Uchiha Become Hokage

Chapter 97 - Buy soy sauce

The relationship between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Tomitake is very awkward. As the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tomitake rushed to the front before Itachi was born. In other words, today is the first of their father and son Meet again.

Back in the morning, Uchiha Tomitake, who had just returned home, was a little at a loss when facing a son of his age.

He was still in his stomach when I left, and now he knows to be called Dad...

As for how to be a good father, the genius Uchiha Tomitake has no experience. All he can do is learn from his father.

Be a strict father.

After all, Itachi will be the patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the future, and boys can't get used to...

For the first time when he heard his son call himself "Dad", Fu Yueqiang held back his happiness, nodded expressionlessly, and made a sound from his throat.


The three-year-old Uchiha Itachi is very strange to his father, who only exists in his mother's mouth.

He wanted to get close to his father, but the father who had just met had a stern face towards him, which made him somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

Father, he is so terrible...

The little Uchiha Itachi defined his father in his heart.If this is the case, then I have to show myself better.

After a brief exchange between the father and son, Uchiha Tomitake walked out of the room.

He felt a little embarrassed to get along with his son. Obviously, I could chop several times in the hidden battle formation. Why would I be afraid of this kid?

Uchiha Tomitake stood behind his own door for more than an hour with his hands behind his hands, and finally moved the two brothers Shisui who were unknown to him.

The father and son had the familiar Zhishui and Fengxi as a reconciler, and got along a lot better. Most of the time, Itachi was listening to Fuyue complimenting Zhishui.

Looking at the patriarch who was pretending to be obedient, he listened to Fu Yue's frequently verbal "Itachi, you should learn from Brother Zhishui."

Feng Xi feels that the current patriarch's uncle has the posture of those parents in the previous life talking about the children next door.

Uchiha Itachi was listening to his father in a serious manner with his eyes wide open. After hearing some tense plots, he would be very cooperative and exclaimed. This made Uchiha Tomitake, who has been talking, very fulfilling.

Sure enough, the embarrassment just now was an illusion. The more my son looked at it, the more pleasing he felt. It really is me. The sons born are so cute.

When Uchiha Mikoto came to tell them to eat, Uchiha Tomitake, who was talking energetically, stopped, and greeted the three juniors to sit down on the table full of food, and took the lead in picking up the chopsticks, "I'll start. ."

If it was said that the three juniors were performing with Uchiha Tomitake just now, then a few people at the dinner table really became enthusiastic about chatting.

In this, the only change is that one more person-Uchiha Mikoto.

As the only woman at the dinner table and the hostess who has good relationships with the other four people, Uchiha Mikoto wiped away the edges and corners of Uchiha Tomitake like a spring breeze.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Whether it’s listening carefully to everyone’s speech, or echoing the phrases "amazing", "I don't understand", "good, so amazing", "it looks like this", not only Fuyue, but also Zhishui and Fengqi All feel very comfortable.

It wasn't until I returned home from the meal that the fluttering Uchiha atmosphere didn't realize it. Aunt Mikoto seemed to be stubborn...

The woman is terrible.

It didn't take long for Zhishui and Fengxi to wait for a long time, so he politely left after eating.

Uchiha Itachi took the initiative to send off the Shisui brothers, and the living room that was still a bit lively now only left the Futake couple.

Uchiha Mikoto looked at her husband, and today is also the first day of their reunion.

The wedding coincided with the sweet occasion, and Uchiha Tomitake hurried to the battlefield of the wind country because of his father's death, which took three years.

After three years, he has become a lot more mature.

"It's been three years, Mikoto, you haven't changed at all."

Uchiha Mikoto raised her hand and touched her profile, and said to her husband, "I feel that I have become ugly, and my body seems to be a little out of shape."

After speaking, he rubbed his flat lower abdomen, looking dissatisfied.

Uchiha Tomitake reached out and grabbed Mikoto’s forearm and pulled her to her front. Futake hugged Mikoto from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder, and said softly, “I don’t feel this way. Take a look.""No, don't..."


Uchiha Itachi, who had just entered the door, blinked in confusion as he looked at his parents who were separated by lightning.

"Mom, are you sick? Why is your face so red?"

Uchiha Mikoto did not answer her son's question, but took a banknote from the pocket of her apron in front of her, squatted down and handed it to Uchiha Itachi.

"Itachi, just now my mother found out that our soy sauce is gone, so you can buy a bottle of it for mother, and you can buy something to eat at the three-color dumpling shop in the east of the village with the remaining money."

Because of fear of tooth decay, the mother who has been watching her own sweets actually opened the Internet today, which made Uchiha Itachi happy.

After all, it was a three-year-old child. Itachi took the money from his mother and ran out the door happily. There were only three-color dumplings in his mind.

After dismissing her son, Uchiha Mikoto turned and gave a light hammer on Uchiha Fudake's chest.

"It's all your fault, there is Itachi at home, so don't pay attention to it!"

Uchiha Tomitake took advantage of the situation and hugged his wife again, and said embarrassingly: "Isn't it suddenly forgotten, it's quite unaccustomed, but these are not important."

With a weird laugh, Fu Yue bent down and embraced his wife's calf and hugged her in his arms, and took her into the bedroom with ease.

"Close the door, close the door first.""Don't worry, the east side of the village is so far, it's not a problem. Hiss~ Something is licking me, why is there a cucumber?"

"Oh, it's used for applying facial mask. You can find out so clearly what is going on with women's affairs."

"Hehehe, don't care about the details."

There was a gust of wind in the room, the curtains were blown, and the door was closed, but it couldn't stop the whispers of weeping.


Uchiha Kazeki and Uchiha Shisui walked on the way home. The winter sun shone on the street, giving people a warm feeling, as if the sound of footsteps around them had become lazy.

"After coming back this time, I shouldn't be on the battlefield again, right?"

"Well, the country of water is completely over. We won the battle."

Uchiha Shisui smiled and answered Feng Qi's question.

"That's good, I'm already very good at swordsmanship now, don't be beaten down by me at that time, or I will laugh at you."

"Come on, have you learned the illusion that you taught you earlier?"

"Let’s talk about swordsmanship first. I think I should be the kind of swordsman genius who is rare in a century."

Uchiha Zhishui sighed, and said in a tone that I already knew: "It seems that I haven't learned the illusion..."

"Uh... don't care about the details."

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