Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 211: Ghost Hashirama Cells? ? ?

Chapter 211 Ghost + Hashirama Cells =? ? ?

"Senior Orochimaru, I know a lot of ancient history from the Slug Sage. For example, before the Ninja Sect was founded and the Six Paths Sage spread chakra throughout the ninja world, there were various powerful creatures in the world, and they also knew about it. Natural energy has different uses. For example, the immortals in the three holy places have already existed in the ninja world since that period. "

"They can use natural energy, and humans can also use natural energy in their own way."

Orochimaru's breathing was slightly rapid.

"Could this be what you found, Mr. Ming Jing, how humans used natural energy in the ancient times before Chakra was born? Yes, look at the various moves that go with it. Compared to fighting humans, it's more Suitable for fighting those strange-looking monsters and monsters! Mr. Mingjing, you really gave me a big surprise!”

Orochimaru fell in love with the scroll in his hand more and more.

He felt that the breathing method here suited him very well.

But Orochimaru still forced himself to calm down.


"Mr. Mingjing, I really need this breathing method, so for you who took out this thing, what price do you need me to pay?"

Orochimaru remembered that in addition to two studies, he also needed to agree to Uchiha Mirror's request not to threaten his life.

Now Uchiha Mirror has thrown out something that he can't refuse, which makes Orochimaru eager to know what the purpose of Uchiha Mirror is.

"Oh, if Orochimaru-senpai thinks of me as such a profit-seeking person, that would be too much. I just pointed out another path to immortality for Orochimaru-senpai who is also pursuing the path of immortality. Road, because only you in this world can do everything I want to do.”

"Then, I will add a little more leverage to what I ask you to do in the future, Senior Orochimaru, so that things can develop in the direction I want."

Orochimaru suddenly laughed.

As long as Uchiha Mingjing has his own needs, everything can be solved.


"Mr. Mingjing, I think I probably already know what you want."

Orochimaru rolled up the scroll of Snake Breath with his long tongue and swallowed it.

"Now you have almost the strongest strength in the ninja world, and you have more than one path to eternal life. So when power and eternal life are in your hands, Mingjing-kun, your pursuit must be more than anything else. Besides strong power, there is only power, right?”

Looking at Orochimaru's action of accepting the snake's breath, Ming Jing knew that he had agreed.

"I like to talk to smart people, and Orochimaru-senpai is indeed the smartest among smart people. He has already figured out the truth with just such a trivial piece of information."

A faint smile appeared on Ming Jing's face.

"Haha, Mr. Mingjing, I also want to know whether a strong wind like yours can turn the windmill of this world."

"Very good, then Orochimaru-senpai, let us get back to the topic."

Ming Jing put his hands on the table and said to Orochimaru.

"If I'm not wrong, Mr. Mingjing wants to combine the breathing method with the immortal mode to see if he can be like the immortals of the three holy places and gain a life span of more than a thousand years, right? If the research on ghosts is not too Big progress, this is indeed a good way, and we will have more than a thousand years to study ghost blood or find other methods."

Ming Jing couldn't help but applaud Orochimaru.

"I really admire Orochimaru-senpai more and more. As you said, this is my plan. The life span of snakes will not exceed forty years, the average life span of toads is only ten years, and the life span of slugs is Even less, only three years, but the immortals in the three holy places have exceeded the limit of lifespan and have a lifespan that exceeds a thousand years. "

"But according to Slug Sage's story, no matter whether it is the Sage of Six Paths or a genius like the First Hokage, even if he learns the magic of immortality, he still cannot gain eternal life, and different degrees of alienation will occur when humans enter the sage mode. Phenomenon, even the perfect fairy mode will have eye shadow and other problems, so it is easy to draw a conclusion. "

"That is, a toad can gain a thousand years of life by practicing in the way of a toad. A slug can also gain a life of a thousand years by practicing in the way of a slug. But if a human cultivates in the way of a toad or a slug, even if it can obtain a very strong Even the strength cannot break through the limits of one’s race.”

Orochimaru nodded understandingly.

"It seems that Mr. Mingjing wants to join forces with me to develop immortal arts suitable for human cultivation? It's a very creative idea and it seems feasible."


Ming Jing snapped his fingers and took out another scroll of Snake's Breath under Orochimaru's depressed eyes.

"I'm sorry, Orochimaru-senpai, the scroll of Snake's Breath just now only contains the first half of the content. After all, although I know that there is a high probability that you will agree to continue to cooperate with me, I don't want it to be in vain. "

Orochimaru rolled his eyes at Ming Jing angrily, took the new scroll of Snake Breath, and said:

"You have so many twists and turns in your heart that you don't look like Tsunade's disciple, but the same as Sarutobi-sensei."

Ming Jing did not look embarrassed at all, but continued:

“The breathing method can absorb natural energy from the air and transform it into the five properties of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth like chakra for human use. The natural energy obtained through breathing is the most suitable natural energy for human beings. Energy, but the use of natural energy by the breathing method is still relatively primitive, and it is far less in-depth than the magic of the three holy places. "

"I hope that Orochimaru-senpai can also study the senjutsu of Ryūchi Cave, and then we can find a way to obtain the senjutsu information of Mt. Myoboku from Minato and Jiraiya-senpai, compare the three with each other, and discard the differences. part, because these must be the differences caused by the differences between their respective magical arts.”

"Through this method, we can get the most core part of the magic, and then try to find out the principles, combine it with the breathing method, and then create a cultivation method that is truly suitable for human beings!"

Orochimaru replied:

"This sounds like a feasible idea. It is not difficult to obtain part of the Miaomu Mountain Senjutsu from Minato and Jiraiya, but Ryuji Cave..."

Orochimaru's face showed a bit of speculation.

"Even with the snake's breath, I still need to plan carefully, but Mr. Mingjing can rest assured to leave this matter to me. In addition, there is something I want to ask Mr. Mingjing to take a look at. It is my latest research. Results.”

Following Orochimaru's footsteps, Ming Jing came to the deepest part of this temporary laboratory with him.

"What is this? It looks... disgusting."

Through the transparent glass jar, Ming Jing saw a piece of meat as tall as a person soaked in some unknown solution.

This mass of flesh was rising and falling in the solution, constantly squirming with the red and white flesh and blood on its body. Some thin branches also grew on it, and they quickly withered.

But every time a branch dies, a new branch grows.

"Haha, this is the product I cultured by fusing the blood of ghosts with the first-generation cells."

Orochimaru's eyes revealed the kind of fanaticism unique to a mad scientist.

"The first-generation cells, like ghost cells, are extremely aggressive. No matter what kind of creature they are injected into, the final result is inevitable. If the first-generation cells are transplanted and injected, they will become lignified and become dead. Injected into The blood of ghosts will eventually turn into ghosts.”

"So, I combined these two things with super self-healing and regenerative abilities, and finally cultivated such a thing. The two cells reached a balance to a certain extent, and the lignification phenomenon still existed. But it will be suppressed by the phenomenon of ghost transformation. Although it is still afraid of the sun, it can reduce the damage of the sun to itself after becoming a ghost and then being transformed into wood. The fusion of the two has produced a strange evolution! "

Ming Jing was silent for a while before speaking:

"Senior Orochimaru, this thing... shouldn't have any accidents, right? For example, resurrecting a ghost with the power of the first Hokage and not afraid of the sun or something..."

"Mr. Mingjing, you are too worried."

Orochimaru shook his head.

"You can experiment and so on. While being radical when necessary, you must also take restrictive measures. For this thing, I will strictly limit the energy it can absorb from the outside world. As long as this is the case, it will never grow enough to be broken. The day of bondage!”

"Since Orochimaru-senpai said so, there should be no problem. However, I still recommend sealing this thing when it is not in the experimental stage and adding a layer of security measures."

"I will, Mr. Mingjing."

The negotiations between Konoha and Cloud Hidden Village went very smoothly under the auspices of Mito Monobu - even in the eyes of Ming Jing and Orochimaru, the results of this negotiation were far from matching the results they had achieved.

This is because the Third Hokage asked Mito Kaden to resolve the negotiations with Kumogakure as soon as possible in order to liberate Konoha's forces. It is best to ask Kumogakure to launch an attack on Iwagakure together.

The third Raikage died in the battle with Iwagakure, even if the cause of the matter was that Kumogakure himself took the lead in breaking the agreement with Iwagakure and launched a sneak attack on him.

But if Kage dies, Yunyin Village will definitely make Yanyin Village pay the price.

Even though their current overall strength has dropped to a great extent compared to before, isn't there still one Konoha who bears most of the pressure on Iwagakure Village?

However, although Yunyin Village has a tough attitude, Orochimaru or Uchiha Mingjing are present from time to time during negotiations.

The role of these two during the negotiation is to take the stand. As long as you continue to pester us, we will go to Kumogakure Village again, which will still make Konoha not make much money, but at least it will not be able to eat anything big. deficit.

According to the decision of the negotiated contract between the two parties, except for the need to pay Konoha a small amount of war compensation and open some of the materials that were previously restricted for commercial circulation, Kumogakure did not suffer much loss.

The division of spheres of influence between the two sides has also returned to the situation before the start of the Ninja World War. As the two small countries in the buffer zone between the two big countries, Yuno Country in the south is included in Konoha's sphere of influence, and Frost in the north is included in Konoha's sphere of influence. The country is divided into Kumogakure's sphere of influence. In the absence of missions, ninjas from both sides are not allowed to cross the border at will.

"Then Orochimaru-senpai, you and I will say goodbye here, but don't forget the agreement between us."

In front of the camp gate, Ming Jing stretched out his hand and shook hands with Orochimaru, and whispered.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ming Jing, I am the one who keeps my promises."

Orochimaru chuckled and set off with his men.

He wants to take some of his men to the Kirigakure front and fight with Jiraiya against Kirigakure's invasion.

With the abilities of the two Sannin, the east side of Konoha is absolutely stable, if not safe.

Uchiha Mingjing, on the other hand, led another group of Konoha elites to the west to aid the Iwagakure battlefield.

Kato Dan, Tsunade, Namikaze Minato, plus an Uchiha Mirror, Konoha has gathered almost half of the top combat power here, in order to solve the difficult Iwagakure as soon as possible!

When Ming Jing set off, Uchiha Fugaku also led a group of elite Uchiha to set off to the Iwagakure battlefield with revenge in mind.

It is worth mentioning that this time, he also brought his young son, Uchiha Itachi.

"Ding Jing, and Fugaku-kun, you are finally here!"

In the command room, Kato Dan couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the arrival of Uchiha Fugaku and his beloved disciple.

Mainly because of the arrival of his apprentice.

"What you and Orochimaru are doing over there, even in this country of grass, I can hear from time to time. The reputation of Shunshen Mirror is probably greater than that of us Sannins, but you The kid is really just as bold as Orochimaru."

Tsunade patted Ming Jing on the shoulder with a sigh on her face.

The little carrot head eleven years ago has now grown into the top strongman in the ninja world, and his appearance has become the same as his teacher Kato Dan, tall and handsome.

Even judging from the intelligence he had received before, his apprentice could single-handedly compete with the AB combination composed of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. His strength must have been above that of his teacher.

"Ahaha, Tsunade-sensei is so complimentary, but it's just a false reputation and not worth mentioning."

When Ming Jing saw the two teachers he had not seen for a long time, his heart was filled with joy.

"This is not a false reputation, Mr. Mingjing. Your performance outside has greatly revitalized the family's reputation. However, as the clan leader, I may not be outdone by you this time."

Uchiha Fugaku also said from the side.

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