Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 36 - Village and clan

Kazuhiko Hyuga watched the younger son take Hagi Kakashi out, and then said to the people in the tent, "This is the end of today's discussion, and the battle plan remains the same. The others left first, Uchi. If you stayed at Bodo’s house, you will stay with the Japanese football team."

Several people who were originally in the tent went out one after another, but now there are only four people in the tent.

Kazuhiko Hyuga, Higashi Hyuga, Ryosuke Uchiha and Fudake Uchiha.

Kazuhiko Hyuga stepped back a few steps and sat in his chair, raised his finger to the information scroll on the table, and looked at the two people opposite.

"How to say?"

Uchiha Tomitake, who was also sitting in the chair, looked up at the Uchiha Ryosuke behind him, and Uchiha Ryosuke reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"What else can I say, three generations of eyes have spoken, then hit it."

Looking up, Hyuga Kazuhiko looked at Uchiha Ryosuke, grinning silently.

"It's very light. It's been nearly a year, if you can win the fight early. In the Kingdom of Wind, your old patriarch is dead, and many of our Hyuga elites have also died.

Seeing that he was about to win, the apprentice Dashemaru who asked him to kill Sarutobi Rizen picked the peaches and transferred our two races here to bite the hard stubble of Wuyin.

If the country of Wind still dares to fight, let him fight! Anyway, we are not there now. "Ryo Uchiha looked very agreeable on the interface and nodded thoughtfully.

"That's good! We won't fight."

"But it won't work if you don't fight. The people who have been dragging our two races are also constantly sacrificed. Winning, the country of the wind has surrendered, and the three generations of Raikage have just died, maybe it can really end this Ninja war."

"That's still going to be a hit."

Kazuhiko Hyuga stared at Uchiha Ryosuke with wide eyes. If he could read the mind, he would have opened his eyes long ago.

"You can fight. There are only 700 ninjas of my Hyuga clan who can go to the battlefield. I don't know how many people can come out of your side?"

"Commander, you know, we, Uchiha, the patriarch died in battle before, but in order to support the commander, we can bring together 700 people with the strength of the whole family."


The armrest beside the chair was slapped off by Kazuhiko Hyuga, and he stood up and pointed his finger to the sitting Uchiha Tomitake.

"Futake! You are Uchiha's patriarch. What do you mean by not talking for a long time?"

"Here again," Uchiha Tomitake saw that the flames of war had spread to him again, and he stretched out his hand and hurriedly swayed. "Patriarch Kazuhiko, you joked, Ryosuke meant what I meant."

"Okay, very good, all of you Uchiha can be said to be small households? It seems that you have no intention to talk at all!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Speaking in a word, Kazuhiko Hyuga swung back the wide sleeves and walked out of the camp behind his hands.

Seeing his father go away angrily, Hyuga Hizuka immediately opened his legs and walked out with him behind him.

Watching the father and son go away, Uchiha Tomitake picked up the scroll on the table and took a closer look.

"Brother Ryosuke, you said that Hyuga Kazuhiko would choose to drag it, or would he really want to fight?"

"Fight, I will definitely fight."

"How can this be seen?"

Uchiha Ryosuke lifted his chin toward the commander's position where Kazuhiko Hyuga sat just now.

"There are three reasons. First, as the commander on this battlefield, although he can ignore Hokage's instructions now, he is responsible for most of the consequences if he cannot bring a big victory. Kazuhiko Hyuga does not dare. .

Second, the battlefield with the Water Country has been deadlocked for a year. In this year, our two clans have lost a lot of excellent ninjas. It is better to fight a big fight with the strength of our two clans and should not lose .

If we can win here, then the Kingdom of Wind will be able to let go, and the pressure in the village and other battlefields will be much less.

Third, the Hyuga clan had previously observed that the enemy of the Water Country had less frequent cooking, and it became two meals a day. Our original guess was that there was a problem with their supplies, so we played a delaying tactic with them. "Uchiha Ryosuke clicked on the information in Tomitake's hand again, "Now that the root ninja is sure that the water country is adequately supplied, then the people in Wuyin Village are definitely deliberately confusing us. The enemy wants to drag us, as A qualified commander in chief, Kazuhiko Hyuga will never follow their ideas."

"So he just?"

"That's right, it's testing how many people we can produce, and whether or not we will go against him."

Uchiha Tomitake hesitated, and then asked, "Then? If we don't fight here, will the sacrifices of our two clans be much less? Shouldn't we give more consideration to the family?"

Ryosuke Uchiha nodded when he heard Uchiha Tomitake's words.

"Yes, this will indeed sacrifice less. But Futake, don't forget, we are Konoha's Uchiha clan, a clan who first had a village and then depended on the village.

A ninja is an unknown person who supports peace in the dark.

As Konoha's Uchiha clan, how could they not fight for the village out of fear of sacrifice?

What's more, Uchiha's name was won from the beginning of the Warring States period, and it was not caused by counseling! "

"In fact, Brother Ryosuke is suitable to be the patriarch, if it wasn't for Uncle Jing..."

Ryosuke Uchiha patted Futake's shoulder and interrupted him.

"Don’t forget that I’m a dozen years older than Fuyue. At the age of thirteen, I’ve been Fuyue who wrote round eyes of three-goed jade. Maybe I will have those legendary eyes in the future. Besides, I always take my father Be a role model, you are not allowed to say that to him."Looking at Uchiha Ryosuke, who has already left the camp, for Uchiha Tomitake, he is his elder brother who is also a teacher and friend.

Originally accompanied by his expectant wife Mikoto, he received front-line news that his father, the previous patriarch Uchiha, died on the battlefield of the Wind Country.

The first child, Itachi, was just born, and Fu Yue hurried to the Kingdom of Wind. With the help of Uchiha Ryosuke, he successfully took over the burden of the patriarch.

In the following two years, Fuyue has been able to stabilize the situation within the clan with the help of Ryosuke.

Does the kaleidoscope write round eyes?

Brother Ryosuke, I will not let you down!

Ryosuke Uchiha walked out of the camp, and then he stood at the door.

He even wondered if someone had used illusion on him, because he saw a kid who looked very much like his own son.

"Hey, Dad! It's very impolite to see your dear son not saying hello."

After two quick steps, Ryosuke Uchiha put his hand on Feng Yu's head and rubbed it vigorously.

Well, this feel can't be wrong!

"Boy, why did you come here? It stands to reason that you should not perform the task of escorting supplies?"

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