
White Fang clenched his teeth and covered his ears tightly, while enduring the burning heat brought by the high-temperature steam!

But soon, White Fang felt his body being caught again, and then after a flash, he landed steadily on the ground.

“Are you okay, Senior White Fang!” Minato asked with concern.

“Minato… Minato?” White Fang felt his ears ringing, but still recognized Minato’s voice. (Not too long after the sound wave impact)

“I didn’t expect to meet you here, White Fang.”

The old voice, with a little coldness, gave White Fang an unparalleled sense of security.

“Hokage-sama, why… why are you here?” White Fang was shocked, and faintly touched.

Konoha really received his distress signal, and even the Sandaime personally led a team to support!

“Now is not the time to talk about this.” The Sandaime stared at the behemoth in the distance.

“Let’s deal with the Five-Tails Jinchuriki first. We can’t let the Five-Tails Jinchuriki threaten the village!”

“……Yes!” White Fang stood up and patted Minato’s shoulder to indicate that he was fine.

Looking at the Five-Tails who had already stood up, White Fang gritted his teeth secretly, moved his shoulders, and said: “I just fought with the Five-Tails and found some new information.”

“The Five-Tails Jinchuriki… may have mastered certain illusions. Although the content of the illusion is outrageous, the effect is realistic.”

“Although I just discovered it, I can’t get rid of it.”

White Fang’s expression was extremely serious, “Everyone, please be careful!”

Everyone’s expression was stern. The Five-Tails Jinchuriki also mastered such a powerful illusion?

“Even Senior White Fang is helpless with the illusion… This is tricky.” Minato thought.

Instead, the usually taciturn Aburame Shiwei stood up.

“If it’s an illusion, I can help.”

“I recently cultivated a new breed of bugs, called ‘illusion-breaking bugs’, which need to attach to you.” (A small private setting)

Aburame Shiwei stretched out a hand, and a bug the size of an adult dung beetle appeared in the palm of her hand.

“The bug will absorb a small amount of chakra. If you feel that you are under an illusion, the bug will forcibly disrupt your chakra… It may be a little painful, but it is definitely effective.”


“Be careful, Indra, I feel the malice of these humans…” The tone of the five-tailed beast is still so disgusting.

“Well, I feel it too…”

Wakaba silently formed a seal and called out the shadow clone.

Although the reality is in front of us, if it is beyond understanding, people often find it difficult to believe.

What’s more, this world also has the setting of “illusion”, which can find a better safe haven for people’s ignorance…

‘But it seems a bit outrageous that a seven-year-old can kill the five-tailed Jinchuriki and capture the tailed beast alone. ’

Ruohu scratched his head and suddenly understood Baiya’s mood a little.

He gave up the mission and took great risks to return to Konoha with his companions.

As a result, a classmate from Kakashi’s class appeared halfway, riding the Five-Tails and holding the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, telling him that the aftermath had been taken care of, and the Kannabi Bridge had been blown up, so there was no need to worry…

Except for Orochimaru, it seems that no one would not think that this was not an illusion…

‘But the system gave me so much, what can I do…’

Three magatama + super fire escape buff, Han is not a “complete” Jinchuriki yet.

This… To be honest, even if my grandmother came, she could win.

As for the Five-Tails…

This is the mount he got by his strength, and the Five-Tails recognizes Indra’s chakra, what can he do?

“They are coming, Indra…”

The Five-Tails Mu Wang reminded, and began to increase the temperature of the chakra, and steam kept coming out of his nostrils, officially entering combat mode.

“Then let’s have a big fight! King Mu!”

Ruohuo clapped his hands, his eyes became more and more excited.

As long as the opponent takes the initiative to attack, he can defend himself!


The Five-Tails roared again!

“Everyone, it’s time to go!”

The Sandaime made a seal with one hand, and the Monkey Demon pushed forward, “Grow!”

The Monkey Demon stretched out hundreds of meters and stabbed the Five-Tails like a javelin!

“Get out of the way first.” Ruohuo ordered.

The Five-Tails King Mu immediately gave up the idea of ​​using his horns to push the Monkey Demon away, and started to rush to the left!

“Don’t try to run!” The Sandaime shouted, waving the Monkey Demon to sweep towards the Five-Tails, and shouted, “Minato!”


Minato had alreadyAfter getting ready, he pressed his left and right hands on his two teammates, activated Flying Thunder God, and appeared directly at the head of the Monkey King!

Although Minato is not the famous “Golden Flash” yet, he is only afraid of the enemy. At least he has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Their current goal is to temporarily restrict the Five-Tails, and then let the Sealing Squad seal the Five-Tails and the Jinchūriki!

“Don’t let them come up, King Mu, sprint!” Ruohuo ordered again with his mind!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The three of them just transferred and activated the instant body, trying to land on the huge body of the Five-Tails.

But the Five-Tails suddenly charged its legs, and then accelerated again to avoid the three people!

“Hold me tight!”

Minato immediately threw out a Flying Thunder God Kunai engraved with the “Sword of Ninja Love”, and the Kunai barely caught up with the Five-Tails, and then activated Flying Thunder God again.


The Minato team flashed again, this time they had come to the sky behind the Five-Tails. Minato grabbed the Flying Thunder God Kunai, while Akimichi Choza grabbed two teammates and swung them towards the Five-Tails below!


“Secret Technique: Insect Pest!” Aburame Shiwei released a large number of parasitic insects with both hands, rushing towards the Five-Tails like black smoke!

Minato’s attack was simple and rough, chakra condensed in his hands and expanded rapidly, “Spiral Super Wheel Dance Breaking Sky Divine Strike!”

‘Isn’t this the Big Ball Rasengan? ‘ Wakaka’s eyebrows twitched, but he didn’t dare to be careless at all.

Although the name of this technique is a bit second-year, it is still powerful. If it hits the Five-Tails hard…

“I won’t let you hurt my friends!”

Shadow Clone No. 1 rushed to Minato and vowed to protect King Mu to the death!

“Why is there a child? Uchiha!? Sharingan!? Or three magatama!?”

Minato was shocked, and immediately remembered what Senior White Fang said, and realized that this was most likely an illusion.

A very outrageous illusion… This Five-Tails, it can’t be that this boy rode over here?

Has the Five-Tails Jinchuriki changed? But he is still wearing Konoha’s forehead protector!

But the key is that Zhiwei-san’s illusion-breaking bugs didn’t react!

Could it be that the Five-Tails’ illusion can even confuse insects?

One thought after another flashed through Minato’s mind, and Little Sun was reluctant to attack the child, but he didn’t have only this one choice.

The Flying Thunder God Kunai in his mouth fell, and Minato activated Flying Thunder God on the spot, but his body was forcibly changed!

From facing the Shadow Clone No. 1 facing Wakana, to facing the Shadow Clone No. 1 facing Wakana backwards, and also smashed the Big Ball Rasengan on the Five-Tails!


After all, it was a ninjutsu that could break mountains and split rocks, and the Five-Tails immediately roared in pain!

“Did it work?” Minato was a little surprised, and quickly turned his head to look at the Uchiha boy, but saw that the other party’s eyes were red, and his hands were forming seals!

“Why did you hurt my friends!”

“Damn it! You are not Konoha’s ninjas at all!”

“Then bear the wrath of my will of fire!”

The shadow clone took a deep breath, “Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!”

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