Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 154: Counterattack Victory

"Quicksand Waterfall!"

After reacting, Garura quickly put his hands on the ground.

For a moment, the earth trembled and the ground collapsed. The earth and rocks hidden underground were turned into flowing sand under the influence of Garura's secret chakra, swallowing up the mirror overwhelmingly.

However, the first time he saw the sand, Ming Jing used Mirror Teleport to switch his position.

"Are you planning to turn the entire battlefield into your home court..."

Tsunade knocked away Chiyo's puppet with a few punches, then moved to the side of Ming Jing.

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"Use combined ninjutsu to interrupt and stop that guy!"

Tsunade shouted to remind Ming Jing, and then quickly formed seals with her hands.

Her usual fighting style relies on her powerful melee destructive power, but this does not mean that she does not know Ninjutsu.

As a member of the Senju clan, Tsunade's attainments in earth escape and water escape are not low.

What's more, with Tsunade's chakra control ability, she can easily learn most conventional ninjutsu.

Tsunade slammed her hands into the ground, and the ground beneath her feet also quickly dissolved into soil, and she rushed forward.

This is a large river of earth escape and earth flow that incorporates some of the changes in the chakra properties of water escape. The oil formed by the changes in the properties of water escape is mixed in the mud flow, which can greatly increase the power of fire escape.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

A fire dragon erupted from Ming Jing's mouth and merged into the mudslide. When it came into contact with the sand sea of ​​Garura, it quickly solidified, and was burned by high-temperature flames into a solid object similar to ceramics, making Garura If Rura wants to turn it back into sand, it will take a lot of chakra and time.

This move is actually a powerful move from the third generation, the compound ninja technique Earth Dragon Flame Style.

"Sand Falls Gun Burial!"

There were countless huge spears condensed from sand, and they stabbed at Ming Jing and Tsunade as fast as rain.

And hidden behind this huge sand gun are Chiyo's puppets.

"give it to me!"

Tsunade roared angrily, jumped out, and used her fists and feet to blow up the sand guns one by one, and then blocked the puppets, buying time for Ming Jing.


Wisps of sparks floated from the corners of Ming Jing's mouth, and the Sharingan in his eyes turned rapidly, quickly analyzing a safe path for Ming Jing.

"Uchiha Style: Halo Dance!"

Ming Jing's figure instantly transformed into ten, and they charged forward together.

With the existence of a clone, he can deflect a lot of attacks for himself.

Spiral flaming sword energy was slashed out from the tail feathers of the sky, sweeping away all obstacles in front of Ming Jing.

In just two breaths, Ming Jing had already rushed in front of Garura.

"Desert wave!"

Garura silently raised a hand, and the surrounding sand quickly rotated and floated around Garura, quickly condensing into a sphere, and countless spikes grew on the front.

Once the enemy approaches at high speed, they will inevitably be stabbed with holes by these sand thorns.

As expected, Ming Jing hit these spikes with his sword, and they quickly dissipated like bubbles.

"Breath of the Sun·Shape of Four·Magic Sun Rainbow!"

Ming Jing's figure instantly appeared on the other side of the sand sphere without spikes.

In order to generate these spikes, Garura must use more sand to protect himself from all aspects, and it will undoubtedly take more time to draw more sand.

Therefore, on this side, the sand did not gather around Garura.

After Mingjing combined the various clone techniques and instantaneous techniques of the ninja, the original effect of Huan Rihong's move was doubled.

The sharp tail feathers of the sky cut off Garura's head, but the next moment, Garura quickly turned into a puddle of sand and disappeared.

"Is it a physical clone formed from the essence of sand? No wonder even I couldn't recognize it."

Ming Jing looked fearlessly at the rapidly squirming sand that gathered in front of him and trapped him in the sand ball, as well as the sand eyes blinking at him not far away.

The next moment, sand thorns shot out from the sand ball quickly, hitting the mirror inside.

However, at this time, Ming Jing had already teleported himself to the clone in the outside world through the mirror clone.

"How's the situation, Mirror!"

Tsunade took two breaths, repeled the surrounding puppets with a few moves, and asked the mirror.

"It's not so good. The enemy can use sand to condense into eyes. He can observe any movement on the battlefield from all directions. He can detect and react to the enemy's sudden attack in advance. If there is no mirror teleportation, I may not be able to escape so easily. "

Ming Jing shook his head seriously.

The cooperation between Garura and Chiyo is very reasonable. Chiyo can block the enemy's attack, and Garura's sand secret technique can control the field in a wide range. Moreover, the output ability of these two people cannot be ignored, which is indeed very troublesome.

"It doesn't matter, with the existence of the two of us, Chiyo and the others will definitely use all their energy to deal with us. Dan's side has the upper hand. As long as Dan defeats the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, this battle will be over. when!"

Tsunade smiled boldly, patted her disciple on the shoulder, and quickly entered the battle.

On the same battlefield, Garura also asked Chiyo with a worried look on his face:

"Elder Chiyo, with the existence of Shunshen Mingjing and Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, we can only be tightly restricted here, but I am worried about Luosha..."

"It's okay, Garura." Chiyo smiled and patted Garura's shoulder, as if the situation was still under control.

"Rasa's strength may indeed be lower than Kato Dan, but he won't be defeated so quickly. He can definitely delay it for a long time. As long as some time passes and the toxins we put into the battlefield take effect, Konoha Ninja will definitely be defeated first! So, the advantage is still on our side!"

Chiyo's consolation had some effect after all, and Garura quickly put aside some worries in his heart and started entangled with the enemy with all his strength.



"Hoo, ho, ho..."

After Inuzuka Hao defeated the enemy in front of him, he took a few breaths and glanced at the yellow sand in the distance.

"The enemies that Ming Jing faces have actually reached such a terrifying level of strength!"

"Secret Technique·Insect Jade!"

Countless black parasites passed by Inuzuka's ears and devoured a Sunagakure ninja who tried to sneak attack Inuzuka.

"On the battlefield, don't be distracted."

Aburame Nami looked at Inuzuka Inu with a cold expression and said.

"I know."

Inuzuka sighed helplessly and quickly cheered up again.

He knows that he has little chance of catching up with Ming Jing now. Even if he grows to his peak age, he probably won't have the same level of strength as Ming Jing now.

But no matter what, he still had to climb up step by step and work hard to improve his strength and ninja title.

Now that this battle is over, he should be able to get his wish and be promoted to a special jounin.

About twenty minutes passed.

Under Kato Dan's attack, Rasa could only parry.

"It's okay. According to my estimation, the toxin will take effect within these few minutes."

Chiyo comforted Garuru.

Another ten minutes passed.

Luo Sha had been beaten so hard by Kato that she was vomiting blood.


Chiyo opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

How come most of the Konoha ninjas on this battlefield are still in full swing, with no signs of poisoning at all!

"Could it be..."

Chiyo looked at Tsunade with suspicious eyes.

If there is one person in this world who can break her poison in a short time, then only Tsunade has this possibility.

In fact, Konoha has obviously produced many of them in large quantities, which can be used by many ninjas to ensure the combat effectiveness of these Konoha ninjas on the battlefield.

This shows that Tsunade used less time, and it took less than one night to crack her toxin and produce over a thousand antidotes at the same time.

This undoubtedly made Chiyo feel a little frustrated.

She didn't expect that what Tsunade made was just a special medicine that could block the effect of the medicine for a certain period of time.

"Hey! Take Luo Sha and retreat! The fault of this battle is still my mistake!"

Chiyo took the initiative to take over the responsibility, and the impact on Rasa would not be so great as to shake the Kazekage position he had just obtained.

After Chiyo and Garura reached an agreement, they quickly changed directions.

Chiyo used Chikamatsu's ten men to open the way, and Garura used the sand secret technique to cover the defense. With all his strength, it was difficult for Ming Jing and Tsunade to keep them in place for a while, even if they used all their strength.

Not far away, Luo Sha, who was fighting with Kato Dan, had blood coming from the corner of his mouth and was in a state of embarrassment.

He could only reluctantly use gold dust to protect himself and resist Kato Dan's attack.

Suddenly, a large ball of sand flew from mid-air, taking some of the pressure off Luo Sha.

"Great! Karuro, you are finally here, come with me to kill this Kato Dan of Konoha!"

Luo Sa looked very excited when she saw Garu Luo.

God knows how many beatings he received during this period to hold Kato Duan down. At this time, Luo Sha was very aggrieved.

"No, Luo Sha, it's time for us to retreat!"

Kaura said while holding Rasa's hand.

Luo Sha couldn't help but be stunned.

Just as he was about to ask something, Chiyo's shouts came from not far away.

"You two, stop sitting there and whining! I can't hold on any longer!"

Chiyo was sweating profusely, and he quickly moved his fingers to control the ten Chikamatsu people to resist the attacks of Ming Jing and Tsunade. Afterimages appeared between the ten fingers connected to the chakra line.

Facing two masters who had a certain degree of restraint on her, Chiyo was under greater pressure.

Especially now, Ming Jing, under the cover of Tsunade, is going to use the powerful move that threatened her!

"Uchiha flow·breath of the sun·halo dragon!"

A large amount of flames rose up from the tail feathers of the sky, entwined and condensed into a huge fire dragon, shrouding Ming Jing's figure.

With the next breath, Ming Jing's figure rushed towards Chiyo's position like an arrow from a string.

And with the cover of Tsunade and Kato Dan who had some spare strength, these ten Chikamatsu people were unable to stop Ming Jing's pace for a while!

"not good!"

Seeing that Chiyo was in danger, Rasa and Garura immediately divided a large ball of placer gold and sand into it, and quickly condensed it into a huge golden and thick cube in front of Chiyo.

[Is this Konoha's instant mirror? It can cut off one of Elder Chiyo's hands. It should not be underestimated! 】

A thought quickly flashed through Luo Sha's mind.

At this time, the huge Halo Dragon had also collided with the huge cube formed by the condensation of Luo Sha's placer gold and Garu Luo's sand!

"Were you unable to break through? After breaking through Chiyo's ten Chikamatsu warriors, and then faced with the defensive ninjutsu jointly composed by two Kage-level masters, the power of the Halo Dragon was still a little inferior."

Ming Jing frowned slightly.

At this moment, a deep crack appeared in the middle of the huge cube. The placer gold in it melted into liquid under the action of high temperature, and the sand wrapped in it continued to fall downwards.

But even so, the crack only spread to two-thirds of the way, let alone touching Chiyo behind it.

The next second, the cube collapsed and turned into tentacles composed of sand and placer gold, winding towards the mirror.

At this time, Ming Jing had also quickly used Mirror Teleportation to switch himself to the location of other clones.

But Ming Jing is not the only master on Konoha's side.

Tsunade quickly connected with Ming Jing, rushed forward quickly, opened her bow left and right, punched one after another to break the tentacles condensed by gold sand, and finally kicked the person who was about to be divided with a painful kick. On the two halves of the cube,


Following Tsunade's fierce blow, the cube made a sound like a bell due to the placer gold in it.

Kato Dan's eyes flashed with blue light, and then he released an extremely powerful telekinetic shock wave. While shattering the cube, it also shocked Garura and Chiyo's faces to turn pale and bloodless, and the corners of their mouths bleed. , obviously suffered internal injuries.

As for Luo Sha, who had been seriously injured before, he was almost comatose at this moment, and his consciousness was blurred.

"All Konoha ninjas in good condition, give chase!"

Kato Dan waved his hand and called for everyone to come forward to expand the victory.

However, after chasing for a while, Kato Dan still chose to withdraw his troops.

Without him, many ninjas are actually poisoned now, but the onset of the poison is delayed by special medicine, and they need to use medical ninjutsu to expel it from the body, so the remaining strength is somewhat insufficient. , maybe too many manpower will be lost under the enemy's counterattack, adding variables.

"It's a win!"

Inuzuka, with a few bloodstains on his body, sat down on the ground.

On the other side, Aburame Nami was basically intact except for a bit of chakra consumption.

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