Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 30 - Change of mindset

Three generations of Hokage stood by the window sill of the office, looking through the glass at the back of the three of them, their thoughts gradually drifting away.

Let you see your parents before they die. This is the greatest kindness to you. To blame, you are all from the Uchiha clan.

Without the bondage of family, with the kindness of Mizumon and Kushina to you, you will surely become the help of the new Hokage, Uchiha's style.

In the sight of the three generations of Naruto, Uchiha, Kakashi Hagi and Lin Nohara gradually disappeared into the sunset.

He turned around and picked up the Hokage hat on the table, put it on his head, and walked out of the Hokage office.

"I'll go to the roots and go to Elder Tuanzang to find me if I have something to do."


Under the clear moonlight.

Uchiha Kazeki held Kunai in one hand, and walked in the woods with a circle of fine wires in the other.

Looking up at a tree in the forest, with a wave of his hand, a kunai drove the steel wire into the wood three-pointer, tightly embedded in the branch.

He took another step forward and continued to shoot the kunai connected to the steel wire.

There is a weird angle between the steel wire tied to the kunavu and the steel wire of the kuruma.

Feng Xi turned his head and squinted his eyes and stared carefully. The seven or eight hidden ends of Kuwu have been connected to the steel wire that exudes a chill, and the art of harvesting life is laid between the trees in a dense and dense manner.Nodded slightly satisfied.

The traps for temporary defense at night are finished.

If the enemy passes by at a fast speed, it will be very exciting.

After walking a few steps forward, Feng Xi flexibly climbed to the tree, chose a branch and lay down.

He looked at Kakashi on another tree in a blink of an eye. He was reading a book with his head resting on his arm now.

This book is not the intimacy paradise that Feng Xi thinks, only six characters "Encyclopedia of Earth Ninjutsu" written on the cover.

Unexpectedly, the thirteen-year-old Kakashi is a teenager who loves school, which is quite different from the dead fish-eye who read the little man book more than ten years later.

The change from aspiring teenager to 50-50?

Is it because of Jiraiya's work?

It seems that an author’s work has a great influence on readers.

Trying to find a way to copy the novel and recommend it to Kakashi. It is a pity that the talent is so good in the later stage.

Since there is no vindictiveness in this world, let's call it "Pull the Sphere".

I looked up at the huge moon in the sky, trying to find out what was different from the earth, but didn't find it.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)This is the sixth year he came into this world, and now he is participating in the third Ninja War.

As a pseudo-Naruto fan who leaped and watched Naruto, he knows the fate of most people in front of him, so he always has the idea that I am just manipulating a character and playing a highly simulated Naruto experience game.

Moonlight Hayate's pretending to be dead made him realize that this is not a game.

If you die, you are really dead, and no one is spared.

And Jiu Xin Na, who treated him best except for his family, has firmly occupied a place in his heart after a year of getting along with him.

It may be because he had not been loved by his parents and relatives in his previous life, and he was compensated in this life.

In this life, he has experienced the care of his parents, brother and sister.

People are selfish and don't want to lose once they have it.

Therefore, his requirements are even higher, and the protection of safety is no longer limited to his parents and Shisui, and now there is one more person-Kushina Kwor.

This is the opposite of his previous thoughts that he chose to ignore Jiu Xinnai.

Due to his lack of strength, he chose to persuade Xin Na to communicate with Kyuubi. Maybe her kindness can really make the arrogant big fox accept her from the bottom of his heart?

If it is successful, then Big Watergate will not die because of the ghouls.

If Big Watergate survives, perhaps Uchiha's fate of being annihilated will no longer exist.But you still have to guard against it.

Feng Xi looked at Ye Yuan Lin, who was already asleep.

If this woman does not die, everything behind will be easy...

However, it is very difficult to grab someone from Lord Ban.

On the ground covered by low bushes in the distance, a pool of black fluid squirmed silently, revealing the shape of a human face, with two hollow eyes facing the already asleep Yehara Lin, originally in a straight shape. The mouth bends down into a U shape.

There was no word for a night, and when Feng Xi opened his eyes again, the sky was already slightly brighter.

The chirping birds echoed in the woods, and the sun had not yet risen.

Although it was summer, there was still some coldness in the forest early in the morning.

Turning over and jumping off the tree, Kakashi was already packing his ninja bag, and Lin Lin, who was not far away, also packed up.

Seeing Feng Xi jumped off the tree, Kakashi waved to him: "Morning!"

Feng Xi looked at Kakashi who greeted him with a little surprise.

Shouldn't you be a cold-blooded character now?

"Good morning."After replying to Kakashi, Feng Xi also said something early to Lin Nohara on the side.

After Feng Xi cleared away the suffering in the forest, the three set out again and ran towards the battlefield of the Water Country.

Looking at the two people running around without talking, the wind coughed and said to them: "It's boring for everyone to run like this. How about I tell you a story?"

Without hearing Kakashi’s stopping, Feng Xi opened his mouth and said: “Speaking of the establishment of the Five Great Ninja Villages, at the first five-kage meeting, the first generation of Naruto distributed the nine-tailed beasts to the various Ninja villages. In order to be able to use the power of the tail beast, the tail beast is sealed in the human body. Such a person is called a human column force.

To say that this person has the strongest strength, Konoha is the strongest, because we Konoha has the most powerful nine tailed beasts!

But how can the tail beast willing to be sealed by humans? Therefore, in each Ninja Village where the sealing technique is not good, there are tail beast runaway incidents.

Then you can't help asking, since Kyuubi is the strongest, why did Konoha run wild without a tail beast? "

Kakashi glanced at Uchiha, whose mouth was still talking, and frowned slightly.

I was wrong in bringing the soil, you guys from the Uchiha clan don’t have very good minds...

Feeling Kakashi looking at him, Feng Xi said more vigorously.

"That's because we in Konoha Village have the most powerful seal technique inheritance in the entire Ninja World-the Vortex Clan Seal Technique.

When it comes to the sealing technique of the whirlpool family, it has to be said that in Konoha's whirlpool family orphan, whirlpool Kushina, her sealing technique can be described as the number one in the ninja world, and it is nothing to say to restrain the nine tails.

Needless to say, our Konoha hero's yellow flashing wave Fengshuimen, who can pass the seal technique of Whirlpool Kushina in one hand, can slip and fly. Sealing the nine tails is just a trivial matter to him, let alone three tails and four tails. "

Rin Nohara on the side heard her teacher's name, and sister Kushina's name also pricked her ears with curiosity.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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