Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 203 Dancing Uchiha!


Dodai said to the Fourth Raikage with a solemn expression.

At this time, he had covered his blind eye with a black eyepatch with the word "Thunder" written on it.

"All Kumogakure ninjas, surround the Raikage Building, don't let anyone escape!"

The Fourth Raikage stood on the high platform and issued his first order as the Raikage.

"Yondaime-sama, you should not let all Kumogakure ninjas move, because we must be prepared to prevent the enemy from attacking in the east and west, and do other things while our strength is concentrated in the Raikage Building."

Dodai put his mouth to the fourth generation Raikage's ear and reminded the novice Raikage.

"Senior Orochimaru, it seems that the operation failed."

Ming Jing said calmly to Orochimaru, who had a look of disdain on his face.

He wasn't very panicked.

Even in the hinterland of Cloud Hidden Village, he was sure to find the opportunity to use the Samsara Watch to escape to another world even in the hinterland of Cloud Hidden Village.

As for Orochimaru.

Although Ming Jing believes that Uncle Snake may not be able to be killed in this situation, even if he successfully escapes, the snake will probably have to shed several layers of skin.

What's more, Orochimaru, who has not yet developed the immortal reincarnation and curse seal, has not yet reached the peak of his survivability.

"Not necessarily, Mr. Mingjing."

Orochimaru saw the look on Ming Jing's face at this time and quickly calmed down, showing the superb qualities of an excellent ninja.

The more times like this, the more important it is to maintain inner calm.

"Mingjing-kun, if I guess correctly, when the village was first established, the first generation Raikage would definitely leave behind a means of escape in order to avoid the disaster of annihilating Yunyin Village one day in the future."

"And the Raikage Building is the most important building that existed when Kumogakure Village was established. If there is an escape route, it will definitely be here!"

Orochimaru said confidently.


A big snake emerged from Orochimaru's sleeve and kept swallowing snake messages.

"Because here, there is a smell carried by the wind from other directions! A smell that is different from any place we have just walked through!"

These smells are exactly what the snake captured through the snake letter.

"So Orochimaru-senpai wants to break the armored seal here, and then escape through the passage behind it? Let's not say whether there will be Kumogakure's people behind the passage, but just for this seal, it will take a certain amount of time to break it. time?"

Ming Jing looked at the tadpole-like sealing spells on the metal door in front and said.

He is also knowledgeable about sealing techniques.

After all, he has obtained Tsunade's true inheritance, and often communicates with Kushina Namami on sealing techniques. Even if he cannot be called a master of sealing techniques, he is definitely a master of this art.

"So, I need Mr. Mingjing to help me delay some time."

"Then why can't Senior Orochimaru help me delay? You know, my sealing skills are not bad. With the complexity of the seal in front of me, it only takes me half an hour to crack it."

Ming Jing asked Orochimaru with a faint smile on his face.

If he is confident, he can actually achieve what Orochimaru said. Even if he does not open the survival channel at the back, he can still teleport all the way out by the power of the hand, and then use the Samsara Watch to go to another place that avoids the Hidden Cloud Village. search,

As long as he was not surrounded by a large army when he came out and was entangled by the Fourth Raikage, a speedy ninja, he would definitely be able to escape easily.

However, he still wanted to see if he could knock something out of Orochimaru's hand.

"Compared with the seal on the previous Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, the current armor seal has become more mature and stronger. This is also the reason why I failed before, but the principle remains the same. I only need fifteen minutes, or even more It can be cracked in a short time, so I stay here and Mingjing-kun, who is more capable of dealing with the Fourth Raikage, is outside, which is the best solution at the moment."

After Orochimaru explained to the mirror, he continued:

"Of course, I know that this alone is not enough to convince Mr. Ming Jing. I can do my best to help you decipher the ghost's blood. I can also agree to any of your requests, Mr. Ming Jing, after this incident, as long as the request is within the scope of my ability. It’s not life-threatening.”

Orochimaru told the mirror his chips.

"not enough."

Ming Jing shook his head lightly, then raised his head and looked upward.

His Haki had sensed that the entire Raikage building had been surrounded by countless Kumogakure ninjas, and the Fourth Raikage was heading here with a group of people.

Time is running out, but there should be time.

"I have read the manuscript left by the second Hokage and know the flaws of the Mangekyō Sharingan. After the incident is completed, I will also study the cells of the first Hokage to solve the problem of the Mangekyō Sharingan! Moreover, I will use the Mangekyō Sharingan to solve the problem. Snake is sent out to help you!”

"make a deal!"

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Ming Jing's face.

"Everyone, surround all sections of the road! Make sure there are jounin guards in every direction. Don't let me let the enemy go!"

The Fourth Raikage stood outside the Raikage Building, directing the crowd.

According to his character, he originally planned to rush in and pull out the enemy and beat him up.

But Dodai thought that it was not a good thing to have such a thing happen at the succession ceremony of the Raikage. But if this incident could be used well and used as a political show to stabilize the reputation of the Fourth Raikage and show his ability, it would be a good thing.

Anyway, the third floor of the basement has an improved iron seal that is enough to stably seal the powerful Eight-Tails. The enemy cannot destroy the really important things. As long as they keep a little watch, there will not be much loss.

In their minds, they still think that the person who sneaked into Kumogakure this time is just a spy who is hiding very deeply.

Daring to lurk in the Raikage Building may have some strength, but it is nothing in front of the entire Kumogakure Village.

Just as the Fourth Raikage was commanding the crowd, a deafening roar came from the interior of the Raikage Building.

The Fourth Raikage suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and looked at Dodai's one eye.

Before Dodai could speak, the wall on one side of the Raikage Building suddenly broke open, and a purple giant snake appeared.

"This is... Orochimaru's summoned beast? Could it be Konoha's Orochimaru this time?"

A Kumogakure jonin standing outside the Raikage building looked ahead and frowned.

"No! The person on the top of the snake is not Orochimaru, but Uchiha Mingjing!"

A perception ninja who had seen Mingjing on the battlefield exclaimed after determining that it was Mingjing's chakra.

The Fourth Raikage and Dodai showed shock on their faces, and then surprise.

Doesn't this mean that Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru are now in Kumogakure Village?

If we can take this opportunity to eliminate these two powerful enemies in one fell swoop, Konoha will definitely suffer a heavy blow!

"Quick! Seal all the passages out of the village. Since only Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru's summoned beasts are there, maybe they want to cut off their arms and one person will escape!"

Dodai quickly reminded the Fourth Raikage.

"Uchiha ninja! Every time Orochimaru asks me to help, he always asks for at least two hundred, no, three hundred sacrifices. This time, you must give me three hundred sacrifices before I will help you!"

Manshe stood up with the huge front half of his snake body and said to Mingjing.

"You have to serve me even without sacrifices!"

Mingjing turned his head and looked at Manshe with a pair of intimidating Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Hey! Kid! Don't be so arrogant! Now I regret it and want five hundred sacrifices..."


Looking at the Kumogakure army getting closer and closer to him, Mingjing was too lazy to talk nonsense with Manshe and directly controlled him with Mangekyō Sharingan.

Manshe's eyes suddenly turned into the shape of three magatama Sharingan, and he became quiet, and took the initiative to coil up to guard the entrance behind him.

Ming Jing also clenched his fists, stretched his neck and shoulders, and took steps to run towards the Kumogakure army step by step, from slow to fast.

The powerful momentum even made the Kumogakure ninjas in the front row dare not charge again.

"Here they come!"

"Be careful not to look into his Sharingan!"

The Kumogakure ninjas reminded each other and met Uchiha Ming Jing who was charging alone.

When Ming Jing broke into the formation of these Kumogakure ninjas, his speed had accelerated to an extremely fast level.

The ninja at the head of the row only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he felt a pain in his chest and fell directly to the ground.

If there were Byakugan ninjas present, they would see that his ribs on his chest had been broken, and the fragments pierced into his heart.

In the field of vision of the Sharingan, the movements of every Kumogakure around him became extremely slow, and the flaws on his body appeared in front of Ming Jing without reservation.

His left hand quickly stretched forward like an eagle's claw, and with one bend, he easily broke the throat of a Kumogakure ninja.

He turned his waist and dodged the stab of a Kumogakure ninja holding a sword beside him. His right hand quickly pushed sideways, clamping the Kumogakure ninja's sword-holding hand like a vice, forcibly changing the trajectory of the sword. The sword passed through the eyebrows of a Kumogakure ninja diagonally, and quickly drew a circle in the air, chopping down a circle of Kumogakure ninjas around him.

"Your sword is not bad, but it's still a little worse than mine."

Mingjing stabbed the sword into the heart of the owner of the sword, commented lightly, and rushed forward again.

Wherever he passed, people and horses fell, and all the Kumogakure ninjas flew out like fallen leaves in autumn.

"Don't be too arrogant, Uchiha Mingjing!"

A blue lightning instantly crossed the battlefield.

The fourth generation Raikage shouted and smashed Mingjing with a punch that had been accumulated for a long time.

Sensing the movement in the distance, Ming Jing quickly turned around and twisted his waist, and the power was transmitted from the ground along the waist and spine to the arms and fists, and a straight punch with the power of Armament Haki was thrown, colliding with the fist of the Fourth Raikage.

A violent shock wave shook, and Ming Jing and the Fourth Raikage retreated one after another.

The difference is that there are a group of Kumogakure ninjas behind the Fourth Raikage to support him, while Ming Jing has to face the siege of the Kumogakure ninjas!

"Lava Style·Mo Flow Great River!"

Another attack from the earth platform, completely blocking every retreat route of Ming Jing!

Ming Jing was not in a hurry, and separated more than a dozen clones to cover, switching positions to avoid taking all the attacks, and at the same time pulled out the Sky Tail Feather from his waist.

Countless flying slashes wrapped in flames flew away at this moment, ruthlessly obliterating the lives of Kumogakure ninjas.

"Uchiha Style·Sun Breathing·Sun Halo Dragon Dance!"

A flame dragon that was comparable in size to a tailed beast appeared and broke through the rubber melting barrier of the platform in one fell swoop. While leaving behind the charred corpses of Kumogakure ninjas, it also rushed in front of the platform.

However, Todai did not panic, and formed seals with many Kumogakure jounin behind him, lining up on the ground at the same time.

"Composite Ninja Technique: The Sixteen-Pillar Binding Technique!"

Sixteen huge stone pillars quickly rose from the ground, connected to each other by barriers formed by electric grids, in an attempt to confine the mirror within them.

This is a barrier-type ninjutsu similar to the Four Red Sun Formation and the Four Purple Flame Formation. It has super strong defense power, and even tailed beasts will be trapped in it.

The Halo Flame Dragon circled and hit the stone pillar connected to the power grid.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the stone pillars, and they were about to break.

Several Kumogakure Jonin behind Dodai, some of them turned pale due to excessive use of chakra.

"Hold on, Uchiha Mingjing's special teleportation can only switch the position of the main body in the position of the clone. As long as he and his clone are restricted with a barrier, it will be enough to find an opportunity to suppress him!"

Dodai shouted, encouraging several Kumogakure jounin behind him.

Looking at the barrier that was about to be broken in front of him, it was gradually recovering with the support of Dodai and several Kumogakure jonins. Ming Jing immediately used the Mangekyo Sharingan's pupil technique.

"Heaven's Hand Power!"

With a bang, the positions of Mingjing and Tutai were instantly switched, and the latter was sent into the power grid.

After losing Tutai, the core caster, the barrier immediately fell apart.

"not good!"

Dodai bared his teeth and stared at the Kumogakure Jōnin who fell one by one in the distance.

"Breath of the Sun·Eight Types·Flying Wheel Sun Flame!"

Ming Jing pulled out the Heaven's Tail Feather from the head of a Kumogakure Jōnin with an indifferent expression.

Now, only three of the eight Kumogakure jounin who were originally here are supporting each other's injured ones and looking at the mirror with hateful eyes.

"If you can survive such a few moves at my hands, you should also be among the elites of Kumogakure jounin, barely qualified to dance in front of me."

Ming Jing looked at the three people in front of him and was about to continue taking action, but then he raised his eyebrows and disappeared.

In his perception, all the snakes blocking the front of the Raikage Building were about to be hammered to death by the Fourth Raikage.

Even if he doesn't die, he may still be forced to break free from the illusion.

"Righteous thunder axe!"

The Fourth Raikage jumped up high, gathered a large amount of chakra in his legs, and with enough power to crack mountains and crack rocks, he smashed it down on Wan She's head.

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