamen for a few days in prison!

Madam, who looks at the tender skin and tender meat, must not want to enter a place like the dungeon, so I advise you to be acquainted! Let go! "

Concubine Qiao narrowed her eyes and was about to speak.

There was a shout from outside—

"Okay, noble concubine, I know that you are doing some small actions behind my back, and you are very bold!"

The two teams of guards who slammed in.

Gu Yihan was handsome, dressed in uniform, and walked in with a jade-like face.

He originally sent someone to secretly stare at the imperial concubine to see where she was going.

When he learned that the imperial concubine took the little princess to the shop, Gu Yihan threw away the government affairs in his hand and rushed over in a car.

How can you tolerate the imperial concubine being close to her daughter alone?

However, when Gu Yihan saw the scene in the store, he suddenly raised his eyebrows——

"What is this for?"

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