Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 228 Election Preparation

But as one of the few pirates in the East China Sea with a bounty of millions, Arrita is quite confident.

After all, in the East China Sea, except for the navy and the only pirates like the Dragon Pirates and the Creek Pirates with bounties worth over 10 million, Arrita did not take anyone else seriously.

"Well, as the first test question, I ask you to defeat this pirate group within ten minutes."

Ming Jing yawned and waved to the three people behind him.

Sabo, Kuina, and Kerla looked at each other and rushed forward.

Ming Jing casually found a stone and sat down, looking at the three people fighting in the field.

Sabo and Kuina are obviously stronger than Kerla, but Sabo's performance is obviously better. He has obviously been trained under Dragon's arrangement, has seen blood, and has richer combat experience.

"Sabo, leave that fat woman to Kuina to deal with. Just go and clear out those soldiers."

After watching it for a while, Ming Jing took the initiative to speak to Sabo.

Kuina and Sabo quickly changed positions.

Arrita's strength is only pretty good in the East China Sea, and it won't have any training effect on Sabo.

On the contrary, it suits Guina quite well.

After all, Kuina's strength is higher than that of Arrita. Although she lacks experience, she won't have any big problems as long as she watches for a while, so she is very suitable for training.

Guina did adapt quickly. In just a dozen moves, she returned to normalcy from the initial rush. Her moves were well planned, her advances and retreats were measured, and she caught Arrita's flaw and knocked her sword away. The iron rod pierced the latter's throat at first sight.

"Not bad, I adapted quickly."

Ming Jing sat on the stone and applauded.

At this time, Sabo and Kerra had also cleared away the remaining remnants of the Arrita Pirates.

"Teacher Yuanyi...are these pirates on the sea doing this kind of thing? And...even such a young child actually joined such a group of children."

After killing the enemy, Guina seemed a little absent-minded, staring straight at a dead child in the corner.

The kid wore black-rimmed glasses and had pink hair. In the battle just now, he was killed by Alita's aftermath.

"This is the sea, this is... the sea we want to change."

Sabo clenched his fists, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes.

At this time, Kerla also came over with the surviving villagers of Poconoa Village.

These pirates still know not to kill chickens to obtain eggs, so they mainly focus on robbing wealth and women. Most of the villagers in the village are still alive.

"Everyone can now get back what was stolen by the pirates. Those pirates have been dealt with by us, so don't worry!"

Kral appeared to be particularly capable in handling these affairs, and distributed the property to the villagers in an orderly manner.

In the original time and space, Sabo, the Chief of General Staff of the Revolutionary Army, handled many of her internal affairs, and her internal affairs abilities were not bad.

However, although these villagers were much happier after getting their property back, they still looked worried. Some people seemed to want to come forward to talk, but they seemed very worried.

Finally, a young man couldn't bear it anymore and ran out from the crowd, knelt down in front of several people, and kept kowtowing.

"Sir, please save us! We don't need any of these things!"

The crowd behind also knelt down.

"Teacher Yuanyi, they are..."

Guina wiped the long knife in her hand and asked the mirror in confusion.

"This is the real test I give you."

The Conomi Islands have always been under the rule and oppression of the Dragon Pirates.

The strength of the Dragon Pirates is basically close to the ceiling of the East China Sea.

Being able to defeat this group of former members of the Sun Pirates who had boarded the Grand Line, Kuina and others had basically graduated from the East China Sea and were qualified to go to the Grand Line.

Through conversations with the villagers of Poconoa Village, Kuina and the others also learned about the existence of the Dragon Pirates, a group of fishmen, and couldn't help but look at the mirror.

"Whatever you want to do, just discuss it yourself. This is your first test question when you go to sea. I won't interfere."

Ming Jing waved his hand indifferently, and then the figure disappeared from the place in an instant.

In fact, he used illusions like blindfolding to hide himself. With his illusion skills, it would be difficult to detect it without a high enough level of knowledge, knowledge and color.

"In that case, let's just go and kill the Dragon Pirates!"

Sabo clenched his hands into fists and said with a crackling sound.

Under Long's guidance, he had never had a good impression of people who tortured and oppressed the people.

"Those guys are truly unforgivable!"

Kuina said with the same indignation.

"I think we should collect some information first, such as the detailed personnel data of the Dragon Pirates and their respective strength characteristics, so that we can make targeted plans."

Kirla rubbed her chin and said.

But when she turned around, Sabo and Kuina had disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

"These two idiots... still don't know the location of the Dragon Pirates!"

Kerla covered her forehead helplessly.

Naruto world

The shadow clone took the three young men out to sea for training, while Mingjing's main body was very busy.

He was campaigning for Kato Dan.

The election of Konoha's Hokage is generally divided into three stages.

Theoretically, every Konoha jonin is qualified to become a Hokage, but it is only theoretical. People with sufficient strength, qualifications, merits and prestige need to be selected as candidates at the beginning.

Through, these Konoha jonins with certain political power vote. Only when a candidate for a Hokage gets more than two-thirds of the votes and shows that he is capable of gaining the recognition of these jonins who represent the main power of Konoha, can he become a Hokage.

As for the last part, it is to go to the daimyo's mansion and get the daimyo's recognition.

This can be said to be just a formality. Konoha has absolute autonomy within, and the daimyo has no place to intervene.

However, this link is also important, that is, the relationship between the Hokage and the daimyo will greatly affect the economic support that Konoha can obtain.

The military expenses for the development of the ninja village are all allocated by the daimyo.

"At the clan meeting just now, the current jonin of the family have agreed to vote for Senior Dan in the jonin election."

Uchiha Fugaku rubbed his eyebrows and said to Mingjing with a tired face.

"Why, you must have spent a lot of effort to get the clan members to agree."

Mingjing looked at Uchiha Fugaku and couldn't help but smile.

Because when the clan meeting was held, he was still on a mission outside, going to the Land of Waves, and together with Mitomon En, he represented Konoha and the envoys of the Hidden Mist Village to sign a peace treaty, and at the same time returned the seven ninja swords that had been set up by Minato Namikaze.

He is now very famous and prestigious in the ninja world. The record of completely destroying the ninja swords can also bring great deterrence to the Hidden Mist Village, and can prevent the Hidden Mist Village from playing some tricks when signing the treaty.

In the treaty signed by both parties, Kirigakure will compensate Konoha for 500 million ryo of war expenses, just like Sand Village, and will buy back seven ninja swords at a price of 100 million ryo each, totaling 1.2 billion ryo.

But Konoha will also "rent" the three-tailed beast from Kirigakure for 50 years at the same price of 1.2 billion ryo. After 50 years, Konoha can choose to renew the lease.

This treaty, Kirigakure was forced to rent out the tailed beast, which was definitely a precedent in the ninja world, and many Kirigakure ninjas were ashamed of it.

But this is also a way for Kirigakure to no longer bear more of the burden of defeat, and to get back the seven ninja swords to restore strength as soon as possible in the short term.

After all, if you want to cultivate a human pillar, it will take more than ten years, and the weak Kirigakure can't wait.

Anyway, even if they lose the three-tailed beast, they still have the six-tailed beast, and after the war, they have sealed it on the new human pillar Yugao.

"Ah, yes."

Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of helplessness.

"Many clan members think that you and I are both qualified to run for Hokage, and they plan to vote for you and me directly."

"How did you convince them?"

"I can only tell them that with Kato Dan's current reputation and the power of the Uchiha clan, he will definitely be able to become Hokage. At that time, you and I can directly obtain a high-level position, and..."

"And what?"

"And if Kato Dan becomes Hokage, then the position of the future Fifth Hokage will be yours. But if you and I participate now, then you, me and Kato Dan will split the votes, and you may not be able to obtain the position of Hokage at that time, and even the position of the future Fifth Hokage will be affected."

Uchiha Fugaku glanced at Mingjing and continued.

"Both choices are for the Uchiha clan to have one more Hokage. The former is more stable and can get two high-level positions in the early stage, which can also be of great help to the clan. The latter is easy to be picked by others. After weighing the pros and cons, and with the persuasion of the Eighth Generation and Elder Yu, the clan members can only accept it."

"Very good, with these 30 votes from the family, it is enough to help Teacher Duan far surpass the gap with other candidates. In addition to the other arrangements we have made, this Hokage election can be said to be a sure thing."

Ming Jing stretched and stood up from the ground.

Inuzuka Ryo and Aburame Nami are now canvassing for Kato Dan in their respective families.

If everything goes well, the three ninja clans of Inuzuka, Aburame, and Uchiha will be enough to bring nearly 50 votes to Kato Dan.

The Uchiha clan, including Ming Jing and Fugaku, has a total of more than 30 senior ninjas, which is the well-deserved first rich family in the ninja world.

Even the other powerful Hyuga clan has only more than 20 jonins, which is even further behind in terms of Kage-level combat power.

Going down, there are probably medium-sized ninja clans such as Ino-Shika-cho, Aburame, Inuzuka, and Sarutobi, among which the number of jonins in the open is generally no more than ten, or even less.

These large and medium-sized ninja clans add up to about a hundred, which can be said to be the most important power guarantee of Konoha.

After the two Ninja World Wars, all the jonins in Konoha now add up to less than 200 people, and the remaining jonins are basically from small ninja clans like Kato Dan and White Fang, or from civilians.

Such small ninja clans usually have only one or two jonins in the whole clan, but there are also some special jonins and chunins below, and some small ninja clans that have been completely weakened have no jonin at all.

For a civilian ninja, if he becomes a jounin and develops smoothly in the future, and one of his descendants can become a jounin with his support, he will continue to grow as time goes by and leave a legacy within his family. After inheriting a certain amount of ninjutsu, you can also form your own ninja clan.

At the same time, the roots.

This place is dark and gloomy, and Danzo is used to using this frightening atmosphere to demonstrate his status.

"Orochimaru, what have you been doing lately? People at the Roots can't find you anywhere. Don't forget that there is also the Hokage's campaign! Also, how is the experiment going?"

Danzo's one eye flickered and he said to Orochimaru.

The Hokage's campaign is about to begin. Danzo's previously planned plan is to push Orochimaru to the top, take the opportunity to take over the power himself, and finally release Orochimaru's handle to force him to abdicate and make himself the fifth generation Hokage.

And his funding of Orochimaru's experiment was to allow himself to gain greater strength and at the same time master Orochimaru's dark information.

As a result, the experiment was finally coming to fruition, but Orochimaru was nowhere to be seen all day long, and he didn't pay much attention to the Hokage's campaign.

"Haha, Lord Danzo, of course I have my own things to be busy with. As for the Hokage's election, don't you still have to help me check it?"

Orochimaru smiled lightly and said to Danzo.

He and Danzo were collaborators, not superiors and subordinates, so he didn't like the way Danzo spoke to him.

In the past, he was in an alliance with Danzo, and the latter was the one who took the initiative.

With the financial support of Danzo, who was rich and powerful, Orochimaru could continue his research.

But now, Orochimaru has a better choice, with more research topics that fascinate him and extremely abundant research funds.


Orochimaru was already planning to sell him at a good price.

"What about the experiment? Didn't you say that as long as we have a strong Yin Escape and the Yang Escape of the first-generation cells, we can solve the problems caused by transplanting the first-generation cells."

Danzo tapped his cane and said.

"Oh? Could it be that Danzo-sama has already acquired Yin Escape that is comparable to the first generation Cell Yang Escape?"


Danzo felt his right eye, which had almost been exhausted under the bandage, and remained silent for a moment.

"I don't have it, but others do."

Danzo stood up and said silently.

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