Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 806: Little rich woman Gu Nuoer

The next day, Gu Nuoer was taken to the street by the second prince to play.

"Nuoer, just listen to my brother. What do you like today, my brother will buy it all for you!"

Gu Zitang patted his chest proudly.

Gu Nuo'er is wearing a pomegranate-colored skirt today.

The hairpin is adorned with fine-colored purple pearls.

The little guy is fair-skinned, and the spring dress is like an overflowing flower.

She said softly, "Second brother, why are you so generous on a good day?"

"Second brother, when will I not be generous?"

Gu Nuo'er covered her lips with her small hand, smiling sweetly.

"But I heard from Concubine Yi that she is in charge of your money recently, in order to teach you to be diligent and thrifty, and not let you spend money indiscriminately!"

Gu Zitang's handsome brows were full of romance: "As soon as I talk about this, I'll get angry! My mother-in-law, where did I learn to be diligent and thrifty, clearly a robber!"

He finally relied on his own business and made a profit of several thousand taels.

She was quietly told to Concubine Yi by the dark guard beside her.

Concubine Yi waved her hand and confiscated all his money.

He also said that he didn't have a family, and with so much money, it would only go bad!

Angrily, Gu Zitang replaced the dark guard beside him.

He had always liked extravagant pomp.

After the money was taken away by Concubine Yi, several "hard days" passed.

He complained to his sister: "Your second brother and I, but I haven't put on a good jade crown and jade ring for several days."

Gu Nuo'er hugged her shoulders with her hands, like a little adult.

"Second brother, you don't need to feel embarrassed when a man has tears. No'er has money. I'll support you!"

Gu Zitang was just joking with Gu Nuoer.

After all, he and his mother-in-law have been fighting wits and courage for a long time.

After so many years, can you still hide some private money?

But after hearing Gu Nuo'er say this, he smiled with great interest: "How much money does my sister have? My brother eats a lot, and he doesn't have a dozen taels every meal!"

The little guy blinked earnestly.

With sincere emotion: "Second brother, you eat a lot!"

Raising a brother is really expensive!

However, the little guy didn't dislike it at all.

She stretched out her small hand and took out her small pocket.

Gu Zitang laughed twice: "Don't you want to invite the second brother to eat candy?"

Suddenly, Gu Nuoer drew out a thick stack of silver bills with a "swoosh".

The movement is casual as if the paper was taken out!

Gu Zitang's expression froze completely.

so much money! ?

He looked carefully, each chapter was five hundred taels.

After a visual inspection, Gu Nuoer was holding about twenty sheets in his hand.

Gu Zitang hurriedly covered her little hand.

She hurriedly stuffed the banknotes back into her small pocket.

No wonder she saw her pockets so bulging when she just came out!

There was so much money!

Gu Zitang was extremely surprised: "Sister, is this all given to you by your father?"

The royal father is too partial, giving his sister so much petty use!

And he, the dignified second prince, actually wanted to earn it by himself!

Gu Nuo'er waved her little hand and said casually, "That's not it, this is the money earned by the sugar shop."

"How can you earn so much?" Gu Zitang was even more astonished.

The little guy blinked his eyes: "Is this too much? I said no, Mammy, they insisted that there was no money in the silver number, so let me take some back.

He also said, how can someone open a store and not care about making money or not, but people just don't care, I just want to eat candy! "

Alas, when the business grows, it is distressing.

Every time she passed that street, some guys recognized her and shouted hello to the little boss in unison.

It made her unable to eat candy in a low-key manner!

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