Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 112 Battle with Douma

Now, however, every pillar in the Knife Forging Village has enemies to deal with. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

"Oh my, you should be the Breath of the Sun swordsman who killed Lord Yiwozao as Lord Wuhan said, right? You are such a handsome young man. Although he is not a woman, it is rare for me to have one. Appetite."


Tong Mo covered his mouth with a golden fan and smiled at the Uchiha mirror in front of him.

He was very sure that this guy should be the one who killed Yi Wo Zuo, because he felt a strong sense of threat from the other person.

However, he was born with a lack of emotion, and every move he made was learned by imitating others for more than a hundred years. He did not feel fear in his heart, but wanted to eat the person in front of him.

Because the person in front of him is so strong, if he can eat him, he will definitely become stronger.

"Winding the second string, child mill? You can come and try it."

Ming Jing held a beautiful sword in one hand and challenged Tong Mo.

He just happened to want to try out the effects of the mirror teleportation he had just learned and the Halo Dragon Dance move he had just developed.

Originally, I was worried that not many ghosts would have the strength to let him use these moves, but now it's good, the second string, which is stronger than Yiwozuo, comes directly to his door.

"Then, I would like to thank you in advance for your hospitality."

Tong Mo smiled and waved his golden fan vigorously in front of him.

"Vampire Art: Lotus Leaf Ice!"

Countless ice crystals were scattered in the air, and the cold mist seemed to freeze everything, rolling toward the mirror.

If you touch these ice crystals, not to mention that your body will gradually start to freeze and slow down. Just when you use the breathing method, these ice crystals will be inhaled into the lungs, causing alveoli to freeze and necrosis.

In other words, the stronger the breathing method, the faster you will die.

"What a coincidence."

Ming Jing also made a gesture with his hands and sent a return gift.

It just so happened that he could use chakra to fight even without using the breathing method, and the fire-type ninjutsu he was best at happened to be able to restrain Tong Mo's ice-based vampire technique.

It can be said that he is the most suitable person to fight against Tong Mo.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

Endless flames met the ice mist.

"Eh? Can you use the blood ghost technique like a ghost?"

Tong Mo was a little dumbfounded.

Moreover, the temperature of the opponent's flame seems to be a bit ridiculously high.

But since the other party can melt his ice, he only needs to create ice that is colder and less likely to be melted.

"Vampire Art·Snow Falling in the Dry Garden!"

"Vampire Art: Scattered Lotus Flowers!"

Tong Mo waved the two golden fans harder. Along with the cold air, there were countless fine ice petals, each petal as sharp as a blade.

Still useless?

The temperature of the opponent's flame seemed to be higher than he imagined!

"You are worthy of being the pillar that killed Lord Yiwozuo... It seems that I can no longer entertain the thought of keeping your whole body and enjoying it."

The answer to Tong Mo was the fire ball that had been strengthened by Ming Jing's wind escape.

Tong Mo sighed and had no choice but to duck and wave his fan a few more times.

"Vampire Art·Crystalized Prince!"

Next to Tong Mo, four more ice men appeared exactly like him. These ice men could use the same vampire skills as him.

"Vampire Art·Bai Ji of Han Lie!"

Just like matryoshka dolls, the five children summoned two snow beauties in unison, blowing out patches of cold air from their mouths.

"Winding the second string is indeed a bit troublesome."

Der Spiegel suddenly discovered a problem.

That is, although he can use fire escape to suppress Tong Mo's blood ghost technique, if he wants to kill Tong Mo, he must rush to Tong Mo and kill him with the Sun Blade.

But in that case, even if his fire escape can completely suppress Tong Mo's vampire technique, he will inevitably inhale some ice crystals.

"However, it's not impossible."

Ming Jing suddenly remembered the technique used by Tsunade to extract the small lesions when performing lung surgery on Uchiha Tatsumi.

With this trick, even if ice crystals are inhaled, they can be quickly removed without any impact!

As it happened, he had already copied this move with the Sharingan before, and also mastered the specific steps and principles of this move in the scroll given by Tsunade. Ming Jing was still quite confident that this move would be a B-level medical treatment. Used in ninjutsu.

"Then, let's get rid of all these clones of Tong Mo first to prevent the cold air from spreading further!"

In a few breaths, Ming Jing planned his next move in his head.

"Uchiha Style: Mirror Flash!"

In an instant, Ming Jing's figure changed and split into more than a dozen clones, all rushing forward!

"Uchiha Style Sword Jump Flame!"

"Uchiha Style: Halo Dance!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

Mirror's teleportation allows Ming Jing to attack Tong Mo's Iceman clone in multiple directions in a short period of time.

Even, because of the shadow clone, he can launch two or even three attacks at the same time!

Tong Mo soon discovered that the attack frequency of Ming Jing's flames was completely comparable to the effect of him using the Iceman clone at the same time. The cold energy was suppressed to the greatest extent!

【It's now! 】

Relying on the powerful insight of the Sharingan, Ming Jing quickly found a good opportunity, quickly exchanged positions with a clone, and then rushed straight to Douma's body!

"Uchiha Style·Sun Dance!"

The surging flames suddenly condensed on Ming Jing's Sun Blade, turning the Sun Blade into a red sword, and went straight to Douma's head!

After studying the Sun Dance, the original Sun Dance has also absorbed part of the essence of the Sun Breathing, and compared with the original authentic Uchiha swordsmanship, it has undergone certain changes.

And it is a positive change that has become stronger!

Facing Ming Jing's thrust, Douma only felt troubled.

His close combat ability is actually very good. Even if ordinary pillars get close, they will not be his opponents. But facing Uchiha Ming Jing, Douma feels that he has no confidence in keeping his head in front of him.

In that case...

"Oh my, it's amazing. I haven't used this move for a long time."

Douma made a helpless expression. The next moment, the ground trembled, and an extremely huge ice man rose in the same place. He looked like a Bodhisattva with his hands clasped together.

Blood Demon Art·Mist Ice·Water Lily Bodhisattva!

"That's...Douma's unique skill, Water Lily Bodhisattva? I remember the last time I saw it, it seemed to be in the bloody battle of Upper Rank 2. It seems that I have to work harder."

Yuhu looked at the huge ice Bodhisattva rising in the distance, and suddenly transformed into his final form.

It was time for him to fight desperately.

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