Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 219: If you are not completely dead, you can be revived

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"Master Ming Jing, the Fourth Mizukage has appeared on the frontal battlefield, and Master Minato has already dispatched to resist."

In the command room, Yamanaka Haiichi wore a helmet and told the mirror one by one the intelligence he received.

The Yamanaka clan's telepathy technique can directly transmit his words into the minds of his teammates, and it also has a certain perception effect. After wearing a special ninja helmet to amplify his brain waves, Yamanaka Haiichi can sense the entire battlefield. According to the situation, cooperate with others to take command.

In the original time and space, Yamanaka Haiichi could even connect all the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance with the help of instruments.

And here, although Yamanaka Haiichi has not yet reached the height of that time, he is close to it. Although the instruments he wears have not been updated to the level of the future, they are still quite extraordinary.

Speaking of which, this instrument was not born at the time when the mirror is now. It is estimated that in the future, Konoha's analysis team combined the newly emerged science and technology institutes in the ninja world to gather the power of Konoha in order to better detect information. Created.

After Ming Jing proposed this idea, Orochimaru built a prototype machine within a few days, and the first use after improvement was here.

Has Minato Namikaze been held back?

Then the next step is to eliminate himself and Uchiha Fugaku, the two Kirigakure battlefields that can have the greatest impact on Uchiha Madara's plan.

That is to say...

"Master Ming Jing! The Seven Ninja Swordsmen indeed appeared in the dense forest on the west side of the battlefield just as you said!"

Yamanaka Haiichi suddenly exclaimed.

Did you really take the bait?

"Very good. Inform Kai's team to retreat. Also, send a message to Yashiro and the others. The disguise can be removed now. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are about to enter the net."

Ming Jing immediately issued an order through Yamanaka Haiichi.

In order to avoid being noticed by Bai Zetsu that this was a trap, Uchiha Yashiro and the others were distributed nearby disguised as ordinary reconnaissance teams.

"Next, it's my turn to take action."

Uchiha Mingjing raised his head and looked at the distant horizon.

Uchiha Madara's purpose is nothing more than to find someone who can inherit his will to implement the Eye of the Moon plan.

Uchiha Obito is talented, young enough, and his outlook has not yet been formed. The most important thing is that his IQ is just right. He is not high enough to escape Madara's control, but not so stupid that he cannot understand the Eye of the Moon plan.

If Ming Jing were Uchiha Madara, he would definitely seize the opportunity to take him down.

"I just don't know if Uchiha Madara will take action himself if he finds out something went wrong with his plan."

Uchiha Madara's strength cannot be overestimated.

In the Fourth Ninja War of the original time and space, even the five contemporary Kage teamed up to face Madara Uchiha with great reluctance, and even lost the will to fight after he opened the full body of Susanoo.

In other words, Uchiha Madara's strength at his peak was definitely far greater than the five Kage level experts.

As for Uchiha Mingjing, now with full firepower, facing two shadow-level powerhouses is almost at its limit, and it can only maintain an undefeated situation.

By analogy, his strength may be inferior to that of Payne.

However, this person is very old, probably in his eighties or nineties, and his reincarnation eye must have been transplanted to Nagato, so the probability of doing it himself is probably low.



The other side of the battlefield.

After Namikaze Minato gave each of his three disciples a kunai engraved with the mark of the Flying Thunder God, he parted with them and went to fight against the Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura.

at the same time.

On the west side of the battlefield, in the dense forest.

"Oh my, aren't these the three disciples of Uchiha Mingjing? Such credit has actually fallen into our hands. It seems that before we kill Uchiha Mingjing, let's test the water with you three brats first? "

Accompanied by the joking voice of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, seven figures each carrying a Ninja Sword suddenly appeared in front of Matkai and the others in the thick fog.

"I was investigating the whereabouts of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and I ended up meeting the real Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Now I'm really in trouble."

Shiranui Genma had a Senbon in his mouth. Although his tone was not very interesting, his face was not very pretty.

"Ebisu, Genma, after a while, I will activate the Eight Gate Dungeon and try my best to buy you time to escape!"

At this moment, Metkai stood in front of his teammates.

"No, Kai, you are the strongest among us and the one with the best chance of escaping. Genma and I will stay here to buy you time to escape!"

Ebisu pushed up his glasses and said.


"There's nothing to worry about! Remember, we must take the information back and let Teacher Ming Jing take revenge on us!"

Shiranui Genma interrupted Metkai's words, and Ebisu and Ebisu took the initiative to stand in front of Metkai.

"It's... ow, so touching! It makes me want to hold a grand funeral for them!"

Black Hoe Lei Ya was half crying and half smiling, waving the Thunder Knife Fang in his hand crazily and saying.

"Hey, there are so many internal organs, including the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Where should I start?"

"There seems to be a gap in my beheading sword, which can be repaired with their blood."

"None of them can escape!"


With perverted smiles on their faces, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen gradually moved forward, trying to surround them.


"The only ones who really can't escape are you."

Inuzuka's voice suddenly came from the nearby grass.

Along with them, there are many elite jounin of Konoha.

Inuzuka Mastiff and Inuzuka Mastiff brothers.

And since Inuzuka Yu is here, Aburame Nami, who has been his partner for many years, will naturally not be absent either.

There are also two strong men of the Aburame clan, Aburame Shihei and Aburame Zhiwei, beside her.

In addition to them, the Uchiha clan also has three elite jonins who have joined this combination.

Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Shinsada, and Uchiha Yosuke.

Three ninjas from the Inuzuka clan, three from the Aburame clan, and three from the Uchiha clan.

This is the Konoha Nine that Ming Jing suggested to Orochimaru to build to compete with Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsman. Each one of them is an elite Jonin level player, plus the average strength of the three members of Ming Jing's class is above Students who endure the threshold.

Such a combination is enough to deal with the seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are very suitable as stepping stones to promote our reputation."

Uchiha Yashiro opened his pair of three magatama sharingan eyes and stared at the seven enemies opposite.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen also had enough confidence in their own strength to start a duel with the twelve Konoha ninjas present.



A bolt of blue lightning instantly penetrated the battlefield.

Uchiha Mingjing is following the guidance of Yamanaka Haiichi's psychic art and rushing towards the location of Uchiha Obito, Kakashi and others.

The speed of Uchiha Madara and others' moves was faster than Ming Jing thought.

If he is really held back by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen at this time, even if Ming Jing's strength can defeat them steadily, it will definitely be delayed for some time.

But now, there is just enough time.


Uchiha Obito fell to the ground with his heart pounding, opening his newly opened three magatama sharingan eyes, looking at the two figures in the distance.

Nohara Rin had just been kidnapped by the Kirigakure ninja, causing him to activate the three magatama's Sharingan.

After obtaining the Three Magatama Sharingan and greatly improving his strength, he and Kakashi rescued Nohara Lin, and were seriously injured in doing so.

"Kakashi, kill me."

Nohara Lin had a pleading look on her face.

"No, Lin, I will take you and Obito out."

Kakashi held Nohara Rin's shoulders.

He felt that something was not right with the other party now.

"No, Kakashi, my body is sealed into the tailed beast of Kirigakure Village. They are going to use this method to send the tailed beast to the village, and then cause the tailed beast to riot and cause harm to the village. The only way now is to separate me and Killing the tailed beasts together is the best choice!”

Nohara Rin maintained her original expression and grabbed Kakashi's sleeve.

"Tailed beast? Teacher Mingjing doesn't kill that thing casually..."

Before Kakashi finished speaking, he felt his hand being held by Nohara Rin, and the White Fang dagger was thrust into his chest.


Kakashi looked frightened and at a loss.

After being stabbed in the heart, Nohara Lin's pupils expanded unconsciously for an instant, and then she looked at Kakashi blankly. When she heard the movement on one side, she turned her head and looked to the other side.

Seeing that it was Uchiha Obito, she subconsciously wanted to smile, but found that her body had lost strength.

"No, Lin————!!!"

Uchiha Obito was filled with grief and anger. The three Magatama Sharingan in his eyes rotated rapidly and connected together. He tried hard to crawl to Nohara Rin's side.

"Well, luckily I came in time."

A blue light flashed across the battlefield instantly, and Uchiha Mingjing's figure also appeared.

"Teacher Ming Jing! Please, please save Lin!"

When Obito Uchiha saw the visitor, he was happy at first, and then made a plea.

"What's the rush? He hasn't lost consciousness yet, which means he's not dead yet. He can be saved, but there is one thing to do before that."

Ming Jing clapped his hands and instantly entered the immortal mode. Under the perception bonus of the immortal mode, Jian Wense Haki quickly captured the figure of Bai Jue who was fleeing hastily because of Ming Jing's arrival underground in the distance.

Uchiha Obito and Kakashi only saw Ming Jing's figure disappearing instantly.

After a few seconds, there was a sound like landslides and earth shattering all around.

After a few more seconds, Uchiha Mingjing returned to the scene carrying several pale humanoid creatures.

"This is……"

Seeing White Zetsu, Uchiha Obito finally recalled the content of that previous conversation.

"In other words, Lin... what happened to her was because I was targeted by those people..."

"You should have felt the transformation of your eye power just now, but because your body was seriously injured, you had almost no strength to resist. They originally wanted to take the opportunity to take you away in this state."

Without having too many regular meetings or other matters, Ming Jing walked quickly to Nohara Lin.

"Teacher Mingjing!"

Seeing the mirror, Kakashi seemed to have seen a savior at this moment.

"give it to me."

Mirror signaled Kakashi to help Nohara Lin up.

Now Nohara Lin's heart has been damaged and has stopped beating, unable to pump blood to the whole body.

After the heart stops beating, if it lasts for more than three minutes, the tissue cells of key organs such as the brain and lungs will lack oxygen and cause large-scale cell death.

"Spiritual summoning technique!"

Double-click on both hands to form a seal, summoning a split body of a slug.

"Slug-sama, I need you to attach to the wound of the injured and stop the blood from spurting out when I pull out my weapon."

"I know, Master Mingjing."

The slug's sweet voice sounded, and it took the initiative to crawl to Nohara Lin's still bleeding chest.

Mingjing opened the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, and with the cooperation of the transparent world, quickly and steadily pulled out the white fang short knife from Nohara Lin's chest, minimizing the secondary damage caused by pulling it out.

The slug quickly cooperated, split into small individuals and drilled in, stopping the bleeding of Nohara Lin's wounds, and sucking away the dirty blood produced in her body.

"Senjutsu·Revitalization Technique!"

Ming Jing quickly pressed his hand on Nohara Rin's wound to treat her.

Revitalization Technique is a highly difficult medical ninjutsu developed by Tsunade based on her own superb medical ninjutsu and the Activation Technique of Shikotsu after she found that she could not learn senjutsu. It usually requires the cooperation of multiple elite medical ninjutsu with chakra reaching the level of jonin to perform it through the formation.

If you want to perform this ninjutsu alone with ordinary chakra, only Tsunade can use it alone after unlocking the Yin Seal to obtain a large amount of chakra and opening the Hundred Healings state, and upgrade it to the Creation Technique.

The quality of senjutsu chakra is higher than that of ordinary chakra, which allows Ming Jing to consume a large amount of senjutsu chakra in a short period of time to perform the Revitalization Technique, achieving an effect similar to the Creation Technique.

To a certain extent, Ming Jing performed the Activation Technique on Nohara Rin, at the cost of losing part of Nohara Rin's own lifespan, to save her life.

Even if Nohara Rin's heart was damaged, as long as she didn't die on the spot, she could still be saved.

Kakashi looked at the white fang short knife stained with Nohara Rin's blood on the ground, and was dazed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Uchiha Obito struggled with his weak body and crawled to Nohara Rin's side, silently alerting the surroundings.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A few minutes later, a golden light flashed, and Namikaze Minato appeared in the field with a rather embarrassed figure.

The fourth generation Mizukage was not weak in strength. Even though the current Namikaze Minato had mastered a Sage Mode more than himself at the same stage in the original time and space, and could basically defeat any powerful person in the current ninja world except Mingjing, he was still delayed for a long time.

After the fourth generation Mizukage escaped with serious injuries, he did not continue to pursue.

Because Yamanaka Inoichi also told him about Nohara Rin's experience.

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