Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 357 - The reason

Uchiha Kaze suddenly appeared in the courtyard, frightening the three people sitting around the table.

Yoshioka, who was standing upright on the desk due to his height, reacted most quickly. He quickly took a step back and disappeared into the grass as soon as he was short.

Daisuke Nakayama and the strong man Nakamura leaped back at the same time. The former pulled out the samurai sword that he was wearing at his waist, while the latter bent down and grabbed the stone table with a roar, and even lifted the stone table and smashed it towards Uchiha. .

Uchiha Kazeki's left hand hung down and held the handle of the knife on his waist, pushing the jaw with his thumb and pushing the long knife out of Cun Xu, holding his right hand on the handle of the knife.


After a loud sword sound, the stone table was split in half, and the cut of the stone table that fell on the grass was as smooth as a mirror.

The stone table blocking his vision was cut open, and Uchiha Fengxi saw that the strong man who threw the table just now was standing in front of him with both hands holding up the katana.

There was a piercing sound from the blade of the knife, and he went straight to the door of Uchiha's wind.

When Uchiha saw this, he did not hide, and the long sword in his hand met from the bottom up to meet the sword that the strong man slashed in the head.

At the moment when the two blades were about to collide, the blade in Uchiha Kazeki's hand lit up with a light cyan chakra light, and after a crisp sound, the samurai sword in the brawny man's hand snapped.

Cut off the opponent's weapon with a single blow, and the long sword in Uchiha's hand cast off without any loss, leaving a long blade on the brawny man's chest.

The black vest, which had been stretched to the extent of its muscles, followed the knife with two points, leaving only a blood line from the waist to the shoulders, and blood could not stop flowing outwards.

A severely wounded man who seemed to have the strongest weapon, Uchiha Fengshi used his instantaneous technique to come out in front of Daisuke Nakayama who was wearing a bandage.

At this time, Daisuke Nakayama's face was distorted, and the samurai sword in his hand pointed directly at Uchiha's chest in a dash.

He didn't expect that Nakamura would be defeated by one move. Before he had time to change his attacking action behind him, the kid appeared in front of him.

From Uchiha's perspective, the middle-aged man with a distorted face changed again and again, from the initial resentment to the later consternation, and then to the present regret.

The two were not two steps away, and he was already ready to make a move, but he made another operation that he didn't expect.

With good dynamic vision, this middle-aged man originally held the hilt of the knife and lifted it over the top. With the samurai sword in his hand facing the back of the sword, his two knees naturally bent down and knelt down while running. To the ground.

The turf of the courtyard was scratched with two long marks on his knees, and the soil under the ground had been turned out.

Uchiha Fengxi was ready to face another "Urine Escape", but he didn't know that he had played another "New Year's Greetings Sword".(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Hey, I do all, little ancestor forgive me."

His voice choked, and it made a person who heard it sad, and someone who saw it shed tears.

Feng Xi has always felt that there is no lower limit when he is entangled in bubbles. Now he compares with this guy, good guy! It is better to be ashamed than to be ashamed.

"Tell me, what are you doing?" With a playful smile on the wind, Uchiha smiled and put his long sword on the neck and shoulder of this middle-aged man who was as slippery as a loach.


The middle-aged man lowered his head and his tone became intermittent. Uchiha looked at him like this with a smile on his mouth, "I want to see if you have any tricks."

"Oh, little ancestor, I am a little flustered now, you let me stroke it to talk to you."

Just as the middle-aged man was speaking, the figure in the grass flashed past, and he rushed towards Junmaro, who had been standing still.

Uchiha's wind clearly saw from the middle-aged man's pupils that a child-like figure stared at Junmaro, and his smile became clearer.

After a muffled noise behind him, the smell of blood in the yard became much heavier.

Uchiha Kazeki removed the long knife that was placed on the middle-aged man's neck, and took the initiative to open his body to show him the scene behind him.

Zhongshan Daisuke's eyes widened, his face was full of incredible.

He saw that the little baby who had just followed this little devil had a bone-like spike sticking out of the palm of his hand, directly piercing Yoshioka's chest.

The blood slid down along the bones. Before it flowed to Junmaro's hand, Junmaro's face showed a look of disgust. With a flick of the thick and thin arm of the stick, the corpse that was pierced on the bone spurs was covered with blood. He threw it to the ground.

At this time, Zhongshan Daisuke saw clearly what kind of weapon was this, it was clearly the bones of that little baby.

"Monsters, monsters, you are all monsters!"

Zhongshan Daisuke knelt on the ground and moved his knees backwards, obviously frightened by this scene.

Uchiha Fengji didn't expect that Junmaro would be so murderous, that a child of this age would not regard human life as the same thing.

Junmaro threw away the corpse and saw that his elder brother Fengxi was serious, and he didn't give him the compliment he imagined.

The cheering smile on his face disappeared, and he walked to Uchiha Kazeki with his head down like a child who made a mistake.

However, Uchiha Fengshi didn't control Jun Maro at all. He turned his head and asked the middle-aged man who was still receding, "Have you done it now?"

Seeing his teammates die in front of him, Zhongshan Daisuke dared to have other thoughts. He immediately pours beans and tells things about Kusana sword.

It is true that someone brought the Kusuna Sword back from the ancient tomb on the mountain, but that person is not a hunter, but a tomb thief.

Maybe it was too much wickedness. The tomb thief happened to meet the three of Zhongshan Daisuke on his way home that day. The three of them who had been wandering warriors were just passing through the mountains at the time. They didn't feel too much when they met this person. They didn't know that they continued to walk along the mountain road and found an unburied thief hole.

The three of them relied on the boldness of the art masters to climb down the thieves. As a result, there was nothing but a knife stand with nothing left.

The three people who hadn't caught anything naturally remembered the person they met on the road when they came. There was a strip wrapped in cloth just behind him.

Ever since, the three people thought of black eating black.

The three of them chased all the way along the footprints, but they were stunned to find no one. They had already lost their thoughts of finding someone, but they didn't know that Daisuke Zhongshan once wandered around in the city and saw the tomb thief again.

With a goal, Zhongshan Daisuke followed the tomb thief and found his home.

That's it. Zhongshan Daisuke, who called his helper that night, came to slaughter the family of the tomb robber and found three antique swords.

Three ragged old sword blades that all looked rusty.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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