“So if I complete this mission, I can obtain the will of fire of the jonin?”

Wakaka held the scroll and asked again.

He is not in a hurry to become the clan leader.

Although the Uchiha clan leader is not as high as the Hokage, the age of 7 is too abstract.

Gaara next door is still ten years old when he became the Kazekage.

In comparison, he is more curious about Orochimaru’s purpose now.

“That’s not the case.” Orochimaru shook his head.

“Becoming a jonin is more demanding than passing the chunin examination. In addition to the ability to complete high-risk tasks independently, the requirements for all aspects are very high.”

“One mission is definitely not enough… but this mission will be the starting point for Wakaka-kun to become a jonin.”

“Is that so…” Wakaka nodded thoughtfully, then stood up directly and made a seal.

“Then let’s set off quickly, teacher.”

Orochimaru was a little surprised.

Based on his understanding of this child during this period of time, he thought Wakaka would not be so easy to convince.

After all, Wakaka has always been very persistent in challenging Fugaku and becoming the clan leader.

He glanced at the direction of the Hokage building.

Orochimaru was about to say something, but saw Wakaka’s shadow clone appear, and said with Wakaka’s thoughts from the previous second:

“I’ll go and inform grandma and brother. Do you want to issue a declaration of war to Clan Leader Fugaku?”

“Of course.” Wakaka said seriously, “Saving people is a big deal. I’ll complete the task first and then challenge Clan Leader Fugaku when I come back.”

The shadow clone nodded, “Okay, then I’ll let Clan Leader Fugaku prepare first, practice hard, and let him try to welcome you in the best condition.”

The shadow clone ran away expressionlessly.

Wakaka looked at Orochimaru, “Every minute and every second of rescue time is precious, so let’s set off quickly, teacher.”

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, but still smiled and agreed, “Okay.”


In the crystal ball, Orochimaru and Wakaka have already started heading towards the exit of the village.

The Sandaime then looked at the three elders.

“You saw that Orochimaru didn’t give any hints throughout the whole process, but the kid still chose to go out to rescue as soon as he received the mission.”

“I said… Although Ruohu is still young, the will of fire in her body is very strong…”

The Sandaime slowly filled the pipe with tobacco leaves, condensed the chakra into flames at his fingertips, lit it, and took a beautiful sip.

“But this kid’s interpretation of the will of fire doesn’t seem normal, right?” Utatane Koharu frowned, “What Chunin Jonin, it sounds too absurd.”

Because I didn’t understand, I thought it was absurd, which is the normal thinking of the superiors.

Mitomon En understood, “Maybe it’s a tacit understanding between Orochimaru and this child? Just like when a child completes a goal, the parents give rewards or something. I have also educated my children at home in this way.”

“Uchiha Wakaha is too young after all, it’s normal for Orochimaru to do this.”

Utane Koharu frowned, “Will Orochimaru hint to Uchiha Wakaha through this… tacit understanding?”

“Koharu.” The Sandaime knocked on the table lightly and interrupted, “You’re worrying too much.”

After saying that, he felt something strange again and looked at Danzo.

Danzo didn’t say a word today. He squinted his eyes and closed them to rest since he entered the office. He was really too quiet.

Sensing the sight of the Sandaime, Danzo half-opened his eyes and said coldly, “My attitude has not changed from the beginning.”

“No one of the Uchiha clan is qualified to be promoted to Chunin, especially this kid who passed the examination by cheating.”

“He also seriously damaged the examination room in the second examination and almost caused harm to Konoha.”

“Such an Uchiha… My suggestion is to revoke his Chunin qualification, at least let him return to the Konoha Guard Department, and keep him under surveillance to prevent…”

“Okay, Danzo.” The Sandaime interrupted with a slightly higher voice, “You are too extreme!”

“This is how I act, and it is also the original intention of the establishment of the Root.”

Danzo stood up directly and looked at the Sandaime coldly, “Monkey… Uchiha is different from Senju, you will regret it sooner or later.”



Orochimaru and Wakaka set off directly, but suddenly stopped shortly after leaving Konoha.

Three masked ninjas caught up.

“Lord Orochimaru, this is the material you just requested.” A ninja handed over a space-time scroll with both hands.

“Thank you for your hard work. Go back first. This mission does not require too many people.”


Orochimaru alsoHe was careful. When he set out, he used his clone to inform his subordinates to deliver the equipment.

This way, he would not waste time and would not have to go to the battlefield barefoot.

The time-space scroll contained some ninja tools, long swords, kunai shuriken, and flash smoke detonator talismans.

There were also some soldier ration pills and plums (for saliva production) wrapped in wax paper. They were of good quality and large in quantity. They were the best choice for traveling as a monk and killing people for looting.

The quantity was not too much or too little, enough for two people.

“No matter what the mission is, preparation is very important, Wakaka-kun.”

Orochimaru distributed equipment to Wakaka and taught, “As you said, every minute and every second of rescue time is precious, but if the mission fails due to insufficient preparation, then the time gained will be wasted.”

“I know, teacher.”

Wakaka kept putting things into the ninja tool bag. Although it was highly unlikely that they would be used, they could be sold for money.

He now has old people and children at home, and whether he wants to move to a new house, get married, have children, or lead his people to rebel, all of these will require money.

“It would be great if I could find an investor.” Ruohuo thought secretly.

“And it can’t be someone from the village, it’s better to be a wandering guy like Kakuzu.”

The Sandaime’s surveillance is too shameless.

Ruohuo had made a brief assessment of Orochimaru’s abnormality today.

He found that the lying and fooling indexes were less than 30%. In addition to the “Promotion of the Will of Flowing Fire Theory” proposed by Ruohuo himself, Orochimaru seemed to be giving him suggestions.

There were no flaws or purposes.

Combined with the moment he showed the three magatama, the vague sight…

Ruohuo had reason to suspect that this mission was most likely a test of the Sandaime.

After all, rescue missions like this can best reflect a person’s moral character.

That’s why Ruohuo set off in such a hurry, highlighting his excellent character.

Isn’t it just a rescue mission…

He is the successor of the Will of Fire, he is not afraid at all.

What a coincidence.

Orochimaru thought so too.

He had just completed an S-level mission, and was given a B-level rescue mission…

Although the teacher said on the surface that he should take this opportunity to educate Wakaka.

But how could Orochimaru not know that the teacher was warning him about the sacrifice of six Konoha ninjas in his previous mission?

It was just a B-level rescue mission…

Just try to bring people back to Konoha alive, what’s so difficult about it?

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