Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 259: A Sword Cuts Through the Mountain

Chapter 260: One Sword Opens a Mountain


The ground trembled, and Amaterasu Black Dragon, with its unstoppable attitude, destroyed Uchiha Madara's majestic wooden figure head-on.

The powerful aftermath even caused the terrain of the canyon where the two men fought to change again.

The previous battle between the two had widened the entrance of the canyon a lot, making it a Y-shaped terrain. Now this terrifying Amaterasu Black Dragon has changed the Y-shaped shape into an X.

Split the mountains with one sword!



Ming Jing let out a heavy breath and covered his left eye with his left hand, which was bleeding due to the large amount of Amaterasu Black Flame released in a short period of time.

That is to say, he could release so much Amaterasu when his eyes were still the Mangekyo Sharingan. If it were Uchiha Fugaku, even with the golden potion, it would not be possible.

With his strong physical body and years of intensive cultivation of the Breath of the Sun, Ming Jing's own Yang Escape has reached a high level.

The wooden man collapsed suddenly, and the surrounding tree sea formed by Uchiha Madara's release of the tree world was also half cleared. Between the mountains in the distance was a canyon opened by Ming Jing's sword. The rocks on both sides Amaterasu's black flames were still burning above, and the earth was being scorched and crystallized.

"Ahem, ahem, it's such a nostalgic feeling! The battle between Hashirama and I also led to the birth of the Valley of the End, but the current valley seems a little smaller."

Uchiha Madara struggled to get up from the rubble, with red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and one of his left arms was broken.

But the strange thing is that there is no blood flowing out of Madara's broken arm.


Countless black threads flew out from Madara's broken arm, rolled it back up, and then sewed it back together.

Having practiced the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, Madara's body has long been different from that of a ninja in his normal form.

"You know, Madara, I once killed a monster with five heads and seven hearts with my own hands."

Uchiha Mingjing took out a bottle of golden potion from his ninja tool bag and drank it. He wiped his mouth and said to Uchiha Madara in the distance.

"It turns out that you can see what's going on inside my body."

Uchiha Madara's face darkened.

Of Di Yu Yu's five hearts, two representing water and wind had been destroyed by Ming Jing in the previous battle.

This means that Mingjing can see his weaknesses and can target them.

With a transparent world, Mingjing can naturally clearly see Madara's physical condition.

"It's sad, isn't it? Shura, who was once the most powerful ninja in the world, now has to turn himself into a monster to survive in the new era. Madara, I have said before that you are no longer suitable for this era. In this era, there is no stage for elderly people like this who should be in the pure land to dance!”

"How can a dragon be raised in shallow water? Uchiha Mirror, the ninjas of your generation are far inferior to me and Hashirama. It's not that there is no stage for me in the new era, but the ninja world is too small to fully entertain me. But , I can create a new world, an infinitely beautiful world, Uchiha Mirror, are you interested? In my era, there were still Hashirama who could be my opponent, but is this era too much for you? Boring?"

Uchiha Madara finally revealed his true purpose in front of the mirror.

"Ah, I don't really think so. This world may be small, but it's enough for me to survive."

Ming Jing shook his head with an indifferent expression.

Would it be boring if the ninja world is too small and not enough for you to toss around on your own?

Aren’t there other worlds?

"I can probably understand your feelings. Are you reluctant to leave this world because of the bonds of family, friends, master and disciple?"

Uchiha Madara believed that if Izuna and his other brothers had not died, he might not have such thoughts.

According to his character, it is more likely that he protects his brothers and competes with Hashirama from time to time, drinking and so on.

As for the peace of the ninja world, it is not difficult with his and Hashirama's strength.

That's why Madara set such a trap for Obito, which made him feel heartbroken, opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, and because Nohara Rin died at the hands of Kakashi, he was disappointed with the world and took the initiative to break away from it. The bond between oneself and this world.

But there are no ifs in this world.

The death of Uchiha Izuna is an established fact, and the situation of Uchiha Obito has not continued as Madara imagined.

Madara can only rely on himself and continue walking on this road alone.

"It seems that your reinforcements have arrived."

Uchiha Madara and Ming Jing raised their heads at the same time and looked into the distance.

"Think carefully about what I said, Uchiha Mirror. Hashirama has chosen a different path from me, and several ninja wars have proven that the path he chose is wrong. As for you, you are also on the same path as me. In terms of qualifications, I'm looking forward to your selection.

In addition, if you have enough eyesight, go and take a look at the stone tablet in your family that has been passed down by your ancestors for thousands of years. After reading it, maybe you will understand what I am doing. "

Uchiha Madara took a deep look at the mirror, and a White Zetsu emerged from his body and wrapped around his body. He activated the Mayfly Technique and quickly burrowed into the ground.

"It's not that easy to leave."

Ming Jing frowned slightly, and the tail feather in his hand was once again wrapped with black flames. He slashed the sword towards the ground with all his strength, leaving a bottomless abyss.

The next second, the sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and a trident flying thunder god kunai plunged into the ground not far away.

Namikaze Minato pressed Kato Dan's shoulder with one hand and Uchiha Fugaku with the other, and the three of them flashed beside the Flying Thunder God Kunai at the same time.

Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai, led by Metkai who opened the Seven Gates, successfully broke out of the siege, found Konoha's border stronghold, and contacted the Hokage's office using the phone line that had just been set up there.

The telephone is still a novelty in the ninja world. Today's ninjas are still accustomed to the traditional way of communicating with each other. It is considered fast to use bird-like psychic beasts to convey messages.

After Ming Jing became the top executive of Konoha, he took the lead in introducing these technological equipment into the intelligence analysis class to improve the efficiency of intelligence work, and Orochimaru's roots followed suit.

Seeing this, Kato Suan, after getting some specific information from Ming Jing and Orochimaru, began to promote these technological creations within the Konoha ninjas.

Of course, since the intelligence received using these things may be eavesdropped and tampered with by the enemy, only some information that is not very important will be transmitted in this way.

"Ding Jing, where are the enemies?"

Kato Duan's eyes flashed blue, his mind swept around but found nothing, so he asked the mirror.

"Run away, but after I sensed that you were approaching, I guess I didn't choose to retreat because my opponent chose to retreat. In the end, I beat half... well, it should be four-fifths to death."

Four of the five hearts were knocked out, so there is no problem in saying that four out of five people died.

"Four out of five died? Could it be that the enemy had five lives, but you killed four of them by Ming Jing?"

Namikaze Minato asked curiously.

"Well, it has been confirmed that the identity of the enemy is Uchiha Madara. Although the eyes on his body are not his, he still has great strength. As for why he can survive to this day and maintain such combat effectiveness, it is mainly because he has practiced earth resentment. Yu's secret technique.

This is the secret technique of Takigakure Village many years ago. It was later captured by Takigakure's rebel ninja Kakuzu, and now it is in Madara's hands. The body of that thing is actually the masked monsters that stood above Bokuren's head last time. Every time Each one represents Madara’s heart,”

"So that's it. So, Madara was seriously injured by you."

Namikaze Minato concluded.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku walked to the side of the canyon, caressed the mountain wall, and looked at the Amaterasu Black Flame that was still burning in the distance.

"To cause such damage, even my Susanoo who has activated the third stage cannot do it in a short time. Mirror, how far are you and Madara's strength?"

Uchiha Fugaku said with a slight sigh.

There is no Uchiha who does not desire power. They are all owners of the Mangekyou Sharingan. Of course, Uchiha Fugaku also hopes that he can possess such power.

"This is not Madara's full strength at his peak. Don't forget that he is not using his original eyes. As for me, I do not rely entirely on the Mangekyo Sharingan to have such strength. Swordsmanship, ninjutsu, senjutsu, and taijutsu Putting it all together, I have the strength to rival Madara now.

In the previous battle, I was lucky enough to win against Madara by two points, either through mental arithmetic or not. Later, Madara should have noticed the arrival of the three of you, so he chose to give up two hearts to let himself escape smoothly. He needs to wait a while for him to collect all five hearts again, and he will still have his current strength. "

"Are you sure he can still regain his strength?"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't believe it.

He knew the truth that Madara most likely used Izanagi and survived from the hands of the First Hokage, which meant that Madara was blind in at least one eye.

"Don't forget the relationship between those White Zetsu and the first-generation cells. This is not impossible for Madara."

After hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku nodded in approval.

Using yourself to save others, if he once had such a powerful power, but disappeared at some point, then he would definitely try his best to get this power back.

Now that I think about it, these White Zetsu might be the products of Uchiha Madara's study of the first-generation cells in order to restore his pupil power.

The more Uchiha Fugaku thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

"Let's go back and discuss it first."

Kato Duan rubbed his brows with a headache.

Among all the Hokage, he felt that he was the most difficult to be.

The first Hokage was able to dominate the world with his own power, and he had a younger brother who could do things. He could just leave everything to his younger brother. Although the second and third generations had their own problems during their reign, at most they could only fight the Ninja War. What, the enemies we faced were the shadows and jinchūriki of the enemy village.

He was the only one who had only been in office for a few years. The Great Ninja War was finally over, and yet another Uchiha Madara appeared who should have been dead for many years.

Fortunately, Konoha is now considered to be in a relatively prosperous period, with many shadow-level experts, and existences like Ming Jing whose strength clearly exceeds the shadow-level category, which is still within the range of Konoha's ability to deal with.

Kato Dan, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku came in a hurry, but when they returned, they didn't go very fast.

Even so, as the first-class Kage-level master in the Jin Ninja world, it only took an hour or two for everyone to return to Konoha smoothly, taking Asuma and others with them along the way.

Metkai was dragged back by Kato Dan using his telekinesis.

When he previously dealt with the giant fused Bai Jue formed by Bai Jue A Fei as the main body, he drank a golden potion, which enabled him to barely bear the power of the seven gates.

After opening the Seven Gates, although he defeated the enemy and successfully broke through with his companions, he was also seriously injured as a result.

If there is no golden potion, forcibly opening the Eight Gate Dungeon that you cannot open, in serious cases it may lead to death. In mild cases, it may be like Locke Li during the Chuunin Examination in the original time and space, almost unable to continue to be a ninja.

After returning to Konoha, Kato Dan immediately called all the top management of Konoha for a meeting. Even Tsunade attended the meeting with a pregnant belly.

"So, are you really convinced that the person's identity is Uchiha Madara..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked as he smoked his pipe with a sad look on his face.

No one knows better than those of them who were born in the Warring States Period how terrifying power Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama wield.

If a Kage-level powerhouse can single-handedly destroy a small country, then a person of Madara's level can definitely single-handedly destroy a large-scale ninja village, and even overwhelm the ninja world.

"This is indeed bad news, but the good news is that Ming Jing's strength can barely surpass Madara's now. But the problem is that this time Madara's target is Ming Jing, what about next time? Everyone here, in addition to having As for Minato, the Flying Thunder God, do the others have the ability to survive Madara?"

Kato Dan's question stunned everyone.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult. Even if I were twenty years younger, I might not be able to escape Madara."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

He also fought against Madara in the previous battle.

It was also in that battle that he finally realized that his current strength had declined a lot. In a few years, he might have to start transforming from the original hexagonal ninja to a ninjutsu turret-type ninja.

Orochimaru's face was serious, but he quickly relaxed.

If he meets Madara, he is indeed no match, but it is not that easy to kill him.

He was still certain that he could save his life at a certain price.

"The Fourth Generation, also, I think we need to recall Teacher Jiraiya as soon as possible. If Madara really plans to target Konoha's high-end combat power, he will definitely be the first to be targeted as he has been traveling abroad. "

Namikaze Minato said sadly.

"It's okay for a short time, but it's really time to recall Senior Jiraiya. Uchiha Madara, who has practiced Earth Resentment, can have five hearts representing the five attributes of chakra: wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth. In the previous battle , he had four hearts broken, and now he should be trying to find a way to put his heart back together, and from Madara’s point of view, he may not look down on the hearts of ordinary people. "

Spiegel added.

"Are you worried about the earthly resentment... Next, the ANBU and the Roots need to keep a close eye on it. Whether it is Konoha or other ninja villages, if there is a person above the Jonin level who dies, it means that Madara may have done it to steal the heart. , this news was also sent to other major ninja villages, asking them to step up their defenses."

Kato Suan nodded and ordered.

"With the strength of other ninja villages, if Madara wants to take action, they have no ability to resist."

Orochimaru suddenly added and continued:

"It's better for me to take the root ninja to Takigakure Village. Since the Earthly Resentment Yu comes from there, Takigakure Village may have some relevant information, but I hope Mingjing-kun or Minato-kun can set off with me. If I really encounter Madara, I'm afraid only you have the ability to take me out."

Orochimaru is still quite curious about the Earthly Resentment.

Although he already has more than one way to obtain immortality, he has not yet achieved any practical results in cultivating immortality. Although ghost blood can also obtain eternal life, the shortcomings are too great.

On the contrary, Di Yu Yu seems to have almost no side effects.

And Orochimaru himself, as a scientist, also wanted to explore the principle of this thing.

"Although the battle with Madara achieved certain results, I also suffered some injuries, and I also have some new insights that I need to digest quickly, so I'm sorry, Orochimaru-senpai."

After hearing what Ming Jing said, everyone looked at him with strange expressions.

Being injured in the battle with Madara seems normal to everyone, but when you fight, you will gain new insights...

"No wonder your strength can improve so quickly. You can gain insights from this fight and improve your strength."

Uchiha Fugaku's complaints revealed what everyone was thinking.

"In that case, let me accompany Orochimaru-senpai for a walk. By the way, I can also call Mr. Jiraiya on the way. If I really meet Madara, I will be more confident."

Namikaze Minato said with a gentle smile.

In the previous battle against Konoha, Uchiha Madara was very majestic against six shadow-level experts, but in fact, he was gradually suppressed at a disadvantage later in the fight.

If "one" is taken as the average strength of the Kage-level experts in the current ninja world, then the current strength of Uchiha Madara is probably slightly less than six.

Six shadow-level experts can suppress the current Madara. If there are one or two less, then even if they cannot suppress him, they can probably draw a tie. If it is replaced by three or four people, even if they are not opponents, they can still tie Madara to some extent. a while.

This is somewhat similar to Payne in the original time and space. Against a single shadow-level master, Payne can absolutely crush him. However, if there are two or three shadow-level masters cooperating with each other, although they cannot kill Payne, they will most likely be defeated. It can also be entangled for a long time.

The difficulty of drawing, winning, and killing each other is different. Unless both parties have no intention of escaping, they have to fight until the last moment. Just like the battle between Madara and Hashirama in the Valley of the End, fighting until the end will not affect the amount of chakra. For example, Hashirama was so tired in the end that he could only fight with a knife and finally killed Madara.

If he really wanted to run, Uchiha Madara would definitely be able to run away, but with Uchiha Madara's character, it was impossible to escape in front of Senju Hashirama.

After the matter was discussed, Namikaze Minato and Orochimaru briefly arranged things after the meeting and quickly set off for Takigakure Village. Kato Dan, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Fugaku each returned to their respective posts to be busy.

Qiu Daofeng returned home to rest assured. Even with the golden potion, overloading the Butterfly Transformation Technique still cost him a certain price. It may take several months of training before he can return to his original state.

During this period, the logistics department was personally arranged by Kato Dan himself as the Fourth Hokage.

Ming Jing treated Metkai at Konoha Hospital, left the follow-up treatment plan to the pharmacist Nonou, and then returned home.

Reincarnation Watch, start!

In the room, a faint blue light flashed, and Ming Jing's figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a shadow clone sitting cross-legged on the bed.

The streets are busy with traffic.

On both sides, there are many high-rise buildings, and in the distance there are several hanging towers under construction at the construction site.

A woman in uniform is walking hurriedly on her way to work with a cup of coffee in her hand and a briefcase on her back.

Most of the pedestrians were just like her, walking in a hurry.

Ming Jing walked out from the corner of the street and looked at the morning streets of the fast-paced modern city in front of her, her eyes filled with emotion.

How many years have you not seen this familiar scene?

The level of science and technology in the Naruto world is still at a level equivalent to that of the 1940s and 1950s. Even if it wants to develop into a modern city, it will have to wait until thirty years later when referring to the original time and space - that is when Naruto served as the Seventh Daime, when Boruto opens.

Demon Slayer World is even older, at the end of the Taisho era in the 1920s.

The technology in the Pirate World is relatively advanced, but the technology tree is too crooked and is still not high on average. Moreover, because of the power system and various creatures, there are Haki and Devil Fruit, and the weapons born from technology are not war. The mainstream is, at most, things like muskets, warships, and cannons.

"It's better to understand the specific information about this matter first."

Ming Jing hid in the corner, used illusion to hide his figure, stretched out his hand to form a seal, activated the transformation technique, and transformed into a suit and leather shoes.

Although the jounin vest and the wide blue-black haori he originally wore looked handsome, it was less likely to feel inconsistent when he was dressed like this.

After taking a look at the situation around him, Ming Jing quickly analyzed all the information he got.

"The GG signs on the street are in Japanese, which shows that it is not difficult to communicate in the language here."

"The physical fitness of the people around is relatively weak, which is in line with the constitution of modern people, which shows that the situation here is generally peaceful."

There are no newspapers nearby, but there is a library.

This kind of place usually has newspapers from the past and other types of reading materials, so you can get more information.

"Postpartum Care of Sows"

"Secret History of the King's Court"

"Revealed! Sweetheart Mask’s journey to becoming an idol! 》

"Heroes Illustrated Book"

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows slightly and took down the "Reveal!" Sweetheart Mask’s journey to becoming an idol! " and "Heroes Illustrated Book".

The pages of the book turned quickly, Ming Jing opened his Sharingan, and quickly read the contents of the two books at a glance.

Marde, Sasuke's explosion rate this time is too bad, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

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