Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Chapter 813: Stand away and pretend you don't know him

He couldn't help but regret it in his heart.

You know, he hasn't touched flowers for almost a year.

These girls who rushed out, he almost forgot their names!

How did I come across it here.

He ran after Xie Yinxiang and Gu Nuoer, and the girls immediately followed.

"Don't run! Speak clearly!"

The four finally grabbed Jiang Xiaoran again, blocking them from front to back, left and right.

There are many people along the riverside.

At this moment, many people stopped to watch the fun.

Gu Nuo'er covered her face with her small hands.

Xie Yinxiang hurriedly cared: "What's wrong, Nuo'er, but what's wrong?"

Gu Nuo'er's two little fingers were separated, revealing big watery eyes.

She said in a small voice, "A lot of people are watching, it's a shame! Sister Yinxiang, let's stand away and pretend that we don't know him."

Xie Yinxiang was originally angry with Jiang Xiaoran.

Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing, and burst out laughing.

She squinted at Jiang Xiaoran: "That's right, shame!"

Jiang Xiaoran and the four girls were pulling and shoving, and he knocked down an old woman.

I saw that the old woman was trembling, her eyes seemed to be invisible, and the position of the eye sockets were deeply sunken.

She was leaning on an ordinary bamboo crutch and cautiously groping forward.

Who would have thought of being knocked down by Jiang Xiaoran and fell to the ground.

"Ouch..." she whispered in pain.

Xie Yinxiang and Gu Nuoer hurried over to help her up.

"Old man, are you all right?" The little guy blinked his black eyes and looked at the gray-haired old woman.

Xie Yinxiang seemed to be in extreme pain when she saw the old woman holding her waist.

She also saw patches on her clothes, and a basket of orchids in her hands scattered all over the floor.

I felt that this must be a poor old man from a poor family who wanted to sell some orchids to make a living on the Shangsi Festival.

Xie Yinxiang was already angry, but now she is even more unhappy.

She gritted her teeth: "Young Master Jiang, you still have no end!"

Hearing that Xie Yinxiang was angry, Jiang Xiaoran also scolded the four girls angrily.

"You guys have had enough trouble! I haven't spoken to you for more than a year, and even before, I was just a one-sided relationship with you!

Now you point at the nose and call me a bastard. I didn't cheat, and I didn't give a lot of money. It's too much for you to say that. I really don't have a temper when I'm a young master? "

The four girls wanted to fight for a victory or defeat, and the more they fought, the more vigorous they became.

Now that Jiang Xiaoran was angry, they all died down.

Unable to say why, he turned around and ran away one after another.

Jiang Xiaoran turned his head and looked at Xie Yinxiang: "Look, I'm really innocent, I've been washing my hands for almost a year!"

Xie Yinxiang didn't look at him, and only helped Gu Nuoer to support the old woman.

"Old man, where are you injured? Do you want to take you to the hospital in the city?"

"No, no." When the old woman heard that she had entered the city, she waved her hands in fright.

She couldn't see, and could only use her wrinkled hands to **** for orchids tremblingly.

However, after the fall just now, the orchids were scattered all over the place.

Some are stained with mud, and they must not be sold.

Gu Nuoer poked Jiang Xiaoran with her little hand.

Wei Lingjing came up with an idea: "Brother Huarui, look, sister Yinxiang is angry, you buy all the orchids, maybe she won't be angry!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Jiang Xiaoran hurriedly took out the money and handed it over.

"It's my fault, the old man. I didn't see you. Take this money and I'll buy all your orchids."

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