Listening to the sound of the system, Xu Hao asked in his heart: “System, tell me about the detailed use method.” ”

【Instructions for using the simulator have been issued.】 】

The voice of the system fell, and Xu Hao received a huge stream of information.

A moment later….

He probably figured out how to use it.

In simple terms, the simulator can rewrite the cycle of your own life!

The history of writing has changed,

The situation that is now unfavorable to him will naturally change accordingly.

However, there are also restrictions on use.

Sims can’t mess around, you have to have a real basis.

In simple terms…

Seven points of truth, three points of private goods.

In other words, he can rewrite his life with fragments of broken memories.


Writing is not scribbling.

For example, Xu Hao could not have compiled the plot of a hundred thousand army entering the imperial capital Qinwang…

These 100,000 troops….

It has to be justified.

And it must not conflict with the history of this world.

If scrambled

It is impossible to affect reality.

Therefore, it is best to carry private goods in the real.

“Then, we must first change the view of the tyrant in everyone’s heart…” Xu Hao had an idea in his heart.

[Do you use emulator reincarnation?] 】

The sound of the system sounded again.


Xu Hao hardly hesitated.

If he doesn’t use it again, he is afraid that he will have no chance.

The words fell, and I saw a faint light on Xu Hao’s body.

“Everyone look quickly, Di Hao has an abnormality.”

As the simulator reincarnation turned on, everyone noticed Xu Hao’s abnormality at the same time.

“Di Hao, are you still not dead at this moment?”

Martial King Ji Yun strode forward and let out a sneer.

The king in front of him, dressed in golden armor, a handsome face…

As if he were the chosen son.

Even if he was a famous Martial King, he couldn’t help but feel a trace of jealousy at this moment.

Power, status, wealth, beauty…

Di Hao has owned them all.


It doesn’t matter anymore.

When he defeats Di Hao, he will have it.

What made King Wu even more jealous was the Ziwei True Qi on Di Hao’s body, and the sword of the human emperor.

Ziwei True Qi……..

Even the gods couldn’t hurt them in the slightest.

That’s where Kyushu’s luck gathers.

As for the Human Emperor Sword, it is the world’s first divine weapon, and it can destroy the city and the earth with a light wave!

Only to have these….

Only then can he become the co-master of the world.

“Don’t worry, he can’t escape.”

In a few moments, a beautiful woman wearing a lotus robe stepped forward.

She is one of the nine heroines.

The national master of the empire, Luo Yuyi, the Phoenix Witch.

Since ancient times, the Phoenix Witch family has always taken serving the human emperor as its mission.

I only heard the Phoenix Witch say softly: “Hetu and Luoshu are ancient artifacts, rumored to have fallen from the heavenly realm to the world, and are the source of the power of the human emperor to unify Kyushu. ”

“Now that even Hetu and Luo Shu have betrayed him, he can’t have another chance.”

The national teacher seemed to be disgusted with the man in front of him.

Not even “king”.

Only “he” is demonstrated.

“I also have to thank Sister Yuyi…..,” Wuwang Ji Yun said with a smile: “These two artifacts, in addition to the human emperor, I am afraid that only Sister Yuyi can drive them.” ”

“We can’t succeed without you.”

Facing King Wu’s compliment, the Phoenix Witch just smiled faintly.

After a few moments, I saw Hetu and Luoshu burst out with brilliant light, more dazzling than the sun and moon.

For a moment….

This light enveloped everyone.

When everyone came back to their senses, they found that the king in front of them had disappeared.

“What’s the situation?”

“The Human Emperor disappeared?”

For a time, everyone was in chaos, sincerely terrified.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Di Hao is the oldest and most powerful hero, from ancient times to the present human emperor.

A golden sword flicked lightly….

Annexed princes.

became the first emperor.

If he is allowed to escape, I don’t know how many princes will be destroyed.

In the crowd.

The young King Wu also panicked.

He had never imagined such a situation.

The military master behind the scenes told him that as long as he controlled Di Hao with the River Tuluo Book, he could win the final victory…

And he will become the Son of Heaven!

Although he is not a human emperor, he can change from a prince to a son of heaven.

King Wu was already satisfied.

But now…

The abnormality that overwhelmed him happened.

“Sister Haji? What is this situation? ”

King Wu was stunned and turned his head to look at the absolutely beautiful national master.

He continued to ask: “Senior Sister Guo, can you drive Hetu and Luoshu, is this your means?” ”

After a few moments, I saw the phoenix witch shaking her head gently.

She frowned.

It seems that I did not expect such a change.

“Don’t worry, the death of the human emperor has arrived…”

Not long after, a tall, blonde and beautiful woman said in a deep voice.

She is the female marshal of the empire!

The elite iron horse who controls the empire.

It was with her help that King Wu could easily enter the imperial city.

She is the beauty of heaven.

is also one of the heroines.

Imperial Marshal Tia continued: “This is one of the functions of Hetu and Luoshu, as long as it is sealed, it will be sucked into it, and the past life will be reproduced. ”

“It was by relying on these two artifacts that the Human Emperor obtained the secrets of many princes, thus annexing the world.”

“As long as the memory ends, people will die, a function that even national teachers do not know.”


King Wu and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“In that case, then we can take a good look at Di Hao’s sinful life.” King Wu came interested.

This Di Hao is more tyrannical….

It means that the more orthodox he is.

“Indulge in wine, poor soldiers, what is there to see?”

After a few moments, a voice came.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was the concubine of the rain country’s lord, Yu.

She is also one of the heroines.

She was even one of the queen concubines of the human emperor.

It’s just that not long after the marriage, there is no real name.

She recognized Di Hao’s true face in advance, and only then assisted King Wu in overthrowing Xuanhao.

In the process of King Wu’s fortune, she played a crucial step.

When King Wu was still weak…

She lent King Wu 10,000 elite iron horses!

It was precisely because of this ten thousand iron horses that King Wu was able to make a fortune.

“When I was a child, I was blind, so I agreed to marry him as a concubine.” Senior Concubine Yu snorted coldly.

“Actually, Xuanhao wasn’t like this before…”

“I don’t know what happened, which made his temperament change greatly, and his later reign became brutal.” The female marshal of the empire said softly.

She had read the history books.

Witness the history of the human emperor.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the one who knows the human emperor the most among everyone.

Precisely because of understanding,

She used to be the little fan sister of the human emperor.

This lord was once on par with the great gods.


No god can match him.

He is a king with great personality.

It’s just a pity……..

That’s just history after all.

After all, it is just a means used by Xuanhao to beautify himself, not the real him.


Today, Hetu and Luo Shu will let her see the real human emperor!

“The human emperor is not worthy of pity.”

“His sins are exhausted…”

Seeing that something was wrong, King Wu immediately spoke up to stop everyone from continuing the discussion.

If Hyun-ho is orthodox….

Then didn’t King Wu become a chaotic thief?

It’s not what he wants to see.

King Wu continued: “Even if Di Hao once worked hard to govern, it was only the beginning, once he became the supreme ruler of Kyushu, he began to appoint traitors, rebuke sages, indulge in wine, and use martial arts…

“Di Hao is like this, no wonder the people are resentful and the princes betray.”

Under King Wu’s colorful description, the Renhuang has become a brutal tyrant.

So, everyone looked ahead.

“You see, there is indeed an image, that is the past of the human emperor?”

After a few moments, everyone’s eyes lit up.

Is the oldest hero, the Emperor of Man who ruled Kyushu for endless years, finally revealing his mysterious face to the world?

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