Wakaka had a strange dream at night.

The reason why it is strange.

The reason is that he usually punches Hashirama and kicks Madara in his dreams, but tonight he met a few “new faces”.


Kisame didn’t know what was wrong with him, and he had to fight with him for the ownership of Samehada.

Then they fought.

Kisame started with Dam Water Shuha, supplemented by Water Same Bullet, and came fiercely.

He directly copied it and made a Dam Kashuha, and a bunch of fire sharks.

Then, the magical place in the dream appeared.

The third generation Raikage came out of nowhere and shouted “Don’t be so arrogant”, and directly turned on the lightning chakra mode, started with a hand, and flew over with a “whoosh”.

He was even crazier, and directly used the fire chakra mode, turned into a little fire man, and fought the third generation Raikage!

This battle was so fierce that the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the sea dried up and the rocks crumbled, and it was so strange…

In the end, he still won with one move, and he had the last laugh.

But Mei Terumi and Kurenai Yuhi appeared again.

“Only one of us can survive, you choose.”


The dream ended here.

When Wakahiro opened his eyes, it was already dawn.

Obito was still sleeping soundly, but his grandmother got up early and started cooking.

After Wakahiro finished washing up, he ran downstairs to chop wood with the Hatake sword technique, practicing and working at the same time.

When Obito got up from bed smelling the fragrance of the food, Wakahiro was already sweating.

“You go to find Shisui today to make up for your lessons, and practice the technique you learned from the clan leader yesterday.”

Although today is the official weekend.

But Wakahiro didn’t plan to go to Fugaku for the time being.

He only had a single magatama now, so there was no need to increase consumption of Sharingan illusions.

“Okay, big brother!” Obito asked again, “Big brother, aren’t you coming with me?”

“I have to go to the Hokage Building and submit my graduation application.” Wakahiro looked at her grandmother, “When I become a ninja, I can do missions and get paid. I’ll buy you a big house then.”

“As long as you are safe, why change the house…”

Grandma’s response was very plain, but the concern in her words overflowed.

Wakahiro smiled, finished her meal quickly, and left the house.

He jogged all the way for more than 20 minutes before he ran from the remote Uchiha clan to the Hokage Building.

There is nothing wrong with learning ninjutsu and looking for the Hokage.

Although Konoha has a rule that if you want to obtain ninjutsu, you need to make contributions.

But don’t forget that the final right of interpretation of Konoha now belongs to the third generation.

Fugaku’s little tricks on the graduation application form naturally could not be hidden from the third generation.

Wakaka had reason to believe that the Sandaime would make the same choice, but at a higher level.

At the main entrance of the Hokage building, there were two Konoha ninjas standing guard.

There must be Anbu on duty in the invisible places.

This is the safest place in Konoha, and it is impossible to force your way in.

So Wakaka… strode over.

Are you kidding? He is still in the novice protection period.

“Hey! Uchiha kid! What do you want to do?”

The two guarding ninjas ignored the so-called novice protection period and directly blocked Wakaka outside the door.

“I’m looking for Grandpa Hokage.” Wakaka said seriously, “I have something to do.”

“Hokage is not someone you can see casually… Let’s go quickly. If you have anything to do, go find your clan leader.”

There is nothing wrong with this. If you ignore the impatient tone and the disgusted eyes of the two…

So the reputation of Uchiha is now shattered?

Even children are going to suffer?

Ruohuo was about to argue, but before he could open his mouth, he saw someone passing by.

With long straight black hair, wearing a long robe and wooden clogs, his cataract-like eyes and smooth forehead confirmed his identity.


Hyuga, who was not a bird in a cage, was still so young.

That could only be Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi ignored Ruohuo at the door, and even walked in without a glance.

He was even more arrogant than Uchiha, which was outrageous.

The key point was that the two guarding ninjas bowed!

“Why can he go in?” Ruohuo asked.

“That adult is the head of the Hyuga clan, of course he can go in, kid.” The guarding ninja on the left replied.

“Go find your clan leader and ask him to bring you here, and I will let you go immediately.”

His tone was still so impatient and contemptuous, but he didn’t say anything excessive.

Ruohuo thought for a moment, took out the graduation application, spread it out, and pointed at the signature on it.

“Is it okay to sign since the person is not here? There is also the official seal of the Konoha Security Department.. ”

Maybe there are some regulations.

Seeing the paper documents with stamps, the two guard ninjas looked at each other, and the one on the right nodded.

“Show it to me.”

“Here.” Ruohuo handed it over.

“Graduation application?” The guard ninja frowned, and then looked at Ruohuo with an even more impatient expression.

“Yeah.” Ruohuo pretended not to see it, “I just came to apply for graduation from Grandpa Hokage.”

“Go away, go away, who cares what you are doing here, if you want to apply for graduation, go to your teacher, if you want to see Lord Hokage, let your clan leader come over!”

The guard ninja threw the application directly to Ruohuo.

“You want to graduate at such a young age, are you all crazy in the Uchiha clan? ”

It’s come to this.

If Ruohuo doesn’t do something, it would be really impolite.

You don’t give face to the novice protection period, right?

Then please wait a moment!

Ruohuo silently picked up the application form on the ground, folded it carefully, and put it back in his pocket.

Under the gazes of the two guarding ninjas with a mixture of disgust and complacency, Ruohuo had to leave “distracted”.

But after taking a few steps forward, Ruohuo suddenly stopped and turned around!

“I’ve seen something wrong with you for a long time!”

Ruohuo shouted: “Grandpa Hokage is so kind, how could he let you two bastards guard the door!”

“Tell me! Did you kidnap Grandpa Hokage! ”

If the fire sounded loud, it would immediately reach the Hokage’s office.

At this moment, there were quite a few people in the Hokage’s office.

They all heard the childish but angry voice downstairs, looked at each other, and found it a little funny.

“What happened…”

The Sandaime was about to turn around to see. Even without the crystal ball, he could see everything at the door through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

“Kid, I warn you not to…”

“Hmph! Are you feeling guilty? Don’t be afraid, Grandpa Hokage! I’ll rescue you right away!”


Someone in the office couldn’t help but laugh out loud on the spot.

Others didn’t laugh out loud, but they were also smiling.

But soon, everyone couldn’t laugh anymore…

“Will of Fire, please give me the power to rescue Grandpa Hokage!”

The childish voice suddenly shouted like a middle school student, and then…

“Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!”

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