Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 272 - Take home

Uchiha Fengji followed the guidance of the little girl in his arms through the corridors of the palace. He hadn't been so fast because he had to take care of the feelings of the girl in his arms. The average girl would definitely not recognize the way too fast.

What Uchiha did not expect was that this little girl would be so familiar with this huge palace. She can accurately point out where to go at the next intersection as her speed is faster and faster.

With the passage of time, Uchiha also discovered many things wrong with this little girl.

She has a silky dress that feels very good, not to mention that she is too familiar with this place, and more importantly, she is not afraid of herself as a stranger at all.

Thinking of this, the speed at Uchiha's feet was a little faster, and now he was about to reach his fastest speed.

However, at such a fast speed, the little girl still accurately said where to go at the next fork in the road.

The eyesight of ordinary people is definitely not so good. It seems that the little guy picked up by the roadside seems to be not ordinary people...

While running fast, Uchiha Fengxi secretly increased his vigilance in his heart, and let the hot strip in his arms maximize his perception, ready to deal with emergencies at all times.

There is only one fate, and Uchiha will not back down when it is time to fight, just like leaving Konoha and following Oshemaru three years ago.

But when he should cherish his life, he cherishes his life more than anyone else. If he doesn't stick to the end, how can he achieve his ultimate goal?

The wind of Uchiha running at full speed was extremely fast, they almost crossed half of the palace of the shrine maiden, and ran from the back to the far west.

Stopping in front of an inconspicuous palace, Uchiha looked down at the little girl he had placed on the ground and said with certainty: "This is it?"

"It's here. There is a very strange mural inside. The adults never let me come here. I think what you think of, big brother must be here."

Shion said in a cute voice deliberately.

"Really?" Looking at the erratic eyes of the little girl next to her and her toes that kept touching the ground, Uchiha Fengxi had an answer in his heart.

"Really don't believe it, go and watch it yourself!" Shion seemed to be very angry, she slammed her hand open the door, and pointed angrily in the dark palace.

The darkness in the palace is for ordinary people. Uchiha, who hasn't closed the eyes of Sangouyu, just glanced into the open door, and he dispelled the idea that he didn't want to enter.

Just the inside of the jade floor where no cutting marks can be seen, and it is completely impossible to be a natural creation. Uchiha's wind is sure that it is not simple inside.

I want to know what kind of thirst for knowledge in this palace pushes him behind him, wanting him to go in and take a look. The little girl at the gate of the temple gave him a smirk and made him sincerely not wanting to take the risk.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Not far behind, the sky was gloomy, and the purple plume of smoke that passed through the sky became thinner and thinner. Now it was only the size of a bowl, and time was waiting for no one.

It only took less than a second for Uchiha's wind to think about it. He Yuiyin summoned two shadow clones, one of which ran into the palace first, and another shadow clone ran to the door and bent over and picked up the little girl.

After the shadow clone entered, Uchiha's windy face showed a relieved smile, and he chuckled and walked to the shadow clone holding the little girl and walked side by side into this unremarkable palace.


The square in front of the palace was already in a mess at this time, with large and small pieces of rubble all over the square, the wailing of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Ghosts had gradually ceased, and the people who could have screamed were now silent.

There are about a hundred people in the center of the square. The leader is the scarlet-robed Oni Nation Finance Minister Saeki Takuma. He is shouting at the Oni Nation soldiers in front of him: "Now the wind is too big for the Lord Daimyo, we can't get through. , As long as we stop, we will immediately rush in to hear if you can! We must protect the Lord Lord as soon as possible!"

"Protect Da Ming the first time!"

A group of soldiers followed Saeki Takuma and shouted again, as if they were showing their loyalty and cheering themselves up.

Those who can still stay here are the confidants and confidants of Da Ming in the Kingdom of Ghosts, and even more so because the life of a family of young and old is held in the hands of Da Ming.

Now let the daimyo escape for his life, he failed to return alive, not to mention that they were buried with them, even the family members had to die with them.

The purple smoke in the sky became thinner and thinner, and the strong wind on the ground also became smaller. Saeki Takuma tremblingly approached with a long knife in his hand, and the soldiers moved forward step by step under his leadership.

The ghost country daimyo knelt on the ground, his body exuding a cold and unknown aura, his skin color has also changed from a healthy wheat color to a pale without a little blood, and the small blood vessels under the hidden skin have become at this time. It became purple and black, and it appeared very clearly one by one.

The purple plume of smoke on top of Daming's head is getting smaller. It has now changed from the size of a bowl to the size of a finger. The height of the sky before it is only as high as the palace.

The color of the plume of smoke that was about to solidify gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time that the plume of smoke disappeared, the wind pressure around Daimyo, the country of ghosts, finally disappeared.

Saeki Takuma ran forward and grabbed the daimyo's arm, but the hand that had just touched him retracted like an electric shock.

At the moment of contact, a biting icy sensation was transmitted from his arm back to his brain, and Saeki Takuma conditioned his hand back.

Now he watched with lingering fears at the ghost country daimyo who was lying on the ground unconsciously. He retracted his hand into his sleeve and wrapped his hand tightly with the sleeve. At the same time, he shouted at the soldier next to him: "I'm not happy yet. Let me help Master Da Ming up!"

Saeki Takuma forced himself not to think about the touch just now. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and bent down to take the lead in grabbing an arm of the daimyo, and together with the other soldiers, he helped him up.

"Oh, yes, yes, right, take care of it, and make your movements lighter. If anyone hurts your daimyo, I will definitely not make him feel better!"

First, he frightened the soldiers around him, and Saeki Takuma turned his head and called a few more soldiers.

"You guys go find a stretcher, and you should go to the doctor now, within ten minutes..."


The screams behind him interrupted Saeki Takuma's words. In his eyes, the eyes of the soldiers in front of him became bigger and bigger. Through their pupils, Saeki Takuma saw that the daimyo behind him had a mysterious pale Purple rays.

Saeki Takuma saw the expressions on the faces of the soldiers in front of him change from plain to consternation and finally to fear. All three of them exclaimed and turned and ran towards the distance.


At this moment, Zuobo Tuozhen had only one word running in his mind. It was not as important as anything to be added to the ranks, or to the kings, ministers, and fathers and sons.

Saeki Takuma, who was obese, ran, and his whole body was trembling. The trembling fat was like a long-legged purple clay pot wrapped in a large red robe.

Saeki Takuma, who was running, only felt cold in his chest, and when he lowered his head, he realized that a purple beam of light had penetrated his heart.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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