Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 54 - Three pairs of writing round eyes (6)

Water Escape·The Art of Water Dragon Bomb.

Just as the strength of the three-tailed human column was about to spray out the tail beast jade, the sea water under its neck suddenly fluctuated, and a huge dragon head lifted and overturned it.

The tail beast jade brought out a sonic boom and exploded in the sky.

The dark clouds covering the battlefield forced a big hole under the powerful force of the explosion.

The continuous rain stopped, and everyone just felt that their eyes were much brighter.

The explosion of the sky in the distance penetrated through, and the Konoha troops on the retreat could hear clearly.

"Zhishui, you mean there is strong support from Wuyin Village in the rear, and there are even three-tailed people. The leader's meaning is to let us go quickly, don't want to camp, tell the rest to retreat directly, right?"

"That's right! Master Feng, listen, this may be the movement made by fighting Sanwei."

Uchiha Shisui turned his head, eyes full of worry.

It turns out that this is the power of the tail beast, father, what kind of enemy are you facing...

Hyuga Kaze thought for a while, and Li immediately commanded to the entire team: "Full force! Don't need to maintain the formation, rush back to the camp as quickly as possible!"


Regardless of physical fatigue, everyone tried to extract their own chakras and ran towards Konoha Daying at the fastest speed.

All people move freely, and the ninja's own high quality makes judgments. Some people are far ahead, and some can only try to catch up behind.

This place soon disappeared, leaving only three people with two highs and one low.Uchiha Shisui, Hyuga Nizu and Hyuga Nikkei.

"We know what you said to the leader just now." Hyuga Nizu first said to Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui looked up at the two brothers who were just following Kazuhiko Hyuga and never spoke.

"So you are going to stop me?"

Standing next to Hyuga Nissa, Hyuga Nissa said: "Since our father chose to fight, our current strength can only add to the chaos and distract them."

"But my brother and I don't want to stop you. You don't want to see their battles. You don't have to do it yourself. Don't forget that we are the Hyuga clan."

Hyuga pointed to his eyes, "We can tell you the specific situation, if we can change the situation, why not help."

After hearing what Hyuga Nizu said, Uchiha Shisui smiled and nodded. "Ok!"

Unlike the large army running towards the sunset, the three of them ran towards the dark clouds with their backs to the red clouds.


The bone whip made a short "whoop" sound in the air and hit the dirt wall.

The solid soil wall was smashed and a large opening was missing.

Kaguya Shinichi raised his right hand and shook the bone whip in his hand again, and the earth wall in front of him was split in half under the tremendous force.

The soil escape ninja is really annoying!

Facing a white-haired kid, I thought I could make a quick battle.

Unexpectedly, this kid would be so difficult to deal with, and he was attacked by another kid to the effect.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Relying on his experience, Shinichi Kaguya managed to solve the two people quickly, but the last medical ninja was able to fight like this!

What kind of medical ninja can beat you like this?

It can't be delayed any longer, the longer it is, the more dangerous it is!

The right hand bone whip was thrown out, and it was firmly nailed into the ground in front of the female ninja.

Chakra surged, the bone whip quickly shortened, and the distance between Kaguya Shinichi and Uchiha Yumi holding the bone whip was also shortening.

Uchiha Yumi was panting, and compared to fighting, medical ninjutsu was her strength.

She was still treating the wounded just now, but Chakra had already consumed half of it.

I chose to protect the wounded instead of helping Kakashi. First, I saw that Kakashi was able to withstand the enemy's attack, because he was unfamiliar with Kakashi's moves, and being with him might be unhelpful.

Second, she wanted to take this opportunity to reply to Chakra as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi, who was in advantage, and his son turned into disadvantages in an instant, and they were defeated so quickly.

Can't let him come close, this bone spur, weird bloodstain, I am not an opponent in close combat.

Without even thinking about Uchiha Mikoto, he determined the basic idea of ​​this battle-relying on ninjutsu to fight consumption.

Earth Dun·Clay Mage.

Patting his hands on the ground, the ground with the bone whip in front of him became soft, and it was no longer possible to fix the bone whip.

The muddy whip bounced back to Kaguya Shinichi in midair.Waving his hand to block the bone whip that was about to hit him, Kaguya Shinichi also fell to the ground from mid-air.

Earth Escape·Rock Pillar Gun.

A sharp bamboo shoot-like thorn protruded from the ground, and it continued to rise.

Unlike the Tudun and Tulong Spear, the Tulong Spear forms large spurs on the ground, but its hardness and launch speed are relatively slow.

Although the rock pillar gun can only cause one ground stab, the speed at which it fires is still the top hardness of the rock.

Seeing that he was about to be transformed into human skewers by this ground thorn, Kaguya Shinichi suddenly turned around in mid-air, and the spiral bone spear in his left hand pierced the rock ground thorn.


There was a sound of heavy collisions.

Uchiha squeezed from the beauty pupils, and the enemy in front of him directly smashed the rock pillar spear with the bone spear in his hand.

This bone is too hard!

After Kaguya Shinichi smashed the ground with the bone spear of his left hand, he turned over a somersault with his left hand as the support, and turned to the ground.

There was only this female ninja in front of him.

Such an excellent ninja and medical ninja belong to the Uchiha clan.

Killing her would surely cost Konoha a heavy loss.

He pressed his feet again and stepped out of a big hole on the ground. He jumped high again, and the bone whip in the man's hand in mid-air stretched again and threw it towards the female ninja.

I won't give you a chance to use ninjutsu again!Already very close.

Uchiha Yumi couldn't see any expression on his face, and he paused with his hands that were forming the fire dragon flame bullet seal, and then changed another seal.

According to the dynamic vision of Shao Lun Yan, the seal of the fire dragon flame bullet is too long, and he will be attacked before it is used.

Earth Escape · Submarine in the Earth.

Chakra immediately rushed down his feet and turned the solid sand and gravel underground into fluid.

Uchiha Yumi sank into the ground with only one head on it.

Above the head, the bone whip was blown fiercely with a strong wind, but it made a gap.

People quickly retreated underground, and she retreated a few meters before she rose up from the ground again.

After Kaguya Shinichi fell on the ground, he didn't feel the solid ground.

With great inertia, half of his body was buried in the soil.

The surrounding land is soft.

Take advantage of his illness, kill him!

The enemy in front of him has fallen into his own trap, Uchiha Yumi forcibly suppressed the discomfort of Chakra's excessive consumption, his hands immediately sealed in front of him.

Wei-Wu-Si-Chen-Zi-Chou-Yin, Huo Dun·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb.

This is the most powerful attack ninjutsu she can use.

Taking a deep breath with all his strength, Uchiha Yumi spit out three fire dragons from his mouth. The fire dragon roared from the left, center, and right directions, carrying a billowing heat wave toward the monster half of its body in the soil.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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