It's a pity that Orochimaru has not met one until now. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

And Ming Jing also saw that Orochimaru's interest was no longer as good as when he first arrived.

So, Ming Jing took out another test tube from the seal scroll.

It is clearly written on it, the words "Third String".

"This is……"

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Orochimaru was a little curious about the meaning of Ming Jing's action.

"The answer that Orochimaru-senpai is looking for may lie in this blood sample."

Ming Jing placed the test tube on the table and made a gesture of invitation to Orochimaru.

With a slightly suspicious look on Orochimaru's face, he picked up the glass test tube with the sealing technique engraved on it.

"Senior Orochimaru, before you open this test tube, I think it is necessary to remind you that you must not use oral administration, injection, or some similar methods to take this blood into your body, otherwise you will not be able to realize yourself. The dream of eternal life also has many weaknesses. "

Ming Jing crossed his legs wantonly and said to Orochimaru.

Eternal life!

Orochimaru's eyes suddenly released a breathtaking light.

Although the forbidden technique he envisioned to allow him to gain eternal life has been developed more than half, it also has certain flaws.

Now there is another way to obtain immortality, which undoubtedly makes Orochimaru's heart shake at this moment.

"What a weakness."

Orochimaru held the test tube firmly in his hand, turned his head and asked the mirror.

"When humans ingest this blood into their own bodies, they will undergo fundamental changes and become another kind of creature. Cells will have the ability to proliferate indefinitely. This is also the reason why that kind of creature has an extremely long lifespan."

"When its own vitality is sufficient, it can also regenerate cells crazily to achieve the effect of immortality."

Ming Jing did not directly answer Orochimaru's question, but first talked about the advantages of creatures like ghosts.

"This sounds very similar to the cells of the first Hokage. By the way, Mingjing-kun, with your qualifications, you may not know these things. If you are interested, I will be happy to tell you these secrets."

At this time, Orochimaru returned to his elegant and calm demeanor, but only he knew what was going on in his heart.

Ming Jing smiled slightly, ignored Orochimaru's words, and continued.

"However, while gaining these advantages, this kind of creature will be very afraid of sunlight. Once exposed to sunlight, they will be directly destroyed. Moreover, if it is a weapon with the same energy as the sun, it can also kill them. "

Ming Jing looked at the heart-beating expression on Orochimaru's face, then extended an index finger and pointed at his head.

"But I personally think that the biggest impact is actually on the brain, because once you become such a creature, your heart will be affected by violent emotions, eager to take away the lives of others, eat them, and devour their lives. , although he still retains part of his consciousness when he was a human, but it is definitely not related to reason. "

Orochimaru frowned deeply.

He is actually completely able to accept becoming a creature that is not human.

In the original time and space, he transformed his body into Yamata no Orochi, and it was not until he was reborn from Anko's spell that he returned to a human body.

But if he becomes violent inside and greatly reduces his rationality, Orochimaru is absolutely unwilling to accept it.

His smart brain has always been what Orochimaru is most proud of.

If Orochimaru loses the wisdom he should have, will he still be Orochimaru?

"It seems that Mr. Ming Jing, like me, has his own pursuit of a long life. It seems that people just don't want to believe that someone can break through the limits of life. But when the opportunity to obtain eternal life is in front of them, no one will be so Easily refuse."

An evil smile appeared on Orochimaru's face, and he continued to the mirror:

"Mr. Mingjing gave this precious gift because he wanted to join forces with me to discover the meaning of life?"

"If there is anyone in this world who can remove the various weaknesses of creatures like ghosts, I think perhaps Orochimaru-senpai is the one most likely to do it."

Ming Jing stretched out his hand and shook hands with Orochimaru.

It can be seen that Orochimaru was very impressed by Ming Jing's praise and was very satisfied with the gift.

"So this kind of creature is called a ghost. It sounds very similar to those monsters from ancient times."

Orochimaru said with a relaxed expression after sealing the glass test tube into the scroll and giving it to a giant python to swallow for safekeeping.


There was some interest in Ming Jing's eyes.

"Is it something similar to the demons from the land of ghosts and the Satoru from the land of grass?"

Orochimaru glanced at Ming Jing in surprise, nodded slowly and said:

"I didn't expect Mingjing-kun to actually know. I can only say that he is worthy of being an Uchiha with a long heritage? The monsters of the Kingdom of Stone are indeed monsters, but I don't know about the Satori of the Kingdom of Grass."

"I have only seen records of this kind of thing in some ancient books in the family library, but the words are unclear and the content is incomplete, so I don't know much."

Ming Jing casually found a reason to explain.

The Uchiha clan has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are so many ancient books in the family library that you can just pull something out of it.

"It turns out that the so-called monsters are actually various demons and monsters that were defeated by the Six Paths Sage walking in the ninja world thousands of years ago. Some of them have extremely powerful immortality. Even great people like the Six Paths Sage cannot defeat them. Killing them can only seal them, so some of them still survive to this day."

"In the past history, there were also some ambitious people who wanted to release these monsters that claimed to have the power to rule the entire world, but without exception they were met with backlash. Since creatures like ghosts also have this kind of immortality, it may be very difficult for them to do so. There may be some connection with these monster villages.”

Orochimaru gave a brief introduction to the concept of monsters in the mirror.

"Okay, Mr. Mingjing, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Goodbye, Orochimaru-senpai."

Ming Jing nodded to Orochimaru and watched him leave.

I haven't thought about whether to hand over the ghost's blood sample to Orochimaru before, but now, Mingjing believes that this may be the best option at the moment.

He originally hoped to find the right person in the pirate world.

However, scientists with this ability are rare even in the pirate world.

Vegapunk is definitely the best choice, but this one is under the control of the World Government and is difficult to reach.

Second-level scientists, such as Caesar and Indigo, are also under the control of the World Government and the Golden Lion respectively.

Currently, Mirror has asked Long to explore information related to Vinsmoke Gaji, who is actually a first-rate biological scientist in the pirate world.

However, this person's moral bottom line doesn't seem to be very high, and he may also engage in some tricks. He is currently regarded by the Mirror as the first alternative besides Orochimaru.

At least Orochimaru will definitely try his best to achieve perfection in this matter in order to pursue immortality.



After evacuating from the battlefield, the entire Yunyin Village fell into unprecedented grief.

Because of their spiritual support, regarded by all Kumogakure as the strongest and invincible person, the Third Raikage died on the battlefield.

"Cough, cough!"

Yondaime coughed twice and wanted to get up from the bed, but found that his body was covered with bandages.

"Master Ai, you're awake!"

A Kumogakure medical ninja who was waiting by the bed had a look of surprise on his face when he saw the fourth generation Ai regaining consciousness.

After losing the third generation Raikage, the fourth generation Ai, as the Raikage candidate, is now the only pillar of support in the hearts of all Kumogakure ninjas.

"Atzyi, what time is it now?"

Yondaime barely supported herself from the bed with her arms and asked the medical ninja.

He remembered that after running all the way back with Tutai, he fell into a coma due to excessive injuries.

"Master Ai, it has been three days since you passed out!"

Was he actually in a coma for three whole days?

"How is the situation now? Is dad back?"

The fourth generation Ai is already looking forward to joining forces with the third generation Raikage to defeat Orochimaru and Uchiha Mirror.

Aziyi's expression darkened.

"Master Ai, the Third Master, he..."

"Dad, what happened to him?"

"In order to cover the retreat of his subordinates, the Third Generation took the initiative to cut off the rear. Finally...finally, he single-handedly resisted 10,000 Iwagakure elites. After inflicting heavy damage to Iwagakure, he died of exhaustion."

The fourth generation Ai stood frozen in place for a while, unable to accept it for a long time.

His father, who had an almost unbreakable defense and had the power to fight the Eight-Tails hand-to-hand, was actually dead?

"Atzyi, don't make such a joke next time."

Aziyi lowered his head and did not answer the fourth generation Ai, but said to himself:

"Master Todai said that after you wake up, you must prepare for the succession ceremony of the Fourth Raikage as soon as possible. Now you are the only hope in the village, and everyone needs you to stand up and re-inspire the morale of every ninja."

Yondaime realized that Atsui wasn't kidding him.

"Dad, is he...really dead?"

Aziyi nodded heavily.

Yondaime couldn't help but clenched his fists, and the swollen muscles on his arms directly burst the bandages, revealing scabbed wounds.

"I understand! Tell Tutai that I will take over my father's responsibilities and develop Yunyin Village again!"

Just when the fourth generation Ai led a group of mourning soldiers to prepare for the succession ceremony of the fourth generation Raikage, trying hard to protect Kumogakure's interests.

In the Konoha camp, Ming Jing was also thinking about the Thunder Chakra pattern he had seen on the battlefield before.

In front of him, there was also a huge scroll with a human anatomy drawn on it. Judging from the body shape, it looked like the fourth generation Ai.

In order to crack the Thunder Chakra mode, he specially called Orochimaru to help.

This person is also a polygonal ninja with all five attributes of ninjutsu like the Third Hokage. He is equally accomplished in Thunder Release Ninjutsu. He is also a master of Ninjutsu development like the Second Hokage. He must be able to crack the Thunderbolt Ninjutsu on his own. It helps a lot in the process of chakra escape.

"It's interesting. It's unbelievable that a ninjutsu that seems to be only B-level in difficulty actually contains such a secret."

Orochimaru looked at the blue lines on the human anatomy diagram that represented the flow of chakra, and tried to figure out the seals step by step with his hands.

Soon, crackling blue arcs appeared on Orochimaru's body.

Ming Jing curiously opened his Sharingan and took a look at Orochimaru's current state, and found that he did not replicate the Thunder Chakra mode, but a state similar to it.

However, within a few seconds, Orochimaru felt something was wrong with his body and took the initiative to release the ninjutsu.

"The Thunder Release Chakra Mode immediately should include a special change in the nature of Thunder Release mastered by Yunyin Village, simulating the Thunder Release Chakra closer to the bioelectricity of the human body, making it less likely to cause damage to the body, otherwise , it just stimulates the cells throughout the body, and although it can achieve a certain degree of bonus, it will never last as long as the previous generations of Raikage."

Orochimaru licked his lips and analyzed.

Compared with Orochimaru, Ming Jing's approach is somewhat different.

He incorporated part of the medical ninjutsu ability of the Kaili Fist to stimulate body recovery, as well as some of the principles of the Chidori.

At this moment, one of his arms was emitting a blue to white electric light.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru felt familiar, and there was a dull pain in his injured chest.

"You look a bit like the Fourth Raikage of the Third Raikage. If I guessed correctly, you should have gathered a large amount of Thunder Release Chakra that has been integrated into the piercing nature of your arm."

Orochimaru was a little curious as to how Ming Jing managed to inject so much Thunder Chakra into his arm without hurting himself.

There are two main reasons for this. One is the difference in physical strength between the two, and the other is that Ming Jing can also use the skills of Wei Liquan to repair cell damage in his hands. This allows Ming Jing's arms to accommodate so many The thunder escape chakra.

"I used part of the Kaili Fist technique taught by Tsunade-sensei, and used extremely fine chakra control ability to repair the cell damage in the hand."

Ming Jing explained part of the reason to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru only believed part of it.

He knew that this might be one of the reasons, but it was probably more than that.

"Ming Jing-kun, you can try to compress this part of chakra into your fingers. In this way, you can greatly increase the piercing ability of Thunder Release. This is how the Third Raikage used the Four Pen Hands."

Orochimaru looked at Ming Jing's arm flashing with leaping lightning and made a suggestion.

Mingjing heard what he was told and did it.

Waves of Thunder Chakra slowly and steadily flowed toward Ming Jing's palm, and then flowed into his fingers.

Ming Jing couldn't help but put away his thumbs and put his palms together, making a knife-like shape.

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