Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 20 - Steady Ninja Uchiha Wind Breath

Taking advantage of this gap, the shadow clone of Fengxi took Kuwu and pierced Amano Ryu's chest.


A tree stump was left in place, and Amano Ruri narrowly avoided the thorn just now, turning his head to look at where he was just now.


The two teammates who ran to their original position to rescue suddenly had a large amount of blood spurting from the neck. The body running forward took a few steps with inertia, and the legs fell to the ground as soon as they fell, and they rolled forward. Two laps.

Seeing his teammates use their muddy hands to cover their necks, making a "hehehe" sound in his mouth, he knows that this is obviously impossible.

And the other one had already fought personally with the little devil who had used Fire Dunn before, but he was obviously a little frightened.

Without the energy to care about him, grabbing his short knife, another little demon who used Fire Dunn appeared in his sight, rushing towards him.

If you continue like this, you have to find out where the invisible enemy is.

Water Escape·The Art of Water Body.

The water body quickly formed, blocking the little demon in front of him.

The hands are immediately sealed, the technique of water escape and mist hiding.

The chakras all over his body gush out like money, the water on the ground is less visible, and the white mist that is visible to the naked eye quickly diffuses in this area.

I saw it!

Ryu Amano shouted to his teammate: "Behind you, there is a figure!"

Another misty ninja had a glimpse, and a vague figure in the mist had already approached behind him, seeming to be swinging a knife.

The hair was so scared that he stood upright, his body immediately slanted to the left, and he used his body to fight the fire escape kid's kunai to buy time.The moment the blurred figure hit his neck, the substitution technique was activated!

Du, Kuwu drew on the stump, and the moonlight and gusty figure appeared, with a look of annoyance, just so close!

"Junk blood!"

Fengxi's shadow clone mocked, and ran towards the misty ninja who was fighting against his own body.

Moonlight Hayate was so angry that she could not wait to throw the kunai in her hand into the mouth of this shadow clone.

How could this person's shadow clone be so cheap!

Holding the Kuwu in his hand tightly, Moonlight Gale activated the shield-through bloodstain boundary again, and ran towards the Wunin who had just used the substitute technique.

Although the approximate shape can be seen in the fog, the biggest stealth effect of the transparent shield is gone, which is better than seeing all of them.

Pooh! You, Uchiha who doesn't have a fan.

"Xiyan, this person is reserved for..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Uzuki Yuyan, who had been in hand-to-hand combat with the wounded ninja, seized the gap with both hands to make a seal.

Illusion: The art of Naruto.

The mistake was so neat that Kuwu was inserted into the enemy's heart.

Well, Feng Breath explained before that, you must do a good job of making up the knife.

Yuyue Xiyan thought of what Feng Breath had said to herself before, and very cleverly took Kuwu and stroked it on his neck.

Turning his head, Uzuki Xiyan blinked her pretty eyes and said to Moonlight Hayate, "Ah? What did you say?"

Moonlight Wind: "..."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)After Uchiha's avatar arrived, the pressure of one-to-two was much less.

The skills that he had tortured in the hands of Kushina in the previous year were far better than this misty ninja.

Amano Ritsu became more and more suffocated as he fought. It was obvious that the little demon on the opposite side had less power than him, and it turned out to be slippery like a loach.

Obviously his short knife is longer than his Kuwuwu, but he can't pull the distance at all, but feels tied.

Seeing the other two little ghosts approaching from the side, he knew that this time he was doomed to escape.

His left hand took out a detonating talisman from the ninja bag behind him and squeezed it in his hand, ignoring the kunai that pierced his heart, and hugged the little devil.

The detonating talisman on his left hand had been attached to his back, and even though the heart had been pierced, Ryu Amano still sneered.

In the end, isn't it going to die with me?

One of the captain and the deputy captain is Shinobu, and the other is Super Shinobu. After finishing the perversion of the green tights, they will definitely kill the remaining two little ghosts.

We do not lose!


After the loud explosion, Amano Ryu, whose chest cavity had been exploded, lay on the ground.

He stared at the shadow clone that he had turned into a pool of water, and the little ghost standing by and watching him.

It turned out that I had a fight with a shadow clone for a long time...

Uchiha Wind Breath, who was brushing his experience at the water body, was stunned as he watched the half-exploded enemy.

Isn't it because I played back and forth, brother, can't you let me learn more experience?

Why are you so irritable...Facing the enemy who had exploded into two pieces, he lost his thoughts.

It's fried like this, there should be no need to make up the knife, right?

Uchiha Kazeki looked at the Kunai he was holding, and flung his wrist away.

In the next second, kunai appeared on the throat of Ryu Amano's half of his body.

Be steady, after all, the Ninja World is too dangerous.

Looking at Uzuki Yuyan and Moonlight Hayate who had already walked over, Uchiha Fengxi smiled at them.

"Hashifeng, you will be invisible first, and then use a transformation technique when I use a shadow clone."

"These people are dead, why are you wasting this time?",

"Hyfeng, if it weren't for the wind in the cave before, we wouldn't have won so easily. I think it's right to listen to him."

"That is, you see how smart Xiyan is, your brain is about the size of a walnut."


Ignoring the moonlight blast, Fengxi's hands were imprinted again, and another shadow clone was created with the few Chakras left in the body, and transformed into a moonlight blast with a transformation technique.

Feeling okay, Feng Xi nodded, "Let's go, help Teacher Dai."

The group of three ran towards the previous cave.

Unlike the shocking chakra fluctuations that were obviously felt before, there is no trace of chakra fluctuations in the direction of the cave.

"Moonlight Storm" was sneaking in the grass and stretched out his head, looked left and right, no one was fighting.

He crawled forward for another distance, and didn't care how much mud was hanging on his body.This time, he saw three figures lying down in a pond.

One green and two ash.

Without running up immediately, "Moonlight Hayate" took out two kunai from the ninja bag.

Whoo~ whoo~

Accompanied by the sound of breaking the wind, Kuwuwu did nothing to insert neatly into the necks of the two gray figures.

After waiting for a while, he saw no movement, and "Moonlight Storm" held Kuwu to face him.

Bang~ a bunch of smoke left in place.

A few seconds later, Uchiha Fengji brought Uzuki Yuyan to here.

Leave three trails of footprints along the way.

Without worrying about the other two mists, Feng Xi put his hand under Matt's nose and sniffed.


After taking a closer look at his body, there were a few bruises, but there weren't any big wounds.

Reached out towards Maoyue Xiyan, "Bingliang pills."

Uzue Xiyan quickly pulled out a liangliang pill from the ninja bag and placed it on the palm of Fengxi's palm.

Feng Xi took it and fed it to Matt Dai's mouth.

Without medical ninjas, this can only be done for the time being.

"Shifeng, you and Xiyan carried Teacher Dai to a clean place. We must leave as soon as possible. It is not safe anymore."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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