Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 159 The Walking Witch

"Oh? Can you take my sword? You still have some strength."

Ming Jing chuckled.

Ninjas at the elite jounin level can more or less pass a few tricks when facing Kage level masters. If they can make a breakthrough in a certain aspect, such as mastering a ninjutsu like the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, basically It has already reached the threshold of film level.

Ming Jing's current strength can fight against Kage-level masters like Chiyo who are restrained by him without using the kaleidoscope, and it can also deal with weak Kage-level players like Rasa and Garura. The Sunagakure in front of him He can pass a few moves in his hands, which is actually not bad among Jonin.

"This kind of swordsmanship is not much weaker than that of Konoha White Fang back then!"

Sunagakure glanced at the mirror with lingering fear, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Wind Release·Sand and Dust Whirlwind!"

A tornado hurricane wrapped in earthy yellow dust was generated, seeming to pull everything around it into pieces.

"Wind Release? I happen to be learning Wind Release recently. I have to thank you for letting me learn another Sunagakure Wind Release Ninjutsu."

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Ming Jing chuckled lightly, and his hands actually copied the entire process of the hand seals performed by Sunagakure Jonin just now, and he also opened his mouth and spit out a tornado hurricane.

"But I have other ideas about your ninjutsu."

The seal movement in Ming Jing's hand has not stopped yet.


"Fire Release·Fire Tornado!"

A fire tornado appeared, merged into Ming Jing's hurricane, strengthened its power, and directly swallowed the sand and dust whirlwind of the Sunagakure Jonin.

"not good!"

The Sunagakure jounin decisively chose to retreat.

He had delayed for a certain period of time and completed his task. The most important thing now was to save his own life.

However, Der Spiegel would not give him this opportunity.

"Breath of the Sun·Type of Wu·Train!"

An arc-shaped slash entwined with flames instantly cut off the head of the Sunagakure jounin.

With the existence of mirror teleportation, Ming Jing can switch his position at any time and dominate the local battlefield here.

In a strategic sense, the Kage Shun Shen is still inferior to the Flying Thunder God, but its killing efficiency on local battlefields is not much worse than the Flying Thunder God. Like Namikaze Minato, except that such a jounin-level master can block it. Except for a few moves that delayed the fight for a while, everyone else ended up in a matter of seconds.

"Uchiha Mirror!"

Chiyo's roar came from not far away from the battlefield.

As soon as she entered the battlefield, she saw Ming Jing personally beheading this outstanding Sunagakure jounin.

"Oh? Did you bring any help?"

Ming Jing swung his sword and sprinkled the blood on it, and looked at the three or four figures following Chiyo with his Sharingan.

The amount of chakra on these people is not small, and they all seem to be elites among the Sunagakure jounin. They may be even stronger than the Sunagakure jounin just now, and they can fight with me a few times. If they are allowed to participate Trying to contain himself during the match between himself and Chiyo might cause some trouble.

But fortunately, the number of experts in Konoha is not less than that of Sunagakure.

"Ding Jing, leave these people to us! You can deal with Chiyo in peace!"

Inuzuka Paladin and Hinata Hinata stood beside Ming Jing, one on the left and the other on the right.

They are also strong enough to stand at the forefront of the battle.


Ming Jing shouted back at Inuzuka Palatine and Hinata Hizashi, then raised the knife and faced Chiyo.

"This kid's strength seems to be slightly stronger than before!"

The two sides fought for only dozens of rounds, and Chiyo's heart was cast into a shadow again.

Only then did she remember that the kid in front of her seemed to be less than fifteen years old, and he was in the period when a ninja's strength was improving at the fastest rate.

"He has such strength when he is less than fifteen years old. In a few years, his strength will be even more terrifying than it is now!"

The battle between Ming Jing and Chiyo gradually became fierce.

Because the aftermath of the battle between the two strong men was too great, in order to avoid accidents, the surrounding area had been cleared. Even Inuzuka Paladin, Hinata Hizashi and others had already fought to reach another area. .

Both sides are confident in their side's top combat power and do not want the other party to interfere in the match between Ming Jing and Chiyo.

"Ji La——"

The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the cloth was heard.


Ming Jing frowned and looked at the corner of his clothes that had been cut off by the double-knife puppet.

Compared with the last time, Chiyo now has modified his arms and can also use moves such as attack blade and mechanism escape to protect himself when the enemy is close.

Chiyo, who is still on the tail end of his prime, is indeed very strong.

"Magnetic Escape·Gold Placer Cube!"

A huge golden cube fell from the sky with the overwhelming force of Mount Tai, crushing towards the mirror.

At the same time, Chiyo also quickly manipulated the ten Chikamatsu people to entangle each of Ming Jing's clones, trying to limit Ming Jing's mirror teleportation as much as possible.

After several battles, Chiyo has become very familiar with Ming Jing's abilities.

"Tsk, I said Luo Sha, are your injuries healed? Why don't you remember to hit her so much?"

A blue shock wave that was almost solidified rushed toward the placer gold, breaking it into countless fine placer gold.

Kato Dan was shining with blue light, floating to the side of Mingjing.

"Humph, Kato Dan..."

Looking at the handsome face of Kato Dan with a faint mocking smile, Luo Sha's eyes were full of fear.

Compared with Kato Dan, who has a strong telekinesis, his strength is indeed significantly different.

"Hey, old lady Chiyo, and the little girl who likes to play with sand over there, why did you run so fast last time? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Tsunade strode over with a heroic momentum, clenching her fists and making a creaking sound.

Not far away, Karura stepped on a chassis made of sand and flew here quickly, standing next to Luo Sha.

A big battle broke out again between the six people.

Luo Sha still had great confidence in his victory in this battle.

Last time, it was Karuro and Chiyo who fought against Tsunade and Shunshin Meikyo. He had to fight Kato Dan alone, which led to suppression and serious injuries. In addition, the poison he relied on was also cracked by Tsunade in advance. All these reasons led to his defeat.

This time, the situation is completely different. When Luosha and Karuro's magnetic sand gold and sand secret techniques are launched together, they are highly compatible. The tacit understanding between the two is also very high, which can completely achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Coupled with Chiyo's strength, Luosha believes that even if there will be some disadvantages in the high-end occupation this time, the situation will definitely be much better than the last time.

What's more, the power of the toxin prepared by the Sand Village this time has risen to a higher level than last time, and the time of effectiveness has been accelerated.

It is impossible that the information will be leaked when Chiyo made such a strict arrangement, and finally the people of Konoha found the drug production base and finally cracked by Tsunade, right?

Half an hour later.

"Ninjutsu · Empty Sand Barrier!"

"Magnetic Style · Gold Sand Barrier!"

The khaki sand mixed with the golden gold sand condensed into a huge protective shield in the air, protecting Luo Sha and others.

The dull roar continued, and from time to time, grains of sand and gold sand fell from the top.

That was the effect of Kato Dan's telekinetic impact, Tsunade's strange iron fist, and Ming Jing's fire style hitting it.

"Elder Chiyo, didn't you say that the poison prepared this time is absolutely foolproof?"

Rosa said to Chiyo beside him with an extremely ugly face.

"This... is not right..."

Chiyo was puzzled.

"I did attack Uchiha Ming Jing with a weapon coated with poison just now, causing him injuries. If it was him, with Tsunade next to him, he could quickly use medical ninjutsu to extract the poison in the battle, but the other Konoha ninjas, how could it be said that many people should have been poisoned."

Karuro sighed slowly.

"But Elder Chiyo, the ninjas in our village are the ones who are being suppressed now."

Chiyo paused, with a bitter look on her face.

"So, the only possibility is that there is a spy among us, who leaked the information or the sample of the poison to Konoha, and let Tsunade crack it. No wonder they launched the attack at this time. It turns out that for them now, we have lost the advantage of using poison."

A beautiful face with glasses and a gentle smile on her face flashed in Chiyo's mind.

She has basically determined who the spy is now.

"It seems that Elder Chiyo has figured out who is the one who betrayed the village."

Rosa's face was full of gloom.

"Ah, that's a female junior I'm very optimistic about. Her medical ninjutsu is far beyond the reach of other people in the village. I'm very optimistic about her and even have the idea of ​​training her to be my successor in medical ninjutsu, and let her become your future team, the fourth generation. I just didn't expect that Konoha would be so generous as to use this level of medical ninja as a spy."

Chiyo also let out a long sigh, then forced herself to be energetic and put her attention back to the battle in front of her.

"Uchiha Style·Sun Breathing·Sun Halo Dragon Dance!"

"Painful Sky Kick!"

Mingjing and Tsunade, one after the other, hit the defense held up by Rasa and Karura with all their strength, breaking it.

Kato Dan's blue telekinetic shock wave, which was almost condensed into substance, followed closely behind, crushing the enemy like the sea.

"Puppetry Technique: Mechanical Light Shield Seal!"

Chiyo urgently used the Ten Kinmatsu People to surround herself and Rasa Karura, releasing a blue chakra light shield to block Kato Dan's attack.

The combined ninjutsu of Mingjing and Tsunade followed one after another.

They knew very well that as long as they continued to maintain this momentum, even if they could not obtain too many substantial results, they could still suppress the opponent steadily. In addition, the Konoha ninjas in the battlefield below had already gained an advantage. As long as they continued, they would be the only ones to win in the end.

The battle lasted until nightfall.

The Sand Village finally paid a considerable price and barely covered most of the main forces to retreat.

After chasing for a while, the Konoha side also chose to call it a day.

After fighting for such a long time, many ninjas no longer had much chakra to supply themselves to continue fighting.

Even Mingjing relied on Tsunade's assistance with the slug to replenish, which was how he could keep fighting with all his strength until now.

Although after opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, the quantity and quality of Mingjing's chakra have made a big leap, he is less than fifteen years old after all, and the amount of chakra is still a certain distance away from those Kage-level masters who are in their golden age.

The trio of Chiyo, Rasa, and Karura once again fled with thousands of Sand Ninjas in a panic.

To be honest, they were able to keep most of the main forces during the escape, and their abilities were actually quite good.

But this could not cover up the fact that they were defeated.

And it was the second time they returned in a big defeat.

This time, their main camp stationed in the country of rivers had been lost, and it was difficult to get it back. They could only retreat to the border of the country of rivers, shrinking their forces to prepare for defense while waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from the village.

"Where's Saki?"

After helping Rasa gather the defeated soldiers and resettling at the border of the country of rivers, Chiyo's first thing was to find the pharmacist Nono.

Saki is the pseudonym of Yakushi Nono in Sand Village.

"Are you looking for Sister Saki, Elder Chiyo? I remember that when we were escaping, Sister Saki was the first medical ninja to be evacuated by those senior ninjas. Is she not back yet?"

A young female ninja who was bandaging the wound of the injured answered Chiyo.

"After she found out that she was exposed, she had already escaped in River Country..."

Chiyo's face was terribly gloomy, which scared the young medical ninja.

"Chi, Elder Chiyo... Saki..."

"She is a spy sent by Konoha. This time our poison failed, probably because of her."

Chiyo knew that since "Saki" had already escaped from River Country, she might have returned to the camp of Konoha.

It would be difficult to catch her again.

What Chiyo can do now is to inform her younger brother Ebizo to pay more attention to the information about Saki when he leads the intelligence department, and to purge those who may be spies from other forces in Sand Village together with Luosha.

But this matter must be kept secret as much as possible.

After two consecutive defeats, although Chiyo took the initiative to take responsibility the previous time, it was inevitable that the position of the newly appointed Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, began to be shaken. Now the interior of Sunagakure can no longer withstand major turmoil.

Now there have been many complaints in the Sunagakure camp, some against Rasa and some against Chiyo.

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