Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 238 Reform of the Police Department

On the sea, the waves are like water walls, rushing towards the beach. From time to time, you can see a few sea cats playing on the sea.

In the distance are golden sand dunes, and a group of Kung Fu manatees are competing in martial arts nearby.

This is Alabasta, a big country located in the first half of the Grand Line.

In the world of pirates, there are many species. Sea cats, Kung Fu manatees, and running ducks are all unique species in Alabasta.

"It's so hot!"

Sabo took the water bag and wanted to drink water, but found that there was only less than a mouthful of water left in it.

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"Hold on a little longer, Sabo, we will soon reach the town, and we can buy some fresh water and wine by then."

Kerla comforted Sabo beside him.

When sailing on the sea, fresh water is an extremely scarce resource, and fresh water is not easy to preserve. It is easy to deteriorate if it is left on the ship for a long time. Wine, which can replenish water and can be preserved for a long time, has become a must-have item for sailing. Sometimes it can even become a hard currency like food. Therefore, there are many drunkards among the pirates who drift on the sea all year round.

"I'm afraid we can't buy much fresh water."

Mingjing looked at a man hiding under the eaves on the side of the road, holding a water bag like Sabo just now, and said dejectedly after finding that there was no water in it.

Through his keen perception, he has heard the residents in the town discussing the situation that the king used dancing powder, causing drought in the whole country except the capital.

Crocodile has begun his plan to steal the country and seek Hades.

"Lord Crocodile is here!"

I don't know who shouted this, and the people on the street suddenly rushed to somewhere.

"Great! Lord Crocodile is here!"

"Did Crocodile bring fresh water from other places?"

"He repelled the pirates that attacked Alabasta and brought us precious fresh water! I think Crocodile is more suitable to be the king than Cobra!"


"Crocodile? Is he one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? I remember he was also a big pirate. I didn't expect that he was quite prestigious among the people."

Kuina looked at everything that happened in front of her curiously.

Mingjing dragged his chin and looked at everything that happened in front of him silently.

Crocodile, a 50-50 in the world of pirates, can block the attack of Admiral Akainu, and can also be defeated by Gear 2 Luffy with a bloody fist.

The latter was killed by the plot because of the protagonist's unreasonable plot. Before that, Crocodile defeated Luffy twice, even if the latter found that water could attack Crocodile's body. However, as the user of the Sun God Nika Fruit, Luffy has a blood lock. This is also a typical record of Luffy defeating the strong with the weak on the Grand Line.

Crocodile's strength is definitely not bad. Mingjing is now wondering if this guy can be used as the second test question for Kuina, Sabo and Kerla.

Coincidentally, Kerla also has similar ideas.

"Captain, if we defeat the Seven Warlords of the Sea, can we replace them, and then..."

Kerla's eyes flickered, and he put his mouth close to Mingjing's ear and said.

She heard from Drago that Tsugikuni Yoriichi's strength is so strong that in this sea, except for people of the level of the Four Emperors and Admirals, almost no one can be his opponent. Except for Hawkeye, who is known as the world's greatest swordsman, it should not be a problem to take down other Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Oh? Your idea coincides with mine, but it's not me who will deal with Crocodile, but you."

Mingjing pointed at Kerla.

"Eh? Us? Go to deal with a Seven Warlord of the Sea?"

Kerla pointed at herself with a confused look on her face.

"Eh? Are you going to deal with Crocodile? But I think he seems to be a good pirate! He will also help civilians?"

Sabo raised his hand to his forehead to block the scorching sun, watching people lining up in the distance to buy fresh water and other resources from Crocodile's men.

Not far away, Crocodile himself was holding a cigar, standing in front of everyone with a very calm and reliable face.

That is to say, everyone went there, otherwise if Sabo's words were heard by others, something might happen.

Because Crocodile seems to have some prestige in the hearts of the people of Alabasta.

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea..."

Kuina rubbed the hilt of the sword, her eyes eager to try.

"To see what a person is like, you can't just look at the surface. This guy is the second test question I gave you. However, with your current abilities, you are still a little short of being able to deal with a natural fruit ability user, so before that, I plan to give you a period of special training."

If you can't skillfully use the armed color domineering to attack, you will be at a disadvantage against these natural fruit ability users.

Mingjing has already prepared to stay in Alabasta for a while.

With the strength of Kuina and Sabo, they are still okay in the paradise in the first half of the Grand Line, and they may even win a title like a supernova, but it is far from enough in the New World.

Most of the top combat forces in the entire pirate world are gathered there.

Fortunately, now even the physical fitness and mental strength of Kerla, who is relatively the weakest among the three, have reached the qualifications to learn domineering, not to mention Kuina and Sabo.

Kuina has been able to hold down Zoro for so many years, and her talent is naturally among the best in the world. Sabo will be able to draw a few strokes with General Fujitora after he obtains the Burning Fruit in the future, and even more so in the future. You can completely torture Badgers before eating the fruit.

It’s hard to say that the Yonko-level general is a general, but Sabo’s strength in the original time and space at that time was at least stronger than that of ordinary generals, and he could at least have the strength of the emperor’s deputy level. As Luffy’s adopted brother, he was the second in command of the original space-time revolutionary army. Handle, the upper limit of growth cannot be less than the level of a general.

But now, they are just a group of young people aged 17 or 18, and they still need time to settle.



Naruto world.

After receiving the support of Konoha's top brass, the Police Department began vigorous reforms.

Of course there are voices of opposition within the Uchiha clan. After all, the Konoha Police Department has been a place where the Uchiha clan has played behind closed doors for decades, and now it wants to give out some of its senior positions. Of course there will be people. dissatisfied.

But these were suppressed by Ming Jing and Fugaku at the clan meeting on the grounds of "for the greater benefit of Uchiha".

As two of the three MangekyĹŤ Sharingan owners in the Uchiha clan, when the two of them unite, no one within the Uchiha clan can object.

As for the newly promoted MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, Uchiha Obito is regarded as the first Sharingan genius after the Mirror by his tribe...

How could he object to something that Chief Fugaku, as well as his most trusted teachers Ming Jing and Minato, all agreed on?

Now, Hyuga Hizashi has served as the deputy minister of the Police Department. His main responsibility is to assist the Minister of Police, Uchiha Fugaku, in handling government affairs. And, like Ming Jing, another honorary deputy minister, he is responsible for managing the two police departments on hand. Department's detachment.

Of course, that is only in name. Although they do have command authority in some matters, if Hyuuga Hizashi's orders are contrary to those of Ming Jing or Fugaku, then these two detachments composed of Uchiha tribesmen will definitely not listen to them. Poor.

Of course, the reform of the police department is not just about one person.

In the following time, with the coordination of all parties, the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th detachments appeared in Konoha's police department.

Although the Police Department not only has these detachments, but also has subordinate agencies such as the Logistics Department and the Finance Department of the Police Department that interface with the Logistics Department and the Finance Department and handle some internal affairs. However, the addition of four detachments at one time is almost This is equivalent to increasing the size of the police department by one-third.

The increased establishment is basically a combat establishment, which can be regarded as greatly enhancing the strength of the police department.

This is also a situation that Sandai has been unwilling to see.

No matter how the Police Department has changed, it has been deeply imprinted in the past few decades. It will not be easy for the Uchiha clan to take the Police Department into their hands.

The increase in the strength of the Police Department is equivalent to the increase in the strength of the Uchiha.

Inuzuka and Aburame, the two ninjas who were currently deeply bound to the Fourth Hokage, were the first to respond and sent some of their clansmen to apply for employment in the four divisions.

Inuzuka Claw, Ming Jing's classmate in the ninja school, became a special jounin at the age of sixteen at the beginning of the Third Ninja War. One year before the end of the Third Ninja War, , became a Jounin of Konoha at the age of twenty-one, and now has joined the police department as a squad leader.

This is not very outstanding among the peers of Der Spiegel, but it is still considered a relatively outstanding one.

Except for the weirdo Ming Jing, the most outstanding ninjas of the same period were the other two disciples of Kato Dan. Inuzuka Rui and Aburame Nami were both from the ninja clan. There was no shortage of ninjutsu inheritance, including Tsunade and Kato Dan. As a teacher, and as a teammate, Uchiha Mingjing, their backgrounds are quite profound. After showing high enough potential, the family will naturally focus resources on them for training.

Among those who became jounin in that group, in addition to these people, there were also Fusai Tai and Hinata Temon. After more than ten years of graduation, there were only six people who finally became jounin. There may be more later, but in fact Not many of these people are still alive, and after the age of twenty-three or four, they are basically close to the peak height that a ninja can reach.

It is worth mentioning that Fengsai Tai and Hinata Temon have also been dragged into the police department by Ming Jing using their own connections to serve as captains of the newly emerged squad.

The squad leader of a combat department such as the Police Department is the same as the ANBU. Without the strength of a jounin, it is impossible to serve as a squad leader.

In addition to them, the remaining team leader is Aburame Takumi from the Aburame clan - this one is slightly older than Ming Jing, and he is the same brother as Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi, but now Only twenty-nine years old.

Even if the police department needs to be reformed, Der Spiegel will give priority to bringing in its own people.

While the reform of the police department was going on, other people within the Uchiha clan also entered other departments outside the police department.

Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin joined the Shadow Guard together.

In addition to them, there are two young ninjas in the Shadow Guards who were discovered by Kato Suzu, Tiezu Raido and Iwahi.

Among the new generation of ninjas, apart from the members of the Mirror Class and the Minato Class, this is a relatively outstanding person with good talent and potential worth cultivating.

And what is very important is that they are both from civilian backgrounds, and there are not so many twists and turns behind them. After a few years of training, they can become Kato Dan's confidants.

As for Kakashi, it was because Obito opened the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan that his strength suddenly surpassed his own, so Minato Namikaze recommended him to Kato Dan to join the ANBU.

Also entering the Anbu with him were Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

In peacetime, places like ANBU are the best place to train people.

Moreover, as disciples of Ming Jing, they are also considered direct descendants of Kato Dan's faction, and will also be an important link in Kato Dan's ability to strengthen his control over ANBU in the future.

Because Kakashi and his teammates have all joined the ANBU, Metkai actually wants to join the ANBU, but the problem is that no ANBU squad leader is willing to take him. This guy is simply not suitable for the ANBU, so now he is a member of the ANBU. A mission ninja exists, and at the same time, he is working hard to prepare for promotion to Jonin——

In terms of strength, he is fully qualified, but in terms of theoretical knowledge, Metkai still has some work to do.

In addition to them, Ming Jing also planned to insert another person into the ANBU.

"Shisui? He is now the special jounin of the village, and he is indeed qualified to enter the ANBU."

Kato Suan was sitting at his desk, signing documents, and casually replied to the mirror.

Anbu ninjas often perform dangerous missions. If they are not strong enough, they will definitely not be able to enter. At least they must be elites among chunin.

"Ah, yes, Shisui is very talented. Like me, he has received the most formal elite Uchiha education from Grandpa Yu since he was a child. If he plans properly, he can become the next generation of the village like Kakashi Obito and the others in the future. The backbone of it.”

Ming Jing handed over a piece of important information on the ninja world in the recent period that the intelligence analysis team in his hand had compiled to Kato Dan and said.

"Oh? Do you think so highly of Shisui?"

Kato Dan took the file and asked casually.

Obito has activated the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, and it is certain that his strength will reach Kage level.

He is still young now, and his overall ninja quality is still far behind. Even with the powerful MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, he cannot exert the strength that the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan should have.

Apart from anything else, his current amount of chakra is not enough to use the Mangekyou Sharingan to fight for a long time. His own combat experience is also easy to be caught when fighting with masters. For specific analogies, you can refer to Kaguya's basic configuration is considered very strong even among the six levels, but she cannot perform it well.

Thanks to the boss of "Searching for this Earthly Dream" for the 10,000 starting coins! ! !

Thanks man!

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