Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 272: Transformation Begins

Chapter 273 The transformation begins

"It's just cloning technology and some research on the extension of gene telomeres. I used cloning technology to replace all my tissues and organs except the brain, and extended the gene telomeres of my own brain, which increased the life of the brain. If one day my brain reaches its limit, I can transfer my brain's consciousness to the newly cloned brain.

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Kinos pushed his glasses and said proudly.

He just wanted to show off in front of these former colleagues.

"With your ability, it's not surprising that you can do this."

Kusno was indeed surprised, but not as surprised as Kinos imagined.

"Let's talk about the so-called attending physician and genetic disease first, Mr. Mingjing, although you are a hero, Dr. Kinos is not a decent person. I need to know your purpose before I lend you the right to use the supercomputer. "

Kusino said seriously.

Genos' face showed a look of surprise.

"Mingjing, what is the genetic disease? Why have I never heard you talk about it?"

Of course it's because this is the story that Genos and I made up yesterday!

Mingjing complained silently in his heart, and then took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Dr. Kusino.

"Dr. Kusino, I guess you also know the origin of my heroic title of 'Scarlet Ninja'?"

Mingjing asked Dr. Kusino.

"Of course, it's your eyes that turn red when you activate your ability? I've seen the relevant introduction in the latest issue of the hero illustrations. Is that the origin of your genetic disease? "

Dr. Kusno asked with interest.

He bought the latest issue of the hero encyclopedia, in fact, to see the things related to Genos, but he also paid a little attention to Uchiha Mingjing and Saitama, who were often mentioned by Genos.

"Ah, it's like this, this is the ability passed down from generation to generation in our Uchiha clan. According to the research of our ancestors, this is when we are under strong emotional shock, a special energy generated by the brain stimulates the visual nerves and opens the Sharingan. The Sharingan can only be opened by those who have the genes of the Uchiha clan. What I just gave you is the genetic information chart of the members of our Uchiha clan. "

Dr. Kusno's eyes were immediately attracted by the USB flash drive in his hand.

So, the information stored in the USB flash drive in his hand is very precious.

"However, while relying on the Sharingan to gain powerful strength, the Uchiha clan also paid a certain price. That is, like me, after the Sharingan is upgraded to a certain level, if the power of the eyes is frequently used, it will cause the pupil power to dissipate, the eyes will gradually become blind, and the body will also bear a lot of pressure. In the history of our clan, there are many examples of premature death caused by genetic diseases caused by Sharingan. As the blood of our ancestors becomes thinner, the genes of our ancestors are getting less and less, and the frequency of genetic diseases is getting higher and higher. "

"I see, but why have I never heard of this Uchiha clan, and...what about your other clansmen?"

"In this world, I am the only Uchiha."

Mingjing replied.

"I'm sorry, child. "

Dr. Kusno showed deep apology on his face.

Under Mingjing's deliberate guidance, Dr. Kusno had already imagined the story of how Mingjing's clan members died because of this genetic disease, leaving only himself to survive and grow into an S-class hero of the Hero Association.

As for why the Uchiha clan has never been heard of, it is probably because this group of people died out due to a genetic disease, resulting in only Uchiha Mingjing being the only one left.

The genetic sample data in hand cannot be faked.

"Uchiha Mingjing is very lucky because he met me, Dr. Kinos, the most outstanding biologist on the planet, and I am also very lucky to have met Uchiha Mingjing and be able to find the perfect gene related to human evolution from him! "

Dr. Kinos took over the conversation at this time and began his speech.

"In order to solve the genetic disease in his body, Uchiha Mingjing gained an extremely strong body through exercise, which allowed him to alleviate the genetic disease to a great extent, and even looked no different from ordinary people, but this was not a cure. It happened that at this time, he caught my experimental subject, Mosquito Girl, and learned about my talents.

So, he and his companions attacked the House of Evolution, defeated my most powerful work, and asked me, the best biologist on the planet, to treat his genetic disease through biological means. "

At this point, Kusno almost understood what Kinos meant.

"Do you want to use this gene sample to restore the genes of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan, let Uchiha Mingjing's genes return to their ancestors, and cure the genetic disease in his body? "

"Yes, and in this process, Uchiha Mingjing can also gain more powerful power from the genes of his ancestors, and I can also witness the birth of a more evolved and perfect human being! "

Dr. Genos raised his hands and said passionately.

It was 50% true and 50% false. He acted so well that he believed it himself.

Dr. Kusno and Genos also believed it.

"Is that so? Teacher Ming Jing's powerful strength is not only because of his own blood, but also because he has trained himself through a series of hardships since he was a child in order to solve his illnesses. This has created such a terrifying figure. strength!"

Genos looked like he suddenly understood.

"Hey, I helped you with this, but you must remember to never use the power I gained for you to hurt innocent people!"

Kusno said to the mirror with a solemn face.

"Doctor, you can rest assured that I will never harm any innocent civilian in this world at will."

Ming Jing said solemnly to Dr. Kusno with a serious face.

Dr. Kusno nodded and looked at Genos again.

"Genos, I will always keep an eye on you and won't let you use the power of the mirror to do anything wrong!"

"I understand, I understand. After all, my original intention is only to evolve more perfect and powerful humans."

Jinos waved his hands impatiently.

"It's best like this. Now, let's talk about your treatment plan first. Don't try to fool me. Although I am good at machinery, I also know a thing or two about biotechnology."

Dr. Kusnow warned Genos.

So, Kinos once again showed his "treatment plan" in front of Kusno.

Dr. Kusno was indeed as knowledgeable as he said. He read over and over the information displayed in front of him for several hours.

Mirror and Genos sat quietly aside, not disturbing the conversation between the two scientists.

"Theoretically, your design is indeed feasible, as expected of you, Genos."

Finally, Dr. Kusno put down the document in his hand and exclaimed.

"I can improve your nanorobot production line to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost by about 30%. And I have the equipment here. I estimate that the production line can be completed in two days. Build enough nanorobots.”

"In this case, the funds will be enough. In three days, we can start to modify the Uchiha Mirror... and treat it."

Jinos quickly changed his words.



Three days later.

City Z, in a research base of Dr. Kusno.

"Genos, aren't you suffering from some kind of illness? Why did you come here if you didn't go to the hospital for treatment?"

Saitama picked his nose and asked Genos next to him.

"Teacher Saitama, Teacher Mingjing has a family genetic disease, so high-tech means are needed for treatment. In this process, Dr. Kusno, who once saved me, will also participate. Teacher Mingjing invited us to come, that is In order to ensure that the treatment process will not be interrupted by sudden accidents, otherwise, it is likely to endanger Teacher Ming Jing’s life!”

Genos stood at the door of the treatment room and said to Saitama beside him.

"Oh, that's it! I understand!"

Saitama's face suddenly turned serious.

Uchiha Mingjing is more or less a friend of his. Since this matter is related to the danger of his friend's life, even if he has a funny personality like Saitama, he will take it very seriously.

Inside the treatment room.

"I have borrowed a supercomputer, because this time it is not just about using the supercomputer to calculate models, but it is necessary to control the nanorobots to transform Ming Jing's body cells based on the results of real-time calculations, so I spent a lot of favors. , I lent the supercomputer body here.”

Dr. Kunos said while looking at a large screen erected in front of him.

Behind the screen is a row of servers, almost filling a small square.

"Yoshi, with the computing power of this supercomputer, I am confident that I can compress the entire process to less than three hours! Mr. Mingjing, are you ready?"

Dr. Kinos asked excitedly to Ming Jing sitting cross-legged on the operating table.

"Then I'll start first."

Ming Jing turned to look at a tall mecha on one side and said.

The brain cloned by Genos using his cells was placed in this mecha. Ming Jing had also tested it using spiritual transformation before, and it could accommodate Ming Jing's spirit body for a long time.

Ming Jing formed a seal with his hands, closed his eyes, and guided the spirit body to float out from the Tianling Cap.

"Although I've seen it once, I still think your ability is incredible. Although all physical indicators are very normal, the activity of the cerebral cortex suddenly dropped sharply, becoming almost like a vegetative state."

Dr. Kusnow looked at the electrocardiogram and other data displayed on the display screen of the instrument next to him, and couldn't help but marvel.

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