Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 23 You, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually

Chapter 23 You, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually...

"It seems that I don't need to agree, but you can tell me what your request is. If you want us to help you collect your body and bury it, it may be difficult, because the task requirements issued by Tobita Yuichi to Konoha are very clear, kill all the bandits, collect your head and the wealth that was looted before, and return it to Tobita Yuichi."

Mingjing said expressionlessly.

Okamoto Ichiro sighed, and his dark face was full of helplessness.

"We have thought about resisting, but the people who released us from the mine before were ninjas from the Sand Village, so I know very well that the strength of you ninjas is not something we can resist at all. You can work together to easily raise the land of an entire mine with an area of ​​dozens of square meters. I am afraid you have more terrible abilities. If we resist, I am afraid that not many people will survive."

Raise the land of an entire mine?

Uchiha Mingjing's expression did not change, but he felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

They don't have this ability. It would be the same if Kato Dan came.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the earth escape ninjutsu, the earthquake core.

The stones in the mine are much harder than the shallow soil on the surface. To lift the land of a mine with an area of ​​dozens of square meters, it should require multiple ninjas to perform together, and the person who presides over the technique should be a senior ninja who has mastered the nature change of earth escape chakra.

Ichiro Okamoto continued to speak.

"The amount of treasure we robbed from Yuichi Tobita was too much. My people only took a small part before leaving. The rest is all in the basement of the third room from east to west in the village."

"As for my request, I hope that after taking my head, you ninjas can let go of the other people in the village. Don't worry about Yuichi Tobita, because I have asked my guys to change their names and run to various places in the Land of Fire. If you want to catch up, it may be troublesome."

Faced with Ichiro Okamoto's request, Ming Jing did not answer directly, but first looked at the two teammates around him and asked for their opinions.

"Ming Jing, you have more ideas, so you decide."

Inuzuka Ryo answered quite straightforwardly.

Aburame Nami also said nothing and nodded silently.

"In that case, I can agree. After the job is done, I will burn down this mountain stronghold with fire, and then tell Yuichi Tobita that you have all died in the sea of ​​fire."

Mingjing nodded to Ichiro Okamoto, and then threw the wakizashi in his hand to Ryo Inuzuka.

"Ryo, I'll leave the matter here to you first. Nami and I will go to check the hiding places of the treasures."

Ryo Inuzuka took the wakizashi and looked at Ichiro Okamoto who was still sitting in his seat with a complicated expression.

"Uncle Okamoto, I'm sorry. If one day I have that ability, I will never let this happen to others again!"

After saying that, Ryo Inuzuka raised the sharp blade in his hand high.

Ichiro Okamoto smiled and closed his eyes.



Basement, entrance.

Insects quickly drilled out of it and flew into the wide sleeves of Nami Aburame.

"How is it, are there any traps set inside?"

Mingjing asked Nami Aburame.

The latter just shook his head lightly.

"After entering, start counting the amount separately."


Aburame Nami was still very frugal with words.

When the two finished counting, Inuzuka Ryo also carried the blood-stained wakizashi and Tiewan into the basement full of various treasures.


Mingjing withdrew his gaze from the antiques in his hand and looked at Inuzuka Ryo.


Inuzuka Ryo raised a box in his hand and then returned the wakizashi to Mingjing.

"How did you count these treasures?"

"Excluding those antiques and other items that are difficult to calculate, I have a total of 1,723,000 taels here." Mingjing said, and then looked at Aburame Nami who was waiting on the side.

"One million, one hundred and eighty thousand taels."

Aburame Nami was still very frugal with words.

"That's 3 million and 3,000 taels, which is 330,000 taels less than what Tobita Yuichi said."

"So, should we tell Tobita Yuichi that the 330,000 taels have been used up by the bandits?"

Inuzuka Ryo scratched his head and asked.

"No, to be precise, a total of 1,130,000 taels have been consumed by the bandits and cannot be recovered, but fortunately the rest of the antique calligraphy and paintings, pearls and agates are still preserved."

"Mingjing, you want to..."

Inuzuka Ryo widened his eyes, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"If you ask me, this is not a good idea. If you want to report, report 1,830,000 taels. In this way, the remaining 1,500,000 taels will be just enough for the three of us to share."

Mingjing gave Inuzuka Ryo a thumbs up with a look of "you are the one who knows it".

"Ryo, this is a great move!"

"Hehe, Mingjing is also very tough!"


Tieshi Town, Lord's Mansion

Yuichi Tobita stood at the door, took the box from Ryo Inuzuka, opened it, took a look, and threw it to the servant next to him, and then looked at the treasures in the back with a big smile.

But after counting, the smile on Yuichi Tobita's face gradually disappeared.

"This... Mr. Ninja, do you think the amount of money and materials recovered... is a little wrong?"

"Nothing wrong?"

Before Ming Jing could answer, Inuzuka Rui had already stood up.

"That's all we saw in the village. Are you right, Tiewan?"

"Woof! Woof!"

Tiewan wagged his tail happily, stuck out his tongue, and swayed gently from side to side as his body swayed.

"What a pity, but I guess it must have been used by those bandits before, and I can't get it back now!"

Inuzuka Yu showed a rather regretful expression.

"Is this really the case? However, there is still one thing that I don't understand about the three ninja masters. The mission requirement is to completely wipe out these bandits, but why is there only the head of Ichiro Okamoto! Where are the others?! "

Tobita Yuichi looked at Inuzuka with a gloomy face.

Ming Jing gently held Inuzuka's shoulders, took a step forward to negotiate with Tobita Yuichi:

"Your mission requirements only require the submission of this head and the recovered treasure. Although the bandits are required to be exterminated, they do not require corresponding evidence. I am worried that putting the body there will cause a plague, so I put the other mountain bandits there. The bandit’s body and the stronghold were burned on fire.”

"Is that so? But it's okay. Even if a person's body is burned, there will still be a lot of things left behind. I am now requesting an additional mission to bring those things as evidence!"

"Lord Feitian."

Ming Jing's face also darkened.

"You said that a corpse would leave traces if it was burned by fire, but...I am an Uchiha! Uchiha's Fire Style is the strongest Fire Style in the ninja world. He has been burned by our Fire Style, and he still wants to leave a corpse?"

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