Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 217: The Aged Uchiha Madara

The war situation between Konoha and Iwagakure suddenly changed. โ–ฒ๐บ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘™๐‘’ Search for ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘šReadโ–ฒ

Although the front line is still fighting, as long as Konoha's ninjas do not invade the soil country, the intensity of the war between the two sides will be limited to a certain range.

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Because Onoki, the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, sent a signal for peace talks, but refused to end the war easily and admitted that he was the defeated party, this resulted in this rather strange scene.

Faced with this situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen of course sent Tomito Kadoen, a professional in negotiation and diplomacy, to lead the negotiations with Iwagakure. At the same time, he asked Kato Dan and Tsunade to continue to stabilize the front and maintain the pressure on the Iwagakure ninjas. Avoid ruining the good situation you have achieved by letting down your vigilance.

But no matter what, the end of the war between Konoha and Iwagakure is just around the corner, and Konoha has also liberated part of its combat power under this situation.

Ming Jing, Minato, and Uchiha Fugaku set off together, taking some Konoha ninjas to the last battlefield where a large-scale battle was still breaking out.

The Kirigakure front located on the east side of the Land of Fire!

"Tsk tsk, after defeating Sunagakure, we defeated Kumogakure, after defeating Kumogakure, we defeated Iwagakure, and now it's Kirigakure again. Only today did I realize that I have to hammer each of the four major ninja villages."

Ming Jing held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, held his hands behind his head, and lazily leaned against a stone to bask in the sun.

"This is probably why you, Ming Jing, are called the 'hero who turned the tide' by many people in the village."

Namikaze Minato also leaned against the stone, making the same posture as Ming Jing, looking at Ming Jing with a hint of envy in his eyes.

It was now the rest time during the march. Uchiha Fugaku led a few sentient ninjas to scout ahead to prevent the large army from being raided.

"The hero who turned the tide?"

"Yes, there are rumors in the army now that the war between the village and Sunagakure ended so quickly because of your emergence, and there was a strong man in Konoha who had the ability to kill tailed beasts.

In the war with Kumogakure, you and Orochimaru-senpai teamed up to severely damage Kumogakure, and demonstrated your ability to single-handedly compete with the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The war with Iwagakure was also based on He and Dan-senpai forced the death of the fourth tail, and the third generation of Tsuchigakure was seriously injured before he changed. "

Ming Jing was stunned and realized that Kato Dan and Tsunade might be behind this.

He has also heard some remarks circulating in the military recently, and now that he thinks about it, it seems that they are all focused on himself, Kato Dan and Tsunade.

In addition to himself, Tsunade established a medical ninja system, made great achievements on the battlefield, and rescued countless wounded people. The story was constantly spread.

There is also the fact that Kato Dan served as the commander on two battlefields to end the war, and defeated the fourth Kazekage and the third Tsuchikage successively. His deeds were constantly discussed. It seemed that he was deliberately comparing him with the shadows of other ninja villages, and wanted to tell other people. Jinka Todan is much stronger than the Kage of other ninja villages.

Moreover, in these discussions, it was also emphasized that Kato Dan was Tsunade's husband and Uchiha Mirror's teacher. These two identities further increased Kato Dan's reputation.

Is this starting to build momentum for the future Hokage election?

Ming Jing turned his head in the direction of Konoha.

I donโ€™t know what is going on in Konoha and how the Third Generation and Danzo will react.

"What's wrong? Mirror?"

Namikaze Minato asked Ming Jing who was thinking in a daze.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something. With our current capabilities, Kirigakure Village is definitely not our opponent. I don't know what they are thinking now."

Ming Jing shook his head and randomly picked a topic to talk about.

"Perhaps they are unwilling to retreat in despair, or maybe they are just like the Sunagakure Village back then, hoping to plunder as much resources as possible before defeat and reduce the losses caused by this troop dispatch."

Namikaze Minato was analyzing it very seriously.

During the conversation, Uchiha Fugaku had returned from the front.

"There are no problems ahead. Let's set off now. We expect to reach our destination within two hours!"



In the ninja world, an unknown underground cave somewhere.

It's dark and dry here.

An old man with completely white hair and almost all his teeth was sitting on a stone platform with a hunched body.

Behind his back, there are several tracheas inserted, connected to the heretic demon statue behind him.

Uchiha Madara!

It's just an old Madara Uchiha.

Uchiha Madara, who was once so powerful that no one could defeat him except Senju Hashirama, has become so aging due to the power of time.

"Zetsu, how is the situation over there with Nagato?"

Uchiha Madara suddenly spoke into the air in front of him.

A pitcher plant emerged from the ground, revealing a White Zetsu.

"Madara-sama, that kid from Nagato has become familiar with the basic abilities of the Rinnegan, and is preparing to make puppets out of the corpses of Yahiko and others to attack Hanzo."

Uchiha Madara lowered his head and nodded.

"Hanzo is now over 60 years old. He has lost his spirit and is no longer at his peak. He will not be an opponent of Nagato who has mastered part of the abilities of the Rinnegan. But after that, he needs someone to guide him, but now..."

Uchiha Madara raised his head and looked at Bai Zetsu in front of him.

"Are you ready for the plan against Uchiha Obito?"


Another pitcher plant slowly rose from the ground, and a black and white yin and yang face appeared.

"I have made arrangements, but I still need you to go out in person, otherwise the illusion on the Fourth Mizukage is not stable enough and may affect the plan."

Black Zetsu said as his body moved and attached to Madara's body together with White Zetsu.

With White Zetsu replenishing his vitality and Black Zetsu assisting in controlling his body, Uchiha Madara can regain his basic mobility.

"Yes, but you have to remember that this may be the last chance to attack Uchiha Obito. After the war ends, Uchiha Obito's strength will further increase. I don't want to happen to Uchiha Mingjing again. "

at the same time.

After Ming Jing, Uchiha Fugaku and Namikaze Minato completed docking with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, they came to a camp.

"Lord Mirror!"

"Brother Mingjing!"

"It's the instant mirror!"

Yuhi Zhenhong, Uchiha Shisui, and two of Shisui's teammates couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the mirror.

In fact, Uchiha Mingjing's reputation in the ninja world is too great now, and many people believe that he has already surpassed the old Hanzo and become the new pinnacle of the ninja world.

In Konoha Village, his current reputation is even better than that of the Sannin.

"Senior Red, Shisui."

Ming Jing nodded slightly in response.

"And these two are..."

"Master Ming Jing, my name is Uoyue Xiyan, and his name is Moonlight Hayate!"

The girl with long purple hair pointed at herself and the boy with dark circles next to her. They both looked at Ming Jing with a bit of admiration in their eyes.

This new generation of ninjas grew up at the same time that Ming Jing became famous, and they have grown up listening to Ming Jing's deeds.

"Ah, I can see that they are all very good juniors, but..."

"Just what?"

Yuhi Zhenhong discovered that Ming Jing had been staring at Yue Guangfeng.

"If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be something wrong with the child Hayate's body. It should be the blood disease that accompanies the awakening of the Touretsu blood disease when he was too young, right?"

Ming Jing used the transparent world to look inside Yue Guangfeng's body for a while and made a judgment.

"Blood disease!"ร—4

Yuhi Zhenhong and the other four people couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Blood Succession Limit is something that countless ninjas in the ninja world dream of, because if you awaken the Blood Succession Limit, your own strength will increase significantly, and the lower limit and upper limit of your strength will be greatly improved.

However, while the blood inheritance limit allows people to gain great strength, it also carries the risk of blood inheritance disease. The conditions vary, and there are generally few cases of recovery.

Moonlight Hayate looked frightened.

Do you have a blood disease?

It seems that... my body is a little weak, and I often like to cough.

"Mr. Ming Jing, I wonder what harm this blood disease will cause, and whether it is possible to be cured?"

Xiri Zhenhong looked at the mirror and said seriously.

"It's not very serious. The problem with Hayate is not the problem of the Blood Successor Limit itself, but the fact that he was too young when he awakened the Blood Successor Limit, and his body's chakra was insufficient. During the awakening process, it was not perfect enough, which caused some of the body's functions. had an impact.โ€

"However, although it will not directly cause life danger, and it will not have any impact on your development in the short to medium term, it will also shorten your lifespan of Hayate in the future, and at the same time, your strength will grow most rapidly in the future. Puberty comes with physical growth.โ€

"Senior Ming Jing, look at me... can I still be saved?"

Moonlight Gale pointed at his chest and said with a bitter look on his face.

He was only a year or two away from puberty.

Although he will not die young like other serious blood diseases, it will undoubtedly have a great impact on him!

"If you start treatment after puberty, when your body is fully developed, then let alone me, even Teacher Tsunade will be unable to do anything. But fortunately, you are still young and can still be treated. "

Feeling Zhisui pull his sleeve, Ming Jing immediately said with a smile.

"But if you want to be completely cured, it's impossible to do it on the front line with poor conditions. You have to go back to the village and use the equipment of Konoha Hospital. But I can give you a prescription first to delay the blood disease. The time of attack can at least ensure that you have enough time to treat the blood disease after the war is over. "

Ming Jing took out a pamphlet from his ninja tool bag, scribbled down the prescription and handed it to Moonlight Hayate.

"Great, I knew my brother would be able to solve the problem!"

Uchiha Shisui had a faint smile on his face and gently patted Moonlight Hayate's shoulder.

"Thank you very much, Master Ming Jing."

Xihi Zhenhong nodded to the mirror.

"No, senior Zhenhong, I have to thank you for your guidance to Shisui. Now the name Shunshen Shisui has gradually become famous in this battlefield."

Ming Jing said politely.

In this time and space, Uchiha Shisui seems to have become famous a little earlier.

Because he was also an Uchiha who opened the Sharingan Eye and mastered the mirror shunsui, Uchiha Shisui's fame also spread to a small area, and he was known as shunshen shishui, also known as the small shunshen mirror.

"No, I know how much of Shisui's abilities were taught to me, but Master Ming Jing, I wonder if you can give some guidance to my other two students, me and them, but for you, Master Duan and Mr. I have admired you for a long time, Tsunade-sama.โ€

Yuhi Zhenhong's words are slightly meaningful.

Is this because he is optimistic that Kato Dan can become Hokage and starts to build relationships from his own side?

But having said that, Kato Dan's momentum is really the largest among the several Hokage candidates. Among his own factions, he is the leader who defeated the Fourth Kazekage and the Third Tsuchikage on the battlefield, and he has inherited the first generation. The political legacy of the second generation, Tsunade, who had great military exploits and saved countless lives and had a high reputation, and Uchiha Mingjing, who was considered the most important new ninja world pinnacle for Konoha to win several wars.

There was another one who appeared in the Third Ninja War, and in everyone's eyes, he was bound to Uchiha Mingjing, Matt Dai.

Four shadow-level masters, backed by the Uchiha clan represented by Ming Jing and the second-tier wealthy families such as Inuzuka and Aburame, this force should make even the Third Hokage feel fearful.

Itโ€™s not surprising that Yuhi Zhenhong would choose to get on the bus at this time to get a benefit from the dragon.

After all, he is an elite Jonin with good strength. Kato Dan will definitely not refuse such a person, and the same is true for Ming Jing.

"It's easy to say, Senior Zhenhong."

Ming Jing smiled and winked at Yuhi Zhenhong and shook hands with her vigorously.

Although it is just an excuse to let Mingjing teach students, it is also a good thing to take this opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two parties.

Outside the camp.

Yuhi Mahong found a temporary open space as a training ground.

"I remember, the real red-senpai is good at genjutsu and Konoha-style swordsmanship, right? I happened to be taught by a senior when I was about the same age as Shisui and the others, and I learned a Konoha-style swordsmanship that is combined with genjutsu. Now, as a senior, I will teach you this technique."

Ming Jing fiddled with a randomly picked tree branch and said to everyone present.

"In front of Master Ming Jing, I think people in the ninja world dare to say that they are good at illusions and swordsmanship."

Yuhi Zhenhong smiled bitterly and shook her head.

He is considered a master illusionist among regular ninjas, but there is no comparison with the illusion of the Mangekyล Sharingan.

As for swordsmanship, even if White Fang was resurrected, he would never dare to say that his swordsmanship was better than that of Uchiha Mingjing.

"The name of this sword technique is called 'Liu'. It was taught to me by a senior named Kosuke Maruhoshi. The principle is to use the combination of illusions to cover one's actual figure and attack from an angle that the enemy cannot predict. , in fact, it goes well with Hayateโ€™s Translucent Escape..."

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