Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 245 Obtaining the Spot of Earthly Resentment

Chapter 246 Obtaining the Earthly Resentment Yu’s Spot

Next, follow the previously set goals and continue to the Shampoo Islands, and then enter the new world to look for opportunities to become a great swordsman.

As for the location of the Shichibukai...

"According to the information revealed by Big Bear, the World Government should stop me on the way forward and invite me to become a Shichibukai. By then, I may have a chance to come into contact with Hawkeye..."

Naruto world.

Tian Country, near an underground gold exchange.

Kakuzu was walking there carrying a corpse of a Lang-nin whose heart had been dug out.

Not long after, Kakuzu suddenly stopped again and looked at the grass not far away.

"No need to hide, come out."

"I didn't mean to hide it. It was you who discovered me only now."

An old man with gray hair, a stooped body, and a white substance covering his body was walking out of the grass on crutches.

Now, Uchiha Madara can only rely on Bai Zetsu attached to his body to barely maintain his mobility.

But this was enough for Madara.

"Old man, you look very much like a member of the Uchiha clan. Are you also an Uchiha? If so, that would be great. Whether it is a high-quality fire heart or a bounty value on the black market. More than 10 million Sharingans are rare."

Kakuzu opened his small green bean-like eyes and stared at the old man in front of him.

"I am indeed a member of the Uchiha clan, because... I am the undead soul of Uchiha, Uchiha... Madara!"

When his name was mentioned, Madara, who was originally hunched over, puffed up his chest.

"伱? An old guy, Uchiha Madara?"

Kakuzu chuckled.

"The entire ninja world knows that Uchiha Madara has died at the hands of the First Hokage, and I am indeed someone who has experienced that era and even fought against the First Hokage!"

"Have you fought with Hashirama? Ah, I seem to remember it. Hashirama seemed to have told me about this. A ninja from Takigakure Village came to assassinate him. As a result, Hashirama seemed to be busy with something at that time, so he sent a The wooden clone has been chasing you for three days and three nights. Looking at the traitorous ninja protector of Takigakure above your head, it should be you..."

Uchiha Madara dragged his chin and recalled.

Kakuzu's expression changed, he no longer hesitated, turned around and ran away.

Just kidding, the first Hokage was so fierce. Back then, just a wooden clone could almost kill him. If he encountered his true form, he would definitely die!

When it comes to Uchiha Madara, who was able to compete with the first Hokage, the ending will probably be the same!

If you encounter an enemy like this, why not run away?

The White Zetsu coat on Uchiha Madara's body squirmed, and a White Zetsu head popped out.

This is the most special one among all the White Zetsus, the mutant among the White Zetsus, Ah Fei.

Only this White Zetsu can provide Uchiha Madara with huge vitality to maintain action and exert a certain degree of strength.

"Madara-sama, when that guy mentioned the First Hokage just now, your heartbeat seemed to speed up a lot! Are you feeling like defecating? I wonder if I can use your body to experience the feeling of defecating. …”

Bai Jue A Feixu rambled.


Madara Uchiha said angrily.

"Yakura should have stopped Kakuzu in front. Send me there immediately!"

"Yes! Madara-sama!"

Bai Zetsu slowly wrapped Madara's whole body and used the Mayfly Technique to move forward quickly.

"The Fourth Mizukage! Why is this guy doing things for Uchiha Madara! Is he controlled by the illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Kakuzu, who was fighting Gotachibana Yagura with a stick, calmed down his previous excitement as much as possible after panicking, and thought quickly while fighting.

That Uchiha Madara didn't come after him right away!

Considering that guy's senile appearance, it means that he probably no longer has the terrifying strength he once had!

But even so, Kakuzu still faces difficult challenges.

At least, he had to defeat the powerful Fourth Mizukage in front of him!

"Water Escape·Water Curtain!"

The Yu Water Escape Mask Monster in Kakuzu opened its big mouth and spit out a water cannon made of a large ball of water towards the Goju Yagura in front of him.

But Goju Yagura just waved the stick in his hand, rolling up a wave of waves, and condensed a water mirror in front of him, reflecting Kakuzu's figure.

Water Escape·Water Mirror Technique!

When Kakuzu's water cannon came into contact with Goju Yagura's water mirror, the mirror image in the water mirror also collided with it at the same time.

Kakuzu's water cannon was offset by the perfect rebound of the Water Mirror Jutsu.

"Can you copy ninjutsu like Uchiha ninjas? Can you only copy water escape, or can you copy all five attribute ninjutsu?"

Kakuzu's face was expressionless, black lines spread out on his shoulders, and two masks appeared.

He decided to try his hand.

"Fire Escape·Tou Ke Ku!"

"Wind Escape·Press!"

"Composite Ninja Technique: Flame Wind and Waves!"

The wind and fire intersect, forming a massive sea of ​​fire rushing towards Yagura.

No matter how powerful the Water Mirror Technique is, it cannot completely deflect such a large-scale attack.

"Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!"

The mighty torrent of waterfall spit out from Yagura's mouth and collided with the sea of ​​fire, forming large swaths of steam.

There is white water vapor everywhere. In this case, if the enemy does not have the perception method of white eyes, it is undoubtedly the best chance to escape.

The soles of Kakuzu's feet seemed to be greased, and he quickly ran away.

Back then, he was able to escape from the First Hokage's men, even just one of the Wood Release clones, which shows that this guy is still very good at escaping.

However, just when Kakuzu had just walked out of the thick fog, he found that the old man who called himself Madara Uchiha was standing in front of him again.


Kakuzu's face became more serious than ever before.

"Why are you chasing after me?"

"For the earthly resentment in you, I need that thing in you to practice the same secret technique as you, so that I can return to my youthful state."

Uchiha Madara looked at the ninja of his generation in front of him and said.

As of now, all the ninjas of his generation and those of Hashirama have basically withered away. The only ones still alive are the Elder Genshi of Kirigakure Village and Uchiha Ha from Konoha.

But they were all aging like him. On the contrary, the rebel Ninja of Takigakure in front of him, who was defeated by Hashirama with a wooden escape clone, remained youthful.

"If you want the resentment in me, it depends on how much of your former abilities you still have now!"

Of course Kakuzu doesn't want to hand over Ji Yu.

The reason why he can live for such a long time and possess a strength no less than that of Ying is due to Earth Resentment.

If you lose this thing, not only will your strength be reduced, but if you are unlucky, you may even burp on the spot.

"Although I can only exert less than 20% of my strength in my heyday, with Yagura, it's enough to deal with you."

Uchiha Madara coughed and said.

Kakuzu noticed the opportunity and quickly activated Earth Release to harden the skin of his arms, and used the black thread of Earth Resentment to throw out his two hands, hitting Uchiha Madara from a distance.

Uchiha Madara still maintained his original posture, and even coughed twice harder, showing his age, but he quickly condensed a layer of chakra skeleton around him to block Kakuzu's attack.

The skeleton spread quickly, forming a half-skeleton more than ten meters high.

"Susanohu... And unlike Uchiha Mingjing and others, they turned on Susanoo without turning on the kaleidoscope!"

At this moment, Kakuzu completely believed the fact that the person in front of him was Uchiha Madara!

Besides the two owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan in Konoha, who else can use Susanoo? !

Moreover, the color of Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is sky blue, which is completely different from the golden orange of Uchiha Mirror and the deep red of Uchiha Fugaku!

"Ahem, this current body, relying on the power of the Three Magatama Sharingan, can only maintain Susanoo to this extent..."

Uchiha Madara coughed twice again.

No one knows the Sharingan better than him, and his Yinjutsu skills are enough for him to use Susanoo without the Mangekyo Sharingan.

After all, the two Mangekyō Sharingan are only the key to getting started with Susanoo, and Uchiha Shisui can also activate the second stage of Susanoo for a few seconds with only one Mangekyō Sharingan left.

However, using the Mangekyo Sharingan will put a lot of burden on the body, especially Susanoo.

There are almost no Uchiha whose eyes don't bleed when using Susanoo without the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

For the current Uchiha Madara, even with White Zetsu Ah Fei to support his body, he can only go so far.

So after testing a few hands, Kakuzu's hanging heart finally relaxed.

It seems that even ninjas as powerful as gods like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara will eventually be defeated by the power of time.

I can handle it!

Confidence rekindled in Kakuzu's heart.

But, he seemed to have forgotten something.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

A furious water dragon streaked through the air, quickly attacking Kakuzu.

However, Kakuzu has rich fighting experience after all, and he used the Earth Resentment Yu in time to separate an earth escape mask monster, allowing the Izuduri Wall to block the water dragon bomb attack from Yagura.

"For the Kirigakure ninja who has mastered the silent killing technique and the Kirigakure technique to use mist to conceal his escape route, Kakuzu, are you looking down on me a little bit?"

The figure of Goju Yagura appeared on the top of a tree not far away, looking down at Kakuzu and saying.

"Ahem, stop talking nonsense and get rid of him first!"

Uchiha Madara coughed heavily again and said.

His body cannot sustain a long-lasting battle.

"I understand, Madara-sama!"

Yagura lowered his head slightly towards Madara, but this time, his voice became much hoarse, and the left half of his body was also covered with a strange layer of black.

"This guy's will has been resisting your illusion, but I have suppressed it."

Black Zetsu opened his mouth and quickly disappeared from Yagura's body.

Yagura's face turned cold and ruthless again, and he rushed towards Kakuzu waving the long stick in his hand.

In order to save his life, Kakuzu could only let the Yu of Earth split into four masked monsters to fight with the original body that retained the last heart. For a moment, Yagura was at a disadvantage, and Madara seemed helpless against him.

"It seems...does this last card have to be used in the end? What a pity, this was originally what I left for Uchiha Mirror."

Madara closed his eyes helplessly, then opened them again.

At this time, his eyes turned into the pattern of the Samsara Eye!

This is the pupil power that Madara sealed in the three-magatama Sharingan with the transcription seal before transplanting his own Samsara Eye.

When the transcription seal is triggered, the user's eyes will also turn into the pattern of the Sharingan of the person who set the seal - the same is true for the Samsara Eye.

This was originally a trump card left by Madara to deal with people who might appear and the heir could not deal with. Later, Madara used it as a trump card to deal with Uchiha Mingjing.

But now, let alone the heir and Uchiha Mingjing, if Kakuzu cannot be captured here and the Earth Grudge can be seized to allow Uchiha Madara to regain a longer life, then everything will be over in the future.

For money, Kakuzu will definitely not mind leaking the information that Madara is still alive, so that the five major ninja villages can get rid of this old guy who covets his body.

If the five major ninja villages knew that Uchiha Madara was still there, there is a high probability that they will attack Uchiha Madara, who may threaten their dominance.

At least Ohnoki, who was afraid of being bullied by Uchiha Madara, would definitely find a way to get rid of the old Madara. Knowing that their shadow was controlled, Kirigakure Zetsu would definitely come out in full force, and Konoha would definitely not sit idly by.

"This is... Samsara Eye!!!"

Kakuzu didn't know how many times he was shocked today, but the next moment, something even more shocking happened.

The four masked monsters of the Earthly Resentment suddenly shattered without any warning.

This is Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye Technique, "Rinnegan·Bianyu".

This move can split the shadow of the main body and use it to attack the opponent. If you don't have the pupil power of the Samsara Eye, you can't see these shadows. Apart from this, only the super perception brought by the fairy technique can sense the existence of these shadows.

When Uchiha Madara cast the transcription seal on the three-magatama Sharingan on his body, he must have been in a state of complete eyes, with four Rinnegan clones, and attacked at the same time in an instant.

And with Kakuzu's ability, he naturally couldn't sense these shadows, so the four masked monsters shattered at the same time.

Kakuzu's face, which had been calm and composed, finally showed a look of fear.

"Now, we just need to catch your body again."

Uchiha Madara wiped away the blood and tears from his closed left eye and stared at Kakuzu with his other eye.

The remaining power of the Samsara Eye was enough to perform a high-level illusion to torture Kakuzu about the practice method of the Earth Grudge Secret Technique.

Once these things are in hand, Madara will have a longer life and regain his youth to promote the plan of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"As a sacrifice for my building a perfect world, I will not forget your contribution. In the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, you will exist."

Uchiha Madara looked at Kakuzu and said.

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