Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 148 The outbreak of war

The third generation obviously realized Ming Jing's current level of ninjutsu during this process. Considering that Ming Jing's current strength is stronger than most of the jounin in the village, it cannot be justified that he is still a special jounin, so He took out a document and signed it, promoting Ming Jing to Jonin.

He thought that he had conquered the heart of this Uchiha brat now, so naturally he would not deliberately suppress Ming Jing's ninja title.

"Congratulations, Ming Jing, you are a fourteen-year-old jounin. I happened to become a jounin at this time, but I was not as strong as you when I was fourteen years old."

Namikaze Minato sat next to Kushina, held Kushina's hand, and sincerely congratulated Ming Jing.

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"The fourteen-year-old jounin happens to be the same as Tsunade and you. If I remember correctly, the village has been established for so many years, and the youngest jounin record has always been fourteen years old."

Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned against the tree trunk comfortably, basking in the sun.

"Tch, old man, if Ming Jing hadn't been studying ninjutsu and swordsmanship a year ago, and spent too much time learning medical ninjutsu with me, maybe he could do more than just tie the record. "

Tsunade sipped her wine and said lazily.

Things here were almost over, and she wanted to go to the casino, but it was a pity that she didn't have much money with her.

But fortunately, there is an apprentice nearby. I think Mingjing has done so many tasks during this period, so he should have a lot of money, right?

But as a teacher, she was too embarrassed to directly ask her apprentice for money. The third generation and Kushina were still watching here.

It would be better to find an excuse later to take Ming Jing away to assess how well he has mastered the medical ninjutsu, and by the way, give a brief hint that the teacher is currently short of money...

Just when Tsunade was still happily thinking about how she would kill everyone in the casino after getting the money, an ANBU hurried from a distance and handed a document to the third generation.

The third generation's face gradually became extremely solemn, and his brows were furrowed.

"Old man, what happened to make you look like this?"

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.


The third generation sighed heavily and transferred the document in his hand to Tsunade's hand.

"There is nothing to hide. Duan has just brought back information that the third Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village has disappeared. Chiyo and Rasa, who succeeded the Fourth Kazekage, believe it is Konoha's fault. They are already deploying troops and collecting supplies. I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything else. How long will it take to declare war on Konoha?"

The third generation depressedly lit his pipe and took a puff.

"The peace has been barely maintained for more than two years, and war is about to break out again."

Tsunade looked at the document in her hand and frowned as well.

"Anbu, notify several senior officials to prepare for a meeting. Tsunade, go and ask Orochimaru and Dan to attend. You will be in charge of the battlefield this time."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the Hokage hat and Hokage robe from the hands of the ANBU next to him, arranged them a little, took big steps, and rushed towards the Hokage building.

"Is the war... going to start again?"

Namikaze Minato looked at the horizon in the distance and murmured.

"Wherever there are people, there will be fights and fights, and war will happen sooner or later."

Ming Jing stretched and stood up from the ground.

"Let's go, Minato, it's time to get ready. There will probably be a Jonin meeting later."

This was Ming Jing's first time attending a Jonin meeting.

Because this day was the day when he became a Jonin.

As the saying goes, there are big meetings for small things, and small meetings for big things. For a big event like the outbreak of war, naturally, the candidates for the three senior officials of Konoha and Orochimaru, Tsunade and Kato Dan will be selected first. After everyone stays together for a small meeting, the Jonin Conference will be started.

Except for a small number of jounin who were on missions outside, most of Konoha's nearly two hundred jounin were present.

In Konoha's ecological system, jounin is below the Hokage and a small number of high-level ninjas who have considerable say. They are also above most of Konoha's middle genin. They play a connecting role in Konoha's political system. role.

Whatever the Hokage and the higher-ups want to do, they cannot do everything personally. They can only leave it to the trusted Jonin. Therefore, if you want to be the Hokage, you must at least win the majority of the village's top leaders in the vote of the Jonin. Only by trusting Shinobu, otherwise he will never be able to control Konoha in the future. This is also one of the most important powers in the hands of Konoha jounin.

As for the Jonin Conference like this, basically a lot of things are just a formality to see if these Jonin have any suitable suggestions worth adopting, or if there are any major objections, and then start to allocate and arrange them. work.

Therefore, after the evaluation of many high-level officials and the approval of many jounin, the command of the Western Front battlefield was taken over by Kato Dan, with Tsunade as Kato Dan's deputy.

In fact, at first, Danzo wanted to support Orochimaru to serve as a commander and gain military exploits so that Orochimaru could later compete for the position of Hokage, but Orochimaru refused directly.

His experiment has reached a very important stage, and Orochimaru, who is thinking about eternal life, does not want these things to disturb his development of forbidden techniques.

In this command position, Kato Dan himself is more competitive than Orochimaru.

It's not that Kato Dan's strength and command ability are stronger than Orochimaru's, it's mainly that he is more suitable.

On the one hand, in the later stages of the Second Ninja War, it was Kato Dan who took over White Fang's position, led Konoha to defeat Sunagakure, and became more familiar with the people of Sunagakure Village. On the other hand, it was also because of Tsunade's medical detoxification. Ability can be of greater use when facing the poison makers of Sand Hidden Village.

The two of them are indeed the best candidates to deal with Sunagakure Village. Sarutobi Hiruzen also hopes to send two top combat forces at once to end the war with Sunagakure as soon as possible.

Because at this time, it is very likely that other major ninja villages will directly take advantage of the situation and further expand the war, forming a new Third Ninja War that will sweep the ninja world.

"Teacher Duan, Teacher Tsunade, there is something I think I need to tell you."

After the Jonin meeting, Mingjing approached Tsunade and Kato Dan.

"Is it about the previous mission?"

Tsunade crossed her arms and squeezed out a deep ravine, with a look on her face that was indeed the case.


Ming Jing nodded gently.

He can see many things, and others can naturally see them too.

"I already mentioned this matter to the old man when I went to the meeting. The old man said that he realized that Danzo was intending to attack you after you set off, so he sent Minato to find Jiraiya. support."

"What did the third generation say?"

"What the old man means is that we are now in a war period and Danzo's roots are needed. He will liquidate Danzo after the war is over, but I guess this matter will be settled by then."

Tsunade spread her hands helplessly.

"The old man just likes to get along with each other like this, but this guy Danzo, except for the old man who is the Hokage, really no one can control Danzo. If we want to deal with him, we have to do it ourselves."

After hearing Tsunade's words, Ming Jing actually felt pretty good.

Because judging from Tsunade's intention, she planned to stand on her side to deal with Danzo together.

"You attack our most proud disciple for no reason, but you have to fight back no matter what, to let Danzo know that we are not easy to mess with!"

Kato Dan was also very unhappy with Danzo.

He is the one who wants to compete for Hokage. As a result, you, Danzo, plan to attack my most proud disciple. If he doesn't fight back, what will those who follow Kato Dan think of him?

He must fight back, both emotionally and rationally.

"Just look at what Duan and I do about this matter. In terms of background, no one in the village is older than me. In terms of intelligence capabilities, there is no one in the village who can compare with Duan. As for you, It's too early to start contacting the darkness of the village. At least now I and Duan can completely protect you. What you should do most is to strengthen your own strength and stand at the same level as Duan and I. "

Tsunade smiled and patted her hand on Ming Jing's shoulder.

Now Kato Dan is the squad leader of the jounin class, and Tsunade is also the director of Konoha's medical department. In addition, Kato Dan has gathered forces and the connections and influence of the Senju clan. If I really want to cause trouble, Sarutobi Hiruzen can't do it no matter what. You have to make a statement in response.

The current Tsunade is not like the one in the original time and space who suffered from hemophobia and became self-defeating.

As a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, she knew very well that Sarutobi Hiruzen's character would definitely pursue stability, and if he wanted to appease them and gain stability within the village, Sarutobi Hiruzen would definitely agree to their request.

At least he would agree to part of it and choose to settle the matter.

In the afternoon of that day, Konoha began to quickly mobilize ninja troops and draw out the reserved war supplies according to the arrangements made at the previous Jonin meeting.

And just the day before the army set off, Sarutobi Hiruzen issued an order.

Danzo Shimura was relieved of his position as leader of the Roots, and Orochimaru, now the second-in-command of the Roots, took over.

Orochimaru, who originally planned to stay quietly underground and continue his experimental research, had to step out of the laboratory because of Hiruzen Sarutobi's order and arrange the root work.

"Report, Dan-sama, Tsunade-sama, the entire medical team is ready!"

"All members of the intelligence team have arrived!"

"The reconnaissance team has arrived!"


One after another, jounin or special jounin were reporting in front of Tsunade and Kato Dan.

This is the training ground closest to the gate of Konoha, and it is also one of the largest training grounds in Konoha. Generally, if a war breaks out and ninja troops need to be gathered, it will be done here.

"Master Duan, all the logistics troops have arrived, and all supplies have exceeded the pre-required quantity by 20%."

When Shiroun Tokinobu was the last one to report the work of the logistics unit to Kato Dan, the 3,500 Konoha ninjas who were going on this expedition had already gathered at the training ground.

"Duan, Tsunade, this time, the safety of the village is left to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, wearing the Hokage robe, spoke earnestly to Tsunade and Kato Dan in front of him.

"Sandaime-sama, don't worry, even if it costs my life, I will do my best to protect the village!"

Kato Dan replied with determination in his eyes.

"Old man, are you still worried about us doing things?"

Tsunade smiled freely and looked at Kato Dan.

Kato Suan nodded slightly to Tsunade, turned around, and looked at the thick crowd behind him.

"I will do my best to win the victory for the village, and then take everyone back to Konoha alive after the war! Let's go!"

The army set out, forming a team in an orderly manner, and walked out of the gate of Konoha under the gaze of the villagers who saw them off on the street.

"I didn't expect that after only two years, the war would start again."

In the bustling crowd on the roadside street, Uchiha Yu looked at the huge team leaving in the distance and couldn't help sighing.


Next to Uchiha Yu, Shisui held his father Uchiha Chen's hand and stared blankly into the distance, wondering what he was thinking in his mind.

"Every war is accompanied by the sacrifice of countless people, just like your grandfather, Shisui, like them, and your cousin Mingjing, they are all protecting the village with their lives. They are real heroes."

Uchiha Chen's eyes were also a little absent-minded.

As an Uchiha, he also fantasized about becoming a ninja when he was a child, and then defeated the enemy in the war and became a hero like his father Uchiha Jing, but congenital lung disease completely prevented all his fantasies.

"Shisui, you must remember that the Uchiha clan was born to fight. The Uchiha clan's reputation was also forged with the blood and bones of the enemy on the battlefield. If you don't want to disgrace the family's reputation, you must train yourself to be stronger! In a few months, it will be the day when the ninja school will open. I hope you can be the first in your class like Mingjing. This is my first request to you!"

Uchiha Yu's voice seemed a little harsh.

Shisui nodded ignorantly and watched the team in the distance gradually disappear on the horizon.



Kawa no Kyoto.

This is a small country located on the west side of the Fire Kingdom. Like the River Kingdom, it is a buffer zone between the two major countries of the Fire Kingdom and the Wind Kingdom.

Because there are no ninja villages, their territory is almost defenseless to the powerful Sand Village.

"The River Country has already been completely conquered in such a short time..."

Tsunade looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

"The most urgent task is to first establish a solid defense line in the uneven terrain of the River Country, strangle the main roads in various places, and try to curb the aggressive momentum of the Sand Village. Then, according to the situation on the battlefield, we can organize a counterattack and push them back."

Kato Dan drew a zigzag line on the map with his finger.

"If the troops are mainly concentrated in these locations, they can effectively occupy the terrain and counterattack the Sand Village."

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