Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 248 Orochimaru's Research Results Curse

Chapter 249 Orochimaru’s research results—cursed seal

"From the moment I met that person, I always felt that that person gave me an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but I couldn't recall it. Now that I think about it, if it was him, it would be the right time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured to himself as he held the Vajra Wishful Stick.

When he was eight years old, that is, in the first year of Konoha, the Sarutobi clan joined hands with the Shimura clan and joined Konoha established by Senju and Uchiha. It was not until he was in his early ten years that Madara defected to Konoha.

In those few years, as the young leader of the Sarutobi clan, he had never seen Madara Uchiha, so he naturally had a certain impression of him.

"Hiruzhan, you're talking about Madara? But wasn't he already defeated at the hands of the First Generation? How could he still be alive now?"

Qiudao Qifeng said in disbelief.

Uchiha Fugaku's expression suddenly changed, he thought of a possibility, and at the same time he understood why the other party was using the three magatama's sharingan.


If Madara had used Izanagi, it would indeed be possible to survive the first generation. But Fugaku didn't know why Madara didn't have an eye left after using Izanagi.

But if Madara really had an original eye of his own, then I'm afraid today's results would be completely opposite.

Fugaku silently hid what was on his mind.

Izanagi is the ultimate secret of the Uchiha clan. He plans to discuss it with Ming Jing before deciding whether to reveal it.

If this news comes out, then there is no need to doubt that the entire Uchiha in the ninja world will be targeted and eventually destroyed.

Izanagi is almost a perfect resurrection coin. Every Uchiha with three magatama sharingan eyes will become two resurrection coins in the eyes of others. Other Uchiha who have not opened three magatama sharingan eyes will definitely be The man caught him and waited until he opened the three magatama before picking the fruit.

Even members of the Uchiha clan will be captured and used as fertility tools as a means of cultivating the Three Magatama Sharingan.

Uchiha Fugaku shuddered just thinking about these things.

On the outskirts of Konoha, the former root base is now the temporary Nine-Tails Jinchuriki production base.

"The mother and child are safe and the child is healthy."

Sarutobi Biwako hugged little Naruto's swaddle and walked out of the secret room.

Seeing the birth of his son, Minato Namikaze put away the worried look on his face and walked quickly towards Lake Sarutobi Biwa.

"You men are all so careless. Don't touch the child first. I'll take little Naruto to clean up next door. You go in and see Kushina. Now is the moment when she needs care the most."

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, then thanked Sarutobi Biwako, then walked into the secret room and saw Kushina, who had been restored to physical strength by Tsunade using medical ninjutsu.

"Let me help, Biwako-senpai."

Mirror put on sterile gloves and followed Lake Biwa.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki... no, it should be Namikaze Naruto. The two of them are most likely not the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. The former should not encounter genocide, and the latter does not have the power of the Nine Tails. .

In this case, will they still be the destined children of this world?

This means that there may not be two super shadows in the future, or even a strong person who cheats and enters the six-level level to seal Otsutsuki Kaguya to resist the attacks of other Otsutsuki.

The future has become even more confusing.

The movement that Madara made almost shocked the entire ninja world.

A super strong man who can use Susanoo and Wood Release at the same time attacks Konoha!

With his own strength, he blocked the attacks of many shadow-level masters, including the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, and escaped unscathed!

That night, the two behemoths, Bokuto and Akimichi Tifu, each wearing whiskers and armor, made a lot of noise. Countless people saw it. Konoha couldn't block the news even if they wanted to, and they didn't even need spies. By passing on the news, other ninja villages will know the general situation.

While these people were amazed by the power of the attack, they were also curious about his identity. At the same time, they also worked hard to develop their strength and strengthen the defensive vigilance in the village.

The strongest Konoha can dispatch six shadow-level experts to repel this mysterious man, but other ninja villages do not have so many shadow-level experts.

However, Madara unexpectedly became quiet and did not take any further action.

The Uchiha clan.

This place suffered huge damage due to the battle with Madara.

The patriarch's mansion, along with a large area around it, were in ruins.

However, Fugaku's family had more than just one property, so he temporarily moved to another house in a much smaller courtyard.

"You mean, in the Battle of the Valley of the End forty years ago, Madara used Izanagi to hide from the first generation, and then came back now to take revenge on Konoha and Uchiha?"

Ming Jing ate fresh fruit casually and said to Uchiha Fugaku.

"You don't seem surprised."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Ming Jing's calm expression and asked curiously.

"When you come to me, what you want to talk about shouldn't be about whether I'm surprised or not."

"I want to know if you will tell Izanagi's information. If it is told, then no matter how strong the Uchiha clan is, they will not be able to deal with the prying eyes of the entire ninja world. But if you don't tell it, the family and Konoha will We will face the threat of Madara again..."

"Information can be given, but why must it be dragged out truthfully?"

Ming Jing asked rhetorically.

"Reveal the information that should be disclosed, and don't disclose the information that shouldn't be disclosed. Seven points are true and three points are false, or three points are true and seven points are false. As long as the logic is self-consistent and consistent with reality, then it is considered false. Intelligence is no different from real intelligence, and it can guide events in the direction we want.”

As the current squad leader of Konoha's intelligence analysis class, Ming Jing obviously knows how to play with intelligence.

"Izanagi's information can be revealed, but not completely. For example, if you exaggerate the cost of using this thing, it is best to boast that only Madara can use it and it is unique, so it will not threaten others. Uchiha?"

That seems to be the case?

"You go on."

Uchiha Fugaku took the initiative to get up and pour a cup of tea for Ming Jing and said.

"Among all the ninjas in the ninja world, who is the most omnipotent?"

"The First Hokage? No, it should be the legendary Sage of Six Paths?"

Uchiha Fugaku said uncertainly.

The first Hokage is basically equal to the most powerful ninja in everyone's concept, and is known as the god of human ninjas, while the Sage of Six Paths is too far away and is regarded by everyone as a mythical figure, different from those in ancient legends The gods drew an equal sign.

"Then lean on the Sage of Six Paths! Do you still remember the news I got from the Slug Sage before? The ancestor of the Uchiha clan, God Indra, is the eldest son of the Sage of Six Paths, so let's just say that Uchiha Madara got it The ancestor of God Indra obtained the Eye of Indra and inherited part of the power of the Six Paths Sage, which made him possess such powerful power."

"And you and I, two owners of the Mangekyo Sharingan, worked together to use the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan to decipher the words on the stone tablets left by our ancestors, and learned that Indra wanted his descendants to defeat his younger brother. A descendant of Asura, he sealed his powerful eyes before his death. It was by relying on the power of this eye that Uchiha Madara managed to survive until now by using the forbidden technique of Indra's Eye, Izanagi!"

Uchiha Fugaku was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

After a long while, he muttered something.

"Why do I think, Ming Jing, if you write novels, you will have a better future than Jiraiya-senpai?"

"Izanagi, Eye of Indra? Uchiha Monument?"

When receiving the news from Ming Jing and Fugaku, various high-level officials in Konoha had different reactions.

The one who was most interested in this information was Orochimaru.

He also found the White Snake Immortal in Ryūchi Cave, learned some other history about the Immortal of Six Paths and Indra, and followed Ming Jing Fugaku to pay homage to the thousand-year-old stone tablet.

Of course, without the Sharingan, he naturally couldn't interpret any of the content above.

But soon, Orochimaru quickly lost interest in these mythical stories.

Because, his research has produced new results.

"Mr. Mirror, maybe from now on, you and I will be the protagonists in these fairy tales."

Orochimaru said this to Ming Jing, and then took out a dozen scrolls and placed them in front of Ming Jing.

"these are……"

"Samples of fairy magic data from the three holy places of Longdi Cave, Miaomu Mountain, and Shigu Forest. At first, I had no idea how to integrate the fairy magic of these three holy places, until I discovered a very interesting child. His The body is naturally capable of absorbing natural energy.”

"So, I came up with an idea to use breathing methods to absorb natural energy, use the child to study how the human body adapts to and even store natural energy, and then use the magic of the three holy places to realize the control of natural energy. applications, and other aspects.”

Orochimaru clapped his hands, and Mitarai Zixiao immediately walked in with a little boy with orange hair who looked to be only three or four years old.

"Lord Orochimaru, Lord Mirror!"

Mitarai Zixiao and the orange-haired boy respectfully saluted Orochimaru and Mingjing.

"His name is Jugo. He was discovered last month when I took the root ninja on a mission to establish the root base of Tian Country. You should have seen the mission information."

After Orochimaru introduced Jugo's situation, he reached out and took off Jugo's collar, revealing a black curse pattern.

"This is a curse seal that I researched. When Jugo absorbs too much natural energy, he will transform into a state of rampage. Even a jounin may not be able to subdue it. The curse seal is what I studied after studying what happened to Jugo. , a secret technique developed that can seal natural energy on the body with a sealing technique similar to Yin seal."

"When the curse seal is activated, the user will experience a phenomenon of alienation similar to the immortal mode, but it is more serious, the alienation is more complete, and the possibility of successful transplantation is extremely low."

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