Wakahuo’s B-level ninjutsu reserves are not too large, and most of them are native fire escapes.

And they are more practical.

Needless to say, the original fire escape is already famous for its power.

The fire (water) dragon bullet he has been using now is also a B-level skill.

“So it’s just a matter of choosing between a powerful fire extinguisher and a water dragon bomb.”

Although he chose in advance, Ruohuo didn’t want to suffer too much.

Hao Huo Que is known as the most notorious B-level ninjutsu. A large part of the reason is due to Uchiha Madara’s record.

The Fire (Water) Dragon Bomb is Ruohuo’s current flying vehicle, and it is currently equipped with ship-based machine guns and ship-based flamethrowers, and ship-based rockets are still under development.

“It’s a pity that there are no special entries for these two.”

Like the two entries of the C-level main skill Fire Ball Head, they both increase the power and reduce the consumption.

Even the increase ratio is the same, increasing the power by 300% and reducing the cost by 90%, which is the basic increase of the main skill.

“You can do it with 1.5 times more chakra, it feels unnecessary…”

Ruohuo is not very willing.

Without the increase in immortal skills, the upper limit of Fire Release was Amaterasu, which he had given up once.

Sooner or later he will be able to solve the chakra problem, and sooner or later this increase will become worthless to him.

In contrast, the special entries that can be triggered by the main skill are what Ruohuo values ​​​​the most.

Ruohuo quickly switched to other B skills.

It’s all Orochimaru’s fault for taking him out on a mission in such a hurry.

I really forgot to check first on the way.

“The key is that there are no other techniques. My B-level ninjutsu is still too few… Huh?”

Ruohuo blinked, and he actually discovered a small treasure.

[B-level main skill Shadow Clone Technique (pre-test): Create a shadow clone with an entity that can share memory with the main body and fight on its behalf.

Main skill increase 1: The shadow clone’s resistance to hits is ↑300%, and the buff bonus can be shared with the host. When the main body is hit, 80% of the damage suffered will be borne by the shadow clone.

Main skill limitation 1: After upgrading to the main skill, the upper limit of the skill’s use will be locked to “1” and it will enjoy a 1-minute cooldown effect.

Main skill limitation 2: After being upgraded to the main skill, the maximum amount of chakra this skill can carry is 20% of the host’s. 】

“Why didn’t I discover you earlier, dear…”

Three entries, two restrictions, but both can be ignored.

After all, he can also learn the art of multiple shadow clones.

Ruohuo confirmed this technique almost without hesitation!

Not only was this technique confirmed, but a series of tactics also popped up in his mind!

For example, first save a hundred and eighty shadow clones, and then go out and wander around.

Or various shadow clones exploring the way, after all, they have 300% resistance to attack!

“Sure enough, the entry is the essence of the main skill!”

Ruo Huo was extremely excited. Even if the shadow clone couldn’t share the buff increase, the other two entries alone were still a magical skill!

“Is it because the shadow clone has no way to increase its power, so it is given so many entries?”


A jet of black Tailed Beast Jade passed by Ruohuo’s left side, setting off a gust of wind, and ended up on the mountain not far away.

boom! ! ! !

The power of the Tailed Beast Jade never disappoints, and the explosion is loud and clear!

Ruohuo calmed down a lot in an instant, and there was a rampaging tailed beast following behind him.

“Then let’s find a way to calm this guy down first…”

Ruohuo glanced back, only to find that Han had completely transformed into a half-tailed beast at this moment, his skin had been replaced by black and red chakra, and five tails had appeared behind him!

He was sprinting all the way with the help of the rocks, chasing him like ten thousand snakes, and his speed was extremely fast!

“This… is this about to break the seal!?”

Wakahui had a weird expression. If the tailed beast in the jinchuriki’s body broke through the seal, the jinchuriki would die immediately.

This is also the risk of becoming a jinchuriki, and it is the only way for a tailed beast to escape the shackles of life and jinchuriki.

King Mu is the Five Tails.

Han is obviously not a perfect Jinchuuriki, and his current relationship with King Mu is probably not that good either.

King Mu saw the hope of breaking through the seal, so he would naturally not show mercy.

Although Han can still see the human form now, judging from the five tails behind him…

It should be only a matter of time before King Mu breaks through the seal.

“Just in time to test the strength of the shadow clone.”

Ruohuo raised his eyebrows and immediately formed a seal to use his treasure shadow clone.

“How does it feel?”

“Well… you’ll find out later.” The shadow clone pinched his arm and looked atThe half-tailed beast man who was chasing him relentlessly.

“By the way, do you want to try to practice the Eight Gates?”

The shadow clone suddenly said, “80% of the damage is transferred, it feels like it’s okay to open the eight gates?”

“That makes sense, you go first.” Ruohuo kicked the shadow clone off the fire dragon.

Then his muscles were tense, ready to welcome the painful memory that was about to return!

The shadow clone was ready to die in mid-air, adjusted his body, shrunk into a ball as much as possible, and used his knees and elbows to block the vital parts as much as possible.



The half-tailed beast man in the runaway state slapped it casually.


Bang! !

The shadow clone was directly embedded in the wall next to it!

But it did not disappear!

The three times the ability to resist blows allowed the shadow clone to stand firm even after suffering such a blow!

He also gave a thumbs up!

“There’s something…”

“A shadow clone that’s harder than the original?”

Ruohuo swallowed his saliva. Although the shadow clone was limited to only 20% of the original chakra.

But when his chakra limit is raised in the future, and he builds a thick layer of armor for himself, then the shadow clone…

Won’t it be walking sideways?


Suddenly, the half-tailed beast man who was chasing suddenly stopped and let out a deafening roar!

This roar was still angry, but it was filled with excitement and satisfaction that burst out of the sky!


Another roar, but the sound was not as hoarse and rough as before. It no longer sounded like a human who had lost his mind and roared in anger. The part of the voice that belonged to the beast was clearer!

Ruohuo kept moving forward, looked back, and his eyes jumped suddenly.

Han, who had transformed into a half-tailed beast, stood on all fours with his head facing the sky, and scarlet chakra gushed out of his seven orifices, gathering a huge creature that looked like a dog or a colt in front of him…

Wakaka had seen this scene.

The blackened version of Tsuchi had done the same thing to Kushina.

In the end, the Nine-Tails regained its freedom for a few episodes, and was split in two and sealed again.


Another roar, but only the joy of seeing the light of day again!

The Five-Tails King Mu completely broke out of the seal!

But it did not immediately look for the figure in the sky, but turned its head to look behind it.

There, Han’s body was motionless, obviously dead…


King Mu stepped on it and crushed it several times.

“It feels bad to be sealed, right?”

Wakaka’s voice suddenly appeared.

“Follow me from now on, the ninja world of this era… is really too chaotic.”


King Mu stepped down again, directly stepping the shadow clone into the soil!

But the shadow clone did not give in, he even made a seal!

“Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!”

The high temperature impact on the soles of his feet made King Mu stagger, and in his anger, he ignored the other dragon-riding boy who had already rushed in front of him…

“Look into my eyes, King Mu!”

“Have you forgotten who I am!”

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