Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 213 The Death of Four-Tailed

A long tail stretched out from behind Lao Zi, and then a stream of hot lava crawled all over Lao Zi's body, and the whole person became golden.

"Melting Chakra Mode!"

In this state, Lao Zi can melt everything he touches into lava, and at the same time, he can burn his opponent with high temperature, and he also has good defense.

"What a coincidence, I just killed a lava ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village a few days ago. Although he used rubber, which is different from your lava, I don't mind killing another one."

Ming Jing clenched his fist, a flash of lightning came out of his body, and his body turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards Lao Zi.

Lightning Chakra Mode VS Molten Chakra Mode!


A black metal fist flashing with arcs, carrying enough power to split mountains and rocks, smashed Lao Zi away in one fell swoop.

A deep pit appeared on the ground, and Lao Zi's body was embedded in it. A stream of tailed beast chakra emerged from his body, quickly repairing the damage to his body.

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"As expected of a tailed beast, it is really durable."

Ming Jing shook his hands and nodded with satisfaction.

This is a good sandbag.

"Lava Style: Burning River Rock Technique!"

Countless lava fireballs quickly flew out of the deep pit where Lao Zi was, and smashed towards Ming Jing like a sky-fire meteor.

Ming Jing pressed one hand on the side of the scabbard, flicked his thumb, and the tail feather of the sky was unsheathed.

"Sun Breathing: Land Type: Burning Bone Flame Sun!"

A series of flame slashes flew out in an instant, turning into a spiral shape in mid-air, perfectly cutting each lava fireball.

Today, with Ming Jing's sword attainments, he is no longer overly obsessed with moves. The same move can also have many different forms in his hands, and can be flexibly applied according to the situation.

The earth trembled, and with the roar of the tailed beast, a huge monkey head slowly rose from the pit.


The ground was full of magma, Ming Jing used the Moon Step to briefly stay in the air and leave the ground, and the Sky Tail Feather in his hand climbed up the Armament Haki and the blazing flames.

"Sun Breathing·Eighth Type·Flywheel Yangyan!"

"Sun Breathing·Nine Type·Sunset Turn!"

"Sun Breathing·Ten Type·Huihui Enguang!"

The domineering flame slashes were more fierce than the last, and they blasted towards the Four-Tails one after another, hitting its huge body and retreating again and again.

"It's not over yet!"

Sporadic flames rose from the corners of Ming Jing's mouth again, and another flame wrapped around the Sky Tail Feather, condensing into a huge dragon head.

"Uchiha Style·Sun Breathing·Sun Dragon Dance!"

Lao Zi, who was controlling the four-tailed dragon in battle, did not dare to neglect it. He quickly hammered the ground with both hands, and a small volcano rose under the effect of chakra, spewing countless magma towards the Sun Dragon.

Seeing this scene, arcs of electricity suddenly jumped out of Ming Jing's body and merged into the Sun Dragon.


Thunder exploded, and a thick lightning bolt shot out from the mouth of the Sun Dragon like a javelin, piercing the magma with the momentum of breaking through everything, forming a hole in the middle that was just enough to pass through.

After obtaining some of the thunder escape cultivation methods of Yunyin Secret, Ming Jing can now use a relatively harmonious combination of thunder escape and fire escape. This lightning shot out from the mouth of the Sun Dragon not only has super strong piercing power, but also has the ability to vibrate.

Those magmas seemed to be blown up by lightning, but in fact a large part of them were shaken away by the change in the nature of the vibration of thunder escape.

The Dragon of the Sun still carried the momentum of devouring everything and collided with the Four-Tails.

But Lao Zi had been prepared and condensed a layer of lava armor similar to the previous Lava Chakra mode on the surface of the Four-Tails' body.

"Lava Release Granite!"

The lava on the surface of the Four-Tails' body quickly condensed, forming a thick and solid granite armor to resist the Dragon of the Sun.


The huge body of the Four-Tails was smashed to the ground again, even overwhelming a large group of people behind the battlefield.

But before he suppressed it, a golden flash instantly penetrated the entire battlefield, and saved the Konoha ninjas in just a few breaths.

Golden Flash Namikaze Minato!

After saving these Konoha ninjas, Namikaze Minato's figure flashed and disappeared again, and he started mowing the battlefield.


Mingjing spit out a white mist mixed with sporadic sparks, looking at the figure of the Four-Tails in front of him who fell to the ground and supported his body and half-knelt.

On his abdomen, there was a huge scar cut by the Dragon of the Sun.

But soon, lava spread over the Four-Tailed One, gradually covering its abdomen and repairing the wound.


Four-Tailed Sun Wukong angrily beat his strong chest muscles, raised his head and roared, sprayed a large piece of lava to the front again, and then clenched his fists and slammed the ground.

"Lava Release: Flower and Fruit Mountain!"

"Scorching River Big Fire!"

A huge volcano rose from the ground, wantonly spraying magma and fireballs around.

Looking at the scene in front of him that seemed to destroy the world, Mingjing curled his lips with some disdain.

"Nothing more."

Pushing the ground with force, leaving a deep footprint on the ground, Mingjing's body instantly climbed into the air, stepped on the moon step to avoid the magma on the ground, and rushed towards the Four-Tailed One.

A series of flaming slashes slashed out from the tail feathers of the sky, destroying everything that hindered Ming Jing's progress.

When Ming Jing quickly shuttled in front of the four-tailed beast, a huge monkey fist covered with granite and boiling lava on it smashed down on his head.

Seeing this scene, strands of blue arcs gradually jumped up to Ming Jing's palm.

The slender fingers quickly retracted.

Four, three, two...

In the end, only one finger wrapped with armed color domineering and lightning chakra remained.

"Hell Thrust·Ippondoku!"

The blue lightning spear collided with the four-tailed beast's fist at this moment.

This is a ppondoku that can cut off one of the horns of the eight-tailed beast demon. In other words, this move is capable of directly penetrating the defense of the eight-tailed beast, which ranks second in strength among many tailed beasts.

The strength of the Four-Tails was not as strong as the Eight-Tails, not to mention that Mingjing was fighting the huge fist of the tailed beast with one finger at this time. Mingjing's finger was under great pressure, but the Four-Tails Sun Wukong would only suffer a more terrifying blow!


The Four-Tails made another deafening cry.

But this time, it was not as majestic as before, but full of pain.

Because half of his arm had been cut off on the spot by the Ippon Kanju!

"Is it coming..."

Mingjing opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and looked at the purple-black chakra ball condensed in front of the Four-Tails' mouth.

Obviously, the Four-Tails did not suffer in vain for such a long time. He had taken advantage of this time to condense the Tailed Beast Ball.

As the killer of the tailed beasts, the power of the Tailed Beast Ball is unquestionable.

This move can be used continuously on the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails, which have more chakra, but other tailed beasts can also continuously input chakra into the Tailed Beast Ball by accumulating power to increase its power.

The Four-Tails had been accumulating the power of the Tailed Beast Ball for such a long time, so its lethality must be extraordinary and difficult to block.

If it dodges, the powerful destructive power of the Tailed Beast Ball will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on the entire battlefield.

But Ming Jing neither intends to dodge nor to resist.


Ming Jing clapped his hands and exerted all his strength. A layer of dark red eye shadow appeared on his face instantly. Then he raised his fist and punched the Four-Tails on the chin from bottom to top.

Sage Mode + Armament Haki + Super Strength!

The Four-Tails was forced to raise its head by Ming Jing's attack, and was also forced to stop inputting energy into the Tailed Beast Ball.

The Tailed Beast Ball flew into the sky like a meteor. After a few seconds, it exploded with a bang. Not only did it clear the clouds in the sky in an instant, but the shock wave caused by its huge power could be felt even on the ground.

"Rin! Are you okay?"

Uchiha Obito shook his body, retracted his gaze from the scene of the explosion of the tailed beast ball rising in the distant sky, and said to Nohara Rin who was protected behind him.

"I'm fine, Obito! Don't be distracted, keep fighting!"

Nohara Rin took a look at the wound on his right shoulder, treated it with a simple healing technique, then switched the kunai to his left hand, quickly moved forward, and followed Kakashi on the left and right with Uchiha Obito.

The situation on the Konoha side was very good at this time under the leadership of Might Dai and Namikaze Minato.

Minato's team had Kakashi, a newly promoted jonin, and Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin, two chunins. The overall strength of the team was not weak, and they were following most of Konoha's flanks to attack the enemy formation.

"I can't let you destroy it like this anymore."

Mingjing sighed leisurely, and a golden orange chakra emerged from his body, which quickly condensed into a Susanoo giant wearing simple armor.

Susanoo, second stage!

The reason why the third stage of Susanoo was not activated was because it was activated twice in the Hidden Cloud Village. Even though Mingjing's pupil power recovery speed has improved significantly, it still has a certain impact on vision.

Moreover, at this moment, he is not facing the Fourth Raikage, who is not a weak master among the shadows, and the Jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails, who is second only to the Nine-Tails. There is no need to spend so much pupil power.

The second stage of Susanoo is more than enough. Even because Mingjing activated Susanoo in the state of Sage Mode, natural energy was integrated into Susanoo, which further enhanced the power of Susanoo.

The half-body Susanoo drew out the Ten-Tail Sword, clenched his hands, and chopped it from top to bottom towards the head of the Four-Tails.

The Four-Tails' eyes were full of fear, and granite condensed on the surface of his hands, and he clamped the Ten-Tail Sword.

But even so, it could not stop the Four-Tails' chakra from being continuously sealed by the Ten-Tail Sword.

As the chakra flowed away, the size of the Four-Tails began to shrink gradually, and the power of resistance became weaker and weaker.

"Not good!"

In the air, the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki, who was fighting fiercely with Kato Dan, saw this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed, then shot out a Dust Release light beam from his hand, interfering with the battle on Mingjing's side.

It was just a light blue telekinesis that blocked Ohnoki's Dust Release and dissipated with it.

"Third Tsuchikage, don't forget that this is our battlefield, so don't think about interfering with other people's battles."

Kato Dan's body, flashing with blue light, floated in the air, and said to Ohnoki in a cold voice.

"Blue-haired boy, this is not just a battlefield between you and me, but also a battlefield between you Konoha and our Iwagakure!"

In Onoki's hand, a new Dust Escape Cube had been condensed, and the white light in it was far more dazzling than before.

"Chen Escape: The art of boundary peeling!"

A huge cylindrical white light beam formed in an instant and shot towards the direction where Ming Jing and Four Tails were fighting.

Facing Onoki's full output, even though Kato Dan tried his best to block it, the telepathy shield only lasted for a few breaths before being overwhelmed and disintegrated.

Kato Dan could only decisively change his target, attack Onoki with all his strength, and surround Wei and rescue Zhao.


The arrival of the Dust Escape Light Pillar was almost instantly sensed by Ming Jing with his cognizance-colored domineering force. He decisively lifted off the bulky half-whisker and darted into the distance in a flash.

With his speed, unless he is a master in the same echelon of speed, or his opponent uses ninjutsu that can cover the bombing in all directions, it is difficult for any attack to pose a threat to Ming Jing.

However, the four tails were not so lucky. Their shrunken figures were shrouded in the dusty white light and quickly dissipated into ashes.

"Oonoki, this old guy, would rather kill the Four-Tails and its jinchūriki with his own hands, and wait for the Four-Tails to be resurrected in the future to capture them again, than let me, a Konoha ninja, seal them and bring them back to Konoha... …As expected of the third Tsuchikage, he still has such courage despite his age!”

A stream of blue light swept across the battlefield.

Ming Jing casually crushed the head of a nearby Iwagakure ninja with his bare hands while watching the situation in the distance with his Mangekyou Sharingan.

"But doing this will probably greatly affect Onoki's reputation in Iwagakure... No, not necessarily. Jinchuuriki don't seem to be very popular with most people in the villages. Even if it can have an impact on Ohnoki, Iwagakure is not as full of internal factions as Konoha. There are many people with both strength and reputation coveting the position of Hokage. Even with Ohnoki's reputation for many years, it may not be able to shake its foundation. "

Ming Jing glanced at Ohnoki and Kato Dan who were fighting above again, and found that Kato Dan had already used this opportunity to gain the upper hand. After briefly suppressing Ohnoki, he stopped thinking about it and turned into a bolt of lightning towards the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han and Rushing to the place where Uchiha Fugaku met.


Two lines of blood flowed from Kato's broken nose.

This was the effect of his excessive use of mental power to activate his telekinesis, and his physical body was unable to bear such a huge burden.

The result of all this was the serious injury of Onoki, the third Tsuchikage.

When Onoki forced his move to interfere with the fight between Ming Jing and the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Kato Dan, who was still somewhat suppressed, seized the opportunity, not only causing Onoki to be seriously injured, but also gaining the upper hand.

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