Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 251 Great Swordsman!

Chapter 252 Great Swordsman!

"Is this power as terrifying as a natural disaster the power of Mr. Yunyi and that female great swordsman?"

Kuina stood on the deck, holding the famous sword Hanasu in her hand, looking at the earth-shaking battle in the distance, and couldn't help but yearn for it.

Momotobu, the existence of such a female great swordsman, has an immeasurable motivational effect on her heart.

This strongly refutes the idea of ​​her father Koshiro.

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Women can also become the top great swordsmen on the sea!

"Sun Breathing·Two Type·Bi Luo Tian!"

"Sun Breathing·Land Type·Scorching Bone Flame Sun!"

"Sun Breathing·Ten Type·Brilliant Enlight!"


Mingjing's mouth was gushing with white air, and he was fully focused on the battle with Momotobu, using the strong pressure brought by Momotobu to sharpen his sword intent.

In terms of swordsmanship, he was only a hair's breadth away from the level of a great swordsman. In order to break through to this level, he has been sorting out his swordsmanship system for a while, with the Sun Breathing, which he is most familiar with, as the foundation, Uchiha style swordsmanship as the secondary, and other swordsmanship essences absorbed in recent years as the supplement. After the thirteen forms of Sun Breathing, fourteen forms to eighteen forms were introduced.

The first thirteen forms are the strongest swordsmanship in the world created by Tsugikoku Yoriichi of the Demon Slayer World, and the latter ones are developed by Ming Jing based on his current physical condition and swordsmanship ability.

If Tsugikoku Yoriichi of the Demon Slayer World was resurrected to learn the latter five forms, he would definitely not be able to perform them, because the physical strength improved by breathing alone cannot support the power required for this level of moves.

And now, Ming Jing is using the pressure brought to him by Taotu to truly perfect the latter five sword forms in actual combat.

The intensity of the battle is increasing.

At first, Taotu only heard from Gumier that this swordsman was very strong, so she thought of giving it a try, but now she found that the opponent's strength was indeed terrifying.

Not only is his swordsmanship level close to that of a great swordsman, but his domineering, physical fitness, movement speed, and combat experience in other aspects can be regarded as first-class levels on the sea, and his strength is not much better than hers.

"Breathing of the Sun·The Fourteenth Sword."

"Breathing of the Sun·The Fifteenth Sword."

"Breathing of the Sun·The Sixteenth Sword."

The magnificent flame sword energy instantly evaporated a large area of ​​sea water, penetrated the entire sea, and revealed an abyss.

Taotu looked at the justice coat with a piece of clothing cut off, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

This Tsugikoku Yoriichi, actually became a little stronger in the battle just now?

Is it an illusion? Or did this guy regard himself as a whetstone?

Mingjing took a few shallow breaths and looked at his palm.

There, a sword mark deep enough to see the bone appeared on it.

The medical ninjutsu was activated, and the wound healed instantly.

Ming Jing clenched his fists, looking excited.

He felt endless inspiration surging in his mind, and the Sky Tail Feather in his hand also gave him an inexplicable feeling, as if he knew how to use it to fight better!

It was like a person who originally had a good foundation in mathematics, after a lot of practice, suddenly got it right one day.

The same numbers, the same formulas, the problems that were originally unsolvable, now looked clear, and you could tell how to solve them at a glance.

This was the difference in realm.

Now, he could finally call himself a great swordsman.



The two figures collided again.

The two weapons, Kinpila and Sky Tail Feather, collided countless times every second, and every contact contained great power.

If it weren't for the high quality of these two weapons, they would probably be scrapped in a short time.

However, the two of them had a good time fighting, but the others did suffer.

A pirate ship heading towards the Sabaody Archipelago thought it had encountered a storm and had to choose to sail around.

The two fought for a whole day and night before they finally stopped.

The final result was that Ming Jing narrowly won.

The eighteen sword forms of Sun Breathing have all taken shape, which means that Ming Jing has initially perfected and established his own sword system, and his strength has further broken through.

"You are very good, it's a pity that you have to become a pirate because of people like Colonel Mouse. If you are willing to join the navy, your status should not be lower than mine, and you may even be the admiral in the future."

Taotu said while putting Kinpila back into the scabbard, and then threw away the tattered Justice Coat on his body, revealing his tall and beautiful figure.

"I am not the kind of person who likes to be restricted by all kinds of rules and regulations. The navy is not suitable for me."

Ming Jing looked at the red haori on his body, which was damaged as much as the Justice Coat, and shook his head.

"The management of senior generals in the navy is very relaxed. For example, Admiral Kuzan likes to sleep at work, and Vice Admiral Garp directly transformed his office into a donut storage room. This place is suitable for everyone who has his own justice in his heart and is willing to maintain order."

"It's different. Your justice is greatly restricted. It's better to do whatever I want like now."

Mingjing said meaningfully.

"Restricted? I understand."

Taotu knew that Ming Jing was referring to the navy being limited by the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

"In this case, there is nothing we can do."

In a few words, the two quickly returned to the port from the place where they fought before.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit! Marshal Warring States sent a message asking us to leave for Punk Hassad immediately!"

As soon as they returned to the port, Taotu's adjutant rushed to Taotu's side with the phone bug in hand.

"I see."

Momotu handed the Shichibukai appointment letter to Ming Jing, and then quickly issued an order to dispatch warships to Punk Hassad.

Back to the ship.

"The location of the Shichibukai has been obtained. With this identity, we should be able to use the World Government's Gate of Justice to directly go to the new world."

After Ming Jing finished speaking to Kerla, he walked back to the captain's cabin.

Ming Jing took out a phone bug and placed it on the table. After careful inspection, Ming Jing stamped a seal on it.

This phone bug is used by the World Government to contact the Shichibukai. As expected, there is indeed a listening device on it.

The function of the sealing technique is to limit this eavesdropping device. If necessary, Mingjing can also unlock the seal to convey some wrong information.

Intelligence is the most important thing for ninjas. After Ming Jing came to the world of pirates and came into contact with such a thing as the phone bug, he took control of it and studied it.

With his current skills in sealing, after understanding the principle of this thing, he is still capable of developing some simple and useful seals to target these little things.

After placing the phone bug, Ming Jing pushed the bookshelf and entered the compartment of the captain's cabin.

Some gold and other items obtained from the empty island are displayed here, as well as two telephone bugs placed on the small table.

Two telephone bugs, one big and one small, with a wire connecting the two.

The big one is just an ordinary communication phone bug, and the smaller one is a white phone bug that can emit interference waves to prevent eavesdropping.


After the connection was made, Der Spiegel revealed the identity of the contact person.

"Yuanyi? What's the matter?"

Dorag said in a deep voice.

"I had a fight with Vice Admiral Peach Usagi."

"Peach Rabbit? She is not easy to deal with. Is she not injured?" Dorag asked with concern.

"It's nothing. She came to invite me to become a Shichibukai on behalf of the World Government. I had a discussion with her, and we didn't win or lose. However, I have become a great swordsman now, and my strength should be improved to a certain extent in the future. "

"Yeah! That's really great."

The phone bug imitated Dorag's joyful expression in a subtle way.

"Well, the plan can go ahead. Next, I will apply to the World Government to cross Mariejoia and enter the new world. They will probably be happy to have someone like me to disrupt the situation in the new world and disrupt the balance among the four emperors. "

"Then after entering the new world, you can use the Mogara Kingdom as your base. We have initially penetrated the ruling class there."

"Ah, before that, there is something I want to do."

"What's up?"

"Punk Hassard, I need someone to investigate what happened there and the whereabouts of Caesar Courant."

"I see."

The two talked for a while and then hung up the phone.

The World Government is not very slow in going through the procedures. It only took three days to approve the application of the "Jiguoyuan Group" to enter the new world through Marie Joa's special passage.


After the battle between Ming Jing and Taotu, the World Government naturally knew how powerful Ming Jing was.

Of course they are happy to see such a Qibukai with great swordsman strength enter the New World. After all, a large part of the purpose of the World Government establishing the Shichibukai is to control the increasingly powerful Yonko in the New World.

In the new world, above the sea, everything is calm.

"Based on the above reasons, the current world government has appointed a pirate with a bounty of 250 million taels, 'Flame Sword', to succeed Kuni Enichi as the new king of the Shichibukai."

Robin leaned back leisurely on the recliner and read the contents of the newspaper word by word.

Two hundred and fifty million was the bounty that Spiegel received before he landed in Alabasta.

After Ming Jing defeated Crocodile and Lieutenant General Gumir, the World Government did not increase Ming Jing's reward again. It is estimated that it has been thinking about inviting him to be the king of the Shichibukai since then.

Therefore, Der Spiegel's bounty is only 250 million - which can be said to be a very astonishing figure in the first half of the Grand Line. Generally, if it can reach more than 100 million, it is enough to be called a supernova.

The reason why Ming Jing is rated at 250 million is because he challenged many swordsmen on the Grand Line before becoming a pirate. He is quite famous and is considered an extremely powerful swordsman.

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