Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 10 - The root ninja hidden in the dark

What a tricky kid.

Before he continued to chase two more steps forward, the leader of Zhongnin Kazuma Uemura noticed that his body sank sharply.

Look down.

The shadow clone of this little ghost held his thigh tightly.

The players behind him had already passed him, chasing him.

He was still playing tricks with the shadow avatar, and you played five or six rounds.

This exploded a shadow clone.

I went to the village for fifteen years.

Met for the first time!

Such a cheap ninja used by the shadow clone...

The wind that was thrown into the forest rolled twice on the ground to release its strength.

Standing up, looking for the direction, ran to the west of the forest.

During the run, I rubbed my arm. I was kicked just now and it hurt.

After looking at the right side of his eyes for a while, he withdrew his gaze again.

Suddenly there was a memory in his mind, and the shadow clone was also broken...

The hands are sealed, and then a shadow clone is separated.

After giving some orders in his mind, the shadow clone nodded.

Turned and disappeared in the jungle next to him.

Chakra, not much...

Naruto's happiness was not experienced, but Kakashi's helplessness was experienced.

Feng Xi ran cautiously, leaving no traces for the opponent to follow to the greatest extent.

When encountering a fork in the road, he made a few fake traces on his backhand.

Almost five minutes passed...Feng Xi's footsteps gradually slowed down, and he casually supported a big tree beside him.

Leaning on it, he sat down slowly.

It seems to be successfully thrown away.

He opened his mouth and gasped violently, apparently reaching the limit.

But it's safe now.


With a strong piercing sound in the third hand, the sword sank into Uchiha's arms and lower abdomen.

Three masked figures attacked from three directions at the same time.


The sound of the blade entering the wood came out.

The three people who had stopped in front of the tree looked at each other as they watched a puff of smoke rising in front of them.

"The technique of avatar."

The owl muttered to himself.

As the captain of the third team of the fourth group of roots, Owl didn't understand why Danzo-sama was so concerned about this kid.

However, this does not affect his firm mission.

The root ninja exists to fulfill Danzo-sama's orders.

As the Danzo-sama's request was not completed before, the prankster Ninja student was found.

So he has been squatting in the school recently, scouting the so-called talented students one by one.

Just after watching an imp's physical skill exercise in the playground, some team members sent out a signal.

Konoha's largest public toilet was blown up with a detonation talisman, and the kid who was pranking last time appeared again.

The owl hurried to the scene of the incident with the team members.

Under the falling curtain of Xiangli, he saw the shuriken skills of the little demon that were not inferior to the Uchiha clan, as well as good tactical ideas and a smart way of getting out of the room.

This is a genius who is not inferior to Kakashi!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Although there are some strange quirks.

At this moment, he realized.

It turns out that Lord Danzang's vision is so far-reaching...

A genius like this should be brought back to the roots.

Same as A.

Receive root cultivation and provide nutrients for Konoha in the future.

As soon as the wind entered the woods, he immediately followed with the team members.

Seeing the little ghost who was so careful and cautious to score the shadow clone to lure the enemy when escaping, and kept making false trails to mislead the enemy, his inner evaluation was even higher.

From a different place, even if you are yourself, you can only do this step.

The owl and the team watched the little ghost wearing a strange mask turned and leaned against the tree, and they slowly walked around from behind the tree to the front of the tree.

The three fans surrounded him.

Patiently, he waited until the teenager began to gasp in relief.

This is the moment!

A gesture was made to the other two players.

Throwing out the shuriken with a wave.

The three followed the sword in their hands and rushed out.

It's like three wild dogs running away.

Seeing that the sword in his hand is about to hit, he will be able to capture this little devil without knowing it.

Keep others from knowing.

Master Danzo will definitely praise me at that time.

Thinking of this, the mouth pursed under the owl's mask showed a slight smile.


Pleasant sounds are introduced into the ears.wrong!

This sound shouldn't be like this.

The owl with a wealth of murder experience reacted immediately and stopped.

The little ghost wearing a strange mask in front of him turned into a string of smoke.

The art of avatar.

The technique you used when leaning against the tree just now?

It seems to have been discovered long ago...

Chakra who replied on the way to escape.

People are gone, is it the art of earth escape?

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect it.

I thought he was on the second floor, and I was on the third floor. I didn't expect him to be on the fifth floor.

The owl took a breath.

This son is terrifying.

Can not be used for the roots, never leave it!

No, this ground...

A pair of small feet of 28 yards broke through the ground and thrust on the owl's face with great strength.

What kind of soil escape technique, it turns out to be a pit that has been dug long ago!

The fox mask on the owl's face was directly kicked in half, revealing a forehead with a few scars and a fiercely triangular eye.

Feng Xi turned back two somersaults with the force of his feet recoil, and stood firmly on the ground.

Holding Kunai in his left hand, stand with both feet apart, squat slightly, with the back of his right hand behind.

His eyes were fixed on the three rooted ninjas who were approaching him step by step on the opposite side.

These three people put him under far greater pressure than the previous five.

Is this the root?Looks like it's going to overturn...

The right hand behind his back suddenly threw out.

This is the greatest degree he can master, four Kuwu shooting at the three at the same time.

The owl pulled out the short knife behind his back and waved to fly the two kunai in front of him.

For this kid's suffering, don't hide if you can fly. This is the experience he learned from the battle just now.

The other two root players each lost a shuriken and knocked away the Kuunai in front of them.

This is the moment!

Feng Xi pulled his hands back, his fingers moved slightly, and the direction of Kuwu connected by four transparent chakra lines suddenly changed.

He circled the three people twice in the air, seeing that they were about to be tied up.

The short knife in the hand of the owl burst out with a light blue chakra light, directly cutting the chakra lines around the body.

"You are a member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha's style!"

At the same time a noisy voice came.

"Don't run away, brat, let this uncle beat you up..."

Another Uchiha Kazeki from the north came here with the five Nakanin squad who had captured him before.

I saw the masked imp and three other masked people who were facing each other in front of him.

The five people who had originally cursed stopped.

Then I looked at the little ghost wearing a mask in front of me...

Kazuma Uemura felt that things were a little bit difficult.

Just when the three sides looked at each other.


The shadow clone standing in front of the Zhongnin team of five disappeared.

Turned into a cloud of smoke...

Uemura Kazuma realized that the team he led had been chasing after a shadow clone.

This little ghost's shadow clone is really a bit cheap.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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