Tyrant Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0590 Purple Star Spirit Vein

Chapter 0590 Purple Star Spirit Vein

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Jiang!" Chen Yu looked deeply at Jiang Tian, ​​his face full of surprise.

"Senior Brother Chen, you are being polite!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, his expression was calm, and he didn't say much.

The two chatted for a few words, and then turned their eyes to the opposite ring.

Although the first place in the martial arts competition has already been claimed, there are still a few competitions left, and the second and third places need to be determined.

However, after the previous thrilling scene, the next competition will inevitably become dull, and everyone is a little absent-minded. Fortunately, the competition is going on very quickly, and the few fights will be over soon.

The second place fell into the hands of Sikong Mengxue, and the third place was taken away by Dong Yan!

However, their rewards were not as good as Jiang Tian's. The former got fifty Lingyue Pills, while the latter only got thirty.

The martial arts lecture was completely over, and Jiang Tian's reputation was spread from one to another in the academy at an astonishing speed.

Many old students who were admitted to the hospital earlier expressed their disbelief, so that they were all eager to try and compete with him.

Many masters on the disciple ranking list were dissatisfied. They couldn't believe that a junior at the peak of the Opening Heaven Realm could easily crush the masters at the Moon Grasping Realm, and even compete with the strong ones at the Chongyang Realm!

Some impatient people came to Jiang Tian's residence in a hurry under the instigation of their colleagues, ready to challenge him.

But what they were facing was a tightly closed door and a yard where no one responded.


On the day when the martial arts lecture ended, Jiang Tian came to the place where the Purple Star Spirit Vessel was located.

This spiritual vein is located deep in the Purple Star Academy, surrounded by a magnificent hall, and the environment is very quiet.

"You are Jiang Tian?"

After checking the identity token, the eyes of the elder guarding the hall flickered slightly, and he looked at Jiang Tian intently.

"It's the disciple!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, looking at the other party intently.

This is a white-haired elder, he looks very old, he doesn't look like a martial artist, but rather an old man.

But his body exudes a faint aura as deep as an abyss, which makes people dare not underestimate it!

The elder looked Jiang Tian up and down, nodded slowly and said: "This is the first time in the history of the academy that a disciple of the Open Heaven Realm has entered the Purple Star Spirit Vein. I hope you can take good care of it!"

"Really?" Jiang Tian smiled lightly and didn't care too much.

"The Purple Star Spirit Vein has been accumulated for a long time, and it contains extremely rich spiritual power of heaven and earth. Generally speaking, only warriors who have cultivated to reach the moon can fully enjoy the benefits. Your cultivation is slightly inferior, but here Retreating can also get considerable benefits, go, don't waste the time of retreating!"

"Thank you, elder!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, and walked into the palace door that was opened rumblingly.

As soon as he entered the hall, a gust of pure aura rushed towards his face, making the corners of his eyes shrink and he was very surprised!

"What a strong aura!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed between his brows!

The aura here is several times stronger than that in the depths of the Xuanyun Mountains, so it cannot be underestimated.

You know, this is just the spiritual energy floating in the air. The real essence of spiritual power has long been condensed into a pure spiritual liquid, and after years of accumulation, it has gathered into a deep spiritual spring.

That's where the real essence of the Purple Star Spirit Vein lies!

Jiang Tian strode forward while breathing the pure aura.

As he walked forward, the aura in the air became thicker and thicker. Not far ahead, there was a secluded pool paved with strange stones in the center of the hall. The liquid gathers!

The white mist on the surface of the pool is misty, like a paradise, and the pure and rich aura is beyond imagination!

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes were flickering, and he was very excited.

"very good!"

He nodded heavily, quickly took off his outer robe, and jumped directly into the spiritual spring!


A low hiss sounded suddenly, but strands of spiritual fluid penetrated into the body through the pores of the whole body, making Jiang Tian feel itchy all over his body and feeling extremely comfortable.

"The spiritual power of the Purple Star's veins is more than ten times stronger than that in the deepest part of Xuanyun Mountain. It is indeed a rare resort for retreat!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he was very excited.

Practicing in such an environment is even more effective than taking spiritual pills, so it's no wonder he is so excited.

However, although the spirit veins are good, they also have certain limitations. As long as enough essence of heaven and earth is absorbed within a certain period of time, the bloodline spiritual power in the warrior's body will reach a certain relative balance with the spirit spring.

At that time, the spiritual veins will lose their effectiveness relatively, and although there are some benefits to continuing to practice, the effect has been greatly reduced.

Of course, there is a certain deadline for the rewards of the martial arts lecture, and Jiang Tian doesn't have that much time to spend here all the time.

After a moment of contemplation, he quickly threw away distracting thoughts, opened up his whole body, and absorbed the spiritual power in the Purple Star's veins with all his strength.


I don't know how long it took, there was a muffled muffled sound in the purple star's spiritual veins, and the spiritual liquid in a radius of several tens of feet was like drowning in a boiling pot, tumbling endlessly.

A large amount of essence and spiritual power continuously seeped into Jiang Tian's body, fused into his blood and muscles, nourished his physical body, and strengthened his spiritual power.

Jiang Tian's cultivation realm is also steadily moving towards the top of the peak of the Open Heaven Realm!

"Master, this place is good, very suitable for cultivation!"

After feeling the sudden increase in the spiritual power of heaven and earth in Jiang Tian's body, Zi Xuanjie also began to absorb it aggressively, and the excited voice of the world spirit came out.

"Of course it is a good place. This is the only spiritual vein in Purple Star Academy. It is said that the strength of the spiritual power here is only slightly inferior to the spiritual veins occupied by the royal family. Not bad!"

Jiang Tian closed his eyes slightly, shook his head and smiled, talking with the world spirit while continuing to practice.

"Master, you must seize this opportunity well. If you can practice here for about half a year, your cultivation is expected to reach the level of Chongyang Realm, and the spiritual power of the Purple Profound Realm will also increase greatly!"

World Spirit was very excited, and there was a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Jiang Tian was speechless for a while after hearing the words: "Half a year? Hehe, you think so beautifully!"

"Why, such a good place, doesn't the master want to stay for a while?"

"Hehe, I would like to stay longer, but this retreat only lasts ten days!"

"What? Only ten days!" Jie Ling sighed, feeling very disappointed.

Jiang Tian frowned and said: "According to the current absorption rate, the efficacy will probably drop after ten days, and it may be meaningless to stay longer."

"That's really a pity!" Jie Ling sighed leisurely, very disappointed.

"What is there to regret, as long as within these ten days, with the help of the Purple Star Spirit Vein, I can raise my cultivation level to the moon-grabbing level, that's enough!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, with a hint of determination in his voice.

"Well, the master is right. With your current cultivation base, it is already very good to be able to reach the Moon Grasping Realm."

"Are you making fun of me?" Jiang Tian frowned.

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