Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 127 The Real Tsugumi Yuichi

This is a wooden hut located deep in the mountains.

The soft sunlight shines through the leaves and onto this seemingly ordinary hut, making it look quite warm.

"This guest, I have been waiting for you to come here for a long time."

A gentle voice sounded, and a man with a slender figure, red hair in a high ponytail, wearing a red feather fabric, and a pair of pendants hanging from his ears pushed open the wooden door and invited the mirror:

"Uchiha Mingjing, right? I know you are very tired now, why don't you come in and have some tea?"

This is... Jiguo Enichi?

How did I meet this guy?

And this is obviously different from the picture Tanjiro saw through the bloodline memory of his ancestors when he was comatose in the original time and space.

Because Ming Jing was very sure that the man in front of him was talking to him.

Following Jiguo Yuanyi's footsteps, Ming Jing entered the hut.

The decoration here is quite simple.

Soon, Ji Guoyuan handed a cup of tea to Ming Jing.

"Drink it, it's good for you, it's my thank you gift to you."

Ji Guoyuan said to Ming Jing with a smile.

It didn’t take Ji Guoyuan to mention it, but Ming Jing could also feel that this cup of tea was extraordinary.

Whose tea will shine golden?

"Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling..."

Ming Jing raised the tea cup and drank heavily. He even wanted to lick the residue inside the cup clean.

Ji Guoyuan couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw Ming Jing's movements.

"Okay, I invite you to drink tea, and your acceptance of this cup of tea means that you have agreed to my gift with your actions."


Ming Jing nodded blankly.

Seeing that Ming Jing was a little puzzled, Ji Guoyuan smiled and explained:

"The way of all things has its own reasons. Only by doing things according to the rules of this world can we gain anything."

Ming Jing seems to understand but not understand.

"By the way, Mr. Jiguo, shouldn't you have... died three hundred years ago? How could..."

Although Ming Jing had some vague guesses in his mind, he still couldn't help but curiously asked Ji Guoyuan.

"I did pass away three hundred years ago, but I just left what I had to leave behind and returned to the place that should belong to me."

"Is this right here?"

Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly.

"The scene here is just the scene I hope to show in front of you. In fact, this can be anywhere."

After Ji Guoyuan waved his hands, Ming Jing suddenly felt that his field of vision was gradually getting higher, and the hut below turned into a butterfly house.

Through the window, Ming Jing could even see that he was lying on the hospital bed, being cared for by three little girls with beady eyes.

The Butterfly Ninja was in a nearby room, bandaging the wounds of Usui Tianyuan who had broken his arm.

Ji Guoyuan waved his hand again.

The Institute of Biology of the University of Tokyo is being rebuilt, a lively town, vendors walking in the streets, mountains, seas, deserts, islands...

Finally, it turned back into this hut.

"This is the core of this world, and I, as a human being, have returned here after experiencing a life full of failures, because I am the differentiated incarnation of the world consciousness of this world."

It can only be said that people call Jiguo Yuanyi a god descending to earth. Isn't it true...

Ji Guoyuan smiled again, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed to a ward in a hospital. Then Ji Guoyuan pointed at a patient on the bed.

In front of Ming Jing's eyes, a canvas suddenly appeared, demonstrating the situation inside the patient's body.

"Wuxian and all ghosts were born from the evolution of mutations within this world. Just like the mutated cancer cells that appeared in this patient's body, they can increase their value infinitely and survive for a long time by plundering the nutrients of this world. The presence."

On the canvas, a scene of cancer cells proliferating in the patient's body suddenly appeared, and then there was a scene of young Wu Mei turning into a ghost after swallowing the doctor's decoction, and then turning other people into ghosts one after another. .

"The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps are originally white blood cells generated by the world itself in response to Muzan, and I, Tsukuni Enichi, evolved seven hundred years after the world's consciousness appeared after Muzan, and spent a lot of power to generate it. After acquiring the power system of Breathing, I brought the Breathing to the Demon Slayers to strengthen the ability of white blood cells and prevent the further spread of cancer cells. This is my first mission."

On the canvas, there was another scene of Enichi Tsukuni joining the Demon Slayer Corps and teaching breathing techniques to other swordsmen.

"As for the second mission, it is to try to find a way to get rid of Wuhan, the source of everything that happened. But unfortunately, although world consciousness can accelerate the evolution of this world, it cannot directly change the world's evolution. The process must take an extremely long time to make changes bit by bit, so no matter how strong I am, I will always be a little short of being able to kill without mercy, so I will settle for the next best thing and do this. Leave some traces of time as much as possible to speed up the arrival of this time.”

"As long as the time is up, someone will be able to follow my traces to the same end, and eventually kill Wu Mei. This is the meaning of those who have exhausted the path and end up in the same destination."

Having said this, Ji Guoyuan pointed his finger at Mingjing again.

"And you are not only the one who is trying to figure out what to do next, but you are also an outside force."

Mingjing was not surprised that Tsugikoku Yoshiichi could see that he did not belong to this world.

As the incarnation of world consciousness, it was normal for him to see this.

"Just like when a patient is sick, relying solely on his own immunity to recover, although there is a possibility of success, it will take a lot of time and is also very dangerous. However, if there is a doctor as an external force, using other means to treat, then the treatment time can be shortened and the risk can be greatly reduced."

"In fact, after three hundred years of evolution, if you have not come, the world consciousness will also guide the Demon Slayer Corps and Muzan to a decisive battle in the near future. If they fail, it will take hundreds or thousands of years to fight again. As the power of demons becomes stronger and stronger, perhaps before the second time, this world will completely become a demon world, and the world consciousness will also be polluted until it perishes."

"So, I want to express my gratitude to you, the doctor. As the incarnation of the world consciousness, I want to thank you for helping me get rid of Muzan. As Tsugikoku Yoshiichi, I also want to thank you for helping my brother Tsugikoku Yansheng resolve his obsession and find liberation as Tsugikoku Yoshiichi."

Tsugikoku Yoshiichi said sincerely.

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