Tyrant Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8174 Sacrifice

"Golden Restoration Feet, practice!"


The peak law of the fire system climbed up again, and a golden compound foot was suspended in it, enduring the scorching flames.

Just as Jiang Tian expected, even if the Fire Law has reached its peak, it still cannot complete the sacrifice solely by relying on its power.

At this time, it is time for the Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining to appear!


Jiang Tian raised his hand and made a move, and a blue-gray crystal the size of an elm coin floated out.

It is the essence of the five elements Xinmu!

He controlled this object with the law of the top of the void and descended on the golden complex feet.

Then let go of the space restriction and bring in the ultimate fire system law.

There was no response at first, until half an hour later, the Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence suddenly exploded with an unusual "bang" sound.

The dazzling light of the five elements suddenly erupted and turned into a huge five-color light wheel, illuminating a large space in the Purple Mystic Realm!

The core area covered by the five-color light wheel is more than a hundred feet long.

In comparison, the several-foot-long golden compound feet are really nothing worth mentioning.


Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he was greatly surprised.

The five-color light wheel contains the amazing power of the five elements, which is extremely pure and surging.

The power of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water circulates in cycles, among which the metal and wood attributes are the most dominant!

However, this metal property is not the metal of killing or strong, but the power of Xin Metal, which is more feminine in temperament and soft yet strong.

At the same time, this Xinjin power is also integrated with the powerful wood element power.

It is the vivid embodiment of the word "Xinmu"!

The two are deeply integrated, supported by the light wheel of the entire five elements, and cycle endlessly.

"What a great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence!"

A strange light bloomed in Jiang Tian's eyes. He raised his hand and pressed it, guiding the power of the five elements of Xinmu to pour into the golden complex foot.

The golden complex feet were suppressed by the five-color halo. The earth power, which had been baptized by the prelude to the eternal calamity, continued to absorb the essence of the five elements of Xinmu.

It was extremely slow at first, then started to accelerate after half an hour, and the speed became faster and faster.

In almost three to five breaths, all the power of the five-color halo was absorbed into it.

Jiang Tian stared at the golden feet with great anticipation, looking forward to its surprising changes, but the next moment he frowned, feeling something was wrong!

The golden compound foot, which had absorbed an entire piece of the refined essence of the Great Five Elements Xinmu, began to tremble throughout its body, showing signs of instability.

"Not enough materials?!"

Jiang Tian reacted immediately and threw out the second piece of Great Five Elements Xinmu to refine the essence.


The ultimate law of fire erupted again, wrapping this blue-gray crystal.

In fact, this is already a bit late.

Because the catalysis of the refining of the Five Elements Xinmu takes at least half an hour.

If Jiang Tian had prepared in advance, he would have been able to continue perfectly at this time, but only now that he discovered something was wrong, he was obviously facing a break.

Fortunately, he is extremely accomplished in weapon refining and has experienced various complex and dangerous situations, so he is not panicking at the moment.

Although the Golden Rejuvenation Foot is precious, he also has more than a hundred in his hand. Even if this one is really useless, the loss will not be too heavy.

But just watching it disintegrate is obviously absolutely unacceptable.

After all, this material has already been integrated with a piece of the Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence.

Jiang Tian only had four pieces in his hand, and now there were only three pieces left.

"The ultimate law of the void, suppress it!"

"The ultimate law of earth element, rising!"

Jiang Tian formed a seal with his left hand and made several seals one after another.

Use the Supreme Law of the Void to suppress the abnormal movements of the golden complex foot, and at the same time nourish the golden complex foot with the power of the supreme law of fire.

The Golden Restoration Foot is obtained from the great earth demon of the Half-step Eternal Realm. Using earth to raise gold is currently the most realistic method.

Use the soil to nourish it, use the void to suppress it, and continue its changes as much as possible, thereby buying time for the catalysis of the refining of the Five Elements Xinmu.

But stopping there is obviously not enough to deal with the many troubles that may arise later.

Judging from the fusion of the first piece of Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence, the second piece may not be enough.

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth, threw out the third and fourth pieces, and suspended them on Huo'er's thousand-foot-long lotus body using the rules of the top of the void. He preheated and warmed them in advance so that they could be used at any time.

What happened next was slightly smoother than he imagined.

In less than half an hour, the second piece of Great Five Elements Xinmu was refined.

The five-color light wheel bloomed again, and then began to merge under Jiang Tian's urging. The golden feet were nourished by this, and the restlessness has subsided, but it is still difficult to say that it is stable.

"As expected!"

Jiang Tian then merged the third and fourth pieces of Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence without any hesitation.

After swallowing four pieces, the restlessness of the golden complex foot has been greatly improved visible to the naked eye, but its aura is still not perfect.

To put it bluntly, the amount of refining essence of the Great Five Elements Xinmu is too small to complete the refining of an entire golden complex foot.

Jiang Tian activated his spiritual thoughts and "phantom eyes" at the same time, carefully scanned the golden complex foot, and at the same time injected blood and spiritual power, feeling the various changes in the energy inside it.

Finally, we came to a relatively reliable judgment - the integration of the four pieces of large Five Elements Xinmu refining essence has only completed a small part of the transformation. If you want to completely refine it successfully, you still need five to six pieces of material support!

In other words, to completely refine a golden complex foot, ten pieces of the Five Elements Xinmu are needed to refine it!

This is without any accidents. If the losses and fluctuations during the sacrificial refining process are taken into account, the dosage will be increased.

If you want to successfully refine all the more than a hundred golden complex feet, you will need at least a thousand pieces of the Great Five Elements Xinmu to refine them!

Where can I find such a huge amount of materials?

Can there be so many reserves in the stronghold of Qingguang Realm Tianshu City?

Jiang Tian couldn't help but shake his head without even thinking about it.

Although Tianshu City is an important stronghold of the Alliance of Light, due to the scarcity and control of the Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining, it may not be able to reserve so many materials.

Otherwise, the transaction of five pieces of materials would not involve risking life and death.

Even if hundreds or thousands of pieces of materials are indeed seized, they cannot be stored in this stronghold for a long time. They will definitely be reported and transferred and sealed in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, obtaining enough materials from this stronghold probably only exists in imagination.

Jiang Tian doesn't have high hopes for this.

But now that I’m here, I have to give it a try. What if I’m lucky enough?


The decision was made, Jiang Tian no longer wasted time.

With a wave of his hand, he decisively ended the sacrifice and left the Zixuan Realm.

As for the tail tentacles of the Great Demon of Disaster, he didn't have time to wait until all the sacrifices were successful.

All the changes caused by the secret transactions in Qingyuan Realm must have been noticed by the senior officials of this stronghold.

Next, there is bound to be some thunderous tracking and exploration.

Although he did the opposite and took the initiative to come to Tianshu City without retreating but advancing, there was not much time left for him to act. Must act as soon as possible!

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