Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 327 - Tips you shouldn't have

The thickened earth flow wall that Uchiha wind used to block the full moon of the ghost lamp was cut open by the liberation of flounder, and then it fell to the ground slantingly.

At the same time, a large area of ​​trees behind Uchiha's back fell in two fan-shaped areas at the same time, and only the handful of trees facing Uchiha's back survived.

The ghost lamp that fell on the ground was full of moon and his thighs turned back to their original shape. He stared at the opposite boy with scorching eyes, and the fighting spirit in his eyes seemed to overflow.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Uchiha's style."

When he discovered that his opponent's ghost lamp was full of the moon, Uchiha Fengshi had already lifted his transformation technique. In the past few days, he had also inquired about some well-known news in Wuyin Village.

For example, everyone in the Wuyin Village knows that the time when the Ghost Lantern Full Moon will lose to him is considered the greatest shame in the human body.

Don't you want to find me shame?

Then stay obediently and accompany me to play a game with Young Master. It just so happens that my stomach is full of fire.

Uchiha's breath is very clear, and he was also very angry with the actions behind Shishui. Now that I have taken the initiative to help you take the risk, can't you cooperate with me obediently? As a result, things got to such a point.

I have grievances in my heart, but I can't vent my anger at my own person, so I have to face the guy in front of me.

Ghost Lantern Manmotsu is completely different from Uchiha's wind now, and he is very happy now.

Although catching Uchiha Shisui made him happy, it was not as good as slaughtering Uchiha's wind to relieve his anger.

It's so pitiful, because when the flounder absorbed so many chakras, I met the person I wanted to meet the most.

Ghost Lantern Manmotsu's empty left hand stretched out to the back and grabbed the handle of another flounder. The big swords like two door panels were held by two arms about the same thickness as Uchiha's wind breath. Ghost Lantern Manmotsu was excited. With a roar, he rushed to the enemy in front of him.

This time, if you don't give you a chance to release ninjutsu, I will see how you fight with me head-on.


The intersecting kunai and the short sword separated, Terumi Ming's body moved backwards while her hands pinched her body backwards, the already choppy upper body abruptly increased by two sizes.

"Solving Escape·The Art of Melting Monsters."

Strongly corrosive acid sprayed from her mouth, facing Uchiha Shisui in front of her.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Uchiha Shisui and Terumi Mei have fought against each other more than once, and Terumi Mei's hand has been secretly guarded long ago.

There were points under his feet, and the body that had been rushing forward retreated, and a red flame was already burning on the short knife in his hand.

The short knife slashed at the emptiness, and the three arc-shaped fire blades immediately evaporated the acid in front of him, leaving a disgusting smell in the air.

The flame blade that evaporates the acid has also shrunk a lot. Uchiha Shisui peeked left and right on his waist side empty, and when he took it out again, he was already holding three shurikens in his palms.

Without seeing what he was doing, the shuriken in the heart of his left hand had already let go, flying towards Terumi Mei with a piercing sound.

The fire in the center of the forest is still burning now, and the fire has gradually spread to them. The thick smoke with the scorching smell is brought over by the wind from time to time, making people's eyes only want to cry.

Qing, who opened his eyes and watched from the side, saw Uchiha Shisui shoot out the shuriken in his hand and couldn't help but reminded: "Be careful of your right leg!"

Although the three shurikens were thrown out by Uchiha Shisui with one hand, they were spinning in the air and aimed at three parts of Terumi Ming's body.

Center of eyebrows, left arm and right leg.

What's even more troublesome is that the swords in these three hands were thrown at the same time, but the last shuriken facing the right leg flew slower than the other two.

After the reminder, Qing couldn't help but wipe the fine sweat on his forehead with his hand. The time for the two people to fight in front of him was less than three minutes, but the killer moves were frequent. Replaced by a ninja with a slightly worse physical ninjutsu. Lying down.

Even if I want to keep up with the two of them, it is very difficult for my own strength to move. I can only rely on the insight of my eyes to remind Terumi Ming. I dare not think about how to restrain each other. If that happens, my head will hurt. Up.

The two played extremely fast in the field. The blending of physique and ninjutsu not only did not affect the rhythm of the battle, but every time ninjutsu was used, it played a finishing touch.

However, this time, Qing's reminder did not help Terumi Mei, but had a counterproductive effect.

The cross-shaped shuriken hit Terumi Mei's right leg, and the pain from her calf made Terumi Mei stagger. Uchiha Shisui took the opportunity to cut Terumi Mei's left arm with a knife.

Uchiha Shisui moved forward, and just about to catch up, the boiling mist that had been surrounding them came from both sides and blocked Uchiha Shisui.

A strong corrosive acid mist blocked the front, and Uchiha Shisui did not dare to rush. The scarlet flame on the short knife in his hand stopped and disappeared and was surrounded by the pale blue chakra.

The short knife wrapped in Fengdan Chakra was pulled and the mist in front of him was completely blown away, but he also lost the best chance of taking action against Meiming.

Uchiha Shisui looked up, except for the blood stains on the ground that proved Terumi Ming had been injured just now, but the enemy was now hiding in the mist.

Hidden in the mist, Terumi Mei covered the wound with a layer of water-attribute chakra to help the wound heal quickly. At the same time, he thought to himself, when did he and Qing fall into his illusion?

Terumi Mei found the strangeness of the last shuriken immediately after Ao reminded herself, but it was too late by the time she made an evasive action.

This third shuriken is not slow at all, this is an illusion.

When did you fall into the illusion?

Terumi, who is hiding in the dark, has been thinking about this problem. If this problem is not solved, it is impossible to win Uchiha Shisui.

Obviously, he has no eyes facing him, why would he still get illusion, even if he has been illusion, but there is no reason to watch Qing also get illusion at the same time...

Uchiha Shisui couldn't see Terumi Mei's slightly panicked expression, but Hyuga Yun who had white eyes could see clearly.

The scald left by the sea of ​​fire just now is still aching, and Hyuga Yun's heart is far from being as calm as she showed.

At this moment, the chaotic sound of footsteps came from a distance, and Hyuga Yun's frowned brows immediately relaxed a little when she heard these footsteps, and she said, "Southeast."

Hyuga Yun, who had been watching the play next to him, suddenly said a direction. Terumi Ming and Qing were both confused, but Uchiha Shisui had already conditioned to throw a handful of kunai towards his southeast.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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