Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 60 - After the war

After Hui Ye Liangyu, who was lying on the ground in a coma, was completely covered in black on his left side, his left eye opened.

At this moment, he just opened his left eye, and his right eye was still closed. The left half of his body was completely black, and the other half was his own body. The whole person had an indescribable weird feeling.

I saw him stand up with his hands on the ground, without any discomfort in his actions.

"Hui Ye Liangyou" lowered his head and looked at the three-tailed man Zhuli who was wailing and rolling on the ground, and took two steps back, as if he was afraid of being contaminated by this black flame.

"In this era, I saw Amaterasu again."

"Hui Ye Liangyou" whispered to himself, his voice was completely different from before.

It's like changing someone...

He pulled out a bone from the palm of his right hand, grasped it in his hand, and looked at the three-tailed man Zhuli not far away.

"You can't die, otherwise Madara's plan will change again, and I don't want to wait any longer."

The hand that was holding the bones flicked at the Sanwei Renzhu who was rolling on the ground, and he passed through the back of Sanwei Renzhuli's hand and firmly nailed his right hand to the ground.

He repeated the same action three times, and now all the limbs of the three-tailed man Zhuli were fixed on the ground, only twitching on the ground.

Although the black flame on the back was still burning slowly, Yutou Yuto had no way to move.

'Hui Ye Liangyou' took out a bone knife from his hand at this time, and after narrowing his eyes, he slashed at the three-tailed man on the ground.

The right arm that was burning with black flames was cut off.

It's another knife.Both legs were also severed.

Then he swung another knife.

A large piece of flesh on Sanwei's back was cut off.

When the body was subjected to the third sword, the three-tailed man Zhuli on the ground completely fainted with a wailing cry.

That is to say, these three swords completely peeled off the black inflammation from Sanwei Ren Zhuli's body.

Although it looks a bit miserable now, his life was saved anyway.

His ears moved slightly, and "Hui Ye Liangyou" sensed that someone was approaching quickly.

From the side he took out the cloak he had prepared and put it on his body. He stood there and waited quietly.

In a short while, four ninjas dressed in mist came to the vicinity.

The four of them were shocked when they saw Yutou Yudou on the ground, two of them immediately bandaged him, and at the same time used medical ninjutsu treatment.

"The medical ninja saved his life, and we rushed back immediately when it was over."

'Kaguya Ryoyu' was covered in the cloak, and when he saw that the three-tailed man Zhuli was healed, he nodded, and the voice of his words changed back to the original in front of these ninjas.

Except for the cloak on his body, there is no difference from before.

The people in the forest waited silently until the two medical ninjas stopped.

A ninja waiting by the side bent down and stretched out his arms to hold the three-tailed man who had turned into a human stick, and he fixed it in his arms. The silhouettes of the crowd disappeared in the woods in a few simple steps.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Uchiha Shisui carried his father on his back, and behind him was Kazuhiko Hyuga's Hyuga Hizus.

Hyuga Hisaka rolled his eyes to alert them.

None of the three people who suffered such an accident spoke, only the dull voice of the soles of their feet on the tree trunks in the woods.

Soon, Konoha Daying had appeared in front of them.

However, there are still a few wisps of smoke rising from the ground in the camp.

Although the big camp in front of him is still in order, a few camp tents can still be seen crookedly lying on the ground.

There were nearly double the number of ninjas patrolling outside the camp.

Where black smoke is drifting into the sky, there should be flames burning.

It seems that someone has used fire escape ninjutsu.

The three people present were all ninjas of good quality, and they immediately understood what was going on.

Before they returned, there was fighting in the camp.

The three exchanged glances, rushed out of the woods, and came to the camp.

The ninjas of the Hyuga clan who were on guard in front of the camp were horrified after seeing who was carrying them on their backs.

It's like seeing something incredible.

Most of the troops who had been on the expedition retreated safely back to the base camp. How come the two commanders!When he recovered, the Hyuga brothers and Zhishui had already arrived in front of him.

He quickly turned sideways and gave way to the three of them, his heart could not be calm for a long time.

Such powerful two adults actually...

After the three of them entered the camp, they went straight to the central commander's account.

All the ninjas who saw them changed their faces along the way. They were not in the mood to care about these people, and soon they stood at the door of the handsome account.

"Master Uchiha Ryosuke's order must retreat as soon as possible! This is the news from his son Uchiha Shisui, how could it be wrong."

They could hear the roar of the hyuga wind clearly even if it was outside.

"Deputy Captain Ryosuke and Clan Captain Tomitake have not come back. Now let us retreat after you come back. How can I agree with the Uchiha clan! Besides, where is Uchiha Shisui?"


"What he said is true."

The sound from outside interrupted the quarrel in Shuai Teng, and then Shuai Teng's door curtain was opened.

Uchiha Shisui walked in with a pale face behind his back.

Everyone present was an upper-level ninja-level master, and at a glance, they found that it was Deputy Commander Uchiha Ryosuke.

How can it be! Mr. Ryosuke, he actually...

Before they fully accepted the news, Hyuga Nizu walked into the camp with a person behind his back.The tragic situation of Kazuhiko Hyuga's chest being penetrated made them unacceptable.

Both the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan were not concerned about the quarrel. The arrogant people from behind took them gently, which made the two of them respected, and they lay flat on the ground carefully. .

After reconfirming the fact that this made them unacceptable, Uchiha Keiren asked Shisui, "What about the patriarch, how is the patriarch Fuyue now."

When Uchiha Shisui heard Uncle Keiren’s question, he replied: “After Uncle Futake broke in the back, the misty ninja came to support him, Sanweiren Zhuli and a special blood-stained ninja that can use bones.

My father's final order was to let us all retreat, and the big camp must also be moved. For Sanwei, gathering together was dying. "

The Hyuga tribe on the side also knew the truth of the matter from the mouths of the two Hyuga Nizu brothers, and the handsome account that had been noisy before unexpectedly fell silent.

The ninjas who used bones and bloodstains all knew that they were finally able to wipe out the guys who invaded the camp with the help of Hyuga Kaze and the others.

It is a terrible boundary of bloodstains.

"Retreat! Must retreat according to the commander's will."

Hyuga Kaze said again.

But this time, no one was there to stop it.

"No, there is no need to transfer now."

Uchiha Tomitake opened the curtain of the handsome account and walked in.

Uchiha Tomitake, who hurried back to the base camp, learned from the door guard that the base camp was indeed attacked. Although many ninjas died, the enemies who attacked the base camp were also wiped out.

With a big rock in his heart, he went straight to the central handsome account.

Now, he must be in charge of the overall situation...

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